View Full Version : Snicker snicker

10-20-2003, 05:27 PM
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]

You also see a churning cloud, a star sapphire, a wooden shield, a short sword and a Wayside Inn.

The storm cloud begins to build into a thunderhead!

It is difficult to see the star sapphire clearly from this distance.

It appears to be a thunderhead, however it is building more rapidly than you can account to nature alone.

You hear the rumbling of thunder as the cloud turns an ominous dark hue!

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a star sapphire with a brilliant flash! Wow, quite charred!

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
You also see a dark cloud, a star sapphire, a wooden shield, a short sword and a Wayside Inn.

Moristha entered a Wayside Inn.

You squint at a star sapphire.

A quiet wind disperses the dark cloud.

You pick up a star sapphire.

You blow on your star sapphire.

You grunt greedily!

You hear someone moan.


10-20-2003, 05:41 PM
Someone was trying to get someone to pick it up?

How pathetic.

10-20-2003, 08:52 PM
Hey, we all find our ways to have fun. If he'd only have picked it up a few seconds earlier.


10-20-2003, 08:56 PM
Wait for a warrior to be bashing a chest, then drop a trapped chest on the ground while invisible and watch the limbs fly. It's fun.

10-21-2003, 04:59 PM
Hey, we all find our ways to have fun. If he'd only have picked it up a few seconds earlier.

Cloud + Gem = Wait for cloud to go away.

10-22-2003, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by AkMan
Wait for a warrior to be bashing a chest, then drop a trapped chest on the ground while invisible and watch the limbs fly. It's fun.

And then there are the idiots that don't put cast at MY box and wind up blowing someones trapped box up that was in a disk and killing everyone around. Somehow that's the person with the disks fault for leaving their disk open... never figured that one out. :thumbsdown:

10-24-2003, 05:18 AM
Heh, I used that invisible swap trick on a basher once. I owed him a death.

I think it is the disker's fault when they leave it open. It used to be a lot worse with that before they personalized disks. I lost count of the problems and feuds I saw spring out of someone leaving a disk open. If you know it can cause a problem, and you ignore the potential for harm even though it takes one simple command to remedy the entire situation, then you are the one at fault. Yes, the people that fail to use 'my' are at fault too, but that doesn't absolve the disker from their responsibility.

Morstanya, Icewitch (who hates people with open disks and usually fucks with them in some manner)

10-24-2003, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Morstanya
Heh, I used that invisible swap trick on a basher once. I owed him a death.

I think it is the disker's fault when they leave it open. It used to be a lot worse with that before they personalized disks. I lost count of the problems and feuds I saw spring out of someone leaving a disk open. If you know it can cause a problem, and you ignore the potential for harm even though it takes one simple command to remedy the entire situation, then you are the one at fault. Yes, the people that fail to use 'my' are at fault too, but that doesn't absolve the disker from their responsibility.

Morstanya, Icewitch (who hates people with open disks and usually fucks with them in some manner)

That's such crap. Just because you can't aim your spell doesn't make the person with the disk at fault. Anyone that casts at something in my disk deserves to lose lvl's because they obviously don't know how to handle the spells they thought they learned.

Oh and talking about a simple command to remedy...
Close ant disk
cast my chest

You have to add one word I have to use at least three. There is no reason I should have to protect people from themselves. You kill me because you can't use your own damn magic I'll spend the rest of the evening making the grass turn crimson while I berrate you endlessly.

The caster is at fault for lack of aim and lack of attention to detail.

[Edited on 10-24-2003 by AnticorRifling]

10-24-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
That's such crap. Just because you can't aim your spell doesn't make the person with the disk at fault. Anyone that casts at something in my disk deserves to lose lvl's because they obviously don't know how to handle the spells they thought they learned.

Oh and talking about a simple command to remedy...
Close ant disk
cast my chest

You have to add one word I have to use at least three. There is no reason I should have to protect people from themselves. You kill me because you can't use your own damn magic I'll spend the rest of the evening making the grass turn crimson while I berrate you endlessly.

The caster is at fault for lack of aim and lack of attention to detail.

[Edited on 10-24-2003 by AnticorRifling]

Anticor hit it right on the mark. Exactly what I was thinking. :thumbsup:

10-24-2003, 04:55 PM
Use my! This can't be stated enough! My, my, my!

This post brought to you by the letters m and y and the number 1,000,000.


10-27-2003, 09:31 AM
Yes, use 'my', now back to what I said, which is that the disker can prevent any number of mistakes by closing it. Some people leave theirs open on purpose hoping for that to cause a problem. That makes them the problem. Cry me a friggin river about 'my' all you want, in this situation I still see the disker as the one creating the entire situation because they are the ones that could prevent a mistake from turning into a death.

Morstanya, Icewitch.

10-27-2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Morstanya
Yes, use 'my', now back to what I said, which is that the disker can prevent any number of mistakes by closing it. Some people leave theirs open on purpose hoping for that to cause a problem. That makes them the problem. Cry me a friggin river about 'my' all you want, in this situation I still see the disker as the one creating the entire situation because they are the ones that could prevent a mistake from turning into a death.

Morstanya, Icewitch.

No the situation comes from the caster not focusing the spell at the correct object. Like I said before if you can't aim your spells you don't deserve to have them. I could use all kinds on real world situations to back this up but instead I'll let the logic speak for itself.

10-27-2003, 10:16 AM
What I'm saying here is that real life or game, there are things you can do to pre-empt problems, recognizing that not everyone is as incredibly intelligent as you, and does on occasion fuck up. I'm super careful about intersections with 2 turn lanes on my motorcycle. Why ? Because people swing out of their lanes and try to kill me occasionally. Should they do that ? No. Do they ? Yes. Can I prevent an accident ? Yes, by hanging back to make sure I'm between cars. I have the right to pull through if I stay in my lane, but that creates a situation I've learned is dangerous from experience, so I don't do it.

An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Are you trying to say people should leave their disks open ? To punish folks that forget to use 'my' ? I don't see the logic at all. Logically, if you can prevent a problem, you should.


10-27-2003, 10:20 AM
I don't think I should be forced to take the time to close my disk, which is an inconvience to me as I use my disks frequently, just because Joe Caster doesn't have the common sense to cast at his own stuff.

Pain retains. Let them learn the hard way once or twice and they will use "my" from now on.

10-27-2003, 10:55 AM
Well I guess I'm more the Once of Prevention sort than the Pain Retain sort. I can see your point of view and for all I know you are right, but I still lean towards prevention when possible. I'm certainly not going to send my nephews off a cliff just to teach them it hurts, heh heh.


10-27-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Morstanya
Well I guess I'm more the Once of Prevention sort than the Pain Retain sort. I can see your point of view and for all I know you are right, but I still lean towards prevention when possible. I'm certainly not going to send my nephews off a cliff just to teach them it hurts, heh heh.


You would if you knew my nephews ;)