View Full Version : Silvers back up for sale

04-19-2006, 11:06 AM
Have 110 MIL in silvers for sale.

Have some more due in shortly as well.

Looking at 17 per M. Prices negotiable.

I will only sell to a pre-exhistant established character, to avoid another perceived scam attempt. I seek that the buying character's name be listed in Paypal information. I will not release to anyone else whom the buyer is, as I have absolutely no need or motivation to do so. Your privacy is assured.

Paypal to LdyKadesha@aol.com

AIM LdyKadesha also works, or send me a thought in game if you have more questions, although AIM or e-mail would be better for these.

I am out of town Friday through Sunday April 21-23, but my spouse will monitor communications as well as be able to access Kadesha for delivery, thus delivery will be guarenteed within 24 hours of transaction completion, if not sooner.

I would prefer to deal in 10 MIL plus blocks, but this is not absolute.

Delivery available at Landing or FWI.

Best regards,

Gail, player of the soon to retire Kadesha

04-19-2006, 12:01 PM
How did you get scammed. I've been selling via paypal for-ever and I've yet to get hosed or attempted hosed. That is if you want to divulge that information.

Just curious.

04-19-2006, 12:07 PM
I've been taken advantage of 3+ times even when using PayPal. I'm not going to go into detail how it happened, because I'd rather not educate any aspiring scam artists.

I'd be interested to find out the names, emails, characters, PayPal accounts, etc of the people who were attempting to run the scam. That way I (and others) can avoid dealing with them in the future.

04-19-2006, 12:40 PM
I wasn't scammed because I decided not to sell to the alleged buyer. I feel reasonably confident it was an attempted scam, was much that made me feel very uncomfortable. I will only say, I would have had trouble proving the transfer occurred.

I decided they are my silvers, and can sell to whom I chose. I feel more comfortable dealing with pre-exhisting characters.

Like the other reply, I'd not wish to provide more detai;s- lessons on how the attempt was made.

Kadesha's person Gail

04-19-2006, 12:41 PM
oh, and to add to the last.. usually when an offer sounds too good to be true, it's not true.

Kadesha's person Gail

04-19-2006, 01:53 PM
Well I am sorry to hear that it fell through for you.

The potential buyer is a close personal friend of mine, who I conviced to come back to the game. They recently bought back their character from when they sold it when they left a couple years ago, and I know they wanted that transaction to stay fairly low key.

I spoke with him about the transaction last night over the phone and it sounded like everything was going to work out, but I guess it didn't.

I can see from your post that you wanted a established character and I know he is never willing to give out his main character name. He would have had to create an alt to pickup the silvers too I imagine.

It is a shame, and I hope neither one of you are sore from the experience.

I know from personal experience he can be a little pig headed when it comes to this online roleplay stuff. He takes it more serious then most when it comes to that ingame roleplay.

Good luck with your sale.

Oh, and I just want to reiterate it was not a scam. It was just that when he emailed to purchase the silvers, there was no caveat about it being a established character, and as soon as he told the seller he wouldn't give the name of his character they were going to, that is when the deal fell through.

So again, no scam, no OMG conspiracy, just two people who weren't able to reach a mutual business arrangement.

04-19-2006, 05:52 PM
I imagine the easiest way to scam someone via paypal would be to claim the transfer didn't happen. I recently bought from Ganalon for $150, and I suppose it would be fairly easy for me to claim I never rec'd the items and get paypal to refund me. You run into that with anything in GS, that's the trouble with selling IG items for real cash. I only buy from people I feel comfortable with, and I'd only sell to the same. Seems understandable to me.


04-19-2006, 06:03 PM
The public reply from the friend, who is very well known here and in his voucher has out his own name on the line, is enough for me.

All I needed was assurance tha an offer that seemed too good to be true could possibly still be.. true.

I will post here now the results, if the original seeker will still buy from me.. that the sale was sucessful while still protecting his privacy.

I will also post here if it goes bad, in which case I will name names.

However, with the above reassurance, I now feel confident to deal with this buyer, and only hope he has not been too offended at my wariness.

I am quite new to this whole market and many many warned me to be wary, it would seem as well with good cause.

best regards

Kadesha.s person Gail

04-19-2006, 06:25 PM
I will certainly direct his attention to your post and let him know.

I make no promises however that it will still take place.

While he is a very good real life friend of mine, I haven't actually done anything with him in a couple years as he has been stationed in Germany with his armored unit for the Army.

I can only hope that everything works out for you and him, however I also wanted it to be clear that I will do no part to pursuade him to buy or not buy these items.

Basically while I am saying I know the player, and I have known this person for several years, and I have RL contact with this person on and off, I make absolutley no promise that this transaction will occur and there not one thing I am going to do infulence his choice.

I never would put my personal reputation and integrity on the line for a transaction such as this, for any of my real life friends. I don't co-sign loans, or vouch for gambling debts for them either. :)

04-19-2006, 08:31 PM
From what I've seen, you can only scam someone once with PayPal. Sure they'll refund your money, but if you try and do it again, PayPal won't let you do it again for a set time period and even after that you've ruined your rep with them.

04-19-2006, 11:13 PM
I imagine the easiest way to scam someone via paypal would be to claim the transfer didn't happen. I recently bought from Ganalon for $150, and I suppose it would be fairly easy for me to claim I never rec'd the items and get paypal to refund me. You run into that with anything in GS, that's the trouble with selling IG items for real cash. I only buy from people I feel comfortable with, and I'd only sell to the same. Seems understandable to me.


This is the primary reason why I prefer advertising here on the PC. I usually deal with people that I know, and have known at least through this forum family over a preiod of time.

I have liquidated accounts, involving multiple character sales, and did it all through advertising here and on Sergy's site and concluded the transactions via paypal. Add this past history with my recent sales and I have to say that I've yet to encounter a bad egg in item sales through my relationships with the people here.

04-20-2006, 01:33 PM
I still gottem. Haven't heard back from that fellow. I will sell to him if he gets back to me and I stil have them but I cant afford to sit on these.

I also learned a bit late that AIM was dumping some replies into my spam folder. I probably missed some replies there, stupid AIM.

I got more now, gonna start a new thread with new amount, but wanted updaye all here.

I dunno how ta close a thread or if I even can here, so, I leave that to management.


Player of Kadesha

04-20-2006, 02:05 PM
Well not getting back to you is sort of irritating, so I will just tell you that he will not be buying the silvers so you can proceed with your sale.