View Full Version : Anfelt thread

04-21-2006, 02:36 PM
Figured we could use a catch-all thread.

First question, what time does it start?

04-21-2006, 03:07 PM
20 minutes later than scheduled.

04-21-2006, 03:08 PM

04-21-2006, 03:15 PM
So at 9:29 ET is it going to crash?

04-21-2006, 03:21 PM
Were there any raffles in plat on friday night?

04-21-2006, 03:26 PM
Kitrina posted a raffle schedule two days ago on the officials..

Raffle Schedule:

2 items per hour from 12:00PM - 6:00PM on Saturday

2 items per hour from 12:00PM - 5:00PM on Sunday

4 items per hour from 6:00PM - 11:00PM on Sunday

All times listed in eastern time zone.

You must be in game to win the raffle. If you're not at the raffle table at the time of the drawing, the merchant in charge of the event will make an effort to find you.

04-21-2006, 03:55 PM

04-21-2006, 04:08 PM
first merchant to show up in plat, was .............. at 10 pm sharp, he did room order as well, come to think about it so did the.........other merchants as well, they talked about the list, seemed they hated em. might be spins, with 500 people per freakin room though

04-21-2006, 11:37 PM
Life is officially good.

a dual-bladed bastard axe :

This masterpiece among weapons features two sharp vultite crescent blades linked in the middle to its haft. A length of burnished vultite chain is wrapped around and across itself in a criss-crossed pattern along the haft between both blades. The smooth ebonwood handle is wrapped in heavy, double-wound cordovan leather lanyards studded to the haft to ensure a perfect fit. Deeply engraved into the highly polished haft, is the name, "Vengeance".

Also, bought a set of electric resistant chain for OTF. Life is good.

04-22-2006, 12:30 AM
Not impressed so far...

04-22-2006, 01:48 AM
This place feels a little tight for 500 people but opening nights are always on the slow side.

04-22-2006, 02:25 AM
If every shop had a merchant in it at once, that'd still be seven people per merchant. Tight isn't the word.

04-23-2006, 01:35 AM
Well shit, I speed home from my trip, and plop down for a night of shopping and SHOCK AND AWE.....there are no merchants on Saturday night. Well, not many, rather.

Here's hoping to Sunday, or people finally showing up en masse early Sunday/late Saturday night.

04-23-2006, 01:02 PM
Its been a pretty good festivel so far.

Lot's of merchants around, small groups for each.

I've not been in much, maybe 2 hours Sat and Sun combined and I've gotton 4 things done so far.

Cool stuff for sale too.

04-23-2006, 01:04 PM
Life is officially good.

a dual-bladed bastard axe :

This masterpiece among weapons features two sharp vultite crescent blades linked in the middle to its haft. A length of burnished vultite chain is wrapped around and across itself in a criss-crossed pattern along the haft between both blades. The smooth ebonwood handle is wrapped in heavy, double-wound cordovan leather lanyards studded to the haft to ensure a perfect fit. Deeply engraved into the highly polished haft, is the name, "Vengeance".

Also, bought a set of electric resistant chain for OTF. Life is good.

How does it feel to know you've started the bastard axe trend with Khordan's goods?

04-23-2006, 01:08 PM
Lots of merchants around? Where...

Small groups? When...

Neat items? I don't need more weapons and armor.

I don't want to come off sounding like a snot but this isn't cutting it for me. How the event was billed was as a larger majority of merchants handing out items other than means of spinner/room order.

I just haven't seen it.

04-23-2006, 01:58 PM
As far as neat items go, I was spun for the 8 enchant hauberk. I'm not complaining. Of course it explodes...but what the hell, I play a rogue...I'm used to exploding schtuff.

04-23-2006, 02:03 PM
The event was billed as a festival of weapons and armor.

As far as merchants, just look around. I am sure I dont need to tell anyone, but not every merchant shows up with find.

I found several just by looking in shops and not relying on scripts.

04-23-2006, 02:04 PM
Yeah, I got three sets in plat, two 8x and one 6x. Be real good for invasions, shouldn't even really blow up using them that way.


04-23-2006, 02:16 PM
What do you guys mean by explodes? The armor only lasts so long and then it explodes?

04-23-2006, 02:18 PM
What do you guys mean by explodes? The armor only lasts so long and then it explodes?

Yeah, exactly what happens.


04-23-2006, 02:37 PM
Festival sucks...straight-away. I can see no chance of the thing recovering itself. I mean come on there hasn't even been a lightener/deepener.

It's apparent to me anymore that Simu doesn't give a fuck about regular customers. All they want to do is hand out shit to the best scripter/macro runner in game. Morphing lists... get real. Hidden morphing lists...WTF?

So few merchants....so few merchants

This is the LAST event I ever pay for a ticket. Simu can bite my ass.

04-23-2006, 03:24 PM
< How does it feel to know you've started the bastard axe trend with Khordan's goods? >

I've wanted one for a half decade, I have no regrets. I was kinda hoping Khordan might make it so only one of each weapon base could be made, but no worries.

04-23-2006, 07:35 PM
Man, I tell you what, Plat Anfelt was nice, no fuckin lines to wait in, yea Simu is ok, PRIME can bite my ass!

04-23-2006, 07:39 PM
Still disgusted. I came here with the INTENT of getting armor/weapon work done. I understand that. But ontop of the lack of merchants, some of the damned shops still aren't even open!

04-23-2006, 07:41 PM
I've been incredibly disappointed so far. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

04-23-2006, 07:49 PM
Echo that. Waste of money.

04-23-2006, 08:25 PM
So far, a disappointment for me as well. If I can somehow grab a few alters (or a raffle win) I'll call it even.

04-23-2006, 08:33 PM
Dirla locking a room with over 150 people in it and guaranteeing work for everyone FTW.

04-23-2006, 08:39 PM
haha, 150 people bought a ticket?


04-23-2006, 08:46 PM
550 people bought a ticket. And.. there are 214 people in this room with Dirla. She's a trooper. :)

04-23-2006, 09:10 PM
even funnier

04-23-2006, 09:34 PM
What's the entrance to Dirla's room?

04-23-2006, 09:39 PM
She's locked up. But you search for a crevice.

04-23-2006, 10:01 PM
yah, just stick your hand right in there.

Sean of the Thread
04-23-2006, 11:50 PM

04-24-2006, 12:06 AM
550 people bought a ticket. And.. there are 214 people in this room with Dirla. She's a trooper. :)

550 accounts bought a ticket, which more than likely equates to 150 people. You're both right.

04-24-2006, 12:08 AM
Blargh. And of course it has to crash eventually.

04-24-2006, 12:13 AM
I hardly think 150 people made up the 550 tickets to be honest. That would mean at least on average every person took two + accounts. I think the # of MA'ers at this event is significantly less than you believe, sweetie.

04-24-2006, 12:26 AM
I hardly think 150 people made up the 550 tickets to be honest. That would mean at least on average every person took two + accounts. I think the # of MA'ers at this event is significantly less than you believe, sweetie.

Can't I be pessimistic about it? :(

04-24-2006, 02:38 AM

But on that note, I'll say that tonight's appearance of merchants doing unique services who didn't shut down shop within 30 minutes due to morphing/hidden/unannounced lists, room order, etc were really plentiful. The balance of those willing to work for a while, spin for people, and do other types of games for services was nice compared to yesterday. I got two things done tonight (both for Stunseed but that's why we came to this event so I'm thrilled) and that's twice as much as I've had all weekend. Yay.

04-24-2006, 08:44 AM
Tressan's services and event made the Event for me. Didn't get the Vambraces, but I *did* get acknowledged for waiting 8 hours for one merchant.

That rocked.

04-24-2006, 09:11 AM
What are the stats on your being "acknowledged".

04-24-2006, 12:29 PM
I hope they bring a SWEAR MINE merchant. With all the grumpy dwarves, it's fitting.

04-24-2006, 02:05 PM
I have had an extremely good time at this event! Without even really trying hard I recieved quite a few services,

A shield alteration
two feature alterations
razorpaw alteration
and a really lovely ring

I am digging the bandages, and potions that work with them. The Stout I bought at Sister Alba(?)'s place was great, and i loved the show on the cask after I drank it all.

Anyway..I'm enjoying it a great deal.

04-24-2006, 03:19 PM
More evidence the game is going down the tubes. It sounds disappointing from all I've read and everyone I've talked to. The fact they barely sold all the tickets is a big indication of an unsatisfied player base. I agree with the person who said the majority of the folk would have been MAers. I know two folk who went with atleast six accounts each, for starters.

As for the items: temporary crap is the biggest bunch of shit. Who the fuck wants padding that will run out? I'd rather save my coins and buy something worthwhile.

04-24-2006, 03:21 PM

04-24-2006, 03:59 PM
More evidence the game is going down the tubes. It sounds disappointing from all I've read and everyone I've talked to. The fact they barely sold all the tickets is a big indication of an unsatisfied player base. I agree with the person who said the majority of the folk would have been MAers. I know two folk who went with atleast six accounts each, for starters.

As for the items: temporary crap is the biggest bunch of shit. Who the fuck wants padding that will run out? I'd rather save my coins and buy something worthwhile.

What he said.

I was one of the many that spent 2.5mil in silvers on raffles and got nothing to show. I did have fun dicing for some of the items. It was alot more fun then finding out that many of the same names were appearing on all of the lists. Many of us spend way too much money just to play in the lands. And to pay an additional $50 to go to this event to see some of the same folks who got the big items at Ebons Gate is Disheartening. As for the Multi Accounters with atleast 6 accounts going..If you are willing to pay close to $300 to get those accounts there, then Amen to you. Grant it you would park each one of the accounts where the merchants will be located. Create scripts to run to those places and sign up on the lists. I wish I had that money to burn, not really.

I know that playing Simu is a way of life, but there is more out there.

04-24-2006, 05:11 PM
It was really interesting to me, and this is in no way a knock just an observation, that a lot of the old/rich fellas/gals seemed to hit a lot of stuff this time around.

04-24-2006, 05:21 PM
<<I hardly think 150 people made up the 550 tickets to be honest. That would mean at least on average every person took two + accounts.>>

Actually, it means that, on average, each person has three and two-thirds accounts.

04-25-2006, 10:40 PM
Now that Tetrain came back and added two more shows to Michi's waraxe (for a total of four) this event was TOTALLY worth it to me. Multiple shows = awesome.

Edit: Aaaand on top of that, just got lightning flares added to it for only 3.6 mil. I :heart: the Anfelt.

04-26-2006, 12:09 AM
What did the vambraces do? Can you describe them?

04-26-2006, 12:14 AM

04-26-2006, 01:38 AM
What did the vambraces do? Can you describe them?

They're the greater shadowdeath vambraces.

04-26-2006, 05:22 AM
This is the last time I waste 50 bucks on a pay event. I don't have the time to sit in a room with 100+ people and wait hours and hours to get something done. The one time I do find a small line I find out I have to go scavenge for stuff and come back and give it to the merchant. Screw that. It's a tedious and boring task and in no way entertaining. Hidden lists, blah, blah, blah. There are too many people and not enough merchants, blah blah blah.

<insert more bitching and whining here>

If I want something really cool from now on I'll just fork out $$$ to buy the item itself, real dollars or not. I have enough altered clothing and containers for the few characters I play these days anyhow.

Maybe I just expect too much for my 50 bucks. Maybe the pay events have gone down the crapper. But that's it for me. Never again.

