View Full Version : Death's Sting

05-25-2006, 10:47 AM
Anyone able to give me hints, or the solution to the puzzle to remove the effects of Death's sting? I'm under the impression that it involves those wandering priestesses and those shadowy dragons.

05-25-2006, 11:09 AM
As for the puzzle, it isn't solved yet, by anyone. You can purchase potions from the priestess to remove 1 point of CON loss, and then 250 EXP of your inefficiency modifier.

The command is give priestess (amount) coins

She will only take the required amount.

Depart without deeds is 16 potions to remove all con and EXP modifiers
Depart with deeds is 8
Not sure about resurrection With/without deeds

The cost of the potion is based on your level. Multiple deaths in a short amount of time will raise the needed amount of potions, as Death's penalties become ever harsher.

05-25-2006, 11:09 AM
I also suggest searching for the thread, "Death's Sting and You"

It has a massive amount of collected information on the subject.

05-25-2006, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the information!

05-25-2006, 05:28 PM
I've made residue, but with like 20 people working on the puzzle, there's little things here and there that I didn't figure out yet and I can't account for what everyone else is doing. The one batch I made was enough for 15 potions. Already all used up.