04-11-2006, 08:33 PM
Something I wrote up for the Official Boards...
I've been pondering the issue of Animate Dead duration for a time, and while scanning the gem document, did realize a possible solution. It is quite clear by reading the document that gems will play a primary role in Alchemy. However, I see no reason to wait until that particular system is released to make use of the properties of Elanthia's various gems. Nilven once mentioned the idea of gems giving added effects to our Animates. This Spell augmentation idea is along the same lines as our resident GM's musings.
Let us take a brief look at the gems mentioned to have properties relating to Sorcery ... specifically Necromancy:
Carbuncle - It is said that, if someone dies while wearing carbuncle, the gem will begin to glow with a blood-red hue if the person's ghost ever approaches. Testing such a claim is rather difficult, but carbuncle is useful in augmenting certain forms of necromantic magic.
Deathstone - The Faendryl have discovered that, if treated properly, deathstone has certain powers that can aid in the workings of necromancy or in casting curses. It is said that even those who are not sorcerers can sometimes use deathstone to ward off the undead, but it is also said that the undead may gain control over the living person through the magical channel, and attempting the feat is an inherently risky and desperate venture. It is an ill-luck stone, and it has no healing properties.
Heliodor - Properly enchanted heliodor can be used both to augment elemental spells related to air and spiritual spells related to summoning. Its true glory shines in the use of sorcerous spells, however, where it serves both as a catalyst in demonic arts and as an instrument of control in necromantic activity. Regrettably, however, most of these uses result in the destruction of the gem.
Rhodocrosite - Magically, rhodocrosite assists both in spells related to the element of water and in spells related to summoning spirits. As the stone can encompass both without damage, it did not take long for the Faendryl to begin using it in sorcerous arts, where the benefit it provides is minor but noticeable.
Black Tourmalines - and black tourmalines are useful in sorcery. Tourmaline?s greatest power lies in another matter, however. It is not unknown for tourmaline to shift from one hue to another in the same crystal -- in fact, it is fairly common. These multi-hued stones carry a power all their own that is particularly potent in casting illusions and glamours. Many hedge-witches of various races will carry such a stone among their magical paraphernalia.
Other stones of interest are the Despanal, and the Emerald. The former being tied in more with demonic summoning, and while the Emerald was not mentioned specifically to aid Necromancy, it is the patron stone of Luukos. Several other stones were mentioned to aid Demonology, though for the purpose of this Spell suggestion, I left them out.
The obvious request to make is that these stones, when used with the spell of Animate Dead, DRAMATICALLY increase the duration of the spell. The higher the quality of the gem (Note: Not overall worth), the further extended the duration of the spell.
The second idea I had was the use of these gems would also increase the level of our animate AFTER it is animated. Meaning, it wouldn't affect the sorcerer's MAL when using one of these Necromancy aligned gems. The use of the stone would instead raise (or cap) the animate's level, should it be a BCS critter, once the spell has been performed.
This change would trigger a trend among playershops to stock these types of gems for those who dabble in necromancy, furthering the intended goal of creating a player created/spawned item market that was originally intended for the spell.
Thoughts, Comments, Claims of plagiarizing other sorcerer's ideas?
Evarin and his Mis'ri
Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try.
I've been pondering the issue of Animate Dead duration for a time, and while scanning the gem document, did realize a possible solution. It is quite clear by reading the document that gems will play a primary role in Alchemy. However, I see no reason to wait until that particular system is released to make use of the properties of Elanthia's various gems. Nilven once mentioned the idea of gems giving added effects to our Animates. This Spell augmentation idea is along the same lines as our resident GM's musings.
Let us take a brief look at the gems mentioned to have properties relating to Sorcery ... specifically Necromancy:
Carbuncle - It is said that, if someone dies while wearing carbuncle, the gem will begin to glow with a blood-red hue if the person's ghost ever approaches. Testing such a claim is rather difficult, but carbuncle is useful in augmenting certain forms of necromantic magic.
Deathstone - The Faendryl have discovered that, if treated properly, deathstone has certain powers that can aid in the workings of necromancy or in casting curses. It is said that even those who are not sorcerers can sometimes use deathstone to ward off the undead, but it is also said that the undead may gain control over the living person through the magical channel, and attempting the feat is an inherently risky and desperate venture. It is an ill-luck stone, and it has no healing properties.
Heliodor - Properly enchanted heliodor can be used both to augment elemental spells related to air and spiritual spells related to summoning. Its true glory shines in the use of sorcerous spells, however, where it serves both as a catalyst in demonic arts and as an instrument of control in necromantic activity. Regrettably, however, most of these uses result in the destruction of the gem.
Rhodocrosite - Magically, rhodocrosite assists both in spells related to the element of water and in spells related to summoning spirits. As the stone can encompass both without damage, it did not take long for the Faendryl to begin using it in sorcerous arts, where the benefit it provides is minor but noticeable.
Black Tourmalines - and black tourmalines are useful in sorcery. Tourmaline?s greatest power lies in another matter, however. It is not unknown for tourmaline to shift from one hue to another in the same crystal -- in fact, it is fairly common. These multi-hued stones carry a power all their own that is particularly potent in casting illusions and glamours. Many hedge-witches of various races will carry such a stone among their magical paraphernalia.
Other stones of interest are the Despanal, and the Emerald. The former being tied in more with demonic summoning, and while the Emerald was not mentioned specifically to aid Necromancy, it is the patron stone of Luukos. Several other stones were mentioned to aid Demonology, though for the purpose of this Spell suggestion, I left them out.
The obvious request to make is that these stones, when used with the spell of Animate Dead, DRAMATICALLY increase the duration of the spell. The higher the quality of the gem (Note: Not overall worth), the further extended the duration of the spell.
The second idea I had was the use of these gems would also increase the level of our animate AFTER it is animated. Meaning, it wouldn't affect the sorcerer's MAL when using one of these Necromancy aligned gems. The use of the stone would instead raise (or cap) the animate's level, should it be a BCS critter, once the spell has been performed.
This change would trigger a trend among playershops to stock these types of gems for those who dabble in necromancy, furthering the intended goal of creating a player created/spawned item market that was originally intended for the spell.
Thoughts, Comments, Claims of plagiarizing other sorcerer's ideas?
Evarin and his Mis'ri
Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try.