View Full Version : selling 70 rogue 18 bard

04-25-2006, 08:57 AM
due to changes in life, i will no longer be able to play gemstone. selling my 70 rogue and 18 bard. info as follows:

Race: Human Profession: Rogue (Post name shown as: Blackguard)
Level: 70 Gender: Male Age: 26

Experience: 4442824 Next level at: 4513000 exp. Exp. until next lvl: 70176
Fame: 18887209 Deeds: 3 Deaths this level: 0
Your mind is as clear as a bell.

Silvers: 10 coins
Wehnimer's promissory notes: 34015 silver
Borthuum Mining Company Scrips: 10000 silver
Total(notes+silvers): 44025 silvers
Kharam-Dzu: 1000 silver
Solhaven: 10 silver
United City-States: 410 silver

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 180 80
Shield Use.........................| 170 70
Combat Maneuvers...................| 240 140
Edged Weapons......................| 244 144
Ambush.............................| 240 140
Physical Fitness...................| 180 80
Dodging............................| 240 140
Arcane Symbols.....................| 50 10
Harness Power......................| 20 4
Disarming Traps....................| 272 172
Picking Locks......................| 272 172
Stalking and Hiding................| 240 140
Perception.........................| 240 140
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 122 31

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 4
Training Points: 3 Phy 42 Mnt
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

32 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2006.

Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

Further information can be found in the FAQs.

Spell Ranks:
Minor Elemental :4

Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 97 (28) ... 97 (28)
Constitution (CON): 92 (21) ... 73 (11)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Agility (AGL): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Discipline (DIS): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Aura (AUR): 98 (24) ... 98 (24)
Logic (LOG): 77 (18) ... 77 (18)
Intuition (INT): 74 (17) ... 74 (17)
Wisdom (WIS): 97 (23) ... 97 (23)
Influence (INF): 55 (2) ... 55 (2)


You feel somewhat weighed down, but can still move well, though you realize you are not as quick as you could be.

Hair Color : black
Hair Style : short
Eye Color : dark
Complexion : tanned

u are Guild Master of the Rogue Guild.
You are 2 months behind with your dues.
You have received two reminders about your past dues.
You currently have 181 ranks out of a possible 372 for your training.

You are a Master of Sweep.

You have 25 ranks in the Subdue skill.
You need 86 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to try and subdue some creatures.
You have 8 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You have 12 ranks in the Stun Maneuvers skill.
You need 8 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to visit the footpads for some lessons.
You have 8 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You have 10 ranks in the Lock Mastery skill.
You need 82 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to use some decently challenging boxes to practice your latest trick for an audience.
You have no repetitions remaining for this task.

You have 14 ranks in the Cheap Shot skill.
You need 94 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to tweak some creatures' noses.
You have 5 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You are a Master of Rogue Gambits.

locker and inv:

pure potion, a heart of smooth black glaes, an enruned tanik trunk, an opal-inset ebonwood mirror, a simple mahogany pipe, an acid-pitted mithril strongbox, a handful of fine glittering sand, a pure potion, a pure potion, a pure potion, a pure potion, a small ruby heart, some black serpent skin boots, a scratched haon chest, a badly damaged thanot strongbox, an engraved thanot chest, a scratched silver chest, a gold ring, a gold ring, a blue crystal, a gold ring, a ruby amulet, a scorched scroll, a ruby amulet, a blue crystal, a ruby amulet, a scratched maoral chest, an enruned haon strongbox, a scratched brass trunk, a gilded deathstone key, some augmented chain, an opaque vultite falchion, a gleaming vultite khopesh, a skull etched platinum tuning-fork, a vine etched steel tuning-fork, a basket-hilted black vultite falchion, a thin grey-green dagger, a gold-hafted silvery rolaren hatchet, a tear-cut dark sapphire talisman, a skull etched platinum tuning-fork, a thin-needled zinc syringe, a heavy thick platinum ring, a cerulean bodice, some calf-high laced moccasins, a horned skull-shaped mask, a dark ebonwood shawm case, a sinuous gold dragon talisman, an engraved tanik chest, a small statue, a pure potion, an opal-latched lockpick case, a simple tanik box, a badly damaged tanik chest, an onyx-eyed silver skull earcuff, a small statue, a small statue, a small statue, a spooky skull, a small statue, a small icy blue sphere, a flagon of Wort's Winter ale, a flagon of Aged Schooner ale, a flagon of Dark Swampwater ale, a pale yellow verlok feather and some white glaes finger cymbals.

