View Full Version : Suggestions please!
10-21-2003, 06:01 PM
And positive suggestions please.. not negative. If you don't agree with RPing a pregnancy, so be it. But I would like some creative and fun suggestions from others on different act commands to use for Jolena in her late stages of pregnancy. Right now she's 6 months along and I have designed quite a few already that I put into command usage scripts and they work beautifully so far! I used them at a merchant today and a few times in the park. Got great reactions. So far, I have a few for when she has to sit, stand up, waddle out of a room, baby kicking, foraging for food in the park.. and even sneaking a look into someone else's containers to scrounge for morsels of food hehe. Oh and I have one for her to waddle around a room to stretch out her legs for those nasty leg cramps. Any ideas out there? No smile verbs though please.. I'd like them to all be 'act' commands if possible.
10-21-2003, 06:03 PM
Stay the hell out of Falgrin's Park. The last thing he would like to see is your water breaking there.
And why are people so scared of using the smile command?
Miss X
10-21-2003, 06:03 PM
Not sure I have any suggestions, but I saw you using the act commands today and I thought they were great. :thumbsup:
10-21-2003, 06:04 PM
Well.. mainly because people get so damned touchy over what is considered abusing game mechanics and whatnot. But I do have an interesting one I pulled today in the small park where Jolena foraged for a apple and it was great. I try to make them the type that will make some folks go 'awww' and others just laugh hysterically.
10-21-2003, 06:05 PM
Smile is not abusing game mechanics.
10-21-2003, 06:09 PM
Well.. the one I used in the small park was this one
act kneels down slowly, groaning as her swollen belly blocks her way. She manages to lean to the left, then to the right.. before finally finding a comfortable position. Suddenly she begins to forage around for something.. and grins with a squeal of delight as she finds an apple! Hungrily she gobbles it down and smacks her lips. Groaning she pushes herself up to a standing position and rubs her belly with a satisified smile.
10-21-2003, 06:10 PM
if the game designer had wanted you to get preggie then it would be a option.
You would not have to use act or abuse smile
10-21-2003, 06:10 PM
Falgrin smiles as he gives you 10,000 silvers.
Falgrin smiles as he floats over you and shits on your head.
Falgrin smiles at you and you suddenly feel attracted to him.
Falgrin smiles and kills you
Those would be abuses of the smile verb. You are doing things
a) you are not doing
b) you cannot do
c) that force others to do or feel
d) that make no roleplaying sense
Using smile the right way though can be a very powerful roleplaying tool though.
10-21-2003, 06:11 PM
Sounds like great fun, Jolena. Wish I could think of something for you, but it sounds like you have most of the miseries I remember accounted for. :D
Do not be afraid to use the "smile" verb for things like this. As long as you aren't soaring away on gleaming pink wings, I am sure you can use it to make your roleplay more interesting.
Have fun with it!
HarmNone really loves to see people actually roleplay
10-21-2003, 06:11 PM
A few others I have are..
act glances over at your container, her hungry eyes scouring your belongings for any morsels of food as she places one small hand on her swollen and protruding belly.. licking her lips before she smiles with a deceptive sweetness at you.
And my favorite so far is this one..
act bends over trying to pick something up, but her belly stops her. In an desparate attempt for something to eat, she falls down on her behind picking up the piece of cobbler, quickly eating it and leaving remnants on her lips...
10-21-2003, 06:11 PM
I heard of someone who RPed pregnancy; every time she went hunting and got an abdomen wound she would roll a d100 to see if the baby was hit and died. I thought that was a really cool idea.
10-21-2003, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I heard of someone who RPed pregnancy; every time she went hunting and got an abdomen wound she would roll a d100 to see if the baby was hit and died. I thought that was a really cool idea.
Well actually I did die from an abdomen wound at one point early on in the pregnancy.. and what we did was snag a bystander who is a great lord cleric.. we explained our situation to him.. Jolena in tears and Stun pacing nervously obviously.. and asked him if there was some way he could 'search' out the soul of our unborn child.. he proceeded to go to the cellar where we hunted and search for the soul.. he then came back and performed a 'ritual' of sorts on Jo to check for the baby and we both waited with baited breath obviously. It was completely up to him how it went from there. Neither of us asked him to do one thing or another regarding the outcome or his actions to find out of our child was still present. He came back with a positive verdict and it was great. It's nice to see others RP with you even in a situation such as ours. His decision regarding the outcome could have changed our entire RP obviously. I was happy it turned out well. I loved it.
