View Full Version : Snert Alert!
10-22-2003, 06:28 PM
Ok this is my IG daughters boyfriend. And after he called my soon to be sister in law an inbred whore I told him not to, he acted like a shit to me. I approach him today and this is what I get..
You quietly whisper to Taggart, "As you were sleeping last night, we came to speak to you."
You quietly whisper to Taggart, "So, do you have anything to say?"
Taggart whispers, "Please hold a moment, I'll get your attention in a sec. Have something to do real quick."
Taggart whispers, "Ok, I'm back. OOC: Just so we're on the same page, I'd love to roleplay through this conflict with you and the rest of Missoni's family. I will not, however, condone PvP or attacks of any kind. You've been excellent to deal with so far, except for the webbing."
Taggart whispers, "OOC: I do need your agreement to keep things civil. If I can't have that, then I'll have to ask you not to interact with me."
Taggart whispers, "OOC: Ok, going back in character now."
>whisper tagg I have to say.. you are one of those horrible snerts always warned about on the boards. You are a horrible roleplayer, a little chicken, and an all around ass. My only hope is your relationship with Kniquee is as small as your ability to roleplay
You quietly whisper to Taggart, "That is the most bullshit I have ever heard. You insult someone and hide behind warn."
Taggart whispers, "OOC: Your need to insult your opponent tells me much. Please do not continue to Roleplay with me in any manner."
You quietly whisper to Taggart, "And go ahead and warn interaction me. Because when you do you have to leave or else it is canceled"
Then he warn interacted me and is still sitting at the cul-de-sac with me.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-22-2003, 06:38 PM
kill him, idiots need to be killed.
10-22-2003, 06:42 PM
Oh I have about five people sitting in here who want to kill him. I want to kill him but knowing snerts, he'd report and i'd get another 6m fine
10-22-2003, 06:55 PM
I'll be happy to roleplay it out with him, tonight.
He was trying to whisper warnings to me the other night, about how we were hurting Missoni's feelings, by Discussing Ariond and Syberus in front of her. I told him to hush.
He might not like the way Camri is played though. We don't seem to follow the same set of rules. :lol:
10-22-2003, 07:00 PM
I'll kill him for being such a pussy
10-22-2003, 07:04 PM
Well, me and him WERE role-playing... but then he just started being a jackass, which took all the fun out of it.
10-22-2003, 07:27 PM
So I whispered to him, after rereading his whispers, that I was not going to attack him, I was simply telling him to not insult my family and this is what he whispers back.
Taggart whispers, "OOC: I offered to roleplay through this, but you insulted me personally. Honestly, I can't see how anyone could be as evil as to modify what I said just to get people to hate me, but it happens. I am not kidding. I wish you not to speak to me."
10-22-2003, 09:29 PM
I hate people that whisper to you "OOC: Blahblahblah."
You know, I can tell when it's OOC, I don't need a road map.
10-22-2003, 09:32 PM
Agreeing with Daina, I am. Ignore idiot, do. :D
HarmNone is possessed by Yoda
10-22-2003, 09:49 PM
That kid is starting all kinds of shit and expects not to be killed or attacked? It is completely IC to attack him for some of the stuff he has said.
10-22-2003, 10:51 PM
Just out of curiousity.. what IS the deal with Missoni, Ariond and Syberus? Originally she was Arionds daughter, therefore Jolena and Michiko's sister.. now suddenly she's Leloo's and Syberus's daughter.. I'm just..confused hehe. And If she's not Arionds daughter anymore does he even know?
10-22-2003, 10:58 PM
No here's how it went. Ariond (Mike) went away to basic so while he's away, Syb and I adopted her, Ariond knows, so she would have a family and wouldn't be alone.
10-22-2003, 10:59 PM
I believe everyone in the cul-de-sac is related to each other at least two different ways.
10-22-2003, 11:00 PM
Well... too many twisted branches to discuss.
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Well... too many twisted branches to discuss.
I think the one twist is Kniquee... who is marrying Drakam, who is your brother, but you're my aunt, and I'm Kniquee's mom...
10-22-2003, 11:02 PM
And I married Syberus who was my great great nephews brother and also Ariond's brother (in arms) making him your uncle and when Drakam marries Kniquee, making him my great great uncle.
