View Full Version : Really Good Alters!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-05-2006, 10:28 PM
The title explains it all! Just post great alterations you see in the lands!

On Lysistrata:
a feathery ebon basilisk skin stole
This long, luxurious stole is constructed of the skinned wings and back of a basilisk, and lined with butter-soft black suede. The rooster-like plumage has been carefully preserved and cared for, so that the ebon feathers gleam with beetle-green iridescence.

On Aldereye:
some fitted violet snakeskin pants trimmed with shards of violet spinel

On Lisera:
a choker-hung ebon marbrinus gown
Flowing from a slender eahnor choker, the gown's design traces delicate feminine contours to the hips, where it flares dramatically and ends in an elegant train. A pair of slim arm-length gloves of the same fine silk cross diagonally up the chest to be anchored by the eahnor choker, leaving the shoulders bare, while an intricate web design cut from the gown highlights the back.

04-05-2006, 10:40 PM
These threads always turn into threads where women post dresses that they really like. We need a really good alters (on males) thread.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-05-2006, 10:42 PM
The pants are on a guy ._.; And I just thought it'd be nice to have a positive counterpart to the bad alter thread.

04-05-2006, 10:51 PM
Here, whiner, these were all on males that I admired:

a set of thorny silver anklets
These twin anklets are identical in every way, evidently meant to be worn as a set. They are both sprigs of some wild thorn vine, wrought of silver and twisted into a rough form suitable for wear about the ankles. Clasps of sapphire hold each of the delicate anklets closed. The thorns ring the inside of the anklets as well as the out, and must be painful to the wearer.

a high-collared ebon silk tunic clasped at the neck with three silver buttons

some tall black dress boots with jade covering the heels and toes

a wavering suit of black-plated chain mail enshrouded with trailing streamers of hazy shadow

a set of twin water cannon tubes
These heavy, gear-covered steel tubes are constructed perfectly to sheathe a pair of water cannons. The invar reinforced leather straps have seen better days and are slightly cracked from water damage. Cylinders of glass running parallel with the tubes are filled with murky water. Below the steel tubes is a large leather pocket perfect for holding water cannon accessories.

04-05-2006, 10:56 PM
These threads always turn into threads where women post dresses that they really like. We need a really good alters (on males) thread.

No doubt. When I ever get one I will post it.

But at the very least, all these ladies in game do look hella cool.

04-05-2006, 11:02 PM
Nuadjha dresses very well for a male, especially so religion-charged.
Ranshai has the gentleman look captured in full.

Those are a couple of males who you could capture some things from.

Edited to add : Chiv has a few nice ones he should post.

04-05-2006, 11:05 PM
I'm guessing that we are not supposed to be posting our own alters, but other people's as kudos for a job well done.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-05-2006, 11:09 PM
Well if you have one you're especially proud of you can post it.. pretty much any good alteraion, yours or not.

04-05-2006, 11:42 PM
dresses...uuuughhh....Nalea this...Nalea that..
I need to buy a few, then have a sale..and just start tossing them into the well in front of all the women.

04-05-2006, 11:59 PM
dresses...uuuughhh....Nalea this...Nalea that..
I need to buy a few, then have a sale..and just start tossing them into the well in front of all the women.
Heh. Someone's pessimistic.

The only gown that was posted here is most definitely not a Nalea, as I designed it and own it. It is a chestworn gown that holds a medium amount, most likely a critter find.

I do have around 15 or so Naleas, but my favorites design-wise are my own.


04-06-2006, 12:24 AM
Meant in general :P Damn those gowns!

04-06-2006, 02:40 AM
Here, whiner, these were all on males that I admired:

Whiner? :wtf: HARDLY!

And by the way, all the alters you posted are horrible. Where the archaic runes of death? The pulsating eyes that swallow your very soul? An icy grey dragon soaring over another red dragon that is eating a male human wizard with azure hair who is holding a glowing staff that seems to be drawing the mana from the very air ready to strike a fourth fiery orange dragon that is having it's tail nawed on by a small crystal blue drake on a signet ring? :shibby:

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-06-2006, 04:20 AM
Whiner? :wtf: HARDLY!

And by the way, all the alters you posted are horrible. Where the archaic runes of death? The pulsating eyes that swallow your very soul? An icy grey dragon soaring over another red dragon that is eating a male human wizard with azure hair who is holding a glowing staff that seems to be drawing the mana from the very air ready to strike a fourth fiery orange dragon that is having it's tail nawed on by a small crystal blue drake on a signet ring? :shibby:

I'm afraid you've misread the title of this thread: GOOD alterations. You will find no mating dragons painted on silk fans here! :D

04-06-2006, 04:40 AM
I'm afraid you've misread the title of this thread: GOOD alterations. You will find no mating dragons painted on silk fans here! :D

That wasn't on a fan, it was on a ring! SO COOL.

04-06-2006, 07:14 AM
Whiner? :wtf: HARDLY!

And by the way, all the alters you posted are horrible. Where the archaic runes of death? The pulsating eyes that swallow your very soul? An icy grey dragon soaring over another red dragon that is eating a male human wizard with azure hair who is holding a glowing staff that seems to be drawing the mana from the very air ready to strike a fourth fiery orange dragon that is having it's tail nawed on by a small crystal blue drake on a signet ring? :shibby:

oh...my...god.. please tell me that last one was cleverly made up cuz I laughed at first then cringed at the thought that it may have been actually made

04-06-2006, 11:07 AM
You look closely at Stunseed, examining an open-necked smoke grey tunic. Thick ebon silk cording delineates the seams, hem and open v-shaped neck of this loosely fitted raw linen tunic. The smoky grey hue of the unprocessed fabric is offset strikingly by the trim and a leather-thong carved obsidian toggle at the neckline, which is left open to expose the sternum of the wearer. Designed to rest at the hips, the tunic features small slits on each side for ease of movement.


04-06-2006, 11:15 AM
not often you see the word "sternum" worked into an alteration

04-06-2006, 11:18 AM
True, however the wording doesn't suggest that the person is wearing it when you look at it. Simply how it was designed to be worn. :)

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-06-2006, 03:23 PM
That tunic is very well worded!

04-06-2006, 04:10 PM
I agree, it's a well done alter. still stand by my previous comment.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-25-2006, 10:28 PM
You look closely at Dionyses, examining a flowing autumn-hued skirt. Soft multi-hued layers of hand-spun soft silk have been exquisitely stitched together to form this beautiful skirt. Each overlapping layer has been dyed a different shade of color, from hunter green to golden brown to auburn red. The warm earth tones glitter from the light dusting of green and brown jade that covers the skirt's surface. The fringe along the hem is a row of tiny modwir beads hand-carved to look like lifelike acorns. Delicately stitched on the front pocket is the name, "Dion".

I love it.. and I love how she stamped it with her name.

05-25-2006, 10:31 PM
You tap some stained murky grey trousers.

Something wrong with this picture?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-25-2006, 11:18 PM
It's kinda dirty.. in the naughty way! heh