10-21-2003, 06:15 PM
I hope she didn't roleplay that, or show that on the screen, Stray. That would just be... wrong. Unless she was doing it silently with a real dice to see if the child lived or not to determine where to go with it, fine.
10-21-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
if the game designer had wanted you to get preggie then it would be a option.
You would not have to use act or abuse smile
Getting pregnant IS an option. It is a ROLEPLAY option. :)
HarmNone did not count on the game mechanics to do her roleplay for her
10-21-2003, 06:36 PM
If you hide well, I have an inflated red pig's bladder. Slap it and it makes flatulent noises that you can possibly do from hiding, definately from invisible. Heard that's a problem with you knocked up broads.
10-21-2003, 06:42 PM
LOL that's great Wezas! And yes..I do hide well.. I'm a rogue.. BUT um.. Jolena is controlled enough that she takes care of those err..problems in private heh.
10-21-2003, 06:46 PM
Something you may consider acting out is the taking off and putting on of shoes/socks/boots. At 33 weeks, I am finding this more and more of a challenge.
act sits with her right foot crossed over her left knee staring intensely at the shoe/boot /sock in her left hand. In a deft swing she almost snags her foot.
Or something to that effect. I often forget my tummy clearance and knock over many things with my butt. I think of anything else at the moment but if you have any specific questions on late pregnancies don't be afraid to U2U me. I love going on about it.:tumble:
Oh, and "Mommy brain" isn't a myth. Being more than a bit scatter brained will bring that pregnancy to life.
[Edited on 10-21-2003 by Sweets]
I can't spell.
[Edited on 10-21-2003 by Sweets]
10-21-2003, 06:49 PM
Well I have 3 kids of my own but the youngest is a over 2 so it's been a while. I can definately remember quite a bit but some things I need to be refreshed on. I am definately going to incorporate that foot thing into something. I thought of the fact that she can't see her feet at this point more than likely and is having a hard time removing and putting on her boots heh. And yes... the clearance of the butt and tummy is a definate thought as well LOL Thanks!
10-21-2003, 06:53 PM
act peers down with her hands on the sides of her belly glancing at the floor with a perplexed look on her face. She then lifts up a foot and smiles at the sight of it.
10-21-2003, 06:54 PM
AHH! I love that one CrystalTears! Haha, I am sooo using that one! Thanks!
10-21-2003, 07:05 PM
Okay..I'm thinking with the clearance issue.. of something like this..
act makes her way through the crowded area slowly, waddling along at a steady pace and unavoidably bumping into Stunseed with her swollen belly. Blushing she murmers 'Oops sorry!' and places her hand on her stomach, ducking sheepishly.
Any thoughts? I can't really bump into others because I guess it would be abusing the verb or forcing them to participate in the action by touching them.. wouldn't it?
10-21-2003, 07:13 PM
Yeah bumping into Stunseed or someone who doesn't mind isn't a problem. It's when you're doing it to others that don't like to be touched and then hear the "you can't touch me, my demeanor is cold!" and start up problems.
From the ones you've shown, your acts look great. :thumbsup:
10-21-2003, 07:13 PM
Oh yep, I know he would agree. He's a doll with my RPing and goes along very well with it. He even adds in his own things and usually I get a lot of nice reactions from others. I just meant that I couldn't really 'bump' into other folks without their permission because it would be forcing them into interacting with my RP. And thanks Daina, I am sure Jo will be running into you soon enough hehe.
The Cat In The Hat
10-21-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Sounds like great fun, Jolena. Wish I could think of something for you, but it sounds like you have most of the miseries I remember accounted for. :D
Do not be afraid to use the "smile" verb for things like this. As long as you aren't soaring away on gleaming pink wings, I am sure you can use it to make your roleplay more interesting.
Have fun with it!