04-26-2006, 06:34 AM
If I want something really cool from now on I'll just fork out $$$ to buy the item itself, real dollars or not. I have enough altered clothing and containers for the few characters I play these days anyhow
That's how I feel. Tired of lines, tired of characters who 'sleep' until the moment a festival comes along and the same people winning auctions and spinners.
Anfelt sounds like it has you jumping through too many hoops to get special work done. Also I know there's people out there that say they don't need merchants, work or raffles to have a good time there, but that's definately not me.
Items with temporary padding and weighting, temporary knowledge of spells?
It really isn't good enough to make most want to go back next time, or give the festival its legendary status it once had.

04-26-2006, 09:08 AM
Just to add to this.

At the festival I've observed someone who brought eight... EIGHT accounts. And every one of them managed to get on a merchant list.

04-26-2006, 09:31 AM
Just to add to this.

At the festival I've observed someone who brought eight... EIGHT accounts. And every one of them managed to get on a merchant list.

Any names?

04-26-2006, 09:41 AM
Just to add to this.

At the festival I've observed someone who brought eight... EIGHT accounts. And every one of them managed to get on a merchant list.

Must be nice to have that money to burn.

04-26-2006, 10:46 AM
Just to add to this.

At the festival I've observed someone who brought eight... EIGHT accounts. And every one of them managed to get on a merchant list.

That was really funny when all 8 of them dropped at the same time too. I have the log at home from the chat :lolwave:

04-26-2006, 10:53 AM
The biggest trouble with the whole event was the number of tickets sold. It diluted the number of big ticket item winners, and in effect forced the merchants to come up with games and hoops to jump through so they wouldn't have two or three hundred people squatting in their rooms at times.

The Wavedancers, for example, had like double the number of shops and far more merchants, and they only sold half as many tickets. Foehn's Promise sold even fewer tickets and gave a 'big' item to everyone attending - this event had maybe 1 in 10, if that.

I wouldn't stop going to pay events entirely over this one, but I'd seriously reconsider before going to one as overcrowded as this one again.

04-26-2006, 10:57 AM
I definitely think a big factor which is a negative for this event is sheer boredom at times. I know people have posted on the boards about this, and I totally agree.

There's no games, no quests, nothing to really occupy your time. It's just a matter of sitting. And sitting. And sitting. I mean, even talkin to the people around you can get old when you've been holed up with them for 12 hours at a time.

Anyhoos...I'm really not THAT disappointed all things considered. I've gotten my fair share of work, although NONE of it has been from spinners. I haven't gotten spun once this festival - which is extremely odd to me heh. All of the work I've gotten has been from room order or lists.

I look at it this way - between me and the hubby, we spent $100 bucks for this fest. We've spent more than that on ONE NIGHT of dinner and movies and drinking. This is at least a week long thing. And I have gotten some cool stuff. Could it be better? Sure. There's always room for improvement.

04-26-2006, 11:02 AM
< We've spent more than that on ONE NIGHT of dinner and movies and drinking. >

Not the way you drink, Ms. Long Island < rofflehouse, good times >. But the sentiment is definately there. I found myself playing the Magician, watching TV, or even discussing things with the wife-to-be. Merchant waits are almost always boring....I think the term is "burnt-out", that is what has settled. You know, add a game behind the stalactites like we played last night, flipping toadstools at a target. NPC mechanics tally your score, and the top ten toadstool flippers win work at something or another. ANYTHING but sitting in the same line with the same people, rehashing the same thing.

04-26-2006, 02:33 PM
I look at it this way - between me and the hubby, we spent $100 bucks for this fest. We've spent more than that on ONE NIGHT of dinner and movies and drinking. This is at least a week long thing. And I have gotten some cool stuff. Could it be better? Sure. There's always room for improvement.

Yeah, that's why I paid for it to begin with. Fifty dollars isn't all that much money in the long run. However, I didn't expect it to be such a pain in the ass. I thought they'd have a much better merchant to customer ratio and I wouldn't be stuck waiting for hours to get something done.

The problem for me is that I don't spend enough time playing the game for me to run across many of the free merchants that pop up now and again. I figured I could fork out the 50 and get all that stuff taken care of in one fell swoop. On top of that, I thought I'd have a fair chance at getting something really cool out of the deal. However, I work long hours and I only have a few hours a day to attend the event. I can't wait for 8 hours to get something done.

I wasted a lot of money on raffles I couldn't find the time to attend. I think it sucks that you have to be in game to win. I'm not so much pissed about the wasted coin as I am the wasted opportunity. In a pay event with a set number of customers, what's the point in that rule anyways? Everyone paid to attend, including the MA'ers. It just doesn't make sense to me. Am I missing something?

I had a pretty good time on the Wavedancer. I didn't get anything really cool, didn't win any raffles, but for some reason it seemed to me that it was a lot more fun. I did think the price was pretty steep, but I'd gladly fork out another 30 dollars to be sure (50 vs 80) if I could get work done that much more easily.

I take back what I said about never attending another pay event. If I can get into one with a low player attendance and many more merchants AND I can know this will happen previous to buying the ticket, I may give it one more shot. I will not be spending the money and hoping for the best anymore though.

04-26-2006, 02:39 PM
maybe it's all part of the Simu conspiracy.

They charge $50 for an over crowded under merchanted event. That way they can justify their next $200 event by saying how much more work you'll get, fun you'll have, etc.

It's the perfect way to justify price hikes for pay events. They'll throw the "you get what you pay for" cliche` at you.

04-26-2006, 03:12 PM
< We've spent more than that on ONE NIGHT of dinner and movies and drinking. >

Not the way you drink, Ms. Long Island < rofflehouse, good times >

:rofl: Pffft I was being a lightweight that night. Wait until UniCon. I am NOT the designated driver this year! I already told Eric he's got that duty. I am gonna be the designated drunk! That's why we got the Limo!

On topic - I definitely agree that the Wavedancer was a ton more fun. Getting dressed up to go dancing and having dinner with friends, lounging by the pool with drink boys, going to the casino, hunting in the Wastes, etc. There was so much MORE to do there, and less people to do it with.

If this is the wave of the future for events, we have to look at some other way to make them more fun in between merchant times and such. And also, why the hell aren't they giving out RPAs for the contests? I mean it's not so hard to give someone a little boost to their ego by shooting them an RPA and showing them some love for trying.

04-26-2006, 03:27 PM
What's this about no games or contests? I personally participated in three contests, two of which were held back to back on Saturday and one on Monday evening. They were all well attended (albeit by mostly the same people) and had cool prizes. I saw criers go out for all three of them, as well. I know there were around five more held during the time I was in, but I was in merchant lines at the time and didn't trot over.


04-26-2006, 03:38 PM
The Bottom line: This festival sucked even for those that have the luxury of devoting massive amounts of time and money to obtain menial services. For everyone else it blew (not including the 20 people who actually won a raffle).

04-26-2006, 03:58 PM
What's this about no games or contests? I personally participated in three contests, two of which were held back to back on Saturday and one on Monday evening. They were all well attended (albeit by mostly the same people) and had cool prizes. I saw criers go out for all three of them, as well. I know there were around five more held during the time I was in, but I was in merchant lines at the time and didn't trot over.


There's no generic games like the Digging at Ebon Gate, the Casino at the Wavedancer, Darkbox, hunting grounds, water tunnels, etc. I mean there are regular contests but those are only run once or twice a day. We're talking about things to fill the time while there is absolutely nothing to do.

During the Wavedancer, there were a lot of other things that could occupy your time. You could swim, hunt in the wastes, go to the casion, etc. At least there was something to do.

04-26-2006, 04:11 PM
Oh yah, I totally agree about that. The digging game (like the Spitfire, even) could have been easily translated into some kind of mining game. Now, tha'd be way fun!


04-26-2006, 05:18 PM
I've gotten an alter (with an error) and I got on a list to get my armour zested but they wanted 400k for it so I turned it down, that's truly a ridiculous price for zests which are practically worthless these days.

I won a raffle but if I hadn't I'd probably be very disapointed.

04-26-2006, 05:55 PM
Similarly, I got an alter with an error (in the show, suspect it was my fault)...can we typically ASSIST to get this kind of thing fixed, or do we have to wait for another merchant opportunity?

As far as the current festival goes, I have to say that side-quests or activites aside, I've found the merchanting to be similar to my experience at Ebon's Gate and on WD: patience pays off. Rarely if ever--at any of these events--have I been in a merchant room with less than 20/30 others, and often many, many more.

Don't have any experiences outside of the past year to compare this to, so no idea if the older festivals were as good as everyone remembers.

One alter and one zest is all I've gotten, but have to say the custom forging and enchanting do look like they've been awesome (if you've been lucky enough to get on the list or have had the silvers to bid!).

04-26-2006, 06:00 PM
You can Assist for an error. Sometimes, a GM will be on and unseen. If that's the case, you can often get the error fixed right there and then. At least, that's how it once was, and I don't see why that would have changed.

04-26-2006, 06:39 PM
If the error is typographical -- if it's an error of spelling, grammar or punctuation, you can get the error fixed via assist. If a GM answers your assist, it will be fixed right away. If a Host answers, they can set you up with a referral.


04-26-2006, 08:10 PM
And also, why the hell aren't they giving out RPAs for the contests? I mean it's not so hard to give someone a little boost to their ego by shooting them an RPA and showing them some love for trying.
RPA's are given out for contests. I participated in the toadstool flipping contest and got an RPA not long after.


04-27-2006, 12:22 AM
Yay for having my ugly ass imflass breastplate altered tonight by Ririn. :D

Went from this: a nicked and scratched imflass breastplate embossed with a silver sickle on a field of green


To THIS: A sculpted matte grey breastplate with a belted ora-scaled tasse

04-27-2006, 12:32 AM
They're the greater shadowdeath vambraces.

Cool. Who won them?

04-27-2006, 12:34 AM
Ligala I think her name is.

04-27-2006, 01:17 AM
Liagala got them. From what I've heard, she's lending them to Gaerit in return for his lesser set.


Stanley Burrell
04-27-2006, 02:15 AM
Yay for having my ugly ass imflass breastplate altered tonight by Ririn. :D

Went from this: a nicked and scratched imflass breastplate embossed with a silver sickle on a field of green


To THIS: A sculpted matte grey breastplate with a belted ora-scaled tasse

tassles would have been >

04-27-2006, 02:17 AM
tassles? No

Tasse FTW

Stanley Burrell
04-27-2006, 02:20 AM

04-27-2006, 02:22 AM
Hardly. Tassles make no sense on a breastplate.

04-27-2006, 02:46 AM
Tassles are really fine on a breastplate, it's just a piece of ornamentation.

04-27-2006, 07:29 AM
I'm glad there's new winners at these auctions/raffles/games. So if they're not just locker characters, they're really being set up with something awesome to them.
Good stuff, and good luck to them.

El Burro
04-27-2006, 10:13 AM
Breastplate that looked like Booby tassles would be awesome

04-27-2006, 12:32 PM
see, that statement right there is JUST why tassles are not cool on my armor.

04-27-2006, 12:33 PM
You could have at least gotten a hoo-ha plate installed.

04-27-2006, 12:37 PM
She wears PANTS under that tasse thank you very much. I don't NEED plate for her..yah. I'm out of this conversation now, thx.

04-27-2006, 03:27 PM
Yeah, never going to Anfelt again. I could have gotten all the items I was interested in having from a runner, and saved myself 50 bucks.

I mean yeah, for a festival mostly selling armor and weapons, there only so many kinds of vultite breastplate, and a deathly black weapon of doom to put out on the shelves, thus limiting the amount of shops and merchants.

