View Full Version : Cape Wind: An Energy Alternative or a bunch of Kennedy hot air?

05-09-2006, 11:05 AM
RICH, oceanfront residents of Cape Cod do not want their view of Nantucket Sound faintly obstructed by offshore protrusions of a proposed wind farm. So, they have hired high-priced lobbyists to kill Cape Wind, a project providing an environmentally sound source of energy. Their most important ally in this venture is a fellow wealthy Cape Cod landowner, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

Opposition to America's first offshore wind farm seems a peculiar posture for the liberal lion of the Senate. The self-indulgent squires of Cape Cod likewise seem a strange set of friends for Teddy Kennedy. He is also joined in opposition by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican presidential prospect. Furthermore, Kennedy's key congressional allies against the wind farm are two senior Alaska Republicans who are reigning princes of pork on Capitol Hill, Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young.

The Alaskans planned to dispose of the wind farm by embedding a provision in obscure legislation to be passed in the dead of night, a procedure usually abhorred by Kennedy. Not even the senator's most severe critics would accuse him of using his influence for personal gain. That only deepens the mystery of why Kennedy would align himself against environmental groups (including the radical Greenpeace) and the Republican chairman and ranking Democrat on the Senate Energy Committee.

Supporters of the offshore grid of 130 wind turbines, standing 400 feet above the water, say it would supply three-quarters of the energy needs of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. By replacing use of oil, they say, it would sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Kennedy opposes this, explains the buzz on Capitol Hill, because he does not want to despoil the pristine appearance of a natural resource dear to his family and the memory of John F. Kennedy.

The explanation has been spread by an aide to Sen. Jeff Bingaman, the Energy Committee's ranking Democrat. He says Bingaman asked Kennedy why he opposes Cape Wind and received this answer: "This is Jack's sacred sailing ground." Both Bingaman and Kennedy denied the story to me.

The Kennedy family compound at Hyannisport overlooks Nantucket Sound, about eight miles from the proposed wind farm. But the senator cited to me his vote against repeal of the estate tax, about to come up in the Senate again shortly, as proof he never hesitates to oppose his economic self-interest. "This is the first for this country, and we need to get it right," Kennedy said. "We don't get it right when we give it to special interests without competitive bidding."

Cape Cod landowners are not interested in Jack Kennedy's legacy or special privileges for Cape Wind. Horrified by an obstructed seaview and interference with their yachting, they retained top lobbyists. Guy R. Martin of the Perkins Coie law firm in Washington is registered as representing the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound. Two former congressmen — Republican Tom Loeffler of Texas and Democrat Billy Lee Evans of Georgia — have lobbied against the wind farm.

The Kennedy neighbors on Cape Cod have traditionally opposed the Kennedys politically, but they are all in bed together in opposing Cape Wind. That includes the Egan family, owners of EMC Corp. who have been generous in political contributions to Republicans, notably Romney. Industrialist William I. Koch, another Republican benefactor, joins Kennedy in the battle. Kennedy may be evil incarnate for right-wing ideologues, but the wind farm fight shows how well he gets along with Republican politicians, such as Romney. On NBC's Meet the Press recently, Kennedy overflowed with compliments for the Republican governor. When I pointed this out to Romney, he responded by praising the Democratic senator's cooperation on Massachusetts issues — such as the wind farm.

If Massachusetts politicians of both parties are against something, that's enough for the powerful Alaskan legislators. They may take issue with Kennedy ideologically, but he never has interfered with Alaskan pork. Accordingly, Stevens inserted in the Coast Guard money bill a provision enabling the governor of Massachusetts to veto the project. Ideally, that procedure is supposed to result in undiscovered passage. It did not this time, to the dismay of Teddy Kennedy and his friends, who now face a floor fight in Congress.

Novak is a nationally syndicated columnist based in Washington.

http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/outlook/3846792.html (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/editorial/outlook/3846792.html)

I dont know about you, but I'm disgusted with this in general. Everyone's for energy alternatives unless it is in their backyard. This backyard happens to be 8 miles out off the coast.

