View Full Version : Max AS.
06-21-2006, 11:39 PM
Just wondering what the total AS boost would be from spells/skills available to a paladin (say at cap). Also list the skills/spells and their respective bonuses.
06-21-2006, 11:54 PM
I'm too lazy to crunch the numbers, but you could get the spreadsheet from there, plug in the numbers, and then figure out what the spells give, put 202 ranks in edged or whatever and CM and see what it comes out to.
06-22-2006, 12:15 AM
Tsoran's spreadsheet doesn't take into account whatever bonuses you might get from any lores you train in, nor does it include the bonus you'd get from Surge Of Strength.
At least over 750 since I've seen that much, although they may have had strength/warcries/pure potions etc at the time.
06-22-2006, 05:39 AM
Heh, Chiv and I were on IM's one night doing the math to all the items we had available to boost AS, and with it all on, Stunseed's AS would be 738. Chiv weighed in at 690 ( I think? ), so it isn't hard to think of a Paladin breaking the 750 mark.
06-22-2006, 08:11 AM
Huh? I've heard with all available help, they would be somewhere in the 900's. A Giantman with a 10x weapon, bardic and clerical help, Warcries, all spells available thrrough scrolls, ect ect.
06-22-2006, 09:51 AM
I think Valicar (capped paladin) posted somewhere that he had achieved 924 or something. He was missing a few possible spells, and guessed that 940+ (?) may have been possible, but that breaking 1000 would be unlikely or impossible.
If I can find the post (here? Northern Fury boards?), I'll add a link.
My paladin (at 67) swings roughly 440 in 'normal hunting mode', which is entirely self-spelled without Zealot, but with surge and courage. Fully spelled, I'm sure I could hit in the high 500's. Add 33 more levels, and I can dream I'll be in the 900's.
06-22-2006, 12:41 PM
At 54, I'm swinging at 385 with a 6x weapon, 1 rank of surge, 3 ranks of wspec1, 79 out of 112 possible CM ranks, and self-spelled (no blessing lore). With those last 33 ranks of CM I'd pick up 17 AS, bringing me to 402. With those 33 Cman points added to my current 4, I'd pick up rank 5 feint and bullrush, and spend 6 points on another rank of surge, bringing me to 405.
Huh? I've heard with all available help, they would be somewhere in the 900's. A Giantman with a 10x weapon, bardic and clerical help, Warcries, all spells available thrrough scrolls, ect ect.
We're talking about human rangers with 8x weapons and no group spells like kais or warcries.
06-23-2006, 01:39 PM
myself at level 92 i swing 597 self spelled with zealot running...when i cast strike of coarse it goes up to 672....madness and its 722 completely self do the math....the highest ive personally had was like 750's but i havnt tried all available spells and such.
all this is with a 10x waraxe...2x OHE and CM. plenty of lore for zealot as well as lore and 40 spell ranks for 1611 bonus's.
07-27-2006, 01:37 AM
At 54, I'm swinging at 385 with a 6x weapon, 1 rank of surge, 3 ranks of wspec1, 79 out of 112 possible CM ranks, and self-spelled (no blessing lore). With those last 33 ranks of CM I'd pick up 17 AS, bringing me to 402. With those 33 Cman points added to my current 4, I'd pick up rank 5 feint and bullrush, and spend 6 points on another rank of surge, bringing me to 405.
That seems low for some reason or another. At 59 with an 8x I swing 448 with zealot.
Consequently a giant with a level 5 bond, 4 ranks of surge, 5 wspec 2x weapon, 2x cm, and maxed zealot that's in voln would have a max swing of 678, so 737 for a CoL. That's on self cast, so add on the trinkets and what not that are available and the absolute max is probably close to 900, then again my math could be bad.
Then there's Tsin's mace or star or what ever it is that can generate an AS boost of either your level, or or your weapon bonus.
07-27-2006, 01:40 AM
<<that's in voln would have a max swing of 678, so 737 for a CoL.>>
How often do people use madness?
07-27-2006, 02:12 AM
Only when you need to kill some old fart and you really dont have a chance anyway.
07-27-2006, 01:58 PM
Only when you need to kill some old fart and you really dont have a chance anyway.
With the EBP system no kidding.
I'm 2 levels under wind wraiths with 2x edge and about 1.4x in CM and I get caught in EBP alot more than I'd think I should.
Up hunting or trying to kill someone 10 / 15 levels over you would likely be a pain.
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