View Full Version : Rogue
06-16-2003, 03:33 PM
Soon to be 54 rogue. Gee, I wonder who.
COL master, never in Voln, lifetime Paupers member.
Stun Maneuvers........2
Cheap Shot........21
Rogue Gambits........63
Currently configured to be a war rogue, with the interest of leveling as fast as possible. Comes with a 6x golvern hafted steel hatchet, 85/290, and 4x gear from Anfelt. Also has a locker half full with Anfelt crap (warblades, waraxes, harness shields, that zested full plate, harnesses, boots, helmet, and what not).
Swings at 356 with signs up, 138 in offensive with a 4x shield/armor, 515 in defensive.
Not taking silvers, no PayPal, contact me at
[Edited on 6-16-2003 by Edaarin]
07-17-2003, 02:55 PM
Bump. Rogue is now 62.
Mastered fletching, so if you want to reallo him into an archer, you have that.
Stun Maneuvers........2
Cheap Shot........63
Rogue Gambits........63
Sweep MS of 292, Cheapshot 264, swings at 374 with signs up, 176 in offensive, 592 in defensive (signs up). This is with 4x edged, 6x shield, and 8x armor. Redux is between 66% and 67%.
Comes with a crapload of 4x edged weapons, some 4x ranged weapons, 100 masterfully fletched arrows, a 6x vaalin spiked war shield, and 8x battered elven platemail with show. Roughly 4m in the bank.
[Edited on 7-17-2003 by Edaarin]
08-06-2003, 03:58 AM
Bump. Rogue is now 68.
Sweep MS of 313, Cheapshot 284, swings at 412 with signs up, 142 in offensive, 584 in defensive (signs up). 8x edged, 4x shield, 4x armor. Redux is now roughly 70.2%.
Comes with an 8x glaes falchion with cold crits, 4m, and and about 4m worth of Artisan's faire stuff (lockpicks, ranged weapons, misc. containers and so forth).
Also selling a level 14 halfling rogue, first 1m coins, hasn't used any reallocations, no one knows he exists. Comes with a 4x crossbow, shoots at 270 with the crossbow kneeling and with a masterfully fletched bolt (comes with 50) with signs up (not including madness). Perfect asssassin, he currently has a 3m town debt heh so don't deposit any money and you can't use lockers.
08-06-2003, 04:01 AM
An easy solution to the 3mil problem is reallocating. Someone had an 800k murder fine, lost his items, reallocated, and didn't have to pay the debt. Too bad his items were gone by then, though.
08-06-2003, 01:15 PM
Why are you selling Edaarin? You aren't leaving are you?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-06-2003, 01:40 PM
I hope he isn't. If he is, he's a punk ass.
Did Warclaidhm kill him? I bet thats why he's selling.
08-06-2003, 02:06 PM
Meh. This is the third summer in a row I've tried selling Edaarin in an attempt to break the shackles of Gemstone and move on with my life.
The first summer I asked $250, think I was level 38 then. I thought it was an okay price, and reallocation hadn't fucked up pricing yet and I had trained fairly well. But apparently that was too much.
Last summer I think I got up to level 47, so I bumped up the price another $50 because I mastered gambits too. I got offered 15m in coins, but I think that was about it.
So this time, mastered two more guild skills and got 20 more levels. Reallocation completely fucked up eBay prices, so I'm not expecting what I would have a year ago for a level 60+ rogue.
It's a vicious cycle. The price keeps going up because I keep leveling, which I'm only doing because no one's buying him.
08-06-2003, 02:18 PM
Don't leave.. or when you do we will make fun of you.
08-06-2003, 02:52 PM
Daaaamn.... I can't believe you take the time to level your character up! What about socializing? What about the women?! I can't believe you have time to hunt!
08-06-2003, 02:56 PM
Meh. I mean I'll hunt for 5 minutes and do something else. Like yesterday, left the computer on after a hunt to go to an ortho appointment, came back and had absorbed 1k exp, it adds up fast.
