View Full Version : Practical applications of Meteor Storm

Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 06:46 PM
As a sorcerer, this spell has always held my attention for its simple yet unique cast messaging and capability for sheer destructive power. I understand that this spell is seldom used and considered by the overwhelming majority as obsolete.

My question is has anyone ever used Meteor Storm even somewhat frequently in hunting, or finds the spell affective in some manner?

Kris na Su'ta

10-21-2003, 07:13 PM
personally i think they should make this critter cast only, or focusable.

Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 07:25 PM
Immediately upon being raised I was yanked into a consultation lounge and REAMED by Andraste. I was called every name, from immature to stupid, for casting the spell. Even though I had taken *every* precaution, she railed me because there is no way I could ensure that EVERY person was forewarned. >>>

Wow, thats ridiculous. Its a spell they gave you, you actually took over the top precautions, no one got hurt, and you were still yelled at by a GM? It sounds nearly unbelievable, though I do not doubt your claim.

When Dighn wished to witness the spell, he hired a local Dark Elven wizard, and walked across the drawbridge, taking him one step outside of town. We both decided we would observe the full effects of the spell, considering the pain of death small payment for the betterment of our arcane knowledge.

As an afterthought I sent one warning thought over the net vaguely describing what we were doing. At my signal he first cast rapid fire, then invoked the spell until the mighty storm took our lives.

In total we killed ourselves, two roltons, one idiot who was stalking us, one who was on his way to the jungle, one cleric who warped to one of corpses, and one healer who came after the cleric.

No one offered to replace any deeds. Both me and the wizard had already agreed to depart after the massive bombardment subsided, were outside of town, and bothered to warn over the net. I greatly enjoyed the experience, and received no comments whatsoever from the staff.

Love that spell

10-21-2003, 07:32 PM
Ya know whats funny? That spell is used HEAVLY in plat.. heh.


Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 07:34 PM
I think it should be player-friendly, too, but it's hardly MY fault that it's not, so why should I be punished for it, you know? >>>

I do not like the idea of player friendly spells. Never did, never have. I do believe the GM's should upgrade the spell, it has tons of potential.

If anyone bothers to come up with ideas with the spell I will post mine as well. It is the one wizard spell I like other than mana leech.

Kris na Su'ta

Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 08:42 PM
Bah. In my forced break I have too much time on my hands. I will post my ideas anyway.

1. Focused Meteor Storm - The most obvious of improvements to be made to the spell. Requires training in Spell Aiming and perception to be effective at like-levels. Training heavily in both Earth and Air lore will reduce the cost as the caster is able to better control the elements, and calling forth fewer numbers of meteors.

2. Added throw and collision affect - Getting struck by a meteor from the focused form will have one of two added affects.

A. The first effect will have the target getting knocked recklessly into the air, causing damage from both the meteor strike and the fall, though the may not necessarily land in the same room.

B. The second added affect comes with heavy training in lores, staying current in the circle, and MOC. When striking a foe with focused meteor storm the target will be hurled sideways at an angle, in an attempt to collide with others in the room, causing stuns, knockdowns, and additional damage. Heavier opponents such as golems will be harder to get airborne, but do terrific amounts of damage when striking other opponents.

NOTE: The unfocused version of the spell is complete chaos in action. Without any additional training, those struck by the shower of stones will be sent high in the air to fall on others, be tossed sideways to strike others, or fly out of the room completely. (Ala the Warhorse kick maneuver)

3. Guild Skill: Trajectory - Spending time studying mathematical equations in the guild library, drafting various geometrical designs and charts, and small-scale collision training (think pool or billiards) the wizard becomes a master in his art. In following the lessons, a Archwizard is able to predict and control the angle of his bombardment, finding the exact place to stand offering him shelter when unleashing his unfocused creation...Though mistakes do happen.

This guild skill is by no means needed training, just something wizards can spend time doing to mark themselves separate (read better) than their peers.

Any thoughts or additional ideas?

Kris na Su'ta

10-21-2003, 08:56 PM
I used meteor storm al the time. Get a bunch of friends, go out, cast it a few times. Everyone dies..then all the vulture clerics/empaths come fogging in and dying. Sure Andraste doesn't get pleased, but its good for some laughs.

Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 09:01 PM
Everyone dies..then all the vulture clerics/empaths come fogging in and dying. >>>

See, its a win win situation. With added collision effects you could have the chance of your corpse colliding with one of the vultures, reducing both of you to a pile of wizpath goo.

