View Full Version : Looking to buy.. Characters

04-16-2006, 11:29 PM
Hey guys, been a while since I played and I am thinking of coming back for a bit.

I am possibly looking to purchase a character, lvl 60+

I will look at any profession or race, though I preferred sorcerers and rogues in GS3. Please include all the necessary info on the character, and whether or not it comes with gear or silvers.

If you've something you wish to try and sell me, just send an e-mail to AestheticDeath@aol.com


Sean of the Thread
04-16-2006, 11:33 PM
LVL 95 DE SORC. Full gear of doom. Reputation = JOHN "MUTHA FUCKIN" WAYNE.

Oh fixskills yadda yadda. No warnings. Silvers are MINE.