View Full Version : Some THW's for sale

04-18-2006, 12:08 AM
selling the following things:

an onyx hafted ora roa'ter axe - with -
an ora bound roa'ter skin weapon harness
mage enchanted to full 7x -
MB 6m
BO 8m

a vultite katana
MB 1m
BO 4m

a shiny black invar claidhmore (+2)
CB 10k - Boadus
BO 500k

best way to bid is to IM me (aconitum99) or post here


The Ponzzz
04-18-2006, 02:25 AM
Is the invar claid magical?

04-18-2006, 03:02 PM
Pretty sure the claid is a scripted one from the Ebons Gate before last. If it is, it is not magical

04-18-2006, 05:02 PM
>wave my cla
As you slice the claidhmore through the air, it emanates a deep reverberating echo.
R>rub my clai
As you rub your claidhmore lightly, a tan wisp of light appears briefly before your eyes.

yeah I couldn't find any other zests, but others may know. I suppose it's going once to Boadus - 10k


04-20-2006, 12:29 AM
a shiny black invar claidhmore
CB - 10k Boadus -- going twice i guess, 10k for a zested +2 claidhmore, seems a bit fishy
BO 500k

>wave my cla
As you slice the claidhmore through the air, it emanates a deep reverberating echo.
R>rub my clai
As you rub your claidhmore lightly, a tan wisp of light appears briefly before your eyes.

yeah I couldn't find any other zests, but others may know.

contact me on my play.net email or AIM: aconitum99 or find me ingame
