View Full Version : No wonder they have problems voting. OHIO.

Sean of the Thread
04-10-2006, 12:18 AM
Chiropractor Can go back in time to Cure you

A chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by reaching back in time to when an injury occurred has attracted the attention of state regulators.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Board, in a notice of hearing, has accused James Burda of Athens of being "unable to practice chiropractic according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care due to mental illness, specifically, Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type."

Burda denied that he is mentally ill. He said he possesses a skill he discovered by accident while driving six years ago.

"My foot hurt and, knowing anatomy, I went ahead and I told it to realign and my pain went away," Burda said Thursday.

Burda calls his treatment "Bahlaqeem."

"It is a made-up word and, to my knowledge, has no known meaning except for this intended purpose. It does, however, have a soothing vibrational influence and contains the very special number of nine letters," Burda's Web site says.

The board alleges in three counts against Burda that the treatment is unacceptable and constitutes "willful and gross malpractice." Burda has until May 1 to request a hearing. The board can levy penalties ranging from a reprimand to revoking his license to practice, said Kelly Caudill, the board's executive director.

Caudill said she could not discuss the board's allegations while the investigation continues and could not comment on whether any of Burda's patients had complained. She said the board began the investigation when it learned of Burda's Web site. Burda said he likely will seek a hearing.

Burda said he charges nothing for his first "visit," usually by phone or Internet, and subsequent treatments are $60.

"All treatments are satisfaction-guaranteed. Treatment is always done before payment is made," Burda said, adding that one patient "just wasn't satisfied, and I tore up her check.

The Web site describes the treatment as "a long-distance healing service (not a product) to help increase the quality of your life that can be performed in the privacy of your home or other personal space. There is no need to come to my office."

The treatment is not telepathic because the patient does not have to believe in what he's doing, Burda said. He has treated hundreds of patients and reports nine out of 10 patients are satisfied, he said.

While he knows of no other people who have his particular skill, he said lawmakers and regulators should allow alternative forms of treatment for the patients who seek them.

"People who are in need cannot go to these people because they are not allowed to practice. This is terrible," Burda said.

04-10-2006, 09:17 AM
Athens doesn't count unless you're an OU student. Those townies are scary.

04-10-2006, 09:52 AM

04-10-2006, 10:06 AM
While I think he's a quack, I dont think anything major should happen to him, it's not like he's trying to wrong people--as it said, he doesnt charge until after the session and if they dont like it, he wont make them pay. Where's the wrong?

Other than the fact he's fucked in the head.


04-10-2006, 11:43 AM
Athens is fucked up in general. They used to have yearly riots on the daylight savings time change, because they were shorted out of an hour of bar time.

04-10-2006, 12:31 PM
Athens is fucked up in general. They used to have yearly riots on the daylight savings time change, because they were shorted out of an hour of bar time.

unless you've spent a Halloween at OU.. you have no idea how realistic that sounds.

04-10-2006, 02:13 PM
Which is worse?

The wacko who claims this shit works...or the dipshits who goto him and think they're cured?

04-10-2006, 03:55 PM
unless you've spent a Halloween at OU.. you have no idea how realistic that sounds.

it sounds true, because it is true. Here's a release from the school if you doubt.


04-10-2006, 05:07 PM
Ohio is just weird in general. There were yearly riots at the school I went to also, but on the last day of spring semester.

Stanley Burrell
04-10-2006, 07:50 PM
The mothership has landed :rofl:

04-16-2006, 08:25 AM
Ohio is just weird in general.

What do you expect from a state with two GOP Federal Senators, a GOP State House, a GOP State Senate, a bought-and-paid-for GOP State Supreme Court and a GOP Governor (first one ever convicted of a crime in office in state history)?

A state where taxes have increased and new taxes have been levied on such things as movie tickets, dry cleaning, hair cuts and even tattoos...


A state which wants to teach "Intelligent Design" and ban "any relationship that approximates marriage" between any couple from receiving status or benefits. The effects of which have been to drive many male/female professional couples from the state as well as call our domestic violence laws (do to wording) into question.

When you go back to the stone age politically expect that all the medicine men, snake oil merchants and quacks will come around to profit.

Not to mention the "Tom Noes".

Sean of the Thread
04-16-2006, 10:05 AM
>>"A state where taxes have increased and new taxes have been levied on such things as movie tickets, dry cleaning, hair cuts and even tattoos..."<<

I guess you're gonna be the philanthropist that keeps the roads paved in lieu of taxes if needed?

04-16-2006, 04:35 PM
Ohio is like the red-headed step-child of the Midwest.