View Full Version : Buyer Psychology

10-20-2003, 08:35 PM
Ever notice that the high end items with the 1-40m flat rates never sell quick?

But someone starts a minimum bid out at 1 coin and next thing you know its bidding war of the century.


10-20-2003, 08:37 PM
Mainly because alot of the high end items are traded for. Most wannabe merchants, myself included, are always on the look outs for a good bargain, however. The key is to know when to stop, or rather to know when you are bidding the average price on the item.

10-20-2003, 08:37 PM
not always true...

but asking twice of 3 times the value (à la warclaidhm) is sure to start a war, but not on bidding

10-20-2003, 08:39 PM
Hehe yeah. Alot of those 1 coin MB have fake bidders though. If an item is going to low they'll get friends, or even a character on another account to bid it up. Then it becomes a pissing war because 'no one likes to lose'. So you have some poor sap bidding against himself. Ugh.

If it doesn't work that time, the merchant puts the item in the backpack to try selling later and pulls out a new item to do it all over. It's an age old selling strategy and most good merchants have used it at one time or another; whether it be on the net or in escroll auctions.

10-20-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by AkMan
Hehe yeah. Alot of those 1 coin MB have fake bidders though. If an item is going to low they'll get friends, or even a character on another account to bid it up. Then it becomes a pissing war because 'no one likes to lose'. So you have some poor sap bidding against himself. Ugh.

I've had people log out of the game because I was the high bidder on their 1 coin auction and they didn't get much more then a few thousand silvers.

10-20-2003, 10:32 PM
The last time I did a 1 coin auction I sold an 8x altered shield for 4m. It sucked.