10-21-2003, 09:03 PM
I've been caught in a meteor storm.

In Helga's just last week.

Dighn Darkbeam
10-21-2003, 09:21 PM
I've been caught in a meteor storm.

In Helga's just last week. >>

Ive never witnessed the effects indoors. Have a log?

10-21-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Dighn Darkbeam
I've been caught in a meteor storm.

In Helga's just last week. >>

Ive never witnessed the effects indoors. Have a log?

No, but you might ask Whirlin or Michiko. :)

10-21-2003, 09:32 PM
Your wish is my command, let me see if I can dig it out.

And I'm really sorry about that... I tried to pass out deed gems to everyone, but some people left and didn't come back. :(

Edited to add:
Can't find it... I can only find what happened AFTER he did it. Sorry!

[Edited on 10-22-2003 by GS3 Michiko]

10-31-2003, 05:29 PM
I used meteor swarm to hunt pyrothags.

I used it like it was a regular hunting spell and it worked great for about 6-7 levels.

[Edited on 10-31-2003 by Kranar]

10-31-2003, 07:19 PM
If I had meator swarm i'd hunt the small park and TSC :) i so hate landing

11-17-2003, 07:20 PM
The first time I used the spell, I was banned, heh. I used it in krolvin in the early morning hours and it killed the only person that was there that I didn't see (was a rogue hidden in an adjacent room).

However, over the years, I was able to cast it all the time, kill masses of people with it, and was never once warned or banned from it. A couple times I'd get a send from a GM laughing their ass off like the time I killed a buncha empaths at Imaera's shrine that were whining about not having their spell list implemented yet or killing people at the boulder.

Funny how I got banned for one simple accidental death when first learning it to being able to intentionally wreak havoc with it and have nothing happen to me other than getting praise for using it.

- N

Dighn Darkbeam
11-17-2003, 08:29 PM
Funny how I got banned for one simple accidental death when first learning it to being able to intentionally wreak havoc with it and have nothing happen to me other than getting praise for using it. >>

My guess is you killed a GM's alternate character.

11-17-2003, 08:29 PM
Anyone know who cast that spell SouthWest of the Gate in the landing? I would like to kick the shit out of said person for the loss of spells and deed. Bastard.

04-25-2005, 08:37 PM
<Ya know whats funny? That spell is used HEAVLY in plat.. heh.


It is?

Fink (Plat Player, Great Lord Wiz)

04-25-2005, 08:39 PM
Wow. This thread is old. Still, my ideas for Meteor storm still rock.


04-25-2005, 08:53 PM
It's a stupid spell and a complete waste of a level 25 spell slot.

04-25-2005, 08:57 PM
It's a stupid spell and a complete waste of a level 25 spell slot. >>

I still believe the spell has alot of potential.

04-25-2005, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Reyek
personally i think they should make this critter cast only, or focusable.

The spell is great, all the cry babies about it are not. If the gods would stay the fuck out of it, I would have my wizard hunt with it and it alone... unfortunately, they don't stay out of it... so hunting with it is not advisable...

So, since we have, but should not use it, I think they need to either do it critter only (like 410 and 435 should be [and all the rest]) or give wizards a different spell that is just as powerful, that people won't snivel whine and cry about.


~ My wizard has been hit soooo many times for casting 525... it makes my head spin... GM/GH's galore come outta the woodwork when I cast it... Never in town, always outta town when I am hunting...

~ IF I think I am about to die, its my wizards parting spell... sometmes I luck out and live even ... LOL

[Edited on 4-26-2005 by FinisWolf]

04-25-2005, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
It's a stupid spell and a complete waste of a level 25 spell slot. >>

I still believe the spell has alot of potential.

A lot of potential?

For what besides PvP or causing disruptions in the game? It simply has zero practical use in the game today.

1- Not PC friendly.
2- Not focusable on a specific target or group of targets.
3- Not friendly to the caster.
4- Cannot stop it once it begins.

Yea.. it's very practical.

04-25-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Fallen
It's a stupid spell and a complete waste of a level 25 spell slot. >>

I still believe the spell has alot of potential.

A lot of potential?

For what besides PvP or causing disruptions in the game? It simply has zero practical use in the game today.

1- Not PC friendly.
2- Not focusable on a specific target or group of targets.
3- Not friendly to the caster.
4- Cannot stop it once it begins.

Yea.. it's very practical.


[insert whinning and crying here]

... I love the spell, everyone wants a security blanket, but seriously, what kind of fun is that? Where is the challenge? Where is the risk?

