Stanley Burrell
05-30-2006, 09:31 AM
I would like to buy exactly 6500 Premium Points, instantly, via PayPal using nothing but moolah.
All offers must be PM'd to me by a reputable individual(s) or sent via Email to
Thank you and have a nice day.
Not to hijack the thread, but:
Whats the going rate (average purchase price $/silver) for premium points nowdays? Cash or silvers.
Anyone know?
05-30-2006, 01:46 PM
Recently paid 21m for 5200 points.
Not sure if that helps.
At this point, any data helps. Will be interesting to see what the baseline is if I get more input.
The Ponzzz
05-30-2006, 03:32 PM
Figure every 600 points to be worth 3 mil or 45 bucks. Most people will cut deals with larger purchases.
05-30-2006, 08:30 PM
You'd think it'd be the opposite. Points become more valuable as you start to accumulate more.
05-30-2006, 09:15 PM
Yea, 3m for 600 alone is ridiculous, maybe 3m every 600 points at 6500.
It completely depends on who's selling.
It's no supprise to see 600 points going for 1.5m and then for 3m in the same thread on the officials.
05-30-2006, 09:28 PM
Still ridiculous :)
05-30-2006, 09:45 PM
I think saying 3 million for 600 points is ridiculous is, well, ridiculous. 600 pts = an alteration scroll. Alteration scrolls were and are still selling for 2-3 million silvers. I think 3 million is on the higher side of things, but definitely in the right ballpark.
My comment about points being more valuable as you accumulate them was directed at the statement that Ponzzz made, "Most people will cut deals with larger purchases." I thought it odd that bulk points would be sold for less. That's understandable with something like silvers or items, but it should be the opposite with premium points.
I'm interested in purchasing some for heavily crit padding a set of mbp, and depending on the price, one of the following enchant levels:
4x hcp = 4000 points
5x hcp = 4500 points
6x hcp = 5000 points
7x hcp = 5500 points
Which enchant I use I guess depends on the price. Lowering the padding level is NOT an option.
So, yes, I'm coat-tailing this thread to say I'm in the market for some premie armor enhancments as well.
05-30-2006, 09:58 PM
I am interested to know how exactly the points are calculated as to giving certain benefits?
What base item are you starting with on those Ganalon? Giving a reg. 4x breastplate heavy crit padding, a 5x heavy etc? or am I reading it wrong. Also could you do the reverse and give a heavy crit padded item the enchant for the same # of points?
I am really interested in knowing more about containers as well... lightening and deepening. Is it worth it? How much do they do per points?
Any answers would be great...
05-30-2006, 10:58 PM
I always thought 3m was steep, but if you think of how much money you spend on premium membership for that 600 points, it's a pretty damn good bargain.
Stanley Burrell
05-30-2006, 11:32 PM
The Ponzzz
05-31-2006, 12:35 AM
I think saying 3 million for 600 points is ridiculous is, well, ridiculous. 600 pts = an alteration scroll. Alteration scrolls were and are still selling for 2-3 million silvers. I think 3 million is on the higher side of things, but definitely in the right ballpark.
My comment about points being more valuable as you accumulate them was directed at the statement that Ponzzz made, "Most people will cut deals with larger purchases." I thought it odd that bulk points would be sold for less. That's understandable with something like silvers or items, but it should be the opposite with premium points.
Yea, I agree, I won't pay more than a mil for 600 points, but I'd pay 15 mil 3000 easily, but, I was offered from a friend(who already sold his PPs) to buy 4500 for only 18mil, which as you can see, is much cheaper than 3 mil per every 600.
05-31-2006, 12:38 AM
How much dmg padding could I add to 2x doubles, with 3500 points?
For that matter... was dmg padding or weighting changed in gs4?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-31-2006, 12:42 AM
I have 2x masterful damage padded doubles I'd sell you for 18m :)
05-31-2006, 01:07 AM
2x masterful damage cuirbolli on GSAuctions for 15 :)
Stanley Burrell
05-31-2006, 01:12 AM
I would like to buy exactly 6500 Premium Points, instantly, via PayPal using nothing but moolah.