Also if you do that at work, ie hunt 5 minutes and then leave the game on, you can get like 8k exp a day that way...not that I would know, <cough cough>
08-06-2003, 03:10 PM
Couple that with Symbol of Dreams or meditating.. and poof.. you have a cleric at level 33 before you know it.
08-17-2003, 04:31 AM
I'm selling all my items e-mail auction style, shoot me a U2U with your addy if you want in. Nothing too great, mostly armor/shields/weapons between 4x-10x, about 4m of stuff from the Artisan's faire, and a bunch of random crap I forgot I had lying around.
08-19-2003, 04:44 AM
Last call before I decide not to sell before I move. Heh.
Level 70.
Swing: 428
DS in offensive: 166
DS in defense: 650
Sweep: 319
Cheapshot: 290
Redux: 71.03%-71.52%
Comes with 10x axe, 7x shield, and ~5m in random gear (mostly Artisan's Faire stuff).
08-19-2003, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Last call before I decide not to sell before I move. Heh.
Level 70.
Swing: 428
DS in offensive: 166
DS in defense: 650
Sweep: 319
Cheapshot: 290
Redux: 71.03%-71.52%
Comes with 10x axe, 7x shield, and ~5m in random gear (mostly Artisan's Faire stuff).
I've seen him fight... he's not worth the fifty silvers I stole from him.
08-19-2003, 01:18 PM
Ok Ok, how much roughly are you looking for?
[Edited on 8-19-2003 by Gizmo]
08-19-2003, 03:14 PM
Around $800 I suppose.
09-01-2003, 01:03 AM
09-01-2003, 01:37 AM
heh, I would never pay 800 fer a rogue of that age, hence why I never replied...I was lucky to get 350 for my 86 trained rogue at the time
09-01-2003, 08:42 AM
Heh, you'll note that he comes around 30m, give or take one or two million. And if you only got 350 for a near rift age rogue, you either didn't train him right or had no guild skills.
09-01-2003, 02:17 PM
Nah, I only sold him with basic 4x stuff and such...You remember Recoil, he was a master in 3 guild skills. I don't pay an absurd amount for characters with coins on them, simply because I can get coins for free if I needed. I'm more worried about getting characters who have the basics on them to hunt with...Not fancy stuff :)
10-09-2003, 03:08 AM
Back up. Can come nekkid or with stuff, lvl 76 now and mastered 4 guild skills. Shoot U2U if interested.
10-26-2003, 01:45 AM
Bored with the game again. Bump.
10-26-2003, 01:35 AM
Umm...nekkid or with stuff?
Well, whatever floats your boat, man. Maybe the ladies will bid on a naked Edaarin. Whats the going rate?
10-26-2003, 09:31 AM
Post his training again?
11-04-2003, 05:30 PM
Two Weapon Combat : 20 [4]
Armor Use : 258 [158]
Shield Use : 238 [138]
Combat Maneuvers : 258 [158]
Edged Weapons : 258 [158]
Climbing : 150 [50]
Swimming : 150 [50]
Stalking & Hiding : 331 [231]
Perception : 179 [79]
Mana Sharing : 15 [3]
Ambush : 258 [158]
Physical Training : 179 [79]
Trading : 175 [75]
Picking Pockets : 179 [79]
Brawling : 120 [30]
Physical Training Points : 1
Missing a few ranks of hiding, but meh.
Constitution (CO): 89 .... 19
Dexterity (DE): 100 .... 25
Discipline (DI): 100 .... 25
Logic (LO): 80 .... 20
Intelligence (IN): 82 .... 21
Strength (ST): 100 .... 30
Reflexes (RE): 100 .... 25
Charisma (CH): 70 .... 10
Wisdom (WI): 52 .... 1
Aura (AU): 100 .... 25
11-04-2003, 05:40 PM
Could you have trained him any worse? Edaarin's rogue is teh sux!
If you sell him, I will hunt you down and murder you. :flamed:
11-04-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
If you sell him, I will hunt you down and murder you. :flamed:
He is overpriced by about 650 dollars so dont worry about him selling
11-04-2003, 06:32 PM
Heh, um, I could probably sell the silver and stuff for at least $1k?
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