HarmNone really loves to see people actually roleplay
Not all of them... not having to visit the little pregnant womans room 6 times an hour.
10-21-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Not all of them... not having to visit the little pregnant womans room 6 times an hour.
Hee! I forgot about that one!
HarmNone really did not have that problem :)
10-21-2003, 09:42 PM
She does have a sort of impromptu 'potty dance' that she does when it hits her. Ya know.. having a baby pressing on your blatter gives you very little warning time when you have to go.. so that dance comes in handy for a few laughs from time to time. *grins*
10-22-2003, 08:03 AM
Ahhhhh...the bladder dance.
Isn't creation grand?
10-22-2003, 10:20 AM
I suggest that everyone go up and touch your belly. Arrrgh that used to irritate the hell out of me. With all three pregnancies strangers feel compelled to touch your belly.
10-22-2003, 10:24 AM
Personally i dont see how well someone can Roleplay having a child in game unless the plan on rollling up a new character to play the part. and even then thats a big step of a miracle. I mean come on you pregnant 1 day and the next day you have a full grown baby? Not too realistic. And you cant just say the baby is at home asleep someone is gonna wanna see. and then what? it will get old to never have your child with you or be breast feeding etc etc. But hey you seem to have lots of the angles covered here. Hope the hard part of that wont be much of an issue for ya. Oh and wheres my cigar? :D
10-22-2003, 11:52 AM
Actually we are rolling up a new character for our child. A good friend of mine is going to play her for us and we have already discussed diety's and profession, etc. The rest is up to her as far as her clothing etc. We have picked out features to combine our own into our baby as well. As far as RPing the child goes.. well honestly I can't have people visiting her because as a baby, she won't be available since we all know Gem doesn't provide baby characters. What we are doing is RPing that she is at home with a nanny, and will tell stories from time to time of her antics with ourselves at home, her nanny and as she gets older stories of her with the 'neighbor's ' children. She will make an appearance from time to time as a 7 year old, 10 year old, etc. with clothing and maturity level to match. Some things we just can't get around though like her age appearance.. but hopefully others will help us by RPing it out. As she grows into her older years.. say.. 5-15 or so she will be in 'school' adn then when she's around 16 she will appear in society with weapon, etc. That is the best we could come up with.
Oh and people already constantly rub my belly heehee. That was something I went through with all three of my children in RL as well.
10-22-2003, 04:44 PM
Wow, I'm impressed. This is probably the best thought up RP pg that I've seen yet -- carefully planned and well executed.
Jolena rummaged through one of my char's bags for food the other day and I thought it was really cute and well done.
The death by abdomen wound and finding an elder cleric to search for the child's soul? Two thumbs up impressive, very well done.
The fact that you're rolling up a new char that has features of the mom and dad? Another two thumbs up.
Enjoy your PG (as much as can be expected I s'pose, hehe) :bounce:
10-22-2003, 10:11 PM
Thanks, it has taken a lot of time and effort to develop an acceptable RP for this entire thing but I think it's well worth it after it's all said and done. Not only is our family involved but the entire community if they so wish.. that is accomplished in an enjoyable manner I hope with Jolena's act commands and the other things we have planned out.
10-22-2003, 11:39 PM
Thought this was funny.. take a look.
>Chao nods to Stunseed in greeting.
>Eoife slings an imflass shield over her shoulder.
>Chao nods.
>Stunseed asks, "Ready, love?"
>Chao smiles at you.
(Jolena slowly waddles about the room, one hand on the small of her back as she huffs a bit and stops once in a while to stretch her legs out before continuing. )
You nod to Stunseed.
You frown.
You stretch.
Stunseed bows.
Chao grins at you.
Stunseed waves.
(Jolena peers down with her hands on the sides of her belly glancing at the floor with a perplexed look on her face. She then lifts up a foot and smiles at the sight of it.)
Eoife grins.
You ponder.
You shrug.
You softly say, "Okay let's go."
You nod.
10-22-2003, 11:57 PM
Heh. Looks like you are really having lots of fun with this, Stunseed and Jolena. What is more, others are having fun with you. That is the spirit of GemStone3. That is what makes it all that it can be. :)
HarmNone is pleased to see that spirit still exists
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