I mean I am not saying go blow the hell outta TC's everywhere, merely that as a hunting spell, it works great..., when the GM's don't come say something like "So-and-So is whinning and crying that you cast meteor swarm..., is it true, and if so, why did you do it?"

Tell em that you were hunting (which they generally watch before just popping in, so they already know this) ..., they will be like ok.


... which is where all the crying and whinning should be...



04-25-2005, 09:55 PM
Spells that effect every room around you have no business being cast in hunting areas.

04-25-2005, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf

Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Fallen
It's a stupid spell and a complete waste of a level 25 spell slot. >>

I still believe the spell has alot of potential.

A lot of potential?

For what besides PvP or causing disruptions in the game? It simply has zero practical use in the game today.

1- Not PC friendly.
2- Not focusable on a specific target or group of targets.
3- Not friendly to the caster.
4- Cannot stop it once it begins.

Yea.. it's very practical.


[insert whinning and crying here]

... I love the spell, everyone wants a security blanket, but seriously, what kind of fun is that? Where is the challenge? Where is the risk?

I mean I am not saying go blow the hell outta TC's everywhere, merely that as a hunting spell, it works great..., when the GM's don't come say something like "So-and-So is whinning and crying that you cast meteor swarm..., is it true, and if so, why did you do it?"

Tell em that you were hunting (which they generally watch before just popping in, so they already know this) ..., they will be like ok.


... which is where all the crying and whinning should be...



Uh huh.

So I suppose you have zero problem with anyone killing you whenever they wish when you are out hunting now. Without whining or crying or carrying on.

When you agree to be killed whenever you are hunting.. without notice or prior incident.. then I guess we'll not have to put you in the "YOU ARE A STUPID IGNORANT HYPOCRIT" category of players.

04-25-2005, 10:53 PM
PB said everything I wanted to say about that useless ass spell. He stated his opinion.. he didn't whine or cry. It seems that all to often these days there are too many people who play GS that think the only way to have fun is killing other people or just generally acting like an ass.

04-26-2005, 07:28 AM
I used meteor swarm to hunt all the time in sand devils on teras, cast it 5 times in different areas, go inside a building, let it kick everythings ass, get fried from it, ring back to the statue.

Easy as pie, not enough people hunted devils to make me worry about them, and if it did hit them, I wasn't around to be blamed.


04-26-2005, 07:44 AM
By potential I meant the suggested changes I offered as Dighn Darkbeam on the first page of this post. Did you bother to read them?

As for the actual spell itself, I believe that it should never become player friendly..or even group friendly without EXTENSIVE training. It is the most deadly spell in the game, and should remain that way.

I do believe that the spell should not be able to be cast in town, much like what is done with Implosion. Reason being that there is little to no level check based upon the spell, and if you are struck once, you are dead or going to die.

As for hunting with the spell, I hunt with open implosion quite frequently. Granted, the spell is easier to control, though still quite dangerous. I believe that as long as you make an effort to see if anyone is in the area, and are ready to accept the consequences of retribution if anyone is harmed, you should be allowed to use the spell.

04-26-2005, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Artha
Spells that effect every room around you have no business being cast in hunting areas.

It's a HUNTING spell, thus it has all the business in the world to be cast in a HUNTING area.


04-26-2005, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by FinisWolf

Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Fallen
It's a stupid spell and a complete waste of a level 25 spell slot. >>

I still believe the spell has alot of potential.

A lot of potential?

For what besides PvP or causing disruptions in the game? It simply has zero practical use in the game today.

1- Not PC friendly.
2- Not focusable on a specific target or group of targets.
3- Not friendly to the caster.
4- Cannot stop it once it begins.

Yea.. it's very practical.


[insert whinning and crying here]

... I love the spell, everyone wants a security blanket, but seriously, what kind of fun is that? Where is the challenge? Where is the risk?

I mean I am not saying go blow the hell outta TC's everywhere, merely that as a hunting spell, it works great..., when the GM's don't come say something like "So-and-So is whinning and crying that you cast meteor swarm..., is it true, and if so, why did you do it?"

Tell em that you were hunting (which they generally watch before just popping in, so they already know this) ..., they will be like ok.


... which is where all the crying and whinning should be...



Uh huh.

So I suppose you have zero problem with anyone killing you whenever they wish when you are out hunting now. Without whining or crying or carrying on.

