View Full Version : Spell using Paladin?
03-30-2006, 07:46 PM
Is it possible to make a paladin who is leaning more toward spell use to hunt.. with ocasionally swinging but relying on 1615? Does the spell give good crits, able to use to hunt with? Or is it more so a set up spell?
thinking of something along the lines of..
1.5 spell, armor
1x lore, (1.5)PT, CM
2x weapon, shield
course I will get other some other skills but was just wondering if using CS based attacks was a viable way to hunt?
How well do the other CS spells do such as 1630?
03-30-2006, 08:05 PM
Any spell that costs 15 mana is going to be dicey to hunt with for a good while.
03-30-2006, 08:20 PM
ah yes I have taken that into consideration..
I was just wondering.. without considering costs. How viable training a path around CS spells would be.
03-30-2006, 10:07 PM
Speaking from experience I'll tell you this. It's a dumb idea. And my character is pretty damn magic heavy, still swing 95% of the time.
03-30-2006, 11:34 PM
thanks for the advice
03-30-2006, 11:35 PM
Rolis with the mana you would have with your plan, you would likely fry your nerves every time you cast 1615. (You have no HP in your plan.)
Finis gets a half a head of exp as a mid level paladin using 1615 on like level to 8 trains over his head critters. By 65 to 70 levels he will be (I hope.) a full CS hunter, and will be able to (If he chooses.) to swing as well. I am not the only one that is considering this, and there are those out there that are already hunting with only 1615 with ease.
So it is possible, but between zero and sixty-five to seventy, it's not going to happen, if you want to fry.
The Ponzzz
03-31-2006, 01:15 AM
Yea, spell casting isn't really possible until later levels... And I haven't seen 1615 kill a thing with my paladin. So, it's a good set up spell, but no where near as good as a hunting spell. Plus, why not conquor everything with that massive AS a paladin can get at early levels...
03-31-2006, 01:37 AM
Make a weapon swinging cleric if you really want to CS kill and have a weapon for a backup. 1615 is great for setups. As far as killing outright, wont happen often on like level creatures.
03-31-2006, 12:24 PM
I use 1615 as a set up spell primarily. Depending on the situation my first interaction is either 1602, feint, 1614, 1615, or 1630.
The death flares with 1615 are nice, but don't come with the regularity that I would rely solely upon it, especially since right now I'm hunting primarily seekers which are farily easy to crit, and tigers which are not. I'd say I get a death flare maybe 10% of the time on a seeker, less on a tiger.
Hunting harbingers, steeds and tk's it's much less as I can't fail them with the same regularlity.
Your weapon is going to be your best friend, your magic is just to help out.
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