View Full Version : Another odd item...

05-09-2006, 01:31 PM
a small rag poppet
>look pop
A leather cord loops in a noose about the poppet's neck at one end and doubles back to form a belt loop at the other. Judging by the poppet's round belly and large, furry feet, it appears to be modelled upon a halfling. Its eyes are beads of black glass, and its face, arms, and legs are made of cloth dyed to resemble tanned skin. A spidersilk tunic shrouds its torso. Above the heart, the pallid fabric bears the emblazoned image of a golden key silhouetted upon a black gate. In its right hand, the poppet grips a tiny carved ebony runestaff.

Doesn't do anything, as far as I know, belt-worn.

05-09-2006, 03:03 PM
A poppet is just an archaic term for a doll so it's just a belt-worn doll.

05-09-2006, 03:36 PM
Might want to have a look into that, actually. I know poppets were given out at the end of a storyline during EG 2004 that were attuned to the owner. If someone interacted with the poppet, the owner felt it.

The storyline involved children who were trying to get past the Ebon Gate but were unable to. The people who helped them actually get past got the poppets.


05-09-2006, 03:40 PM
Thank you, I did find out what it was, seems you're right. Was given at the end of an event, attuned to owner.

05-10-2006, 05:29 AM
Poppet also refers to voodoo dolls. This makes sense with the tunability and all that.