View Full Version : A BLACK ORA SHAR SYMBOL - Extremely Rare!

05-02-2006, 11:19 AM
This auction is for a black ora Shar symbol. I am not accepting silver coins for this auction, only dollars. Preferably through paypal, but money order / check also accepted.

This symbol comes from an invasion nearly a decade ago. There are very few of these symbols left in existence. It has no properties whatsoever, and is basically jewelry. But good luck finding another like it, and if you are a follower of Shar, it really is a must have.

a black ora Shar symbol

Below is the price for this item:

MB: 75

BO: 200

PM me with offers...

05-02-2006, 11:44 AM

05-02-2006, 11:55 AM
I hate to bust your bubble, but with roleplaying having 1 and .999999997 feet in the grave in GemStone and that item having no magical properties, it's not going to fetch a price equivelent to 4.4 million silver.

If you find the right person, you may get 2-300K. Of course, I may be taking out of my ass.

05-02-2006, 12:23 PM
Well we'll see. Someone told me actually that one was sold for MUCH MUCH more, so I thought I'd offer it at a bargain price!


Anyway. If you would like to pay 75 dollars for it, please do not let the above posters discourage you. Remember, every item is worth what you pay for.

- corporate

05-02-2006, 12:39 PM
The most recent (that I've seen) went for 10 million silvers.

For reasons of rarity and the "evil" factor, black ora items generally sell well. Plus, in the newest clarification of the alter rules you can no longer officially make black ora jewelry or symbols. Black ora is now, "reserved for weapons." That doesn't mean current black or jewelry/symbols can't be altered, it just means new pieces aren't going to be coming into the market. So while that black ora Shar symbol may not mean much as-is, it's a potentially alterable piece of black ora, which could have a bearing on the value.


05-02-2006, 01:19 PM
Might try posting a silver price too.

05-02-2006, 01:44 PM
I am not accepting silver coins for this auction, only dollars.

He isn't taking silvers for it...

05-02-2006, 03:04 PM
I will post a silver price, as it seems that is a way many would like to purchase through. Here it is :

MB: 7 million

BO: 10 million

05-02-2006, 03:45 PM
The most recent (that I've seen) went for 10 million silvers.

For reasons of rarity and the "evil" factor, black ora items generally sell well. Plus, in the newest clarification of the alter rules you can no longer officially make black ora jewelry or symbols. Black ora is now, "reserved for weapons." That doesn't mean current black or jewelry/symbols can't be altered, it just means new pieces aren't going to be coming into the market. So while that black ora Shar symbol may not mean much as-is, it's a potentially alterable piece of black ora, which could have a bearing on the value.


Ah, ignorance.

The alter rules mean shit. I'll bet that each rule was broken at Anfelt. As for item material restrictions... I still recall when veil iron gongs were released after they said "OMG NO MORE VEIL IRON".

05-02-2006, 03:57 PM
It's not ignorance, it's a repetition of stated official policy. For 98 percent of people the alter policy on what can and can't be done is going to apply. If you're lucky enough to be in that other two percent, good on you, but most people aren't.


05-02-2006, 04:01 PM
Say that to all merchants whom broke their rules at Anfelt. In fact isn't there a discussion about this on the officials as well?

As long as Sukara/Kyalia remains in GS, the alter rule is going to be broken. And considering she works for huge swathes of folk at times, this certainly isn't the minority.

05-02-2006, 04:02 PM
Kyalia didn't work Anfelt, but it didn't stop other alter rules from getting broken.

05-02-2006, 05:06 PM
Take this to a new thread and leave this one for the selling of the aforementioned item. Don't make me delete you in the face.

05-02-2006, 06:38 PM
Do it pussy.

05-02-2006, 11:43 PM
Say that to all merchants whom broke their rules at Anfelt. In fact isn't there a discussion about this on the officials as well?

Merchants wouldn't do dick at Anfelt, everyone had a stick up their ass. I realize Tsin got something lightened more than once, but in general Anfelt alterers were too strict.

Also, on topic, I imagine most people wouldn't pay cash for a roleplaying item, different types of folks. I wonder if the cash price or the silver price will be taken.

05-03-2006, 05:45 AM
Just have to find some new GMs to take advantage of or some old GMs to get lazy. Tsin does it all the time...you can too.

Tsin...the Dubya of GS.

05-03-2006, 08:31 AM
Just so no one forgets.

a black ora Shar symbol

Silver coin:

MB: 7 million

BO: 10 million


MB: 75

BO: 150

05-04-2006, 03:44 AM
<<This symbol comes from an invasion nearly a decade ago. There are very few of these symbols left in existence. It has no properties whatsoever, and is basically jewelry. But good luck finding another like it, and if you are a follower of Shar, it really is a must have.>>

I was told to come here, so here I am. Is this the wearable kind, or the non-wearable kind? As one of the more avid Shar item collectors it makes a difference to me at least. I also happen to own 2 of the 3 assassin symbols given by her.

It's a shame Shar suddenly forgot everything she was about. She seems to have lost all her neat items, and now acts more sorcish then wizardly. Funny how a GM can do that to someone.

Anyways, I've never paid more them 750k for a wearable, and 500k for a non-wearable. I will admit to paying near 3M for one of the assassin ones (the one that could call the BlackGuards, powerless now), and the other one I got at a steal of 1M. Both were bought from the female assassins themselves.

I'm missing one since that person left a long, long time ago. Also, black ora was able to bought in bulk in the EN. Someone able to tell me if that is still true? I've never gone over there.

Shar collector/Bubble Burster.

05-15-2006, 10:05 PM