View Full Version : Item Listing - Adding Items As I Go

05-04-2006, 08:44 AM
If your name is listed for an item, please contact me via AIM at
GSSellerOfSouls as soon as possible. If not picked up, I will open that item back up, so contact me in U2U if you have a reason not to be able to.

a razern-edged void black warblade
The warblade is etched with twisted and chaotic runes along both edges, the meaning obscured by the decorative turns given to the symbols. The blade has been so keenly honed it is doubtless that the edge could slice through even the thinnest parchment with ease. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

The blade of your void black warblade slices cleanly through the air as you bring it around in a sweeping arc.

You hold your void black warblade menacingly in front of you, its sharp edge glinting in the moonlight.

You pull your void black warblade in close to your body, its keen edge pointing outward.

You set the end of your warblade's blade into the ground and stand confidently behind it.

... I know there are more, but that shows it is actioned ...

+30 - Santified - Altered - Actioned - Acid Flaring - 8.5M


a gleaming silver gnome-sized hauberk

+25 - actioned - weighs 27 - 59/495/100% - 1M


a naginata

You sing:
"Naginata, please tell me and tell me true,
What might be your own value?"
Roundtime: 10 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the naginata in your hand, and you learn something about it...

The first thing that strikes you about the naginata is the weight, which is about 9 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 1,600,000 silvers.

You sing:
"Naginata I'm listening it's all coming clear
But your purpose is what I'd like to hear."
Roundtime: 12 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the naginata in your hand, and you learn something about it...

From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the naginata is as some type of weapon.

You sing:
"Ugly naginata that I hold,
I wish to be bold.
For me it's most helpful for me to know,
What magic within you will now show?"
Roundtime: 17 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the naginata in your hand...

It has a bonus of +20 from a normal naginata, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in polearms to use effectively. - Make Offer


some striated green leather hunts

+20 - weighs 16 - doubles - 35/290/100% - 100K


a black silk backsack clasped with a tarnished silver kakore leaf
vla - back - weighs 8 - critter found - 40K

RACK - LOCKER - ICEMULE [4X] -Many with flares! - 35K each

an iron-handled vultite katar
an acid-etched vultite katar
a jagged vultite katar
a silver-hilted black vultite falchion
a pearl-hilted icy steel cutlass
a rhimar-studded vultite ball and chain with a carved ivory grip


a wavy-bladed vultite katar - 35K
a leaf-bladed vultite katar - 35K
a curved golden maoral lysard - 35K


some bronzed golden leather brigandine

A pair of white wolf heads adorns the shoulders of the brigandine, their teeth bared as if they are protecting their master. Claw marks from many defeated foes adorn the battle-worn brigadine, and a menacing bloodied sword covers the heart of the wearer. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

+25 - Weighs 12 - Brigandine - 36/285/100% - 3M


a tiny black leather gnomish cloak

VLA - weighs 5 - Bard sung as: This item may not be used by the following races: Human, Giantman, Half-Elf, Dark Elf, Elf, Erithian, Aelotoi (ONE OF A KIND)


a studded-copper leather gnome-sized jack

+25 - weighs 25 - actioned - 49/325/100% - 1M


a diamond wolf-head pommeled razor-sharp vultite dwarven warblade

+25 - 90/200/100% - modified Falchion - 1M


a chainmail tinker gnome toolkit
under a pound - medium amount - 25K


a black rolaren mesh pouch

auto-closer - weighs 4 - small amount - 15K Sold!


a huge bone axe fringed with a number of bright scaled crests

+15 - weighs 9 - THW - 70/155/100% (Southron Wastes) - 20K


a razor-edged massive obsidian axe

+15 - weighs 12 - THW - 45/80/100% (Southron Wastes) - 20K


a spine-spiked yellowed bone falchion

+15 - weighs 5 - OHE - 75/160/100% (Southron Wastes) - 20K


a fish-gutting knife

+15 - weighs under a pound - 18/195/100% (Cavernhold) - 20K


a pearl-hued calico houppelande (Millicent gown) THOUSANDS of looks!!! (Pull changes everything - rub changes type - touch changes color - poke changes fabric) - Last one I saw sell went for 15,000,000 silver ...



some twisted platinum hairsticks (same as hairjewels)

>nudge hair(wear)
You catch up your shoulder length ash blonde hair with one hand and twist it into a casual roll, deftly securing it with your carved jade hairsticks.

>push hair
You twist your ash blonde hair into a tight roll and secure it high on your head with a firm push of your carved jade hairsticks
She has shoulder length, thin ash blonde hair secured into a spiral knotted bun by some slender carved jade hairsticks.

