View Full Version : Redux?
06-05-2006, 11:34 AM
I had a frank discussion with a friend of mine the other day, and he agreed that while a sancted claidh wielding paladin would be awesome, no shield+no redux=dead pally. So my question is, is it possible for a paladin to get redux? What training would they have? Would you still be able to 0.75x spells?
06-05-2006, 11:36 AM
Anyone can get redux unless they have 0 physical skills and go over 2x per level in spell training.
Yeah, just do physical training at least 1x per level and you'll be fine. Over 1x and you'll get even more redux.
06-05-2006, 05:08 PM
This was well before I decided to crank up my physical ranks. I'm 2x PT now and loving it. These are also all in non padded full plate.
A reiver archmage claws at you!
AS: +618 vs DS: +289 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +81 = +417
... and hits for 40 points of damage!
Strike through the palm!
A reiver archmage thrusts with a wooden arrow at you!
AS: +680 vs DS: +249 with AvD: -23 + d100 roll: +90 = +498
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right arm.
A reiver archmage claws at you!
AS: +618 vs DS: +267 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +59 = +417
... and hits for 49 points of damage!
Blow to your chest causes your heart to skip a beat.
all while lying down
A reiver archmage swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +660 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +24 = +224
... and hits for 21 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on your chest!
A reiver hag hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
AS: +550 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +66 = +156
... and hits for 19 points of damage!
Light shock to left arm. That stings!
A reiver archmage swings a claidhmore at you!
AS: +620 vs DS: +303 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +66 = +402
... and hits for 62 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to your left knee!
You are knocked to the ground!
06-05-2006, 06:25 PM
LOL, claws, arrows talk about weak. The plate as well is why the broadsword and claidh were so ineffective.
06-05-2006, 09:46 PM
First of all, "minor puncture to the l/r arm" does a rank 1 wound, not rank 0.
Second, Bisco has a redux factor of around .300 (assuming no natural damage weighting). Not very good, but not negligible either.
Thirdly, aren't arrows supposed to act as daggers in melee? Where the heck is that -23 AvD coming from? Only closed fists have that.
Finally, yes, redux is eminently attainable with even 1x spell research.
06-05-2006, 09:48 PM
Arrows were dagger base before the change which was either GS4 or slightly after. Now they aren't usable or inspectable as OHE's.
06-05-2006, 09:55 PM
>cman sun
[Roll result: 246 (open d100: 86) Penalties: 6]
You swing your claidhmore at a kobold's wooden shield and connect!
The wooden shield splinters and is rendered utterly useless!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>wt kshe
You place your claidhmore on your foot, pause to visualize your stunt and then kick the claidhmore into the air. You watch as it falls and position your body just right so it lands in your leather weapons harness.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>get arr
...wait 1 seconds.
>get arr
You pick up a wooden arrow.
You thrust with a wooden arrow at a kobold!
AS: +72 vs DS: -6 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +33 = +129
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Thrust slides along the back.
Cuts a nagging itch.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You swap your wooden arrow from your right to your left hand.
>get dagg
You quickly and quietly slip your ceremonial dagger out of your wrist sheath.
You swing a Nalfein ceremonial dagger at a kobold!
AS: +92 vs DS: -6 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +1 = +122
... and hit for 4 points of damage!
Close shave!
The kobold takes a quick step back.
The kobold cries out in pain one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>l dagg
A kobold hurries north.
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
Arrows are OHEs. That was a 4x dagger.
They inspect as needing ranged weapon skill.
06-05-2006, 09:57 PM
Interesting. Me and Nevermind were discussing this just the other day and his own arrows were uninspectable (had the "That wouldn't be a good idea" messaging). Can you check, Bob, if any enchanted bonus still applies to DS? I recall sorcerers using master fletched and ebladed arrows as cheap 5x daggers prior to GS4.
06-05-2006, 10:09 PM
I guess arrows are their own base now. Neat. I'm getting between a .087 and .120 DF on the soft leather and .037-.038 on plate assuming a redux factor of .300. Let's say .035-.040 to be on the safe side.
06-05-2006, 10:17 PM
Arrow/Bolt .200 | .100 | .080 | .100 | .040 | 1 | SP | 20/40
A kobold swings a short sword at you!
AS: +36 vs DS: +42 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +66 = +100
A clean miss.
>902 arr
*** TypoHelp: Converted "902 arr" to PREP 902 and CAST AT arr
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Minor Elemental Edge...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a wooden arrow.
A bright glow forms around the wooden arrow for a moment, then seems to seep into the weapon, giving it an inner glow.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
A kobold swings a short sword at you!
AS: +36 vs DS: +42 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +70 = +104
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Hit glances off your hip.
I don't know if 902 would increase DS for any other weapon, I had to test this on my level 11 wizard who happens to know only up to 410.
06-05-2006, 10:20 PM
Well I know the increase in DS from enchants on OHE's was reduced in the switch, but this just confirms the memory that they nerfed using arrows as cheap DS.
06-05-2006, 10:25 PM
Hurray for the safe side, ty Bob.
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