05-05-2006, 03:12 PM
Selling a few fine weapons:
5x blessable bastard sword, 7lbs with the following description:
a massive dual-bladed vultite bastard sword with a barbed vaalin wire crossguard
Careful examination indicates the vultite bastard sword has a base strength of 90 and a base durability of 240. You also determine the current integrity of the vultite bastard sword to be at 100.0%.
MB: 3m
BO: Offer
2x (oldstyle) claidhmore, 12lbs with the following description/show:
an etched dwarven warclaidh
SHOW: Upon closer examination of this massive warclaidh you see an intricate etching of a scene with a dwarf weilding a massive weapon of destruction. The dwarf is knelt in supplication before a dark altar, his weapons tip resting upon the face. Dominating the scene above the altar is the huge symbol of the war god V'tull. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
Careful examination indicates the dwarven warclaidh has a base strength of 80 and a base durability of 250. You also determine the current integrity of the dwarven warclaidh to be at 100.0%.
MB: 16m
BO: Offer
5x (+23) acid flaring dagger, less than 2lbs. This item was found on a critter in maaghara tower with the following description:
a wire-hilted vaalorn dagger with golden eagle wing quillions
Careful examination indicates the vaalorn dagger has a base strength of 28 and a base durability of 225. You also determine the current integrity of the vaalorn dagger to be at 100.0%.
MB: 1m
BO: Offer
Please send all bids to, I will update these items as time allows. Buyout offers are welcomed and encouraged.
5x blessable bastard sword, 7lbs with the following description:
a massive dual-bladed vultite bastard sword with a barbed vaalin wire crossguard
Careful examination indicates the vultite bastard sword has a base strength of 90 and a base durability of 240. You also determine the current integrity of the vultite bastard sword to be at 100.0%.
MB: 3m
BO: Offer
2x (oldstyle) claidhmore, 12lbs with the following description/show:
an etched dwarven warclaidh
SHOW: Upon closer examination of this massive warclaidh you see an intricate etching of a scene with a dwarf weilding a massive weapon of destruction. The dwarf is knelt in supplication before a dark altar, his weapons tip resting upon the face. Dominating the scene above the altar is the huge symbol of the war god V'tull. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
Careful examination indicates the dwarven warclaidh has a base strength of 80 and a base durability of 250. You also determine the current integrity of the dwarven warclaidh to be at 100.0%.
MB: 16m
BO: Offer
5x (+23) acid flaring dagger, less than 2lbs. This item was found on a critter in maaghara tower with the following description:
a wire-hilted vaalorn dagger with golden eagle wing quillions
Careful examination indicates the vaalorn dagger has a base strength of 28 and a base durability of 225. You also determine the current integrity of the vaalorn dagger to be at 100.0%.
MB: 1m
BO: Offer
Please send all bids to, I will update these items as time allows. Buyout offers are welcomed and encouraged.