View Full Version : Finiswolf

04-17-2006, 09:58 PM
I started a new website recently. I am still working on things, but the basics are in place. Enjoy!



04-17-2006, 10:10 PM
Rampantly inaccurate use of apostrophes and commas, but a nice, easy to figure out format.

Sean of the Thread
04-17-2006, 10:18 PM
Rampantly inaccurate use of apostraphes and commas, but a nice, easy to figure out format.

Don't think English is his first language but at any rate it's apostrophes.

04-17-2006, 10:19 PM
You're right, corrected.

04-18-2006, 02:36 AM
English is my first verbal language, and writing and typing are my first pain in the necks. So, if there are errors, please feel free to let me know where they are so I can correct them.

If it is in a story, either they were placed there for aesthetics, or by one of the several individuals that have submitted backstories. I am not sure what you are seeing.

I did glance through the site, and I am not sure what you are seeing. Only place I did not look was in the actual backstories.


04-18-2006, 08:40 AM
At least people have a solid list of MA's to watch out for now.

04-18-2006, 04:32 PM
Stray you are an ignorant, envious moron. Go piss on someone else's parade, and just so you know, all of four of those characters are mine.

... or by one of the several individuals that have submitted backstories ... Read much?

You LOVED taking advantage of all my chars under the tree in Illi, asking me for spells, to get healed, unpoisoned. Only difference is I don’t have to ask for anything or beg. I don't have to pay anyone for anything, and all the silvers I make stay mine.

It's also amazing to me how you like to finger my set, when a ton of others have multiple accounts just like me. Get another hobby, or better yet, get a job so you can have a small ensemble to take care of any need that might come up in GS.

Or perhaps, even better yet Sir Envious … go piss somewhere else.

Jealous much?


04-18-2006, 04:56 PM
Erm, no. I stayed under the tree for TWO levels you fucking cretin, when I was hunting kiramon. Spells? I never get spells beyond masses when they're offered. Healing? Why would I need healing from kiramon? If I needed unpoisoned I'd eat my unpoison fungus. Or go on AIM to Chica and say OMG fog to me PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Ignorant? What of? You being a douche? I don't recall whining endlessly on the officials about being pwned during the WD tickets fiasco. OMG that was you though wasn't it?! Silly me.

Secondly MAing doesn't bother me. Most my friends do it. However they don't try to disguise their accomplishments in game like you do with you MA and bought sluts. You act like you're a fucking card carrying master of GS when you haven't even got a character yourself over level 60 without an immense about of MA or eBayed help. That is no accomplishment. That's just fucking sad. It gives you NO leg to stand on when it comes to talking about mechanics, balance or hunting as you have an entirely skewed perspective.

Now finally why would I be envious of a gibbon who spends hundreds of dollars a month to be a noob at an easy, dying game? Why would I be jealous of some hackyned, stereotypical "RPer" who likes to abuse his MA's, buy accounts, sell accounts, say he's an uber old school player, who can barely scrape together 10 million coins, makes a twat of himself on both sets of boards, and is generally considered a laughing stock in and out of game?

For anyone STILL on the fence please read the thread where he used his MA to start a conflict with a noob healer just so he could end it with his big brother (the one he "forgot" to post in).

04-18-2006, 05:00 PM
And yes: "Rampantly inaccurate use of apostrophes and commas"

04-18-2006, 05:15 PM
I saw at least 5 morons in the family tree. Coincidence?...

04-18-2006, 11:44 PM
Stray, when you know what the hell you are talking about, I will give you credence. Until then, you are simply ignorant and envious, and if you think making shit up makes you cool, go for it. Or to lie about what you asked me for while under the tree, or to say I ever MA attacked anyone, or to insinuate that I don't have my own chars over 60.

I won't deny, I do buy and sell chars, its good income. But only ONE of my mains is a bought char. I had a rogue I got to 50, sold him, then bought the one I have now and he was train 58 ... O No's! 8 lousy levels. LOL

You are such a crack up.

O! And you wanted spells and unpoisoned because your lil rogue couldn't handle kiramon obviously.

But, alas, whatever Stray ... you remain, and shall always be an ignorant and envious individual.


04-19-2006, 06:49 AM
You obviously didn't read my response, you fucking mong.

Thankfully everyone who matters in this little world already knows of your retarded reputation in and out of game, so theres no need to repost it.

05-13-2006, 03:58 AM
StrayRogue is a moron.

What are his character names again? I think I've murdered him a few times.

05-13-2006, 12:04 PM
At least I don't pretend to be some super cool dude who know's rap stars etc. At least I don't think it's super cool to be "the best cleric" in an outdated, boring game. At least I do other things with my life other than be a childish, likely overweight and friendless cock.

05-13-2006, 01:10 PM
If you two insist on showing each other how big your respective dicks are, have the courtesy to take it off of the boards.

U2Us or AIM would be excellent choices.


05-13-2006, 01:48 PM
At least I don't pretend to be some super cool dude who know's rap stars etc. At least I don't think it's super cool to be "the best cleric" in an outdated, boring game. At least I do other things with my life other than be a childish, likely overweight and friendless cock.

Just curious, Stray, if it is so outdated and boring, why are you still playing?

05-13-2006, 01:49 PM
Check eBay in one or two months. I'll be doubling my money.

09-06-2006, 02:57 AM
I have added a couple new backstories, and I have also updated a story. For those that would like to read a story or two, feel free to visit my web site.

I am also still accepting backstories from anyone, I would like to have the largest GS backstory page.



Lassiter 506
09-06-2006, 03:24 PM

Skimmed a few paragraphs, and I must say... the literary style is horrific. I'm not referring to errant grammatical usage, but the stories - they seemed like they were constructed in haste, and completely devoid of flow or interest.

Forget about establishing the largest backstory page - go for some quality control. A pile of shit remains a pile of shit regardless of size.

09-06-2006, 09:16 PM
So add your story to show me how its done right.


Lassiter 506
09-07-2006, 02:06 AM
Here are a few tips:

1) Do not assume the reader will portray the same level of familiarity with your character as you do. Repeatedly calling him Finis, was not a fine touch, and one of the most annoying aspects of the piece.
2) Did the paragraphs depict a different picture, or just portrayed two occassions where he got his ass kicked ? There is nothing revealing, no flow, and those moments did little to elucidate his nature.
3) Make it less of a diary - The summation of separable, important experiences (need not be one where you get killed) can be all the more defining.

And no, I would never place any of my characters histories on a site named after your character. When your character's name comes to mind, I really cannot recall anything that is positive. Even while RP'ing Icemule's defense, all that I recall is incessant complaining regarding poaching during invasions.

As respected as you may think your character is and how you as a player are perceived... you may be shocked.

09-07-2006, 03:43 PM
Can't please everyone.

I have received really awesome feedback and responses about the site. :shrug:

As far as the poaching ... the one time I pitched a bitch about that, was when I had one lousy creature with my character, and some idiot came in and started blasting, and had done this several times with the same scenario. Even if I had 10 creatures with my character during that particular invasion, I could of easily handled them. And for you to bring *that* invasion tells me you know little of Finiswolf in Mule, so your short rant/explanation holds little to no water so to speak.

As far as your words of wisdom regarding the stories, there is some of it that I understand and appreciate, while there is some that I will choose to disregard. I appreciate your feedback, and I thank you for taking the time to write it.


09-07-2006, 04:11 PM
Hey guys, try to keep it on topic, which is :Gemstone Websites: Specifically, Finiswolf's website.