10-22-2003, 11:03 PM
Oh and Kniquee is my fathers sister, so my aunt. So Kniquee will be my aunt, sister in law, and my great neice?
This is so sketchy. Ugh.
I think it's just you guys, though. Are there any other twists that I don't know about?
10-22-2003, 11:05 PM
That is one messed up tree.
10-22-2003, 11:12 PM
You all do know that this is supposed to be Elanthia, not Arkansas, no?
ugh, I'm starting to hear banjos playing in the background...
"gonna make you squeal like a pig boy!"
10-22-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Well... too many twisted branches to discuss.
Camri isn't related to anyone, in the cul or anywhere else. Although, Kastir insists on calling her his unofficial granbaby.
Camri was smart enough to disown her family, and run off with a evil wizard.
I pointed out the Arkansas effect once too. That stuff's just too screwed up. I kept trying to figure out who Camri was related to, when she was a part of it, and I got really scared when I realized it was easier to keep track of who she WASN'T related to.
There are those other weird twists, with Nordred and Fleeta, and all those other extra parents. I never did understand why some of you have more than one set of parents.
10-22-2003, 11:25 PM
Anyone remember the song they start with at the beginning of the movie "The Stupid's"? It's where Tom Arnold explains how he is his own grandfather....If only I could remember the words...
Originally posted by Camri
Camri was smart enough to disown her family, and run off with a evil wizard.
Camri was SMART to run off with SINTIK?! I think not.
10-22-2003, 11:28 PM
This is why I have no family in Gemstone. Or intrapersonal relationships.
10-22-2003, 11:32 PM
Thank God I never got into those Cul-de-sac families (or is it just one big one?) .. and now they are adopting a lot of real snerts and I'd end up killing half my relatives.
10-22-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
Originally posted by Camri
Camri was smart enough to disown her family, and run off with a evil wizard.
Camri was SMART to run off with SINTIK?! I think not.
Awww, there's nothing wrong with Sintik. He just gets a little crabby sometimes. :lol:
Besides, at least he isn't the product of his aunt and his brother, or some weird shit like that. :?:
10-22-2003, 11:34 PM
I've still never seen that flick.
10-22-2003, 11:38 PM
As the song goes:
Many, many years ago
When I was twenty three
I got married to a widow
Pretty as could be.
This widow had a grown up daughter
With flowing hair of red,
My father fell in love with her
And soon the two were wed.
This made my dad my son-in-law
And changed my very life.
Now my daughter was my mother,
For she was my father's wife.
To complicate the matters worse
Although it brought me joy,
I soon became the father
Of a bouncing baby boy.
My little baby then became
A brother-in-law to dad,
And so became my uncle,
Though it made me very sad.
For if he was my uncle,
Then that also made him brother
To the widow's grown up daughter,
Who of course was my step-mother.
Father's wife then had a son
Who kept them on the run,
And he became my grandson
For he was my daughter's son.
My wife is now my mother's mother
And it makes me blue.
Because although she is my wife,
She's now my grandma too.
If my wife is my grandmother,
Then I am her grandchild.
And every time I think of it
It simply drives me wild.
For now I have become
The strangest case you ever saw,
As the husband of my grandmother,
I am my own grandpa!
10-22-2003, 11:49 PM
I do not adopt snerts. I have Missoni, Chadj, and Tanador...
10-22-2003, 11:56 PM
I didn't mean you specifically.. I see Zafyra, Adyria, Kythlin, and all kinds of other snerts in those families (or family?) now.
They best not be related to me... I'm the one who interrogates kids before adopting them. :smilegrin:
10-23-2003, 12:04 AM
10-23-2003, 12:11 AM
I think (Correct me if I'm wrong) Zafyra and Kythlin are in lalana's branch. Which isn't connected to mine.
10-23-2003, 12:13 AM
I think pretty soon people are going to start caring.
10-23-2003, 12:14 AM
caring about what?
10-23-2003, 12:20 AM
Okay well.. I am adopted. But my family is Ariond, Perigourd, Michiko, Elronae, Nephros and my neices and nephews. Syberus is of no blood relation to Ariond and is therefore not 'really' our uncle. But either way it goes.. my only 'blood' relatives in Gem are my son and my unborn child. However, I consider my family to be the ones I lsted above and their spouses/children.
