View Full Version : Locker Cleaning Auction

06-21-2006, 02:01 AM
These are by no means all of the items that will be offered. As the sale continues and items are sold, more items will be added.

Bids may be sent to my play.net or nilandia@sovyn.com, or you can IM me at LadyNilandia if you're on my buddy list, though only during the evenings and when I'm signed in. Otherwise, the IMs will go to my phone, which has limited memory and your messages can be rejected.

Bids will go once, twice, sold. Bids will be updated daily. Buyout offers will be considered but no specific values of buyout offers have been set. Trades will not be accepted.

I reserve the right to refuse bids to certain people, to withdraw an item from sale at any time or to end the sale at any time and sell the remaining items to their current bidders for the current bid.

Now, that said, on to the items!


a misty rose full-skirted ballgown
Stats: chestworn, holds very small
Minimum bid: 5k

a verdant and grey damask cloak
Stats: cloakworn, holds large for any number of items, altered
Show: The deep grey damask cloak has been woven in a complex moon-and-stars pattern. Intricate dark green knotwork embroidered in fine Vornavis silk lines the sides and hem of the cloak, and a complex circular glyph has been embroidered in black and silver in the center of the hood as well as at each of the cloak's corners. A pair of short black leather thongs tipped with green moonstone teardrops can be tied together to fasten the cloak.
Minimum bid: 100k

a slender light green silk gown trimmed with silver-threaded roses along the hem
Stats: chestworn, holds very small for a couple of items, altered
Minimum bid: 100k

an emerald-set soft doeskin hip-belt
Stats: waistworn, no pockets, altered
Show: Soft doeskin has been tanned and cut to form this belt, sparkling emeralds set in gold sitting on it every few inches. It is held closed by a golden buckle, the tail knotted just behind it continuing several inches before ending with a delicately etched gold plate. Three wide and sturdy gold plates are set on the belt, allowing for items to be hung from them and kept within easy reach.
Minimum bid: 100k

some bright red floral pantaloons
Stats: legworn, holds very small
Minimum bid: 5k

a silver leaf-patterned soft green silk shirt
Stats: pinworn, holds very small
Minimum bid: 5k

a flowing garnet velvet skirt
Stats: legworn, holds very small
Minimum bid: 5k

an elegant hip-tied sage green linen skirt
Stats: legworn, holds very small
Minimum bid: 5k

a pair of bell-shaped sheer silk sleeves
Stats: armworn, holds very small for any number of items, possibly altered
Minimum bid: 5k

a pair of soft white deerskin slippers
Stats: footworn, no pockets, altered
Show: The slippers have been embellished painstakingly with tiny, colored glass beads which form a sparkling image on the surface. There, a knight kneels before an angel, each gazing at the other with love and adoration. Trees surround the couple, and a crescent moon hangs in the sky above the angel's head.
Minimum bid: 100k

a pair of silver-edged jade silk slippers
Stats: no pockets
Minimum bid: 5k

a pair of aquamarine satin slippers
Stats: no pockets
Minimum bid: 5k

a black silk veil
Stats: headworn, no pockets, does not conceal features, altered
Show: This length of black silk is opaque, with two small slits for the eyes, allowing the wearer to conceal his or her face completely.
Minimum bid: 100k


a spun mithril anklet strung with fine amber beads
Stats: ankleworn, no pockets, imbeddible
Minimum bid: 5k

a silver bracelet strung with beads of blue sapphire and opal
Stats: wristworn, no pockets
Minimum bid: 5k

a scarlet velvet choker suspending a faceted ruby heart
Stats: neckworn, no pockets
Minimum bid: 5k

a pair of jewel-feathered parrot earrings
Stats: worn from both ears, no pockets
Minimum bid: 5k

an azure imflass ferronniere set with a star-cut sapphire
Stats: headworn, no pockets
Minimum bid: 5k

a polished amber pendant with a fly trapped within
Stats: neckworn, no pockets, works like a crystal amulet
Minimum bid: 5k
Current bid: 5k to Rinswynd going once

a silver and platinum tiara
Stats: headworn, no pockets, altered
Show: Made of a single delicate piece of finely folded platinum that had been polished to a rich luster, this tiara has been wrapped with a strand of brushed silver that contrasts the deep sheen of the platinum. In the middle is an oval tines which has been imbedded with a smooth deep blue mermaid's-tear sapphire. On either side of this, there are two slightly smaller tines that have the image of a spiny siren's-comb shell etched on them.
Minimum bid: 100k
Current bid: 100k to Megaira sold!

Magic Items

a small carved modwir boat
Stats: 10 charges of Call Familiar, merchant charged
Minimum bid: 100k
Current bid: 700k to Megaira sold!

a freshly baked chocolate cookie (x3)
Stats: casts silence when eaten, given out by Balouga
Minimum bid: 5k

Weapons and Armor

some sculpted black brigandine set with mithril studs
Stats: 4x brigandine, weighs 25
Minimum bid: 25k
Current bid: 100k to Rinswynd


a rat skull clasped satchel
Stats: beltworn, holds large for any number of items
Flat price: 100k

Miscellaneous Items

a woven mail backscabbard
Stats: backworn, scripted to hold thrown weapons
Minimum bid: 25k

a carved bone spectacles case
Stats: not worn, holds very small
Minimum bid: 5k

a stiff skeleton handpuppet
Stats: wristworn, scripted
The skeleton handpuppet marches in place to the faint beat of a phantom drummer.
The skeleton handpuppet quickly does a flip on your hand.
The skeleton handpuppet bows deeply to you.
The skeleton handpuppet rattles its bones by dancing a little jig.
Minimum bid: 5k
Current bid: 35k to Aaysia

a pale yellow nightmare snapper
Stats: one-use toy, snap to set it off
Minimum bid: 5k

a carved red oaken trophy with a fancy dress laid across the cup
Stats: not worn, no pockets, altered
Reads: The Gown of Renown
Minimum bid: 100k

a woven black vetiver valise
Stats: not worn, holds large for any number of items, altered
Show: Vetiver has been woven to provide a sturdy but light valise. Silver caps the corners, while the handle is of black leather around steel. The crest of Mistydeep Manor stands prominently on one side, its lines picked out in silver paint.
Minimum bid: 50k

07-02-2006, 09:54 PM
20k each on the fly-in-amber pendant and the skeleton puppet.\


07-03-2006, 10:18 AM
100k on the 4x brig.


07-04-2006, 04:36 AM
Bids updated.

NOTE: I will be out of town beginning July 5 and make no guarantees that I'll be able to update the auction. As it looks now, I will be unable to. Bids will be suspended, but still in effect, while I am out of town unless I am able to update while I am gone.
