View Full Version : Cleric CS

04-24-2006, 08:46 PM
I need to figure out what kind of clerical cs I will get, if I get rid of alot of things. I know its .333 per secondary spell, 1 cs per lvl for cleric dont know anymore after that though

04-24-2006, 09:33 PM
According to QRS, CS is calculated by the following:

CS = (level x 3) + primary spell circle bonus + secondary spell circle 1 + secondary spell circle 2 + stat bonus

Primary spell circle bonus: (round normally)
Ranks up to level: 1CS/rank
Ranks 1-20 above level: .75CS/rank
Ranks 21-60 above level: .5CS/rank
Ranks 61-100 above level: .25CS/rank
Ranks 101 -? above level: .125CS/rank

Secondary circle bonuses:
Ranks up to 2/3 level: .33333CS/rank (round up)
Ranks above 2/3 level: .1CS/rank

Stat bonus:
AU for elemental casters
WI for spiritual casters
(AU+WI)/2 for sorcerers (round up)

CS example:
Ernest is a level 20 dark elf sorcerer with 7 spiritual spells, 25 sorcery spells and 10 elemental spells, a 30 Wisdom bonus and a 35 Aura bonus. Let's figure out his CS.

CS = (level x 3) + primary spell circle bonus + secondary spell circle 1 + secondary spell circle 2 + stat bonus

Level is 3 x 20 = 60.

Primary spell circle bonus is (20 x 1) + (5*.75) = 23.75, since he knows 5 spells above his level. Round this normally, for Ernest to 24.

Secondary spell circle 1 is his spiritual spells. (7 x .333) = 2.33 or 3 in this case. (always rounded up)

Secondary spell circle 2 is his elemental spells. (10 x .333) = 3.33 or 4 in this case. (always rounded up)

Stat bonus is (30+35)/2 = 32.5 or 33 in this case (always round up).

So Ernest's CS with a sorcery spell is:
60 + 24 + 3 + 4 + 33 = 124 CS.

04-25-2006, 02:28 AM
Thanks, I just turned my Cleric into a pure caster, if I like it he remain and if I dont next fixskills I'll turn him to what I had him, At 14 trains he has a 94 bolt and a 194 ds in guarded with 3x fulls and a 4x runestaff. spells are MnS-3, MjS-2, and Cleric-40. So far its working out great.

05-02-2006, 10:56 AM
I hope you plan on stopping at 40 cleric ranks for a while - that's plenty. Even if you're a pure spellcaster, keeping your cleric spell circle at 20 or 21 above your level is good enough, though I understand you went higher for the better raise. Putting points into the major line would help your bolt as with heroism and bravery, and the minor line would obviously help your DS.