Frustratingly (if that's not a word, it sure as hell is now) more merchants showed up on the WEEKDAYS than the weekends. This makes me really, REALLY pissed off. The GMs stated in the past that the weekend was where most of the merchant activity would take place.

Also, before the whole WD tiered system...didn't the total number of tickets sold to an event used to be 250 or so?

Here is my gripe. GM's use the excuse on pricing to say that you're not paying for alterations, your paying for the rp experience, games, events, etc. This is all bullhshit, we know its all bullshit. Its not like someone is going to go, "OMG, I spent such and such amount of money so I could roleplay!" People are here for alterations, plain and simple. Don't give me any of that shit. Even people who have been to previous events and said they didn't have anything altered and still had a good time are there for alterations too believe it or not!

So here's my deal: Limit your ticket sales, and raise prices. It worked for WD. People paid what, 250 dollars to have their own private alteration event? Bingo. There's proof enough for you there. People didn't spend that kind of money so they could sit down with a merchant and chat it up.

There's my rant. I knew I wouldn't enjoy Anfelt as much as I do other events due to the fact it was armor/weapons based, I expected that. I walked away with ZERO work done as of right now. I got a robe +2 to air and water lores which no longer works after I hit like level 19 or so, and the merchant altered that for me...oh yeah, and it was only 2x. I don't consider that work, as I headed over to where the merchant was at, and I was the only one that qualified in that level group to be eligible for the robe, which is pretty much useless to me anyway. People might consider that "service" but I don't.

Those who spent 400 bucks or so to bring multiple accounts...all the power to you in the world. I'm really interested to see how much work someone like that came out with from this thing. Oh and....will you adopt me?

04-27-2006, 05:08 PM
RPA's are given out for contests. I participated in the toadstool flipping contest and got an RPA not long after.


They're not given out for every contest because I didn't get one for the improv and I didn't get one for the cooking contest. They should be consistent with what they're doing.

Edited to add: I'm not the only one who feels this way too - I have other friends who participated and didn't get squat. At least an RPA isn't unbalancing and feels like a mini-reward for actually stopping time from sitting like a zombie in a merchant's tent to roleplay.

04-27-2006, 05:54 PM
It's possible (and likely) that different GM's ran the contests. Just because GM-A feels that something deserves an RP Award, doesn't mean that GM-B will feel that way. RPA's are extremely subjective.

Personally, I'm in the camp that feels RPA's are too infrequent. GM coverage is a limiting factor however, and I understand that GM's can't be watching all roleplayers all the time. (Oh, to live in a perfect world!)

Don't misunderstand me though, my personal preference would be to see more RPA's in everyday GS, and less in acknowledged GM-heavy environments. I'm for awarding that hypothetical guy, the guy who assumes no one is watching, yet who still goes through an elaborate ritual at Andelas' temple. I'm for awarding the people having an argument over the value of Helga's versus Hearthstone's ale. I'm for awarding people who roleplay because they enjoy it, not because they think they're going to "get" something out of it.


04-27-2006, 05:57 PM
I think one of the inherent problems with this years Anfelt is the GM's restrictions on releasing too many uber items of doom.

Last years Anfelt apparently had some incredible raffle items, and even some very nice off-the-shelf stuff. This year, the raffle items were dominated by stat boosters and temporary padding. Stat boosters are nice and all (as long as they last a long time), but temporary padding, or hell, temporary ANYTHING for a raffle item at a pay event is bullshit.

Given that, they should have had more variety to the off-the-shelf items. I understand it's the whole dwarven theme and all that, but like Shari said, there's only so many vultite breastplates you can sell off the shelf before it gets boring. The GM's, realizing that their raffle items were no where near up to par with last years, should have added some nicer things to the shelves, and a wider variety of them outside the standard armor/weapon motif. I also think that, for a 550 person event, there should have been more than 50 items raffled off.

I can't comment on how the merchants worked out, as I didn't go to the thing, but from what I've heard, people either think they were really really good, or really really bad. There's not much of a middle ground.

04-27-2006, 07:02 PM
The items were a lot better at first Anfelt, hands down. That isn't to say that some of this year's items weren't good, but the first Anfelt had masterful and exceptional armor and weaponry, rare forging slabs, self-charging wands with unique spell variants and so on.

Something else with the charged stat-enhancing items, too. They will eventually run out, and pretty much the only place to get them recharged is at another pay event. Nice hook for repeat business.

That Jay
04-27-2006, 07:21 PM
They're not given out for every contest because I didn't get one for the improv and I didn't get one for the cooking contest.

Maybe they just didn't think what you did was worthy of an award or even roleplay.

04-27-2006, 07:23 PM
Is there anyone doing shop runs? I have a list of stuff I want and I'm looking for a shopper!

04-27-2006, 07:25 PM
I'm for awarding that hypothetical guy, the guy who assumes no one is watching, yet who still goes through an elaborate ritual at Andelas' temple. I'm for awarding the people having an argument over the value of Helga's versus Hearthstone's ale. I'm for awarding people who roleplay because they enjoy it, not because they think they're going to "get" something out of it.


Ditto. I got two RPAs in the same day not too long ago. The first was at an event I participated in while the second was for an interaction I was having with someone later in the day. While I got warm fuzzies from both of them, I wasn't overly surprised to get the first one. The second one, however, came completely out of the blue and really made my day.

04-28-2006, 01:26 AM
I have an 8x permabless battle axe that I bought that was raffled at the first anfelt. Nothing there this time like that (at least in the auctions, vambraces were nice).

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-28-2006, 05:23 AM
My Official Anfelt Praise and Rant Post!

Well, the week of madness ends tomorrow (possibly Saturday, if the GMs are nice), and I've had enough time to fully formulate my thoughts on Anfelt.

I didn't go to Anfelt I, so I didn't have any preconcieved ideas of what Anfelt should be like. I didn't expect it at all to be like the Wavedancer -- full of love and vacationing people and poolboys and what have you. But overall, my assessment of Anfelt comes down to this:

We paid a more-than-3rd Class Wavedancer Price for a less-than-Ebons Gate quality event.

My complaints:
1. The lack of things to do. There was nothing to do but shop and sit around waiting for merchants. At least at other events, the grounds are big and provide other options besides cooping your character up in a room waiting for a merchant. A digging game, a card game.. anything really, could have broken up that sort of monotony.

2. The Dwarven Roleplay. It killed me that Dwarven Merchants would come in, get involved in a heavy discussion involving how Elves are all pansies, and then only work for 10 people. If Elven Merchants on the Wavedancer could work for a whole room full of people, how come only a few of the Dwarven merchants could do the same? Hearty people, indeed. It was mostly annoying.

3. The over-all uber Elf-hating theme was tired and annoying. Yeah, I get it, Elves are physically weaker than Dwarves, but then so are gnomes and Erithians, but I didn't hear anti-Erithian comments. The stereotypical "Elven Pansy" comments got to be annoying. I play a variety of characters even though I had an elf in attendance and it wasn't originalor interesting at all.

4. A lack of merchant-player interaction. I was under the impression that there would be more of this to make up for the lack of scripted items off the shelf. What we got instead was assembly lines, not a quality experience. I think part of the problem was that there were very few merchants on at the same time over the weekend so people all got holed up as a mass at ONE area only, which required utter peace and quiet.

5. There was only SOME profession/race specific stuff, but not enough was represented to make sure pretty much everyone who went could have access to something special. Even Elven Empaths should get a shot at some cool gear the same way Paladin Pole-arm users got their own shot.

6. The fact that merchants came on during roleplaying events was annoying. The fact is trully that people can RP anywhere they wish in Elanthia, and all that does is reward people for not participating.

7. The lack of RPA's for roleplaying events was bad. I know people have been making comments about expecting RPAs being bad and blah blah, but you know, when you go hunting for 10 hours straight, you expect some experience from it. The same goes for when you put together a nice roleplay tool and participate and miss out on merchants-- there is NOTHING wrong with expecting some sort of recognition for that. Roleplay is roleplay, and whether you're expecting or unexpecting to be given something for the effort, you should STILL be given something. I myself got two RPA's this event but I still didn't for other things and I know many others missed out as well, when they deserved it. FYI, I roleplay nominated everyone at the Iron Chef competiton ;) Still, it's ridiculous how unrewarding roleplay events are, in any sense.

8. Weekday merchants WAY more than weekend merchants annoyed me. Simu needs to be honest with their customers about when most of the work is being done, and needs to stick to their guns. Some weekday merchants are fine but Weekends are turning into two "sampler" days for what's the come during the weekdays. Saturday was just pathetic for Anfelt.


1. ZOMG Morphing Weapons! I got a morphing long bow, and I love it. The list was hellish to get but I'm realizing I love scavenger hunts and I had a fun time getting everything.

2. Dirla. Is. Amazing. She worked so so so hard and did two things for me, a cameo brooch and a choli-ish bodice for my tehiri girl. Tomorrow she's going to be making me some clasps. She's been working amazingly hard and I'm impressed with her immensely. She really made the festival better for me.

3. Sprank! He was more cheerful than other characters with similar names but still had that funny funny bite. He made me two things, a cloak and a gown, and I really had fun in his area with him.

4. Script Unlocking! There was a ton of script unlocking, which was very awesome. If you just followed the crowd, everyone could have gotten at least one script unlocked. They did a nice job of taking care of that at the festival.

5. Announcements! The speaker-system announcements were spot on, so people had less guessing and more tangible information to work with. That really was very important.

6. Mechanical-Flare Arrows, hehe.. perfect for my ranger and awesome, overall. Just had to give them a nod because they're one of my favorite items from Anfelt.

7. I had a great time at the Iron Chef cooking contest. As I said before, I RP nominated everyone, even the crazy dwarves that made Issi turn green. All of the foods prepared were extremely interesting and well put together.. thanks to everyone who participated and made it worth my while. Hopefully you all got RPAs.

8. The free gifts are amazing little RP tools and I love mine. Nothing much else to say about them.

So there's my overall rating of Anfelt. I'd not go again, if I could redo this. If it was cheaper, yes.. or if the ticket sales was lessened so it wasn't so cramped. I can forgive Simu for this one, just because it's the first Festival after making the event-running changes after the Wavedancers. I just hope this isn't really a preview for what is to come, because in that case.. I am very very sad. :(

04-28-2006, 06:58 AM
RPA's are given out for contests. I participated in the toadstool flipping contest and got an RPA not long after.


I participated in the beard design contest and did not receive one. But that is about par for the course for me when it comes to attending contests during pay events. They are usually poorly run and poorly attended. (Yes, I know that hosts are the ones who run them.)

I usually find one that I am interested in, decide to participate and just get frustrated with the lack of planning, the changing of the rules. The beard contest was a great example. If you read the rules it looked like it was a contest to design a beard and the winners would receive their design. The truth was that it was a contest to design a beard and it didn't have to be realistic enough to ever become an alter. You can't have a show on a beard, but all the winners had shows and not a single one had a beard (none were dwarves). It was a quick 15 min fulfillment of an announced event that sucked. It will take me awhile before I decide to do it again, the frustration isn't worth the effort.

100% Wool
04-28-2006, 08:29 AM
^^ untrue

I won third place on the beard contest and mine didn't have a show. And my char does have a beard.

04-28-2006, 10:53 AM
The whole event sounds like the same old shit. For shit sake, who waits
inline for hours for an alteration they may never get? For the price you think
maybe, just maybe there would be some quests or partial invasions to entertain
the masses. Hell, pull a number, set appointments up and let hell break loose.

From the sounds of it, I'm sure glad I spent that money someplace else, not like
the old days when events were actually entertaining. Hell I don't shop IRL
for more than an hour, why should I do it in a game!?

