View Full Version : Al Gore opens SNL

05-14-2006, 11:15 AM
Last night's SNL opening (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/05/14.html#a8280).

A little set up... its a look at one of many supposed alternate realities where things are slightly different.

Very funny.

05-14-2006, 12:29 PM
It was funny actually. Thankfully, it was only a skit and not real life.

05-14-2006, 05:31 PM
:lol: That was great.

05-14-2006, 10:04 PM
If Gore runs for prez again, I will be forced to kill myself.

05-14-2006, 10:09 PM
The man will do absolutely anything to keep his name/face in the mainstream.

Just the fact that he has not just retired from politics after his 2000 debacle and embarrasing post election temper tantrum is very scary.

He should be teaching somewhere, lecturing, and playing lots of golf. Not hanging onto politics like a crack pipe in hopes of being resurected as a 2008 nominee hopeful. Although I could not think of anything better for the Republican party if he were to get the Democratic ticket. :lol:

05-14-2006, 10:41 PM
Bush was never on SNL. Bush will never be on SNL. Clinton was and even during his impeachment his approval rating was over 60.

Gore’s temper tantrum? He won the popular vote in 2000. The second time in US history that a man lost to the electoral college.

I can see him as a candidate to be honest. Better than Hillary and Kerry again.

Sean of the Thread
05-15-2006, 01:18 AM
The man will do absolutely anything to keep his name/face in the mainstream.

Just the fact that he has not just retired from politics after his 2000 debacle and embarrasing post election temper tantrum is very scary.

He should be teaching somewhere, lecturing, and playing lots of golf. Not hanging onto politics like a crack pipe in hopes of being resurected as a 2008 nominee hopeful. Although I could not think of anything better for the Republican party if he were to get the Democratic ticket. :lol:


05-15-2006, 05:51 PM
I can see him as a candidate to be honest. Better than Hillary and Kerry again.

Holy shit, I agree with Backlash. I can see him as a candidate again (another losing one) and he certainly would have a MUCH better chance than Kerry or Hillary.

Had Gore run in 2004 and not in 2000, he would have won imo.

05-15-2006, 08:27 PM
I hope he does run. I'd like to see him and Hillary go head to head and start throwing out all the dirty little secrets they know on each other in their debates for the win of the Democrat ticket. I definately can not see him as Hillary's VP candidate :lol:.

I'll also attach this in honor of Gore and the 2000 election.

05-15-2006, 08:29 PM
I hope he does run. I'd like to see him and Hillary go head to head and start throwing out all the dirty little secrets they know on each other in their debates for the win of the Democrat ticket. I definately can not see him as Hillary's VP candidate :lol:.

I'll also attach this in honor of Gore and the 2000 election.

I’ve decided democrats are better at spoof graphics than republicans. But republicans win at effective smear campaigns than democrats.

05-18-2006, 02:57 PM
The man will do absolutely anything to keep his name/face in the mainstream.

Just the fact that he has not just retired from politics after his 2000 debacle and embarrasing post election temper tantrum is very scary.

He should be teaching somewhere, lecturing, and playing lots of golf. Not hanging onto politics like a crack pipe in hopes of being resurected as a 2008 nominee hopeful. Although I could not think of anything better for the Republican party if he were to get the Democratic ticket. :lol:

If we elected leaders in a truly democratic fashion, based on those who get the most votes, Gore would be President and it would be Bush who would be golfing or perhaps running some other company into the ground.

05-18-2006, 03:35 PM
If we elected leaders in a truly democratic fashion, based on those who get the most votes, Gore would be President and it would be Bush who would be golfing or perhaps running some other company into the ground.



If.... What if!?!?!

Its the chads I tell you! CONSPIRACY!

<blah blah blah>

05-18-2006, 03:39 PM
If we elected leaders in a truly democratic fashion, based on those who get the most votes, Gore would be President and it would be Bush who would be golfing or perhaps running some other company into the ground.

Learn how the election process works in the United States imo.

We can play the IF game all day... doesn't make any point since it's not based in reality.

05-18-2006, 04:01 PM


If.... What if!?!?!

Its the chads I tell you! CONSPIRACY!

<blah blah blah>

I was never one of the ones who jumped on this back wagon. I contended under the electoral college Bush won.

05-18-2006, 04:02 PM
Learn how the election process works in the United States imo.

We can play the IF game all day... doesn't make any point since it's not based in reality.

I am well aware of how the electoral college works.