All offers must be PM'd to me by a reputable individual(s) or sent via Email to
Thank you and have a nice day. :thanx:
I am interested to know how exactly the points are calculated as to giving certain benefits?
What base item are you starting with on those Ganalon? Giving a reg. 4x breastplate heavy crit padding, a 5x heavy etc? or am I reading it wrong. Also could you do the reverse and give a heavy crit padded item the enchant for the same # of points?
I am really interested in knowing more about containers as well... lightening and deepening. Is it worth it? How much do they do per points?
Any answers would be great...
I could not find the SIMU website covering premie points so I did a quick search on the PC:
Based on Nevermind's post toward the bottom:
Padding - variable.
Cost is ((2 x level padding) + enchant) * 100). Padding is rated "Heavy". Example: Padding 4x armor is 4000 points, 10x is 7000. For purposes of this system, any current padding in the item is ignored.
Using that formula and not knowing the numerical value of the padding, I solved for n. (n=level of padding)
((2 x n ) + enchant bonus) * 100
Based on the given in the example:
((2 x n) + 20) * 100 = 4000
((2 x n) + 20) = 40
((2 x n) = 20
Therefore: (for heavy crit padding level: 10)
if +20 represents 4x armor @ 4000 points
then +25 represents 5x armor @ 4500 points
then +30 represents 6x armor @ 5000 points
then +35 represents 7x armor @ 5500 points
then +40 represents 8x armor @ 6000 points
then +45 represents 9x armor @ 6500 points
then +50 represents 10x armor @ 7000 points
Thats where I got my numbers.
They could be wrong, and until I can find the SIMU page that gives the formula, I suppose they'll be somewhat suspect.
05-31-2006, 04:13 AM
I recall reading somwhere that it would be cheaper to have your armor enchanted first, then to have it padded, rather than pad it first then enchanted.
05-31-2006, 04:14 AM
I have 2x masterful damage padded doubles I'd sell you for 18m :)
Lolz. Damage padding on leathers = useless.
05-31-2006, 06:59 AM
Every month you gain one point (+1 point).(Changed to 100 points)
Item Cost
Pre-Scripted item 3
Alter scroll 6
Autoscripter 6
Titles* 12
EZscript 18
Lighten/Deepen 6
Typeahead 9
Enhancive: level 1 or 2 18
Enhancive: level 3 or 4 24
Flare [+00 to +20] 5+ (X/2) [5 to 15]
Flare [+21 to +50] 15+ (X-20) [16 to 45]
Enchant [+X to +X+5] X+5, minimum 5
remain Blessable 5
Enchant flare 10+ X+5
Enchant script ++ 10+ X+5
Enchant: weighted OR padded (Y) 2*Y + X+5
Enchant claidhmore 40+ 2*(X+5)
add Padding (Y) [+X] 2*Y + X
++ Note: "scripted", according to Khaladon, are things like Sorrow, black ora, high-end white ora, "impure" coraesine, and such like. Pure coraesine [bonded] weapons might fall in the "too powerful to do"; Sorrow, might, also.
* "X" is the current Enchant,
* "X+5" is the ending Enchant,
* and "Y" is the player-extrapolated rating chart:
Lightly 1-2
Fairly 3-4
Somewhat 5-6
Decent 7-8
Heavy 9-11
Very Heavy 12-14
Exceptional 15-19
Masterful 20-24
Incredible 25+
"Enchant claidhmore | 40+ 2*(X+5)
* "X" is the current Enchant,
* "X+5" is the ending Enchant,"
So, do your math:
X+5 == 2+5 == 7
2*7 == 14
40 + 14 == 5400 points
Straight from the Simu page last month. Premie points were changed to 100 points per consecutive month as a premium customer. All points in the formulae above should be changed to values of 100, eg. a prescripted item is 300 points, not 3.
05-31-2006, 09:07 AM
Lolz. Damage padding on leathers = useless.