The fact that the only incentive to go primium is for points and platnium for smaller
tighter nitches is just boggus. Is it just me or does it seam like Simucon has just taking
the things we use to have for free and made us pay for them? The least they could do
is add some more depth to the game if they're going to charge and arm and a leg for it.

04-28-2006, 05:00 PM
I participated in the beard design contest and did not receive one. But that is about par for the course for me when it comes to attending contests during pay events. They are usually poorly run and poorly attended. (Yes, I know that hosts are the ones who run them.)

I usually find one that I am interested in, decide to participate and just get frustrated with the lack of planning, the changing of the rules. The beard contest was a great example. If you read the rules it looked like it was a contest to design a beard and the winners would receive their design. The truth was that it was a contest to design a beard and it didn't have to be realistic enough to ever become an alter. You can't have a show on a beard, but all the winners had shows and not a single one had a beard (none were dwarves). It was a quick 15 min fulfillment of an announced event that sucked. It will take me awhile before I decide to do it again, the frustration isn't worth the effort.

Yeah a couple of the winning beard designs were highly ridiculous. I did that contest but I shouldn't have bothered. I like nice simple designs. I think there's something to be said for an economy of words. Most people seem to think that longer = better and they use big ridiculous descriptors.

The Ponzzz
04-28-2006, 05:12 PM
It's all about what you want out of this game.

Whether it's to be capped, have custom gear, have the best weapon, have the most silvers, etc.

If you aren't much of a shopper, and can care less about having customized gear, then don't go to an event such as this.

I really find it funny for people to really get bent out of shape that they did not win a raffle, etc. If there is 500 tickets and 50 items, obviously there are gonna be some winners and losers. The item list came out before you HAD to buy a ticket, which was a good thing. I don't buy a lottery ticket and know for a fact I'm gonna win a decent prize on it. Shit most the time I don't even win my dollar or 2 back, let alone something worth winning...

If anything, alters and services are much easier to get NOW then they ever have been in the past. it use to be rare to get an alter or two at an event. granted most of that were FREE events. But even the first few EGs, it was rough.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-28-2006, 07:01 PM
Time has changed however, and there IS a standard, whether Simu likes it or not. Even after Simu said they were cutting back certain types of services/items, I did expect them to either a) lower the price of events or b) make up for it in another way.

Anfelt did neither of these things.

04-28-2006, 10:03 PM
Something else to look forward to at future events, now.

The mechanized crossbow raffle with the unlimited tickets at 100k a pop had over 1300 tickets sold with 10 minutes or so left to go - over 130 mil pulled from the game for one weapon, as opposed to the 27 or so mil each for the advertised 50 raffle items.

You know that format's going to come back, for as little effort as it takes to drain that much silver.

04-29-2006, 03:52 AM
Shame its been stated that over 200 million or so gets looted every day.

The Ponzzz
04-29-2006, 04:29 PM
>>I did expect them to either a) lower the price of events or b) make up for it in another way.

Prices are ONLY gonna go up.

And GMs are ONLY required to meet 8 hours of work during an event. People like Dirla, Sprank, and a few others I can't think of right now who put in WELL over 30 hours. That's 22+ hours that they are NOT getting paid for. Even Khaladon tossed in 2 merchants and he wasn't even working the event, meaning he wasn't getting any of the cash pool from this event!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-29-2006, 05:05 PM
>>I did expect them to either a) lower the price of events or b) make up for it in another way.

Prices are ONLY gonna go up.

And GMs are ONLY required to meet 8 hours of work during an event. People like Dirla, Sprank, and a few others I can't think of right now who put in WELL over 30 hours. That's 22+ hours that they are NOT getting paid for. Even Khaladon tossed in 2 merchants and he wasn't even working the event, meaning he wasn't getting any of the cash pool from this event!

I'm still saying that Anfelt wasn't the quality it should have been. And that if Simu is gonna butcher off-shelf scripted items that originally would make up for less merchant work, then they need to step up something else so that there's a reason to go and not just give a shopping list to some poor sap who actually purchased a ticket.

The Ponzzz
04-29-2006, 05:09 PM
Heh 70% of the items off the shelf were scripted, and folks like Dirla were unlocking them more every night, with almost a 100% chance that she would. Highest amount of OFF THE SHELF scripting I have ever seen, and I go to about every event, or have a friend go.

Eh, can't always make everyone happy. I'll agree the weekend sucked. But Mon-Fri was as good as the WD. But the event over all was horribly boring.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-29-2006, 05:19 PM
Monday through Friday, if you worked and lived on the West Coast, you could barely make it to Dirla twice. I know, because for three days I tried to get something, ANYTHING done and nothing.

Also-- Simu has said time and time again that Festivals are supposed to be Weekend-of primetime. The fact that Saturday was empty almost the whole day is a massive failure on their part.

I DID get stuff done, it's not bitterness over not getting crap. It was just a waste of money, and as I said before.. I wouldn't go again if I had the chance to redo this.

04-29-2006, 05:29 PM
I actually never made any Dirla list, and I was there a lot.

04-29-2006, 05:36 PM
Eh, can't always make everyone happy.The question is, did they make *anyone* happy? Further, can we even *conceive* of anyone who would be made happy by this event?

04-29-2006, 06:44 PM
I was happy with it.

I had a great time, got lots of work done both on the weekend and during the week.

The contests and things they ran were a lot of fun, were interesting, and were unique.

Overall the event was exactly what was promised, and then some.

It was a lot of fun.

04-29-2006, 06:57 PM
For those who weren't keeping score, it's now looking like (for Prime only):


Mario (slightly)

Total: 11 - 6 bad. More than I thought liked it.

Aside: Would a fan of Michiko be called a Hippy? Or would that be an award given out by Michiko?

04-29-2006, 07:42 PM
I had a pretty good time. My sonic alter made this event...but over all it was SO FUCKING BORING. They needed some automated games (ie mining). But it wasn't so bad. yes I think the weekend was a horrible failure. But during the week it really helped to make up a little bit of the lack of anything. But with the 'weekend merchants' and the week for shopping it was almost completly backwards. I got almost all of my shopping done on Saturday.

Would I go again? yes if I got my sonic alter again.


04-29-2006, 08:04 PM
It'd be important to note when people said the event sucked Latrinsorm. I don't think anyone is debating Saturday blew hairy monkey nuts. I can't even recall a GM on the officials coming out and saying it didn't. Sunday was better and they rallied quite a bit during the week.

The event wasn't a horrible disappointment I thought it was after the weekend, but the week didn't make up for me wasting a whole day sitting around and bitching too.

The Ponzzz
04-29-2006, 09:02 PM
Basically, what Kitsun said. Over all, the event was good, due to Mon-Fri. If Sunday was the last day to see work, it was a huge waste. But $50 bucks for me is a ride to the bar, about 2-3 drinks, a couple games of pool/darts, possibly some cheap food and a cab ride home. So, it was better than that for me.

The few merchants that were workhorses did bring this event from failing to passing. I was sad not to catch Greyhammer, Wibbat on more than twice and a few other merchants I was really looking forward to.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-29-2006, 09:12 PM
The question is, did they make *anyone* happy? Further, can we even *conceive* of anyone who would be made happy by this event?

Um yeah. I'm pretty happy.

04-29-2006, 09:31 PM
This festival, by far, was a failure.

I always believe what follows should exceed the set standard.

Anfelt had a standard for items/service from the previous event. This Anfelt failed on almost every level to meet those standards. Jovun's x-bows and the morphing weapons were the only items/services on par with the previous.

04-29-2006, 09:41 PM
Well I posted a lil 2 cent thing on the board. I wouldn't say I was "happy" with the event nor can I really say I thought it was a failure. I am completely bored with alterations and until the festivals offer something more I doubt I'll be after them. Kifka and Jewlin doesn't exactly have mounds of silvers to throw around so we couldn't participate in the auctions for the really neat things but we did win the handaxe which was pretty cool because Kifka can really use it. Yet Jewlin didn't win a raffle/contest/auction or anything. Just got about 6 alters done. (Not worth paying 60 bucks for, considering I don't really consider alterations anything special anymore). And I had an upsetting encounter with Sprank who refused to make a wedding ring personalized set. But I did have fun with a few contests even if I didn't win, trying was the fun part. But I defiantly do not think I'll be attending another pay event and Kellen agree's as well.

04-29-2006, 11:23 PM
Add me to the list of un happy.

04-30-2006, 12:14 AM
Well, I was doing alright with Anfelt until yesterday. Then I lost my job as a direct result of Anfelt. :(


04-30-2006, 12:21 AM
That sux :(

04-30-2006, 01:12 AM
Well, I was doing alright with Anfelt until yesterday. Then I lost my job as a direct result of Anfelt. :(


needed an alter so bad you didn't go in?


04-30-2006, 03:24 AM
OMG Gretchen, what happened!?!

04-30-2006, 03:27 AM
A sign that perhaps you devote too much time to a game.

Rainy Day
04-30-2006, 03:40 AM
Here is my gripe. GM's use the excuse on pricing to say that you're not paying for alterations, your paying for the rp experience, games, events, etc. This is all bullhshit, we know its all bullshit. Its not like someone is going to go, "OMG, I spent such and such amount of money so I could roleplay!" People are here for alterations, plain and simple. Don't give me any of that shit. Even people who have been to previous events and said they didn't have anything altered and still had a good time are there for alterations too believe it or not!

Should only speak for yourself. I always go for the RP and cause it's something different to do. I didn't go to Anfelt cause dwarves aren't my RP thing and I remembered from last time there weren't games and other stuff to do. I always go with the expectation I won't get any work done. That way if I do, it's icing on top and if I don't, I'm not disappointed. I'm not the only one who thinks this way, so your claim is just as much bullshit as anything GMs say.


Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-30-2006, 06:55 AM
A sign that perhaps you devote too much time to a game.

It's more complicated than that. She didn't miss work for GS.. so don't make the assumption when you just have one little snippet from her. *shrugs*

04-30-2006, 08:11 AM
It's more complicated than that. She didn't miss work for GS.. so don't make the assumption when you just have one little snippet from her. *shrugs*

stop being a dumb trotch (heh, love that word) and either give the fuckin' story or stfu and go back to gaining weight

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-30-2006, 11:56 AM
How do you lose your job by going to a text game event? Only thing I can think of is if you played at work -- but then you can't blame the event for that.

04-30-2006, 12:03 PM
It's more complicated than that. She didn't miss work for GS.. so don't make the assumption when you just have one little snippet from her. *shrugs*


What alfster said, + She said she lost her job as a direct result of Anfelt, how else do you lose your job? Alteration envy from the boss that wanted the cute breastplate alter that you got?

The Ponzzz
04-30-2006, 01:17 PM
Think outside the box, I know that may be hard for most of you, thinking that is.

04-30-2006, 02:22 PM
and I would bother to do so, because....

04-30-2006, 02:51 PM
Think outside the box, I know that may be hard for most of you, thinking that is.

I love when retards post something but fail to follow their own advice.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-30-2006, 03:15 PM
stop being a dumb trotch (heh, love that word) and either give the fuckin' story or stfu and go back to gaining weight

Actually, I'd give a story but obviously (at least this was obvious to me but I know it's too much to expect deductive reasoning from some of you) the story isn't really mine to give. Maybe you can take the time to PM her and ask her yourself if you're really that concerned. If she doesn't tell you, you can make assumptions about her playing at work all you'd like, you'd just be wrong. Not that that would be new or anything.

