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10-25-2003, 01:19 PM
prep 916
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Invisibility...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become invisible.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)

You notice Methadun slip into a hiding place.

You hear the voice of Methadun say, "whats wit that wus crap"

Methadun comes out of hiding.

You hear the voice of Methadun say, "why you usin inviso you wus"

[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist.
Also here: Qatherina, Reyek, Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: down

Qatherina exclaims, "Cuz!"
prep 912
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Call Wind...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture.
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The air calms down around Qatherina.
Qatherina is knocked over by the wind!
Warclaidhm is knocked over by the wind!
The wind then subsides.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Methadun comes out of hiding.
Methadun stands up.
prep 501
cast meth
You intone a phrase of elemental power while raising your hands, invoking Sleep...
Your spell is ready.
Cast at what?
Methadun comes out of hiding.
Methadun hurls himself at you and connects!
MS: +184 - MD: +111 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +29 == +102
Methadun knocks you flat and quickly jumps to his feet!

Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist.
Also here: Qatherina who is lying down, Reyek, Methadun, Warclaidhm who is lying down
Obvious paths: down

Methadun exclaims, "bah!"

Warclaidhm says, "nice"
prep 501
cast meth
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
You gesture at Methadun.
CS: +209 - TD: +101 + CvA: -18 + d100: +76 - +30 == +136
Warding failed!
Methadun's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Warclaidhm stands up.
Methadun snores quietly.

You stand back up.
sign madness
You are filled with berserk rage! Attack! Attack! Attack!

Qatherina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

prep 910
Qatherina concentrates.
Qatherina's left leg looks better.
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Shock...
Your spell is ready.
stance off
cast at meth
You are now in an offensive stance.
You gesture at Methadun.
You hurl a powerful lightning bolt at Methadun!
AS: +293 vs DS: +37 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +40 = +347
... and hit for 114 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes left arm to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile.
He is stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
stance def

Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
'i win
You say, "i win"

Qatherina exclaims, "doh!"

Your SIGN OF MADNESS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!

Qatherina meditates over Methadun.
Qatherina takes Methadun's left arm damage.

Qatherina meditates over Methadun.
Qatherina takes some of Methadun's blood loss.

Qatherina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Qatherina concentrates.
Qatherina looks a little better.

Qatherina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Qatherina concentrates.
Qatherina looks a little better.

Qatherina meditates over Methadun.
Qatherina takes all of Methadun's blood loss.

Qatherina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

Qatherina concentrates.
Qatherina looks a little better.

Qatherina meditates over Warclaidhm.
Qatherina takes Warclaidhm's left leg damage.

Qatherina meditates over Warclaidhm.
Qatherina takes Warclaidhm's back damage.

Qatherina meditates over Warclaidhm.
Qatherina takes all of Warclaidhm's blood loss.

Qatherina says, "stupid."

Warclaidhm hugs Qatherina, who wraps him in a warm embrace.

Qatherina mutters under her breath.

Qatherina murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Warclaidhm chuckles.
Qatherina concentrates.
Qatherina looks a little better.

[Upper Dragonsclaw, Boulder]
The crest of the towering boulder affords a good view of the surrounding countryside. To the north, you see the dense forests of the Lower Dragonsclaw. Looking northeast, the verdant grasslands sprawl down towards the coast. Gazing southward at the slopes, in the distance you see the snow-covered summits of the Dragonsclaw mountain range, shrouded in perpetual mist.
Also here: Qatherina who is lying down, Reyek, a stunned Methadun who is sleeping, Warclaidhm
Obvious paths: down

Qatherina hugs Warclaidhm, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Qatherina giggles.

Methadun awakens startled.
Warclaidhm pokes Methadun in the ribs.
Methadun says, "im gonna kill you"

Methadun stands up.

Methadun nods to you.

prep 910
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Major Shock...
Your spell is ready.
stance off
cast at meth
You are now in an offensive stance.

You gesture at Methadun.
You hurl a powerful lightning bolt at Methadun!
AS: +195 vs DS: +72 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +96 = +270
... and hit for 84 points of damage!
Great bolt of electricity pierces left eye and fries brain till dead.

* Methadun drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
stance def

Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
'no you wont
You say, "no you wont"

Qatherina exclaims, "oh my gawds!"

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Jaehood.

You hear the ghostly voice of Methadun say, "what the hell"

Qatherina meditates over Methadun.
Qatherina takes Methadun's head damage.

Qatherina meditates over Methadun.
Qatherina takes Methadun's left eye damage.
'you said you were gonna kill me
You say, "you said you were gonna kill me"

Warclaidhm exclaims, "Bolt me, me!"

Qatherina meditates over Methadun.
Qatherina takes some of Methadun's blood loss.

You hear the ghostly voice of Methadun say, "i was jokin you god damn twit"

Now dont you think it was kinda silly for him to even playfully threaten to kill me?

10-25-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Reyek
Warclaidhm exclaims, "Bolt me, me!"

How could you pass up an opportunity like that?

10-25-2003, 06:03 PM
Because Warclaidm would warn
assist request and report him for doing that

ignore that piece of "..."