Whats even more disgusting is the fact that the only time Republicans and Democrats decide to band together in unilateral effort is for something like this. And at the same time, try to divert attention away from it with other issues and topics, and preach about US dependancy on foreign oil from the other side of their mouths.

Another great reason for imposing term limits on congress.


**For more information on the Cape Wind project:

05-19-2006, 10:25 PM
Evidentally this is still being fought. I'm going to follow this to see how it turns out.

Here's another article on it.

Oh, and Texas has signed a comittment to install a windfarm off the southern part of Padre Island along the Gulf Coast. I like this trend, and hope to see more of it.


Legislators support wind project: 70 state lawmakers hit measure that was put into Coast Guard budget bill
By The Patriot Ledger staff
BOSTON - Nearly 70 state lawmakers have signed a letter to Congress opposing a measure that could kill a proposed wind farm for Nantucket Sound.

The letter, which was dated May 12, was signed by 69 lawmakers from both major parties and was sent by Rep. Frank Smizik, a Democrat from Brookline who is co-chairman of the Legislature’s natural resources committee.

The letter criticizes a measure, proposed as part of a Coast Guard budget bill, that would allow the governor of Massachusetts to veto the proposed 130-wind turbine Cape Wind project. Gov. Mitt Romney is opposed to the project, and only one major party candidate for governor - Democrat Deval Patrick - has endorsed Cape Wind.

Critics of Cape Wind - including U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy and U.S. Rep. Bill Delahunt - argue that the project represents an attempted land-grab of an important natural resource by a private developer. They also say the state that abuts the project, which would technically be built in federal waters, should have control over what’s built in the sound.

But Smizik, in his letter, argues that the project has already been vetted in a lengthy review process before several federal and state agencies. He also says that Boston-based Cape Wind Associates has said it’s willing to pay lease fees to the federal government for the use of the sound.

‘‘We’re grateful that the Massachusetts Legislature and leadership has let Congress know that Cape Wind enjoys overwhelming public support and that Massachusetts needs Cape Wind to chart the course for a more cleaner energy future,’’ said Mark Rodgers, a spokesman for Cape Wind.

The South Shore lawmakers who signed the letter in support of Cape Wind include: Sen. Robert Hedlund of Weymouth, Rep. Christine Canavan of Brockton, Rep. Geraldine Creedon of Brockton, Rep. Kathleen Teahan of Whitman, Rep. William Galvin of Canton, Rep. Garrett Bradley of Hingham, Rep. John Rogers of Norwood and Vinny deMacedo of Plymouth.
Copyright 2006 The Patriot Ledger
Transmitted Tuesday, May 16, 2006

05-20-2006, 06:23 AM

05-20-2006, 12:36 PM
I'm all in favor of wind farms for the most part. 8 miles off the coast? JFK's been dead a while, dude.

Sean of the Thread
05-20-2006, 12:43 PM
I'm alllll for windfarms...(as well as using Alaska for what it was intended in the mean time.)

" Kennedy opposes this, explains the buzz on Capitol Hill, because he does not want to despoil the pristine appearance of a natural resource dear to his family and the memory of John F. Kennedy."

Fucking kidding me... after the most recent car crash I had no idea there would be something else for me to loathe about the spoiled corrupt Kennedy clan so soon.

05-20-2006, 02:27 PM
Let's just burn the rich, nationalize their net worth, demolish all of the homes that have no educational value (architecture/historical) and put up alternative energy farms in their stead.

It seems to me that they're all for improving power grids so long as the lines go through poor to middle class residential areas. They're all for cutting federal aid to idiots that build homes on barrier islands ... so long as it's not the rich (they still get aid in rebuilding their multi-million dollar homes) ... and of course all for alternative energy ... so long as it doesn't fuck up their view.

Fuck them, fuck Kennedy .... fuck most of our legislative branch.

05-20-2006, 02:40 PM
Hypocritical. We want clean air but not in our backyards?

Sean of the Thread
05-20-2006, 02:44 PM
AMEN brotha.