04-30-2006, 03:30 PM
Actually, I'd give a story but obviously (at least this was obvious to me but I know it's too much to expect deductive reasoning from some of you) the story isn't really mine to give. Maybe you can take the time to PM her and ask her yourself if you're really that concerned. If she doesn't tell you, you can make assumptions about her playing at work all you'd like, you'd just be wrong. Not that that would be new or anything.

I never made an assumption that she played at work, mine was that she needed her alter so bad she didn't go in.

I'm also not concerned, I find it hilarious.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-30-2006, 03:41 PM
If you weren't concerned with it, I fail to see why you resorted to insulting me just because I wouldn't tell, unless it's just in your personality to be that way and it somehow makes you feel better. If that's the case, then it's ok, NOW I understand.

Anyway, I'm done talking about it. Go ahead and make your own conclusions. Just realize that unless you talk to her, you have very high chance of being very very wrong.

04-30-2006, 03:48 PM
If you weren't concerned with it, I fail to see why you resorted to insulting me just because I wouldn't tell, unless it's just in your personality to be that way and it somehow makes you feel better. If that's the case, then it's ok, NOW I understand.

I didn't insult you...I just said "Go back to gaining weight"

I actually thought you were supermodelish skinny and could use the extra weight.

Stanley Burrell
04-30-2006, 04:00 PM
Narcissia is neither not hot or a hobo.

04-30-2006, 08:41 PM
Narcissiia is correct. I did not play from work, nor did I not come in because I wanted an alter. Beyond that, I doubt giving much information would do much good.

Those that know are those who I feel would understand the situation and who I trust. If you wish to find out more, I would suggest asking me directly, rather than insulting my friends.


04-30-2006, 08:45 PM
hahah, loser lost their job over a game!!!!!

04-30-2006, 08:49 PM
You might say that, but I would dispute you calling me a loser. It was out of my control.

I'd appreciate it if you found someone else to insult, alfster. In this instance it is very much uncalled-for.


The Ponzzz
04-30-2006, 08:58 PM
Wow Alfue, when did you become such a big fucking cocksucker? Seriously?

04-30-2006, 09:33 PM
Have you never read these boards or something, Mario?

The Ponzzz
04-30-2006, 09:49 PM
I do, but I generally keep away from a few, like I was telling Warriorbird and Drew(Chiv) the other day. Not sure who he's trying to impress, because he never use to be like that.

04-30-2006, 10:18 PM
You posted about it. Therefore, you have the option of A) telling us what actually happened or B)stfuing and dealing the insults. As it were, I find it highly hilarious that somenoe would LOSE THEIR JOB as a direct result of a video game and then them not feeling like a loser.

04-30-2006, 10:46 PM
I posted about it, yes. It is in my rights to request people to lay off the insults as well. As it is on the boards, I cannot expect them to follow my requests.

I will say, however, that everyone that has posted to ridicule me has made assumptions that are completely untrue. Perhaps in a few days I will post what happened, but until then, you might wish to hold off mocking me since you don't know the whole story.


04-30-2006, 10:51 PM
Why would I do that?

The Ponzzz
04-30-2006, 11:00 PM
Maybe to prove you aren't a waste of life being an Internet Tough Guy?

04-30-2006, 11:07 PM
Um, I think the point is that if you're going to make a vague allusion to Anfelt costing you your job, you should be prepared for people to comment, ask questions, whatever. If you don't want it discussed, why mention it at all?


04-30-2006, 11:22 PM
I have no problem with people discussing it. I do mind that people immediately start to insult me without bothering to find out what happened. I suppose I should expect nothing else, since that is the trend on these boards.

As I said, I know that people are free to post as they like, so all I can do is request that they hold off until they find out what happened.


04-30-2006, 11:30 PM
Ponzzz has it spot-on. If one thinks outside the box, this situation will become much more clear. In the meantime, those who must use insults against others to build their own flagging egos will do so. It's the nature of such beasts. As is seen daily, in nearly every forum, there are those whose only source of self esteem is the denigration of others. Pity, that.

04-30-2006, 11:44 PM
Ponzzz has it spot-on. If one thinks outside the box


I disagree. Already knowing the answer and assuming someone can randomly guess what it is aside from the most obvious reason is pretty stupid.

Also, My Ego has very little to do with these boards, or rather anything else online. I just think its pretty ridiculous for someone to say "I just my job because of a game" and then get all ass hurt when someone assumes it had something to do with playing the game too much.

I mean I guess I can assume something like she misappropriated funds to buy silvers for the event, but thats pretty outlandish...excuse me...outside of the box. So, theres really no reason to make stabbing guesses at what could be.

04-30-2006, 11:56 PM
Heh. I didn't use names in my comment, Daniel, so...well, if you want to assume it was aimed at you, have at it, I suppose.

Not everyone would be able to posit a reasonable guess as to what happened here, but some certainly would, if they'd think about it. While one might not be sure one is correct, a simple PM would put the answer in hand, in most cases. To just assume one knows what happened, whether right or wrong, is rather more than "pretty" stupid.

04-30-2006, 11:58 PM
Or she could have simply posted what happened in the first place instead of posting 5 messages telling us to wait until she tells us what happened.

05-01-2006, 12:01 AM
Maybe to prove you aren't a waste of life being an Internet Tough Guy?

Sorry I missed this.

1) It's pretty stupid for you to assume my life is a waste. As it were, I'm actually pretty successful at this stage of my life by most standards of success. Sure, I haven't boned the Dallas Cheerleaders, but hey you can't win them all.

2) I fail to see where exactly you got the impression that I was trying to be a "Tough guy". However, the fact that I may be one, has absolutely nothing to do with the internet, but rather my past history which includes fighting a war among other things. That said, I have really no reason or desire to prove myself to anyone on these boards, let alone someone named "The Ponzz", but if you wish to prove yourself than I'm sure we could work something out.

3) Shut the fuck up, Pussy. No one asked you.

The Ponzzz
05-01-2006, 12:09 AM
>>That said, I have really no reason or desire to prove myself to anyone on these boards

Uhh you just did, smooth one.

Classic, a true tool in action. The Ponzzz in a form of my last name. I can give a flying fuck what ya did in life, all i can go by is how you are making fun of someone on the internet, tough guy.

And, Alfue, with his intelligent comments, along with yours made me butt in, because Gretchen is a friend, and is rather upset over the situation that happened.

05-01-2006, 12:10 AM
Not that I want to get into this argument, but by assuming Daniel is a waste of life.....Because he assumed Nilandia lost her job for the reason he posted, Ponzzz has made himself look somewhat dumb.

I also question why you would post it, leaving yourself open to the Alfster's and X's of this board, Nilandia. Anything you post here can and will be used against you, I'm sorry such a sore subject is what they use.

The Ponzzz
05-01-2006, 12:11 AM
No, people bullying others on the internet makes one a waste of life.

05-01-2006, 12:14 AM
Or she could have simply posted what happened in the first place instead of posting 5 messages telling us to wait until she tells us what happened.

I think there's a reason why that wasn't done, if I don't miss my guess. The OP may, or may not, decide to divulge further information at a later date. Sometimes, there are extenuating circumstances that require one to wait before discussing certain things in detail.

I think the original post was made out of frustration with what happened.
The five messages to which you refer were in answer to those who made assumptions and started flinging insults based on those assumptions.

05-01-2006, 12:15 AM
I don't really consider his comment 'bullying her'. And she's a friend of mine as well. I know what has happened with her and while I grieve with her for her loss, honestly, I can't say that I understand why she'd post such a vague comment and not expect someone to assume that she lost her job because she was spending too much time playing a game. Most people would assume that, I think, given the information she gave. I do however, regret that she's being given a hard time with the insults but she knew it would come (or should have) before she put up such a vague story.

05-01-2006, 12:15 AM
Or she could have simply posted what happened in the first place instead of posting 5 messages telling us to wait until she tells us what happened.

I think there's a reason why that wasn't done, if I don't miss my guess. The OP may, or may not, decide to divulge further information at a later date. Sometimes, there are extenuating circumstances that require one to wait before discussing certain things in detail.

I think the original post was made out of frustration with what happened. The five messages to which you refer were in answer to those who made assumptions and started flinging insults based on those assumptions.

05-01-2006, 12:16 AM
< No, people bullying others on the internet makes one a waste of life. >

I agree with this. However, frankly I think Daniel has a point to his rant. I believe she left herself open to it by letting it slip out there, and has been proven time and time again, anything you post can be used against you. I seem to remember you being quite short with Jesae's pics once, Ponzzz. Almost to the point of bullying, when you wouldn't quit on the subject.

05-01-2006, 12:18 AM
Uhh you just did, smooth one.


no, not really. If I really wanted to prove it I'd tell you about how I could kick your ass because you're obviously a desperate virgin.

No one has been "bullying" anybody around here. She posted that she lost her job because of GS. Myself and others laughed, because well that's pretty fucking funny.

If the situation isn't what we thought then she is more than welcome to post about it, but considering she's posted numerous posts telling us not to laugh, I can only assume that the real situation would make us laugh even more.

Since you already know what happened than its pretty stupid for you to assume that we're just gonna will whatever ridiculous story she has out of our brains we don't know "Nilandia" from betty sue the truck stop waitress in Billlings Montana.

but please continue. You sure are making things better.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-01-2006, 12:20 AM
Losing your position hosting isn't exactly the same as how I interpreted what you posted. I thought you got fired from a job that was say your source of income for food and home and all that stuff.

I love your website btw!

05-01-2006, 12:21 AM
Stunseed has a point, as well. Anything you post on these boards is subject to comment by all who read it. Sometimes, if we post in frustration over something that's happened, the result is almost worse than the event that fostered the post. :(

The Ponzzz
05-01-2006, 12:22 AM
That was me more on a joking side, as a result to the pics. Heh, which I thought was rather funny.

But yea, to each their own I guess. She asked for the insults to be stopped, I'm sure if people wanted to know why, asking what happened, would have gathered some results. But instead, flames were made. All I know is I'm done here, can't win something you are not face to face with someone on.

Feel free to give me an IM if you truly wish to talk about it. TextThiefPonzzz

The Ponzzz
05-01-2006, 12:24 AM
Hah, nice one Daniel, point proven.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-01-2006, 12:31 AM
I'd like to add as an OOC afterthought that I only posted in defense of Gretchen because this site, as much as I love it, has a school-yard mob mentality when it comes to flaming people.

If people had just said, "That was vague Gretchen-- was it because you played at work or what happened?" that would have gotten a lot further than degenerating into "OMG U R TEH L0SE12!!one1one!!1" just because people assumed without getting a full story.

I used to think a lot about why some people take pride in being assholes, then I came to the realization that they have small penises or self-esteem issues and that's why they thoroughly love being pricks. I suppose it isn't something that can be helped, beauty is skin deep but ugly comes up from the bones. I'll keep hoping that people will grow up and act their age, but I won't hold my breath for it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-01-2006, 12:38 AM
I don't think this board has school-yard mob mentality. Hell, we fight amongst ourselves all the time.

05-01-2006, 12:40 AM
Heh. Just remember, Narcissiia, the "school-yard mob" is a relatively small one. Most of our posters are pretty great folks. :)

05-01-2006, 12:41 AM

05-01-2006, 12:52 AM
Most of our posters are pretty great folks. :)

Yeah, I mean, I'm here. :thanx:

05-01-2006, 02:03 AM
ROFL Period

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-01-2006, 02:48 AM
Heh. Just remember, Narcissiia, the "school-yard mob" is a relatively small one. Most of our posters are pretty great folks. :)
There are a lot of really nice folks on this board-- I do agree with that of course <333. And yeah the school yard is small but I just hate bullies, so thank god for the small size!

