View Full Version : The Devil. (Satan, Belzebuub, Hell and all that.)

10-21-2003, 10:30 PM
Notice my post count.

Now, I'll say, that at one time in my life, I believed all this crap. Now I do not. Satan is a metephor. Satan has no place in a natural world.

Evil is a concept put on you by religous figures trying to control you.

The truth is on PBS or Discovery.

Satan is akin to Santa, though I prefer the Santa myth myself, and will perpetuate it with my children.

Satan and hell are already here. We live in it. Think about the atrocities that can befall someone on this earth... yet... we have more than enough power to stop these things.

Combined, we have the power to make this planet paradise.

I think Satan and hell are bullshit scare tactics by the clergy. Personally, if they ever existed, they are here now.

10-21-2003, 10:35 PM
and its only getting worse ..

Weedmage Princess
10-21-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
and its only getting worse ..

Yeah, each and every time you post. Or log into Gemstone! :o

10-21-2003, 10:38 PM
Natasha spelled backwards......Ah, Satan!

10-21-2003, 10:40 PM
I'll be sure to save you some ice-water when I get there... save me a glass if you get there first.

10-21-2003, 10:40 PM
I agree, Backlash. I have never believed in Heaven, Hell, God, or Satan. I was not raised to believe in such things. I could never understand why people felt that the way to teach their children the ways of life was to scare them half out of their wits with frightening stories of horrible beasts. It made no sense to me.

HarmNone sees no devil

10-21-2003, 11:17 PM
Must not get involved in religous debate. Must not get involved in religous debate. Must not get involved in religous debate. Must not get involved in religous debate. Must not get involved in religous debate. Must not get involved in religous debate..........

10-21-2003, 11:18 PM
Hey! That horse is still moving!

Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 11:32 PM
What one sees as evil another finds perfectly acceptable. Perception is everything.

Personally, I find the idea of both heaven and hell laughable. The Bible was written so that people of differing intelligence could all find something that they could both understand and derive a source of inspiration.

People who believe the literal interpretation of heaven and hell most likely need those basic ideals to function properly.

[Edited on 10-22-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]

10-21-2003, 11:42 PM
I think it's funny when someone tells others they are atheist and those others say then you must worship Satan. Umm... no. I don't believe in a God so why would I believe in a Satan?

I still like Santa though! Yeah Santa!


10-22-2003, 02:40 AM
Evil is a concept put on you by religous figures trying to control you

I dont know whether i believe in a "satan" or not but i know i believe there is evil in the world. How could some of the atrocities that happen every day be catergorized any other way other than evil (child molestation,rape etc.)

10-22-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by LaVaca
and its only getting worse ..

You can't even get a five fucking word post right?

You're the dumbest piece of shit ever.

I hope you have a valid excuse, such as a close head injury, for your unbelievable stupidity.

It's "IT'S". How fucking hard is that?

"It's" is a contraction for "it" and "is".

The fact that you are allowed to consume food that might go to other people who truly deserve it is a sign that we are living in some form of Hell.

10-22-2003, 07:07 PM
I definitely believe in evil and good. I don't believe in any personification of them as God or Satan though. I think that all people are capable of either, and that some are more drawn to one than the other. I was raised Christian, my parents were Protestant, their parents were Catholic. When I was a teen (16 or 17) I asked for bibles and other holy writs for my birthday and Christmas and got them, and read them over the following several months. At which point I came to the conclusion that God as a personification of good and Satan as a personification of evil were artificial constructs, created to explain the unexplainable, and then used to control the masses. I really don't have anything against people worshipping deities, especially the "good" ones, many find a great deal of comfort and joy in their beliefs. If Hell is on earth, then so is Heaven, depending on what's going on around you and what you are doing with that.

10-22-2003, 07:10 PM
What do you MEAN there's no hell?! I was looking forward to a nice, long, hot party in the hereafter! :D

10-22-2003, 07:16 PM
Maybe you'd better get a sauna here, just in case ;)

10-22-2003, 07:18 PM
People still take the Bible literally? That, to me, is frightening. With all the contradictions, all of the nonsense, that people possibly take it as fact and not just good literature appalls me.

10-22-2003, 07:23 PM
Satan exists.

Ask Maimara. She has his ass on speed dial.