most of the weapons are 5x i think the khopesh is 6x. all have different flares so you have a weapon for every situation.

the lockpick case is light and holds alot of picks. the boxes are for practicing lock mastery. be lieve me youll need them.

u are wearing a glistening sea-blue buckler, a wiregrass anklet, a veniom threaded harness, a flowing black velvet cloak trimmed along the hem with rune-etched deep blue sapphires, a cracked grey iron skull medallion, a silver chrysalis, an ivory-inlaid blue sapphire earring, a dark-chained tiny ebonwood hourglass, a sapphire-set platinum crown etched with a small dragon on each tine, a gold-inlaid myklian scale belt, some dusty serpent skin boots, a veniom threaded backpack, a dark steel lockpick case, some rugged silk trousers, a diamond Lorminstra necklace, a star-shaped soft black nightshade, some gloves, a gold ring, a dusty brown locksmith's toolkit and a scratched gold enameled breastplate.

shield is 6x, cloak weighs less than 2 and has been deepened twice with alter, crown is ammy holder with alteration. hourglass actioned and keeps time. trousers have pockets. all my clothing does. medallion even holds a small amount. even daggers

In the velvet cloak you see a rat fur sack, a white flask, a luminous scroll, a crystal amulet, a black crystal, a pure potion, a blue crystal, a small statue, some dried up raisins, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a blue crystal, a white crystal, some ambrominas leaf, a white crystal, a crystal amulet, a pure potion, a pure potion, a white crystal, a forest green scroll, a white crystal, a gold ring, a blue crystal, some aloeas stem, a little round mirror, a black widow-etched flask, a scrap of dark papyrus, some acantha leaf, a plainly wrapped package, a Borthuum Mining Company scrip, a keenly-honed ancient faenor waraxe and a Wehnimer's promissory note.

fur sak has a bunch of rift gems

In the rat fur sack you see a spiked onyx scarab, an emerald, an emerald, a metallic black pearl, a large pink pearl, a pale violet riftstone, a sparkling emerald talon, a glistening onyx talon, a clear blue gem, a shard of oblivion quartz, a spiked onyx scarab, a sea-green glaes scarab, an aster opal, an uncut diamond, a metallic black pearl, a platinum fang, an uncut diamond, an emerald, a tiny white and black spherine, a radiant opalescent thunderstone, a mithril fang, a glimmering opalescent scarab, a sanguine wyrm's-eye garnet, some polished red coral, a fiery ruby talon, a transparent spherine, a ruby, a blood red teardrop-etched scarab, a deep blue thunderstone, an urglaes fang, an uncut diamond, an emerald, a sea-green glaes scarab, a pink sapphire and an ivory-inlaid blue tourmaline ring. plenty here for more deeds

faenore axe altered, lightened with show:: +8 VHCW::look at waraxe
Razor-sharp and skillfully vaalin-inlaid in highly-burnished web patterns, the dark faenor crescent blade head is edged in a deep engraving of silver calligraphy reading "For the Huntress". Intricately carved in twining ribbons of pines, stars and alpine creatures, the stout ebonwood haft is lashed at the base in a criss-cross grip-wrap of strips of the blackest vruul skin. Clasping a brilliant diamond eight-pointed star, an antiqued-silver claw setting forms the pommel.

falchion is 6x ice flarer with nice show:: >look at falchion
Forged from smoky black vultite, this falchion seems to absorb light into its thick, well-tempered blade. The metal is almost translucent, and as you stare into its heart, the structure within resolves into a shadowy form, poised to spring upon an unsuspecting fire mage. A heart of smooth black glaes weights the pommel, matching the ebon ironwood grip wrapped in silvery mithril wire. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

this guy rocks, i hunt rift 1 and 2nd level, bowels and fire mages. had a great time playing him but some things in life are more important. hes a bit snotty but has a lot of friends and citizenship on teras. i really hate to go but i fought the good fight. the bard has not set personality so hes a good char to start up any way you like. currently a twf. heres info

Race: Elf Profession: Bard
Level: 14 Gender: Male Age: (Select your age)

Experience: 239345 Next level at: 265000 exp.
Exp. until next lvl: 25655
Fame: 192294 Deeds: 4 Deaths this level: 1
Your mind is as clear as a bell.