05-01-2006, 08:09 AM
Let's put it this way...

If my buddy were to say to me anywhere, anytime..."I lost my job today as a direct result of a text based festival, which I paid 50 dollars for"

I'd be forced to laugh in his face. How could you not? Seriously, how could you not? I'd never let him forget it.

And as a side note, to the bully haters...If calling someone a loser makes me a bully then you all are seriously big giant hairy clams. Grow a fuckin' backbone.

Although rereading i did call someone a trotch, but that's a word you have to love.

05-01-2006, 09:42 AM
I know that playing Simu is a way of life, but there is more out there.

From reading posts from her supporters it sounds like there were a series of unfortunate events that lead to her dismissal. It could be something as simple as not getting enough sleep and not being fully alert at her job which lead to a series of mishaps. Or checking personal emails for updates concerning the Anfelt on company time. Or posting updates on her website. Or even posting and reading this message board. For what it is worth Nilandia I am sorry to hear that you lost your job. Good luck finding another one.

And yes fantastic website, helped a lot when I returned to the lands. If it is still up and running when or if I return, I will check it out again.


Beginning to feel the pangs of GS4 withdrawl.

05-01-2006, 10:37 AM
I had lots done at Anfelt. It was as boring as watching paint dry. I didn't win anything. I spent a lot of time whispering with friends and trying to instigate RP, sometimes sucessfully, sometimes not. BORING. Incredibly, extremely.. boring. Dirla and Ririn were fabulous. But yeah, the weekend sucked, the week was decent, and if not for a few good friends around it would have been a gigantic waste of time.

Nilandia... surely after all the times you've posted here, you've noticed that there are no holds barred when it comes to insults and assumptions. Frankly, by posting something so vague, you called it down upon yourself. Not that you deserved it, or that it's right, but that it's simply par for the course for this board.

I'll reference Tayvin's post and just say that I agree with him. That's not the loss of a job, it's the loss of something fun to do in your spare time.

05-01-2006, 11:06 AM
I had a relatively good time. I spent most of my waiting in two shops; Tressan and Tirvid. The Shadowdeath quest sealed the event as worth the cost of admission in my eyes. Everything after that point was just gravy.

I was able to finally meet Virilneus, as I was hoping to for some time. He has a most interesting Tome I was able to secure the use of at no cost to myself. I made about 7k EXP while waiting at Tressan's Forge, killing the shadow demons that were released as he worked..just a well RPd merchant and mini-event.

Tirvid was both a highpoint and lowpoint for my character. His first (and only) work session lead to the creation of some truly amazing scrolls. He would put any 1 spell on his own scrolls, and double the charges of the first spell on the list.

I was able to have made a scroll of Rapid Fire, Whispering Willow, Major Sanctuary, and Mobility. Though a few were upset, I did try to find out which spells he would and would not allow. On his return, I was going to have scrolls of Transference, Empathic Focus, and Call Familiar made ... However, he never did return. Though he said he would be back the following night, he never so much as gave an explanation to his absence. I stayed up several nights until 3AM waiting .. no luck. Ah well.

Finally, though I didn't win any raffles, I was by pure dumb luck able to have lightning flares added to one of Zigiluk's scripted/spiked helms. This has proved to be a pretty amazing service, and I am happy to have won it.

The major complaints I have seen regarding Anfelt is the utter lack of things to do other than shop, and hunt merchants. There were some minor RP events, and the Shadowdeath quest, though you are talking about hours in the span of a week.

- No automated quests
- No automated games
- No ongoing hunting areas

Any of these three additions would have provided quite a welcome diversion to Anfelt, easing the mindnumbing moments between merchant lulls.

All in all, I had a good time, and will be going next year.

Evarin and his Mis'ri

05-01-2006, 11:23 AM
If the error is typographical -- if it's an error of spelling, grammar or punctuation, you can get the error fixed via assist. If a GM answers your assist, it will be fixed right away. If a Host answers, they can set you up with a referral.

SadryneAwesome to know. There's a grammatical error on one of my alters that has been driving me crazy for some time now. Never thought to assist about it till now.

05-01-2006, 12:09 PM
Heh, which I thought was rather funny.So when you think it's funny, ripping on people is ok? :/

You could at least think these responses out before you try to take the moral high ground.

05-01-2006, 02:35 PM
I was able to finally meet Virilneus, as I was hoping to for some time.

That guy annoyed the crap out of me, maybe it was just being at a festival but he kept saying really out of character stuff.

05-01-2006, 02:36 PM
That and the fact between him and the moron Gob, drove up the price of my forging.

05-01-2006, 02:41 PM
It has been some time since last he was playing, and was admittedly a bit rough around the edges. Nevertheless, he is one of the more reknown sorcerers in the lands.

05-01-2006, 02:46 PM
Virilneus has always been a nob. He's also always been OOC, very similar to Bevan.

05-01-2006, 03:05 PM
It has been some time since last he was playing, and was admittedly a bit rough around the edges. Nevertheless, he is one of the more reknown sorcerers in the lands.

Renowned for bitching on the OTF boards about it being too easy and that level 80 people shouldn't be allowed to wear the "Lord" title.

05-01-2006, 03:05 PM
...Uhm. Whatever you say, Fallen.

He's always been pretty OOC as far back as I can remember.

05-01-2006, 03:47 PM
Renowned for bitching on the OTF boards about it being too easy and that level 80 people shouldn't be allowed to wear the "Lord" title.

I believe that is Tarakan.

05-01-2006, 03:47 PM
Virilneus whines a lot.

05-01-2006, 03:52 PM
It has been some time since last he was playing, and was admittedly a bit rough around the edges. Nevertheless, he is one of the more reknown sorcerers in the lands.

That guy's always been a douche.

Only thing reknowned about him is his ego.

05-01-2006, 04:34 PM
and his lame ass defense when he imploded a Helden Hall meeting.

Stanley Burrell
05-01-2006, 05:22 PM
Virilneus has always been a nob. He's also always been OOC, very similar to Bevan.



05-01-2006, 05:45 PM
I'm having trouble loading it, Stanley. Able to give me the gist of it?


05-01-2006, 06:45 PM
Ooo, I remember that petition. Wasn't that a "if they change GS in such-and-such a way, we promise to quit" type thing? I think it had an option for saying you wouldn't quit but you wanted to sign the petition because you'd be extremely unhappy with whatever change it was.

05-01-2006, 06:57 PM
Yep, it was the GS3 to GS4 move. Only reason he started the petition was because he was gonna lose a bunch of levels. You'll find that the rest of his posted "ideas" on his website are equally self-serving.

05-01-2006, 07:54 PM
Ah, yes, I remember that petition. It did seem quite self-serving.


05-01-2006, 10:01 PM
I believe that is Tarakan.

You're right, I get my whiny sorcerers mixed up.

05-01-2006, 10:10 PM
Haha, I remember that petition. Did they have an "If you change it I promise to quit but only for a few years then return as an OOC retard" option?


07-22-2006, 01:01 PM
Do you just have memory problems, or you are too new to remember the change to GS4?

Over 500 people signed that petition (http://web.archive.org/web/20050204190557/http://virilneus.com/petition.php). It wasn't my vanity project. Even if you assume some of the signings are fake (though I did limit it to 1 per IP address) that is still a lot of players.

I didn't make it because I was going to lose a lot of levels, I could care less about that, I agreed with their statement that it is relative power that matters. I made it because they wanted there to be 450k+ exp between levels at the top, and they weren't yet planning XXX which would have made a difference. I thought, as did most players, that having that long between levels would seriously detract from the game, it'd be too much work for too little reward, people would get bored, there would be more sold characters than ever, and the game would eventually die (faster than it will anyways).

I championed the current EXP system we have now, capping levels and not skills. I actually called Melissa and chatted her up on the phone about it.

I know I'm a tactless ass, I'm harsh and blunt and stubborn and opinionated. But when I campaign for game changes I campaign for what I think would make the game better, not for what would make me better. I'm one of the most efficient sorcerer hunters in the game, I seriously do not need to be "better." Most of the sorcerer specific changes I want are about making my profession more interesting to play, not necessarily better. 10 years of prep 719/cast got kinda boring.

It is probably because I am opinionated that people focus on when I have a bad opinion, but seriously its not about just trashing what Simu does or making myself better. For instance I was really against the runestaff system when it was announced, but now I love it and I've publicly stated I was wrong and I'm one of it's staunchest supporters.

As for being OOC? I don't know what the fuck that is about. I'll admit I messed up once and said something OOC at the anfelt, and someone called me on it on psinet. I said "player forged" outloud. Okay, I admit it, big deal. Other than that I'm not OOC. I'm not an RP snob, I don't mind having mechanical discussions with friends when we're alone, but if I know someone wants to RP I do my best to keep that stuff down, in whispers. I guess if your definition of RP is sucking up to merchants, then I'm guilty of not doing that. The truth is while I'm not as into it as someone like Evarin, or Silvean, etc I do try to be unique and interesting and consistent and I have gotten many RPAs over the years, all without ever sucking up to a baby kobold (which I would kill on sight, because that is what a practical cynical person would do).

Someone mentioned me imploding Helden Hall. One of the best fucking things I've ever done. If you're still pissed off about that after all these years you need to get a life. For those who do not know the story I was in town and Helden Hall was I guess having their 1 year anniversary party and I guess part of this party was a big no magic brawl or some such shit. I didn't know any of this and I saw a friend of mine, Pipershadow (now Maliku) die. I located him, saw he was in the hall, and went. Now recently I knew the warrior's guild had had a little invasion, bushes or something, so I thought that maybe that was going on here. So I walk in and see a bunch of people fighting, I ask what is going on, no one answers. So I ewave and ask again, a bunch of idiots start attacking me. Well at the time I was around level 45, which was old for the landing (most people older lived on Teras), and I had been hunting up in Shadow Valley, where Jadall would camp/heal and she had spelled me up. So I was almost untouchable. But anyways I fought back, DCing those who attacked me. Eventually someone stalked me or something and fogged me to voln. I killed him and went back to the hall, I walked in and said I just wanted to talk and if anyone tried to attack me again I'd implode. Guess what? They all started attacking me again.

I didn't even get in trouble with the GM for it, the guy who handled the situation ended up halfing my fine at the constable for me and I didn't even get an official warning as I recall.

It was really just a misunderstanding, and I gave them all multiple chances just to talk to me and not attack me, and so I'm not sorry I did it and if you're still upset over that so many years later, well I'm sorry for you.

Flame Away


07-22-2006, 01:11 PM
I know I'm a tactless ass, I'm harsh and blunt and stubborn and opinionated. But when I campaign for game changes I campaign for what I think would make the game better, not for what would make me better.

Holy fucking bump, Batman.

Someone's taking something way to personal.

And yeah, if you think you do things "for the game" and not yourself, why don't we dredge up that old thread about your whining ENDLESSLY about the loss in value of your shitty sancted falchion when paladin's were given the 1625 ability, hmmm?

07-22-2006, 01:13 PM
Oh and don't even MENTION Growing Pains. I had to stop reading the boards after all your BS during that period.

07-22-2006, 01:24 PM
CRB is a tool

07-22-2006, 01:30 PM
Holy fucking bump, Batman.

Someone's taking something way to personal.

And yeah, if you think you do things "for the game" and not yourself, why don't we dredge up that old thread about your whining ENDLESSLY about the loss in value of your shitty sancted falchion when paladin's were given the 1625 ability, hmmm?