10-23-2003, 12:23 AM
Ivyleigh has no family.
I sux0r.
10-23-2003, 12:25 AM me, even though I only claim those that I listed as my family.. it's still a bit odd with all the other stuff with Loo, Syberus, Missoni etc. I just try not to pay it any attention hehe.
One of my characters was adopted against her will by Shakrean... but then she came to accept it and like it, and even call the old empath masquerading as a rogue Pops. I know there are a bunch of other people in that family but I know virtually none of them, nor do I care to. Sammeal was coo' though, my character's uncle through that adoption.
Otherwise, none of my characters have been adopted, nor will they. All their parents are living. A couple of them have brothers and sisters (Strata does... and if anyone would like to play a Nalfein in her family, lemme know!) I would never consider adopting. I mean... all the adventurers are mostly grown people. Why would they even need it?
10-23-2003, 09:47 AM
Lets see.. my family tree, could be an installment on Hee Haw. Myssa (the first) was Goddness daughter. She was wed to Michelan and then Talim. Ydwen was engaged to Myssa's sister, Leilannie, Ydwen dumped her for Myssa, they wed, when Talim wandered off into the wilderness.
This is where it gets complicated. Ardwen is Myssa and Ydwen's son, he married Myssa's little sis Myshel, who is Jaialias daughter.
10-23-2003, 02:34 PM
Well, its pretty strait forward with me.. This is how i remember...
Im Leloo's son.
Im the brother of Tanador and Missoni.
Anyone i have highlighted is the family. Dont ask how they are related, cause i will get one long, confusing answer, or an answer that doesnt make sense. :)
Oh, and i know Kastir is my grandfather... I think... And Vio is my soon to be grandmother, who is the daughter of Hashum, whom i had murdered..
Im lost now :)
10-23-2003, 02:38 PM
Holy sheesh!!! Yeah Zafyra and Kythlin was once mine, but left the family for what ever reasons that they felt like leaving for. So I hear he's engaged to Adyria now? I haven't been around, but that's the news I got.
10-23-2003, 02:44 PM
Maimara has a brother. He is Sepher.
That is all.
10-23-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Myshel
Lets see.. my family tree, could be an installment on Hee Haw. Myssa (the first) was Goddness daughter. She was wed to Michelan and then Talim. Ydwen was engaged to Myssa's sister, Leilannie, Ydwen dumped her for Myssa, they wed, when Talim wandered off into the wilderness.
This is where it gets complicated. Ardwen is Myssa and Ydwen's son, he married Myssa's little sis Myshel, who is Jaialias daughter.
...maybe it's the effect of being awake for 30 hours (and counting), but um does that mean you and Ardwen are cousins.
edaarin is my super great grandpa now
10-23-2003, 03:16 PM
Ooo, I know Sepher. He's a sweetie.
I like Sepher's player's wizard character more. =X
Edited to put my story in the right thread.<flails>
[Edited on 10-23-2003 by Vesi]
10-23-2003, 05:38 PM
Well let's see... I have two sets of parents so it gets pretty large. First is Nordred as a father and his kids... um.. Zalion, Angelilly, Angeliqe, Emislity... and then there was Fleeta, who left, as a mom and from here were... a bunch of silbings, grandmother Greeka. What else.. Lillypath as a sister from both Nordred and Fleeta and all of her kids, grandkids, etc. Then Kastir and Odessya and um.. Drakam, Adyria as siblings, Kniquee as aunt. I guess that's it.
10-23-2003, 06:00 PM
Let me check my papers! I actually have it written down (summer gets boring)
Yep. I have you listed as Greeka and Celyx son and.. father of Rosandara and Pastoya. Is that correct?
Moist Happenings
10-24-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
and then there was Fleeta, who left, as a mom and from here were...
First: Fleeta left because she's a hussy! And a golddigger! And i'm not ONE bit bitter that we're not dating anymore because I DUMPED HER!
Second: I am Syberus' mother.
10-24-2003, 10:26 PM
You are not Syberus' mother. His mother is... Sraven!
10-24-2003, 10:37 PM
You're related to Emislity!
So you have like 9238757928375934875 fathers!
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