>pull hair
You give your carved jade hairsticks a sharp tug, loosening the style of your ash blonde hair into a chignon.
She has shoulder length, thin ash blonde hair held in a loose chignon by some slender carved jade hairsticks.

>turn hair
You divide your ash blonde hair into two sections and form them into an intricate knot, securing it with a quick twist and push of your carved jade hairsticks.
She has shoulder length, thin ash blonde hair bound into a twisted infinity knot by some slender carved jade hairsticks.

You shake your shoulder length rust-red hair out, letting it fall gently around your face, then insert your dragonfly hairjewels, scattering them throughout your hair in an almost haphazard fashion.
She has shoulder length, shaggy rust-red hair loosely styled with some platinum dragonfly hairjewels scattered throughout.
- 100K


a fringed gold silk reticule trimmed with faceted crystals

XXXXX slides her gold silk reticule over her hand and onto her wrist, settling comfortably.

XXXXX slides her gold silk reticule off her wrist and over her hand, holding it nonchalantly.

opens / closes - VSA - weighs less then 2 - 40K


a layered silver and gold ballgown with a chiffon and lavender silk underskirt - 25K


an opal-studded silver charm bracelet
a carved onyx Ronan charm
a sunburst charm
a crown charm

- 75K


a gold-traced mahogany parasol (Parasol / longsword) - 4X

You depress a pair of buttons on the handle of your parasol and a blade shoots out from the tip, locking into place.

You glance down to see a mahogany-hilted longsword in your right hand.

- 75K


a bloodwood hafted vultite mace 4X - blessable - 50K


a hooded dove grey spidersilk cloak



a diamond-inset black steel ring (flippable piercing jewelry) - 25K


a fawn-colored linen handkerchief

XXXXX wipes her face with a fawn-colored linen handkerchief, drying off the streaks left by tears.

XXXXX blots her forehead and upper lip with a fawn-colored linen handkerchief.

XXXXX bunches up a fawn-colored linen handkerchief in her fist.

XXXXX twists and wrings her linen handkerchief with fretful motions.

... possibly more ... - 50K


a brilliant white crystal pendant - actioned - 25K

You rub your white crystal pendant, and brilliant sparkles of golden light twinkle upon its surface like stars.

May be more actions.
a rune-etched black Faendryl robe

VLA - weighs about 5 - 250K
a resplendent kelyn-clasped greatcloak

VLA - weighs about 7 - 50K
a gilded blue mithglin yierka-spur

From the Dhu, has a long lore song. - 250K
a crimson red leather cloak

Upon this exquisitely-detailed crimson red leather cloak rests the images of two graceful eagles, their eyes glazed over and staring distantly. Below there is an intricately-woven wizard figure that appears to be lost in his own sightless gaze. About the wizard you see meteors raining down through the storm clouds he has called forth, to aide the beasts he faces in their own destruction.

VLA - Weighs about 6 - 500K
a drake mithril falchion [1X w/ Fire Flares]

EXTREMELY OLD invasion weapon! - 1.5M

a sturdy leather weapons harness - 250K
Clearly crafted with dwarven expertise and precision, this harness is far lighter than it looks. There are several compartments within the container, each with more than enough room to hold gear or weapons. Tooled into the leather is the image of an overturned railcar.

a sturdy leather weapons harness - 250K
Clearly crafted with dwarven expertise and precision, this harness is far lighter than it looks. There are several compartments within the container, each with more than enough room to hold gear or weapons. Tooled into the leather is the image of an overturned railcar.

If prices are not listed, I will accept any reasonable offer.

... as usual, simply PM me or AIM ...

100% Wool
05-04-2006, 11:21 AM
weren't those doeskin britches 100k before and sold? how'd they go to 250k?

05-04-2006, 05:38 PM
The person never picked them up.


100% Wool
05-04-2006, 08:06 PM
wait, so is 250k a new bid or what?

05-04-2006, 08:44 PM
Conversation is null and void, I have two folks that e-mailed / U2U'd at the same time (down to the minute), so the first one that replies gets them.


05-12-2006, 03:06 AM
Only a few days left of my subscription. LOT orders accepted at a reduced rate. I hope to have a bunch of WOLF items added soon.


05-12-2006, 03:10 AM
Naginata is naturally +40 then?

05-12-2006, 04:56 PM
No idea, the naginata is whatever the bard says it is.

On another note, I added four amulet holders.


05-15-2006, 08:57 PM
One day left to buy any of this stuff before it all goes into the sweet by and by.