I'm wealthy in game and out. All that change meant was I made less profit on the item, but I still made a profit, and since I'm well off anyways its not a big deal to me.

Can you sit with a straight face and tell me 625 is a balanced spell? Seriously? I could be a paladin and still think it is lame. When all other high spells are requiring more and more this spell requires no components, no maintenance, only needs to be cast once, and can create, in value, the equivalent of 10x heavily crit padded armor?

Giving players uber powers isn't good for the long term growth of the game. I think the GMs simply had a hardon for paladins since it was the first new profession in over a decade and because, for most of the GMs, it would be the first new profession ever for them. So like the youngest child they got spoiled.

Seriously though, If you think 625 is fair and balanced and good for the game then I guess we're just going to have to disagree. I certainly am not going to change my mind.

I'm wonder what I ever did to you, because I can't remember ever having a conversation with you on the officials, or ever running into you in game. You see to harbour a pretty big grudge considering I don't recall ever meeting you.

07-22-2006, 01:42 PM
I'm wealthy in game and out. All that change meant was I made less profit on the item, but I still made a profit, and since I'm well off anyways its not a big deal to me.

Curious you whined on about it for weeks. It would seem you WERE bothered about it then.

Can you sit with a straight face and tell me 625 is a balanced spell? Seriously? I could be a paladin and still think it is lame. When all other high spells are requiring more and more this spell requires no components, no maintenance, only needs to be cast once, and can create, in value, the equivalent of 10x heavily crit padded armor?

I personally think Nature's Touch is a fine spell.

Speaking of 1625, Sanctify, however, why would you consider it unbalanced? You think it's inproper that a holy warrior could not use a sword specific to themselves to attack their foes?

You do realize that 10x heavily crit padded armour sells for over a 100 mil right? To create something of even similar value via sanctify you'd need to use the spell on on a very high end weapon already. I'm talking 75 mil plus. So that would be a high enchant claidh, or a weapon of masterful or higher crit/damage weighting. But then that completely negates your point.

Giving players uber powers isn't good for the long term growth of the game. I think the GMs simply had a hardon for paladins since it was the first new profession in over a decade and because, for most of the GMs, it would be the first new profession ever for them. So like the youngest child they got spoiled.

Seriously play a paladin. They're not that uber. They get a nice AS, but little else.

Compared to sorcerers, the super insta kill spell specialists, they aren't shit.

And no, we've never, thankfully encountered each other game (though I was present for your screw up at the Anfelt). However your far reaching mockery of posts reaches many over on the officials.

07-22-2006, 01:46 PM
Hah. That helden hall story is hilarious. I would love to see a log of that.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-22-2006, 01:46 PM
Seriously play a paladin. They're not that uber. They get a nice AS, but little else.

Compared to sorcerers, the super insta kill spell specialists, they aren't shit.

Or, he could play a whiny empath around said Sorcerers! :rofl: That'll adjust anyone's attitude on "imbalances" in the game with the other professions, heh!


07-22-2006, 01:54 PM
Curious you whined on about it for weeks. It would seem you WERE bothered about it then.

No I didn't, it was 1625 that I was complaining about. Not my lack of profit.

Notice I'm not being vocal against these recent enchant changes... which also hurt my pocketbook, because it isn't so unbalancing.

Speaking of 1625, Sanctify, however, why would you consider it unbalanced? You think it's inproper that a holy warrior could not use a sword specific to themselves to attack their foes?

I love the concept of it, and in fact I campaigned for paladins to get the weapon bonding cman skill because I felt it was appropriate. What I don't like about the spell is the fact that it is easy to cast, requires no upkeep, and has many features (like those flares) that exist for no reason other than to make it even more powerful. Its harder to get a katana than to cast this spell. If it stayed as it was but required a long quest, or if you had to dedicate yourself to working with the sword to reach full power, then I'd have no problem with it. As it stands now it's basically a gimme that offers a huge reward for little effort.

You do realize that 10x heavily crit padded armour sells for over a 100 mil right? To create something of even similar value via sanctify you'd need to use the spell on on a very high end weapon already. I'm talking 75 mil plus. So that would be a high enchant claidh, or a weapon of masterful or higher crit/damage weighting. But then that completely negates your point.

I'm not a merchant, so maybe that was a bad example, but the point is it creates atleast like 50m in value, or takes the place of what would have cost 50m+ before the spell was released. santified weapons have dropped in value like rocks the last few years.

Compared to sorcerers, the super insta kill spell specialists, they aren't shit.

Yes, we're so awesome. You know, where I hunt, I see every profession killing everything in one hit. Even empaths. If you're still bitching that sorcerers are the best hunters you're about 10 years late for the prom. We were once, I'll admit, but we haven't been for quite awhile. Not that I'm saying we're weak, or complaining, because I'm sure you'll assume that. No, I do fine in OTF, rogues do fine, warriors do fine, clerics do fine, empaths do fine, paladins do fine, rangers to fine, bards do fine, wizards do fine, everyone does fine (or can do fine with the right tactics, skills, and items).

07-22-2006, 02:00 PM
So a 4x sancted weapon with flares is worth 50 mil? Since when?

You seem to have this impression that everyone uses some super weapon to sanctify with when I'd bet that really isn't the case.

Sure it can be "abused" but only with super power weapons which are already rare, already belong to a select minority and already cost a load to buy anyway.

As for the sorcerer thing:
In recent years they've recieved a whole lot of support. Just look at 740, Animate Dead, even the cheesy Rogue gambits rip-off guild skill. In addition, they remain the only profession with a spell as devastating as 720.

07-22-2006, 02:06 PM
So a 4x sancted weapon with flares is worth 50 mil? Since when?

You're just being argumentative. Who at level 25 only uses a 4x weapon? How hard is it or expensive is it to get a plain 5x, 6x, 7x weapon? And the spell doesn't just sanct and add flares, it has all the weapon bonding type benefits too.

07-22-2006, 02:07 PM
I would still hasten to value such a weapon at 50 million.

And yeah, all my noob characters use 4x weapons. Even my level 100 cleric used 4x stuff.

07-22-2006, 02:13 PM
Actually I just reread the spell description... so if you really want to defend it defend all of it's features:

There are five bonding levels that the bonded weapon can reach, beyond its starting level (rank 0). At Rank 1, if the weapon has no other special abilities (flares, weighting, etc.) it will gain permanent Guiding Light flares. At Rank 3, the Paladin can begin to infuse offensive spells into the weapon that can then flare during combat. At Rank 5, the weapon will gain the ability to return to the Paladin's hand, should it be disarmed or hurled. At each rank, the Paladin will receive a +2 bonus to their CML attack/defensive strength when using the bonded weapon. The Paladin will also be able to draw strength and clarity of thought from their patron merely by holding the bonded weapon in their hand (+1 to Strength and Wisdom Bonus per rank).

So, it flares, provides strength and AS/DS bonuses. Can be infused with offensive spells (something no pure profession can even do, I've requested that ability for runestaffs only to be told its too powerful), is a returner (how much do returners sell for?).

Oh... but you say you have to work at it, it is only at rank 5 you get all that. Well... how hard is it to get to rank 5? Is it one rank every 10 levels? 1 rank every 5 levels? No, one rank per level. You max it out at the ripe old age of 29.

To infuse a spell into the weapon, the Paladin will need to either PREPARE or INVOKE a spell and then attempt to INFUSE it into their weapon.

Paladins can infuse off a scroll, again something no pure profession can do (take a spell off a scroll and put it into an item).

I think I made my case clear when the spell was originally released. It is simply too powerful considering how easy it is to cast.

07-22-2006, 02:18 PM
I'm guessing you've never tried it.

The return ability isn't as good as a returner weapon.

The spell drops off the weapon after you have infused it. I don't think I've ever used it. These also replace the normal flares, I believe, making it sucky.

I personally think intra-realm travel is over powered. I am however glad the sorcerers got it. Especially considering how hard it is to fail critically.

07-22-2006, 02:23 PM
You mean interrealm, but I won't hold it against you since I did the 625 typo.

If it were free it'd be overpowered sure, but at 50k a pop, each way, it isn't cheap enough for casual use.

07-22-2006, 02:26 PM
50k is certainly cheaper than 100 mil. Or the cost of a similar multi-use gold ring or teleportation device.

I can't believe I'm getting involved in an argument with one of the biggest official board asses. I totally suspect you have not even played a paladin to 25 to check out the spell, let alone its full capabilities. You just see something and whine whine whine.

Do you whine about how with 720 you can basically kill anything or anyone?

07-22-2006, 02:28 PM
Who at level 25 only uses a 4x weapon?I don't have any 5x+ weapons and I have a level 45 character.

07-22-2006, 02:33 PM
You're just being argumentative. Who at level 25 only uses a 4x weapon? How hard is it or expensive is it to get a plain 5x, 6x, 7x weapon? And the spell doesn't just sanct and add flares, it has all the weapon bonding type benefits too.

Um, I used a 4x weapon on my level 56 rogue.

Why upgrade to 5x when I can pick up a 4x weapon for 10k?

07-22-2006, 02:34 PM
Oh, and unless it has been nerfed, I've seen it used intra-realm. Basically folk have gone from the Landing to TI.

07-22-2006, 02:48 PM
intra = within
inter = between

the correct prefix for between two realms is inter, for within one realm is intra.

I didn't mean you couldn't use the spell for inter-realm travel, merely that you used the wrong word.

You cannot compare it in value to a inter-realm teleportation device because such items have unlimited uses and no or little chance of failure. Or will you claim that the Bless spell is extremely valuable merely because of the value of permablessed weapons?

With a teleportation device you can basically hunt in one town and live in another town, that is why they are worth so much money, and this sorcerer spell does not allow you to do that.

Do you whine about how with 720 you can basically kill anything or anyone?

CvC balance issues are stupid, the game is not balanced for CvC. Besides, at older levels any profession can kill any other profession, whoever is the faster typer wins.

If you mean for hunting, you're just mislead. Many critters have annoying protections against the open form of 720, and the focused form is just another age based manuever attack like many professions have. I hardly use the spell, and would trade it in a heartbeat for many other attack spells, like cone of lightning for instance.

I can't believe I'm getting involved in an argument with one of the biggest official board asses.

You got a pretty bad reputation yourself, many people are apparently of the opinion that all you do here is bitch about other players.

07-22-2006, 02:50 PM
Who at level 25 only uses a 4x weapon?

7 of my 10-ish characters are over 10. 4 of those are over 25. All use 4x weapons. My warrioress (who is 42) is my only character that has *anything* over 4x, and that'd be her chain hauberk, which is 6x. The jump from 4x to 5x (+5 AS) isn't worth the extra 500k-1mil silver for me (when I barely have 3mil in silver between all of my characters).

07-22-2006, 02:52 PM
Stray is right, CRB you don't have a clue of what you are talking about with a paladin. Stray is making minor mistakes with what 1625 does, but nothing serious, and even with those little mistakes his point remains strong.

1625 is not all that.

Paladin's may be able to obtain the highest AS in game, but their DS is less then acceptable even wearing 8X armor, 8X shield, and a 1X DB. (This was stated just to show how bad their DS really is.)

Now, I personally LOVE paladins! They can be both a challenge and a bore. A challenge to keep alive, while killing with them is so easy it really is boring.

As far as 740 goes, yes, it is majorly overpowering ... but like whoever said it, I think it rocks that sorcerer's have it (Just makes me want to get my sorcerer older so I have it too ... :-) ). And yes, I know a particular sorcerer that travels from Wehnimers to Teras with the spell.