This is all I have ever really heard... But from my experiences, its very very useful. Most of my experience is in the lower levels, and GS3. But for example, the cold dmg from the weather on glacier or Ice mule. I died from bad lag one time... just because of that weather. I wasnt getting hit by weapons, bolts or spells. Just lost 120 hp from nicks. I looked like a mini implode victim. But damage padded leathers solved that problem whenever I wore it. And unless I am mistaken, it helped against spikes and boils, from my time on the boulder. Crits still kill you.. but when your in leathers, I have not found an amount of crit padding that could save you. From one hit maybe... but not the next one while yer stunned. Dmg padding for my casters helped me much more than crit padding overall.
Stanley Burrell
05-31-2006, 09:08 AM
This is all I have ever really heard.
All I have ever really heard are things NOT HAVING TO DEAL WITH THE THREAD IN QUESTION.
:offtopic: x infinity.
Seriously, if you hate me that much, start your own thread to detract from this one's own agenda.
Stanley Burrell.
Sean of the Thread
05-31-2006, 09:16 AM
Stanley Burrell
05-31-2006, 09:42 AM
What the fuck are you babbling about? It has a bunch of TEMPORARY VERY HEAVY WAAAAH PADDING? Don't be a jackass. What more do you want to know? You're banned from waaaahing on my items, all I ever hear/see you do is bitch about things. Have a nice day. :)
P.S. Original topic of this thread, sell me your Premium Points, etc. ;)
Stanley Burrell
05-31-2006, 11:59 AM
This is all I have ever really heard... But from my experiences, its very very useful. Most of my experience is in the lower levels, and GS3. But for example, the cold dmg from the weather on glacier or Ice mule. I died from bad lag one time... just because of that weather. I wasnt getting hit by weapons, bolts or spells. Just lost 120 hp from nicks. I looked like a mini implode victim. But damage padded leathers solved that problem whenever I wore it. And unless I am mistaken, it helped against spikes and boils, from my time on the boulder. Crits still kill you.. but when your in leathers, I have not found an amount of crit padding that could save you. From one hit maybe... but not the next one while yer stunned. Dmg padding for my casters helped me much more than crit padding overall.
Then you're not very smart. That wind could still kill you. With sufficient crit padding, you'd be rendered immune from death via it. Regardless of the level of padding on leathers, it still doesn't change the DF of them. Even if you were hit for 900 damage in incredibly damage padded leathers that reduced a blow by 899, you'd still die a 1 HP rank 9 crit death.
05-31-2006, 07:51 PM
You obviously took the two or three words of my post you actually decided to read, and then said YOUR STUPID!!@
I admitted in my post that you can still die by crits. But I have never ever, ever, seen that wind do more than 25 dmg to one of my guys. Supposing said wind did do a 900 dmg hit, I dont give a damn how much padding you have, if your in double leathers I dont see you surviving just because you have uber crit padding. Not without redux, and if you are a character with redux, I doubt you would be choosing to wear leathers, of any padding type.
Now try to tell me I should get redux and wear crit padded plate on my caster.
Sorry for derailing stan. But seriously, this discussion can do nothing but get the word out about your wanting to buy said points.. without having to bump the damn thing every day.
Stanley Burrell
05-31-2006, 09:00 PM
Dear AestheticDeath,
Remind me to sever my leg(s) from at least neck down should I ever decide to utilize the English language in such a manner.
And on that note, bump.
Stanley Burrell.
05-31-2006, 09:33 PM
' E
Insert where needed.
I apologize.
Stanley Burrell
05-31-2006, 09:37 PM
Apologize for not having laid the proverbial smack down upon my sad and silly self! :-X :hug: :hug: :hug:
- Ben G./Alias Stanley Burrell
Stanley Burrell
06-01-2006, 10:11 PM
Stanley Burrell
06-05-2006, 05:20 AM
I have obtained said points.
All other posts are emphasized to be as extremely off-topic, imaginative and ridiculous as can be :thumbup:
Stanley Burrell.
06-05-2006, 05:37 AM
How many did you get and for how much?
I need 5500 points.
Stanley Burrell
06-05-2006, 05:45 AM
How many did you get and for how much?
I need 5500 points.
I was alluded to a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very generous donor.
Very, very.
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