When you agree to be killed whenever you are hunting.. without notice or prior incident.. then I guess we'll not have to put you in the "YOU ARE A STUPID IGNORANT HYPOCRIT" category of players.

Don't think I EVER have... so your argument has no basis.

Naturally, I also believe that if a char that died at a wizards spells hands, has EVERY reason to return the generous favor.


04-26-2005, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Kainen
PB said everything I wanted to say about that useless ass spell. He stated his opinion.. he didn't whine or cry. It seems that all to often these days there are too many people who play GS that think the only way to have fun is killing other people or just generally acting like an ass.

Don't blame the mage. It is a spell that was given to mages to hunt with. You want to blame someone, blame the gawdawful GM's that instituted said spell.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-26-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Don't think I EVER have... so your argument has no basis.

Naturally, I also believe that if a char that died at a wizards spells hands, has EVERY reason to return the generous favor.


That wasn't his point. He was saying would you have issue with someone just killing you at random. Because that's what happens when you run into a meteor storm.

Don't blame the person who killed you, blame the crazy GM that lets them attack you for no reason!

04-26-2005, 05:59 PM
Probably the only spell that my wizard has never cast. It's a waste of a spell slot for sure. I think that wizards have a really sweet spellbook, so I don't mind too much that it's not very useful and hope that they will improve it on some manner to become castable in prime.

Commune on the other hand, is a spell never cast by my cleric and never will be, that is the epitomy of a wasted spell slot.

04-26-2005, 06:03 PM
i can't wait until my wizard can cast 525.

not sure what I'm going to cast it on, or how I'm going to search all the dead bodies for loot, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there :D

04-26-2005, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Yswithe
i can't wait until my wizard can cast 525.

not sure what I'm going to cast it on, or how I'm going to search all the dead bodies for loot, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there :D

prep 525


rem gold ring

wear gold ring

wait 2 minutes

rem gold ring

wear gold ring

run around and loot

04-26-2005, 08:23 PM
They should make wall of force be able to repel meteor swarm. Or since it's both a powerful spell, if someone with wall of force is struck with one meteor, it won't cause any damage but will dispell the shield. Or it can be age based, so that a capped wizard can easily break or kill a level 30 character, and stun someone who is 50. Like throwing rock at a wall, since the meteor is a solid object.

04-26-2005, 08:43 PM
you know, you CAN dodge the meteors, not 100% chane of death

04-26-2005, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner

prep 525


rem gold ring

wear gold ring

wait 2 minutes

rem gold ring

wear gold ring

run around and loot

You better warn me so I can come help you loot babe :P

Does anyone else REMEMBER or even MISS firestorming. I know I keep bringing it up every so often on OOC or the play.net boards. They shoulda let us keep it and made it 1. critter only... or 2. focusable/unfocusable... not that you could really focus a cloud... or could you.

04-26-2005, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf

Originally posted by Kainen
PB said everything I wanted to say about that useless ass spell. He stated his opinion.. he didn't whine or cry. It seems that all to often these days there are too many people who play GS that think the only way to have fun is killing other people or just generally acting like an ass.

Don't blame the mage. It is a spell that was given to mages to hunt with. You want to blame someone, blame the gawdawful GM's that instituted said spell.


Don't blame the mage?? What kind of bullshit statement is that? Thats like saying dont blame the sorcerer for the void or the ranger for the spikethorn.. ect. Just because you HAVE the spell DOESN'T mean you have to use it. Thats like me saying "well I have 435 and 720.. let me cast em both in town for fun". The thing that I see more and more is that there are SO many players that say "fuck everyone else, I do what I want to". Thats why I have such an attitude against that spell. (and a few others) Out in hunting areas is kinda one thing.. as long as you have a little consideration for people hunting around you. It doesn't hurt to be courteous, really.. I promise.

04-27-2005, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

Originally posted by FinisWolf
Don't think I EVER have... so your argument has no basis.

Naturally, I also believe that if a char that died at a wizards spells hands, has EVERY reason to return the generous favor.


That wasn't his point. He was saying would you have issue with someone just killing you at random. Because that's what happens when you run into a meteor storm.

Don't blame the person who killed you, blame the crazy GM that lets them attack you for no reason!

Ahh, thanks. No I wouldn't whine, yes I would get vengence.


04-27-2005, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
They should make wall of force be able to repel meteor swarm. Or since it's both a powerful spell, if someone with wall of force is struck with one meteor, it won't cause any damage but will dispell the shield. Or it can be age based, so that a capped wizard can easily break or kill a level 30 character, and stun someone who is 50. Like throwing rock at a wall, since the meteor is a solid object.