Silvers: 0 coins
Wehnimer's Landing: 325 silver

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 99 23
Armor Use..........................| 105 25
Edged Weapons......................| 124 32
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 70 15
Dodging............................| 70 15
Harness Power......................| 66 14
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 70 15
Climbing...........................| 25 5
Swimming...........................| 15 3

Spell Lists
Bard...............................| 18
Training Points: 37 Phy 0 Mnt (40 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

32 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2006.

Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

Further information can be found in the FAQs.

Spell Ranks:
Bard Base :18

Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 94 (22) ... 94 (22)
Constitution (CON): 54 (2) ... 40 (-5)
Dexterity (DEX): 77 (18) ... 77 (18)
Agility (AGL): 74 (27) ... 74 (27)
Discipline (DIS): 62 (-9) ... 62 (-9)
Aura (AUR): 94 (27) ... 94 (27)
Logic (LOG): 48 (-1) ... 48 (-1)
Intuition (INT): 42 (-4) ... 42 (-4)
Wisdom (WIS): 64 (7) ... 64 (7)
Influence (INF): 97 (33) ... 97 (33)


You feel somewhat weighed down, but can still move well, though you realize you are not as quick as you could be.

Hair Color : auburn
Hair Style : shoulder length
Hair Texture : tied back
Hair Quirks : worn in a ponytail
Eye Color : violet
Eye Character : bright
Complexion : bronze
Nose : classical
Face : delicate
Height : average height
Distinquishing Mark : cleft chin

>look in locker
In the locker you see a thin piece of white chalk, a thin piece of red chalk, a thin piece of orange chalk, a thin piece of yellow chalk, a thin piece of green chalk, a mithril hilted vultite falchion, a vultite bastard sword, an etched pale grey vultite wakizashi, a hand-tooled black suede case, a gold ring, a crystal amulet, a claw-handled grey mistwood cane, a rune-etched bronze rotoscope, a tear-shaped polished ruby pick, a thin piece of blue chalk, a slender matte black chalkboard, a petrified vor'taz horn, a charm-adorned birch fishing rod, an ichor-marked felwood lute case, a fat spool of jet spidersilk fishing-line, a splay-limbed dead albino frog, a pulsating blood-filled sac, a badly chipped glass mirror, a silver-edged amber plectrum, a raven shaped moonstone, a spider shaped moonstone and an illegible tear-stained letter.
>all the weapons flare, chalkboard works with chaulk. cane turns into a sword. letter is for roleplay

You open a scarlet-swept black velvet cloak.
You are wearing a grey oilcloth bag, a small rose, a plain black belt, a viper skin knapsack, a scarlet-swept black velvet cloak, a crimson lute-etched flask, a wild black rose, a faded harlequin's hat adorned with tiny dangling toys, some studded leather, a pair of black guano-caked boots, a blue snake skin harness, a burnished mithril treble clef, a sorrel viper skin vest, a crystal amulet and a gold ring.

cloak weighs less than 2 and has been deepened, nice show:>look at cloak
The back of the cloak is embroidered with the painted face of a drooling, cross-eyed clown. Jagged teeth, barely visible through the insane smirk that plays across its face, pierce the clown's tongue, sending small rivlets of blood running down its chin. A titled harlequin hat adorned with tiny toys and bells rests upon the clown's head, covering most of the tufts of red, unkept hair that sticks up from beneath. harlequin hat is a unique alter, i was going to give this guy a clown theme. up to the winner now.
any questions feel free to email me at faerzress@yahoo.com. ill try to answer when i can but im very busy right now with personal issues related to me leaving the game. thanks to all of those that made my gaming experience enjoyable.

legal crap: to quote Khaladon all these cookies belong to gemstone iv, im selling my time invested in the game.

04-25-2006, 08:57 AM
selling for cash only