Weedmage Princess
10-22-2003, 07:23 PM
There is a Hell. In *MY* Hell, there are mirrors everywhere, and dead center in the stage is Graysalin dancing wearing nothing but a black leather thong.

*assumes fetal position in a corner, clutching a cross--no, a stake--no, the rosary--no..bah you get the point*

10-22-2003, 07:30 PM
ewwwwwwwwwwww thanks for the mental pic, now I want to scrub my brain with bleach.

There are facts in the bible and historians use it frequently to date things. For one thing, there was, for sure a very big flood. Too many ancient texts including the religious ones have one as part of the mythology to discredit that. It's all in how far into the details you want to go. According to the ancient Romans and Greeks the only 2 survivors sheltered in a cave and all Christians are familiar with Noah, so if you look at it literally, the fact is simply the flood, but you can also extrapolate that there were very few survivors in any of the cultures which wrote about it.

10-22-2003, 07:31 PM
ROFL, Weedmage.

I'll be honest - religion confuses the hell out of me. I was confirmed in a Methodist church when I was 11 and attended Sunday school and youth group from around six until 16. Then my Youth Leader told me I was going to hell, so I quit.

Why did she tell me that? We were having a discussion on perceptions of Heaven, what you had to do to get in, et cetera. I said that I didn't believe you had to be Christian to get into Heaven, that as long as you were basically a good person you were guaranteed a shot at some sort of nice afterlife. Her response was, "I guess we won't be seeing YOU there, then. People who let in all the other religions are no better than those that deny Christ."

Um, OK.

Now I don't know what I believe. We had a completely non-religious wedding ceremony. The only thing that's ever struck a chord with me arethe Hindu teachings about reincarnation. Otherwise, I have NO clue where I stand.

-K, hoping not to see her evil Youth Leader in the afterlife.

10-22-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Faellyn
There are facts in the bible and historians use it frequently to date things. For one thing, there was, for sure a very big flood. Too many ancient texts including the religious ones have one as part of the mythology to discredit that. It's all in how far into the details you want to go. According to the ancient Romans and Greeks the only 2 survivors sheltered in a cave and all Christians are familiar with Noah, so if you look at it literally, the fact is simply the flood, but you can also extrapolate that there were very few survivors in any of the cultures which wrote about it.

I believe in Jesus as a historical figure, and quite possibly an extremely enlightened prophet of some shape or kind. Son of God? I don't know about God, so I don't know if he has a son or not.

There IS a lot of historical truth in the bible, however, the fact that it was written over a long span of time by many different people causes it to lose some credibility in my eyes.


10-22-2003, 07:42 PM

Dighn Darkbeam
10-23-2003, 05:08 PM
I still like that southpark episode where all these christians end up in hell. They soon ask why this happened, and were told they picked the wrong form christianity.

They ask who was right?

Satan responds, Mormons.

Christians ...Oh

10-23-2003, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
ROFL, Weedmage.

I'll be honest - religion confuses the hell out of me. I was confirmed in a Methodist church when I was 11 and attended Sunday school and youth group from around six until 16. Then my Youth Leader told me I was going to hell, so I quit.

Why did she tell me that? We were having a discussion on perceptions of Heaven, what you had to do to get in, et cetera. I said that I didn't believe you had to be Christian to get into Heaven, that as long as you were basically a good person you were guaranteed a shot at some sort of nice afterlife. Her response was, "I guess we won't be seeing YOU there, then. People who let in all the other religions are no better than those that deny Christ."

Um, OK.

Now I don't know what I believe. We had a completely non-religious wedding ceremony. The only thing that's ever struck a chord with me arethe Hindu teachings about reincarnation. Otherwise, I have NO clue where I stand.

-K, hoping not to see her evil Youth Leader in the afterlife.

Ok, must be a Methodist thing, my Sunday School teacher told me half my friends were going to hell also. Methodism is one of the forms of christianity that takes "God the punisher" instead of "God the forgiving" ... personally, I'm not sure I believe in god at all, but she was the reason I stopped trying.

As for the facts in the bible, does that mean if I write a book, and state that there was a great war of nations (WWI, WWII, whatever) that whatever I write after that must be true?? I didn't say that it was full of fiction, I said it was contradictory.