Anyway, who cares, blah blah ... the game is pretty solid, and good things are happening, and yes, I again must agree with Stray, Sorcerers are getting cool shit constantly as of late (last couple years), while the GM's for the other professions have been slacking big time in comparison.

Ever ... whatever ... :shrug:


07-22-2006, 02:53 PM
Name for me all the unlimited teleport items that aren't restricted by uses per day or realm, plz. Theres a shortlist of about...2, maybe 3, if I remember right. Both are worth well over 100 million.

50k is a drop in the ocean. Two or three hunts.

720/417/720/417 still kills everything last time I checked regardless of "protections".

Plus having a bad reputation here is one thing. Having a bad reputation here, in game and on the officials is quite another, bub.

07-22-2006, 02:55 PM
I guess I had no idea how poor everyone was. The treasure system being as screwed up as it is, there are pretty wealthy critters at all ages.

The people I know, hang out with, or regularly see in game are all people who have been (mostly) playing for many years and all have decent silvers/items. I'll admit that my perspective from the top looking down doesn't always show every facet of the game.

Yet that doesn't change my opinion of 625, even if not everyone gets the full benefit from it, the potential is there.

07-22-2006, 02:58 PM
Yet that doesn't change my opinion of 625, even if not everyone gets the full benefit from it, the potential is there.

Get your fricking spells right man. You keep typing 625, when you mean 1625. They are NOT the same spell, not even remotely CLOSE....

07-22-2006, 02:59 PM

And thanks for answering the question.

Having silvers and needing to use a 4x weapon don't equate either. I won't be using my 10x stuff come OTF. I'll guarantee you that.

07-22-2006, 03:05 PM
Anyway, who cares, blah blah ... the game is pretty solid, and good things are happening, and yes, I again must agree with Stray, Sorcerers are getting cool shit constantly as of late (last couple years), while the GM's for the other professions have been slacking big time in comparison.

Selective memories suck.

Sorcerers had a huge drought of releases. The first HSN, we got nothing, Melissa recognized the mistake and said she'd make it up to us, and never did. We had spells years and years late. Animate Dead was originally a GS4 Phase 1 release for instance. We had this spell called Will Enhancement that was in QC for 3 years supposedly and then got canned. Sorcerers had a longer drought than any other profession in waiting for a new spell. It was also said major demons would be the next big project after EN... and we still don't have them. For years and years we were the only pure profession without a single unique spell over level 20.

Now, you're right, we've had some good releases lately, but rangers have had more. Clerics had nearly an entire list rewrite, as did empaths. Bards had a lot of nice changes. Paladins jumped into existence. Wizards got a ton of new spells with the change to GS4.

I think all professions have had a lot of work done lately. I won't say that sorcerers haven't gotten some good stuff the last 18 months to 2 years, but I think its really unfair to the GMs working on other professions so say they have been slacking.

720/417/720/417 still kills everything last time I checked regardless of "protections".

Nope. Many creatures are immune to stuns in general, or stuns from FI in particular, and many others get a gay bonus where they only end up stunned for a split second, far too short to do the second implosion. Believe me, critter designers have been coding in open implosion immunity for years. Plus it isn't cheap at 74 mana, and you get no benefit beyond uphunting 5 levels anyways so what is the point?

Name for me all the unlimited teleport items that aren't restricted by uses per day or realm, plz. Theres a shortlist of about...2, maybe 3, if I remember right. Both are worth well over 100 million.

50k is a drop in the ocean. Two or three hunts.

And? You're the one who brought up those items as being some sort of measuring stick for how good the spell is. If it takes you 2 or 3 hunts to earn 50k then you certainly cannot teleport twice (there and back) between each hunt, which is precisely the ability that makes those few items worth so much (way more than 100m).

07-22-2006, 03:06 PM
Get your fricking spells right man. You keep typing 625, when you mean 1625. They are NOT the same spell, not even remotely CLOSE....
Can't a guy make a typo? You know what I'm talking about.

07-22-2006, 03:10 PM
And? You're the one who brought up those items as being some sort of measuring stick for how good the spell is. If it takes you 2 or 3 hunts to earn 50k then you certainly cannot teleport twice (there and back) between each hunt, which is precisely the ability that makes those few items worth so much (way more than 100m).

You just refuted your own point, smartass:

"You cannot compare it in value to a inter-realm teleportation device because such items have unlimited uses and no or little chance of failure. Or will you claim that the Bless spell is extremely valuable merely because of the value of permablessed weapons?"

The very fact that there are so very few teleport items and they are so limited make them far less versatile than 740.

As for all your HSN crap. Get over it. It's past. Who gives a shit how sorcerers were treated. I remember when they were the GMs little love childs and warriors were getting super reamed.

07-22-2006, 03:25 PM
Can't a guy make a typo? You know what I'm talking about.
Sure, you can make typos all you want. But when you make the same typo more then once in the same thread, and are corrected each time around....well, you're gonna get people responding like I did.


07-22-2006, 03:32 PM
You just refuted your own point, smartass:

"You cannot compare it in value to a inter-realm teleportation device because such items have unlimited uses and no or little chance of failure. Or will you claim that the Bless spell is extremely valuable merely because of the value of permablessed weapons?"

The very fact that there are so very few teleport items and they are so limited make them far less versatile than 740.

I don't think we're even on the same page here. You started by saying that 740 creates a lot of value for the sorcerer because of how expensive cross realm teleporting items are. Now you say that such items are not as useful as 740? Make up your mind.

I've not contradicted myself, I've said all along that because 740 costs a large amount of silvers per use it isn't nearly as useful as cross realms teleportation items and as such cannot be compared. I stand by that statement, I am not going to change it. To make an analogy, 740 is to cross realms teleportation items what imbeddables are to use your own mana items.

As for all your HSN crap. Get over it. It's past. Who gives a shit how sorcerers were treated. I remember when they were the GMs little love childs and warriors were getting super reamed.

Finiswolf apparently cares.

Also I do not think sorcerers were ever the GMs love childs. Rather that the game was initially designed to never get players to high levels, and when players did get to high levels sorcerers got the most benefit from the discrepancies, the GMs were merely slow to fix things.

07-22-2006, 03:33 PM
Why am I even defending 740, you said you're glad sorcerers have it, so why aren't you acting glad?

07-22-2006, 03:38 PM
As for being OOC? I don't know what the fuck that is about. I'll admit I messed up once and said something OOC at the anfelt, and someone called me on it on psinet. I said "player forged" outloud. Okay, I admit it, big deal. Other than that I'm not OOC.

That wasn't the only thing you did. I was the one that called you on it and you were a dick about it. Some people can handle correction, it appears you can't.

07-22-2006, 03:41 PM

The people I know, hang out with, or regularly see in game are all people who have been (mostly) playing for many years and all have decent silvers/items. I'll admit that my perspective from the top looking down doesn't always show every facet of the game.

Anyone that uses how long they've played gemstone as a basis for their argument loses any validity they may have had.

07-22-2006, 04:40 PM
That wasn't the only thing you did. I was the one that called you on it and you were a dick about it. Some people can handle correction, it appears you can't.

I admit I was wrong. As I recall you didn't just say I shouldn't have said it, but you insulted me in general.

Anyone that uses how long they've played gemstone as a basis for their argument loses any validity they may have had.

I didn't say I'm right because I've been playing a long time. I said that since I'm at the top of the game I have a different perspective. I didn't say that perspective was right or wrong, just different. How desperate are you for an argument that you'd manufacture something like that?

07-23-2006, 01:12 AM
Eh? I said 740 was incredibly powerful. Some might think overpowered. It certainly is a more valuable skill than 1625 in cash terms. As you raised the issue of "spell value" I thought I'd mention an even greater inbalance in 740.

You posted some hokey figures for 1625 saying how they'd make XX item the equivilent of YY amount of silvers. I merely stated that 740 replicates the effects of even more expensive items. I however dont see you prattling on about how this spell should be nerfed. Most likely because it directly benefits you, unlike 1625.

07-23-2006, 03:36 AM
And? You're the one who brought up those items as being some sort of measuring stick for how good the spell is. If it takes you 2 or 3 hunts to earn 50k then you certainly cannot teleport twice (there and back) between each hunt, which is precisely the ability that makes those few items worth so much (way more than 100m).

Alot of folks here are able to state they pull 50K plus a hunt, so this argument is BS. Teh eNd.

Again, I feel the game is in great shape. I think all the professions are enjoying some recent perks; however, I also feel that sorcerers should be the last profession to complain about anything. New spells, skills, ways to make silver, guild skills, spells, spells ... on and on and yawn and yawn.

I was making a comparison ... I would guess you know what that is with all the BS you are tossing around about things you seemingly know nothing about (paladins for example and their spells).

But whatever. No one here is going to change your closed mind. So have a blast ...


07-23-2006, 10:11 AM
But whatever. No one here is going to change your closed mind. So have a blast ...


Here here.

07-23-2006, 10:17 AM
Alot of folks here are able to state they pull 50K plus a hunt, so this argument is BS

Tell that to your buddy then, he is the one who said it.

50k is a drop in the ocean. Two or three hunts.

Again, I feel the game is in great shape. I think all the professions are enjoying some recent perks;

Then how come in your last post you said:

Sorcerers are getting cool shit constantly as of late (last couple years), while the GM's for the other professions have been slacking big time in comparison.

Finally you say:

I also feel that sorcerers should be the last profession to complain about anything. New spells, skills, ways to make silver, guild skills, spells, spells

I'd simply point out that I have not complained about recent sorcerer developments here, so who exactly were you talking about? Some mythical sorcerer? Also, just to be clear, we don't have a good way to make silvers and our guild skill is a joke. Really, nothing to be jealous of.

The only conclusion I can make from your ridiculous arguments and the fact that you seem to just want to argue against me regardless of what I've said or haven't said, is simply that you like your overpowered sanctify spell and you'll do anything to try to discredit anyone who is critical of it.

07-23-2006, 10:30 AM
And I find it amusing how you avoid direct questions that would completely refute your points, just like you do on the officials.

Shit like this must seriously bother you. I'll give it to Nodyre that he can at least shrug stuff like this off.


1) 50k, I would imagine is around the average for a 30-40 level player. For some it's a lot, for others, me being one, it's terribly little. I made 120 mil in 8 months. You can bet it wasn't from getting 50k a hunt.

2) You don't have any good way of making silvers? ROFL. Neither to warriors, rogues, empaths, clerics...skip to the end, anyone but bards, rangers, and wizards. You have interesting slight money making abilities in the form of Scroll Infusion, just like rogues can use LM, a cleric could use the gem imbedding, warriors with sheath making. No it's not as profitable as enchanting or ranger buffing. But it's something.

Personally I'd find being a sorcerer to be the BEST profession to make silvers. 3 second kill time, unlimited encumberance, and endless supplies of mana to rely on.

07-23-2006, 12:21 PM
Personally I'd find being a sorcerer to be the BEST profession to make silvers. 3 second kill time, unlimited encumberance, and endless supplies of mana to rely on.

Endless supply of mana? :lol:

You'll be hard-pressed to find a sorcerer that hunts purely with 720.

07-23-2006, 12:26 PM
Are you stupid?

Do you really think I'd use 720 to cash hunt with?

07-23-2006, 12:31 PM
You'll be hard-pressed to find a sorcerer that hunts purely with 720. >>

I do when I am pissed off.

07-23-2006, 12:31 PM
At this point, I'm going to ask one of you to make a new thread to carry this discussion over to.

Kind of straying far from Anfelt.

07-23-2006, 01:43 PM
The moderator has asked that you take the argument elsewhere. Any further off-topic posts will be removed, as have been those that have followed his request.