Thats an interesting idea, add 919 to the block as well maybe.


04-27-2005, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Kainen

Originally posted by FinisWolf

Originally posted by Kainen
PB said everything I wanted to say about that useless ass spell. He stated his opinion.. he didn't whine or cry. It seems that all to often these days there are too many people who play GS that think the only way to have fun is killing other people or just generally acting like an ass.

Don't blame the mage. It is a spell that was given to mages to hunt with. You want to blame someone, blame the gawdawful GM's that instituted said spell.


Don't blame the mage?? What kind of bullshit statement is that? Thats like saying dont blame the sorcerer for the void or the ranger for the spikethorn.. ect. Just because you HAVE the spell DOESN'T mean you have to use it. Thats like me saying "well I have 435 and 720.. let me cast em both in town for fun". The thing that I see more and more is that there are SO many players that say "fuck everyone else, I do what I want to". Thats why I have such an attitude against that spell. (and a few others) Out in hunting areas is kinda one thing.. as long as you have a little consideration for people hunting around you. It doesn't hurt to be courteous, really.. I promise.

A chill pill would be advised, this is a discussion. Also, NO, do not blame the mage, it is a part of their spells given to them by the GM/s, and whats even funnier to me, is you ended up agreeing with me after all that hostility.

Relax, its just a game, and people play that game based on the rules and tools that the gm's give them.


04-27-2005, 01:18 AM
Point is, if I had Meteor storm, I would use it when applicable while hunting. The spell needs some definite improving, and I have posted the ideas listed here on the official boards some time ago.
Wizards are concerned with other spells, and rightly so. However, I bet if enough of them got behind the spell and asked for some changes, they would come about.

04-27-2005, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf

Does anyone else REMEMBER or even MISS firestorming. I know I keep bringing it up every so often on OOC or the play.net boards. They shoulda let us keep it and made it 1. critter only... or 2. focusable/unfocusable... not that you could really focus a cloud... or could you.
I actually miss fire storm too. I used to use it from time to time. It'd be nice if they made it focused or something. Call lightening (although quite different) is a focused cloud, right? :D

04-27-2005, 05:24 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think it's great that wizards and sorcerers have big mass destruction spells. In a good book or story if you piss off the wizard it's big trouble, likewise, in GS I like that decent wizard have some ultimate trick card up their sleeve.

04-27-2005, 07:50 AM
The ONLY thing I agreed on was the hunting area thing.. the blame is squarely on the people who use it. Saying that it's not is giving people free licence to use it in a disruptive way. Finiswolf, I can tell you aren't an avocate of people taking responsibility for their own actions. Thats the typical response of someone who likes to forget that I pay to play that game too.. and so do the other people. Like I said.. have some cosideration for other people who play.. don't pull jackass stunts that kill other people just because YOU are bored or think it would be funny. And to make things clear.. that "you" didn't mean you specifically Finiswolf. The only way to get through to people who think it's ok to do stuff like that is to get up in their face.. otherwise I get the "it's only a game, take a chill pill" response.

PS I want so bad to use the "blaming the gun maker for a criminal shooting someone" analogy.. but really.. it's not THAT bad.

04-27-2005, 11:48 AM
Mages who use Meteor Swarm while hunting regularly make me miss Gemstone. Makes me feel like opening up my account and having some fun with Falgrin.

Mage: "Why'd you just kill me???!!!"

Falgrin: " a'cause yer too stu'id ta be 'untin' ou' 'ere wid such po'erful spells. I jes' 'elpin' ya ou' ta a quick an painless death. An I ain' e'en gonna charge ya fer it.


Falgrin: "huh?"


Falgrin: "uh huh". Abou' dat "I ain' gonna charge ya thing I said earlier. Fergit it."

Mage: "What are you talking about? I'm not paying you for anything asshole! As soon as I get up, I am going to really show you and WARN HARASS YOUR ASS!

Falgrin: "You 'ave an will continue ta pay me frien'. Trus' me.

Falgrin smiles.

04-27-2005, 03:46 PM
Aww, he misses roleplaying so much he does it here. Its alright, Falgrin, GS will be waiting.