10-25-2003, 07:44 PM
Actually I did bolt him and boil too. i'll try and locate that log :)

10-29-2003, 05:41 PM
Ok so methadun finds Devlun in the castle Varunar and kills him... i go to hunt him down an look what happens...

Methadun leaps from hiding to attack!
Methadun swings a dark vultite stout footman's hammer at a rotting corpse!
AS: +269 vs DS: +174 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +8 = +147
... and hits for 95 points of damage!
A mighty hit turns the rotting corpse's insides to outsides!
The rotting corpse falls to the ground, rotting flesh falling from her bones.
Jaehood searches a rotting corpse.
A rotting corpse rots away, leaving nothing behind.
>prep 912
Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Call Wind...
Your spell is ready.
You are visible again.
You gesture.
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
Methadun is knocked over by the wind!
The air calms down around Jaehood.
Jaehood is knocked over by the wind!
The wind then subsides.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 410
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Wave...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
A wave of dark ethereal ripples moves outward from you.
Methadun is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Jaehood is buffeted by the dark ethereal waves.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Methadun just left.

10-29-2003, 05:46 PM
im gonna wait around and kill him again and again

10-29-2003, 05:50 PM
he had a friend there i didnt want to kill with major ewave
but the boil would been nice idea

10-29-2003, 08:26 PM
i think it's funny how you sayin all this shit, i guess you failed to tell them how you used your slave to kill me after I killed you, and when you came after me you had your slave spell you to the teeth, stop being a bitch, you aint shit without your slave

10-29-2003, 08:27 PM
Methadun is a very very crap gsplayer as warclaidhm is.

No rather, as that Jastio fool

damn quitters

10-29-2003, 08:27 PM
oh and another thing, it's funny how your slaves name, that you claim is your brother, is the same name as your forum name, Reyek, how stupid are you?

10-29-2003, 08:35 PM
If reyek spelled up devlun that would only be a +30 to his DS. And reyek is not a slave. Devlun isnt a slave. YOur just made cause you died what 3 times today? lets go for 50?

10-29-2003, 08:38 PM
oh and that 100k it took to kill ya? eh thats about 1 hour of my time. i can do that all day. your gonna die alot. YOu should hope i dont keep this up in GS4 or your gonna be the first loser with 1 million DR points.

10-29-2003, 08:40 PM
bring it

10-29-2003, 08:41 PM
your the chump that loggs when your dead or about to die. chump cant take the heat you shouldnt play with fire

10-29-2003, 08:42 PM
Report, a 30 day ban is way worse

10-29-2003, 09:34 PM
* Reyek returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
[East Passage]
The narrow dirt passage is clean and well kept. From the west, the smells of food cooking waft through the air. You also see a leather helm, a metal aventail, some double chain, some leg greaves and a longsword.
Obvious exits: south, east, west
[Feasting Hall]
Next to a hearth stands a large wooden table surrounded by several ornately carved wooden chairs. The floor is stuccoed and laid out in squares, each square painted with a different abstract pattern in several colors. On the walls are fresco representations of musicians and hunting scenes. From the enormity of the chairs, it is obvious that these were not intended for man sized occupants. Each chair has a unique pictorial engraved upon its surface, depicting scenes of glorious battles.
Obvious exits: north, east, west
* Devlun returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

yea, your not the same right? lol

10-29-2003, 09:39 PM
Your still the one running for your life.

10-29-2003, 09:48 PM
I know how to end this fight.

There's no need to try to impress each other with the size of your manhood. Because nobody here really cares.


10-29-2003, 09:50 PM

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Reyek]

10-29-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by DiplomaticImmunity5
oh and another thing, it's funny how your slaves name, that you claim is your brother, is the same name as your forum name, Reyek, how stupid are you?

This isn't my battle or anything, but.....you talk major shit about his slave. And yet the name you go on by the boards < the player of Methadun >is selling items Jaehood is selling right this damn minute on the Landing amunet. Unless I miss my mark, you've got a slave, too. How hypocritical. I'd be a smartass and ask how stupid you are, but humble pie is eaten in moderation.

Have fun with your pissing contest.

Love you Jolena!

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Stunseed]

10-29-2003, 10:38 PM
not really my slave, shared character, but Im not using 2 characters 2 fight one battle is the difference.

10-29-2003, 10:40 PM
I have 5 fingers on each of my hand

2 hands

make 10 fingers

2 feet

20 fingers

I can move them independently. That makes 20 mouvement.

Had to say that, because i think it's getting nowhere since the 2 of you won't agree on something

10-29-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by DiplomaticImmunity5
not really my slave, shared character, but Im not using 2 characters 2 fight one battle is the difference.

Shared character that was hunting with you, I just think it sounds a wee bit off. Of course you weren't using his spells, either. Okay.....whatever you say.

Love you Jolena!

10-30-2003, 04:26 PM
everyday Devlun and Reyek, enter and exit the lands at the same exact time, neither its the same person which I know it is, or you spend entirely too much time with your RL brother, like you say

10-30-2003, 09:28 PM
Methadun seems to be a nice person with me, havent really seen anything wrong with him when im around him. He hunts solo. I mean he seems ok to me atleast.

<who the hell am I though>