04-27-2005, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
The ONLY thing I agreed on was the hunting area thing.. the blame is squarely on the people who use it. Saying that it's not is giving people free licence to use it in a disruptive way. Finiswolf, I can tell you aren't an avocate of people taking responsibility for their own actions. Thats the typical response of someone who likes to forget that I pay to play that game too.. and so do the other people. Like I said.. have some cosideration for other people who play.. don't pull jackass stunts that kill other people just because YOU are bored or think it would be funny. And to make things clear.. that "you" didn't mean you specifically Finiswolf. The only way to get through to people who think it's ok to do stuff like that is to get up in their face.. otherwise I get the "it's only a game, take a chill pill" response.

PS I want so bad to use the "blaming the gun maker for a criminal shooting someone" analogy.. but really.. it's not THAT bad.

You did agree with me me. As I stated throughout my posts that it should ONLY be used for hunting.

Though... I did not get into the whole try and be sure no one is around thing, since others had stated that in several other posts. It just seemed redundent to me.

I also have stated throughout my posts, that to get mad at the wizard for having the spell is retarded. NOT that getting mad (IG ..., I really hope you wouldn't get mad out of game) and or even killing him for him killing you while he was using it is not out of line. If another of my chars got killed by some wizard doing that, my char would certainly kill him, short of a very fast apology on the wizards part.

One last thing... In case you didn't notice ... there is a monitor in front of your face, not someone elses face, so the whole getting in someones face crap is just that, crap. Grow up, take a chill pill, and fucking relax, because this is JUST a game! And if you don't like the game, I have ONE word for you ... LEAVE ..., or I have a small word of advice, get ahold of the GM in charge of wizards.

Your hostility here is accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Please, do try and have a nice day., and I mean that wholeheartedly, and very sincerely.


04-27-2005, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Aww, he misses roleplaying so much he does it here. Its alright, Falgrin, GS will be waiting.

This coming from someone who had a quote from one of his characters as his signature here for a long time?

Come now. Don't make this easy for me. I usually like a challenge.

04-27-2005, 04:00 PM
That was horrid to read PB..., please tell me you didn't talk that way in game... (I know you didn't when I had seen you in the park, but... ACK!)

And, as I said before... if my wizard killed someone with meteor swarm, he would expect said person to come after him.

Just as on the other side, if another of my chars was killed by meteor swarm, he would in fact go after the kind wizard that was so generous as to share his spell with me.


04-27-2005, 04:05 PM
Damn! What a pain! I just had a single post ... post 9 times! ARGH! Sorry, I know this is off-topic, but ... but ...


04-27-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
That was horrid to read PB..., please tell me you didn't talk that way in game... (I know you didn't when I had seen you in the park, but... ACK!)

And, as I said before... if my wizard killed someone with meteor swarm, he would expect said person to come after him.

Just as on the other side, if another of my chars was killed by meteor swarm, he would in fact go after the kind wizard that was so generous as to share his spell with me.


Actually, he would speak like that. His 'accent' would get worst the less lazy I was.

And I have no problem with people using Meteor Swarm to hunt.. but in my experience, those individuals that used anything unfocused had trouble with the fact that their actions usually resulted in their own demise.

It's a bad spell that should be fixed or simply deleted.

04-27-2005, 09:20 PM
This coming from someone who had a quote from one of his characters as his signature here for a long time?

Come now. Don't make this easy for me. I usually like a challenge. >>

Im sorry. Next time I will use an imaginary log of a crappy roleplaying situation.

04-27-2005, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by FinisWolf
That was horrid to read PB..., please tell me you didn't talk that way in game... (I know you didn't when I had seen you in the park, but... ACK!)

And, as I said before... if my wizard killed someone with meteor swarm, he would expect said person to come after him.

Just as on the other side, if another of my chars was killed by meteor swarm, he would in fact go after the kind wizard that was so generous as to share his spell with me.


Actually, he would speak like that. His 'accent' would get worst the less lazy I was.

And I have no problem with people using Meteor Swarm to hunt.. but in my experience, those individuals that used anything unfocused had trouble with the fact that their actions usually resulted in their own demise.

It's a bad spell that should be fixed or simply deleted.

Ok, wez bez onz daz samez pagez nowz.



04-28-2005, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
This coming from someone who had a quote from one of his characters as his signature here for a long time?

Come now. Don't make this easy for me. I usually like a challenge. >>

Im sorry. Next time I will use an imaginary log of a crappy roleplaying situation.

I'm not sure what type of roleplaying you are doing.. but since I posted that up on a message board by myself, I hardly would consider that roleplaying.

04-28-2005, 10:31 AM
Pointless ass spell that needs a lot of work.
