View Full Version : Bounty Makes its Maiden Voyage in Platinum
03-28-2006, 08:01 PM
Bounty Makes its Maiden Voyage in Platinum · on 3/28/2006 6:23:24 PM ( 1305 ( new Bounty System is Beta Testing in Gemstone Platinum. This system introduces a way for players to earn experience, fame, silvers and Bounty Points redeemable for, in the Beta Test instance, crystal amulets, gold rings, unopened treasure chests, and unidentified magic items.
To participate, find an Adventurer's Guild, there is one in every major town, with no dues, oaths or selling of your first born into bondage involved. Inside the guild is a Taskmaster. Ask this person for a task. Tasks may include:
1. Killing creatures of various sorts, including some creatures special to the bounty system
2. The retrieval of heirlooms
3. Skin collecting
4. Gem collecting
5. Herb procurement from specific locations
Tasks will be tailored to your level and ability. When you complete your task you will receive Bounty Points, redeemable in a bounty shop located in the guild. You can check your progress by using the verb BOUNTY.
While we are in Beta Testing Please do not hoard points. They will not carry over when we go from Testing to the Live Bounty System, and you will loose your opportunity to redeem them.
Coase, Strathspey and a lot of other people have been working on this. They want you to have fun, tell them what you think, and let them know if you find a way to break the system.
Beta Test Disclaimer: This system is in Beta Testing. Things can, and probably will, change before final release. This is an opportunity to try out a new system and be part of the testing process prior to Bounty System release. Participation is 100% voluntary. If you do find a problem please use BUG OTHER;Bounty System;<bug description here>.
This message was originally posted in Organizations and Societies, Adventurer's Guild. To discuss the above follow the link below. (
If this is implemented in prime I'll enjoy gaining exp again. I just hope the rewards are worth the 'quests' and not totally a waste of time.
03-28-2006, 08:15 PM
I hope our plat players will let us know what they think of the system.
I recently just mastered fletch due to the "supposed" exp that masters will get, guess I will just have to wait and see.
Also with this coming out, perhaps the other alt exp systems will soon be rolling out.
Sean of the Thread
03-28-2006, 08:19 PM
Start playing WoW! The RP revolution will not be televised. (It will be played on a 9800 pro)
But fletching can't be nearly as fun as doing these bounty quests.
I wanted another way to earn EXP without having to hunt, in a way I could enjoy.
I've had a few good friends tell me about fletching and how it'll earn good exp, but then I've watched them say ''yeah I'll be in the next room fletching AFK for a few''.
Let's hope it's nothing like that.
03-28-2006, 08:37 PM
I hear you NM, I do. I scripted for 32 hours to master fletch, hasted the whole time. It was boring and monotonous. It's done though. The char I had do it has no interest in ranged weapons, no interest in merchanting 5X lightening flaring arrows, he did it for a skill. (I did it for the exp we will supposedly get.)
If they use a bit of the Modus criminal coding to achieve this, it might come out ok. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
If they use a bit of the Modus criminal coding to achieve this, it might come out ok. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
03-28-2006, 09:07 PM
The Modus criminal coding (from what I remember) was about as monotonous as fletching. All it was was "Jack Soandsoerson is a software pirate, he has blue eyes and brown hair and is 6 feet tall, GO GET 'EM!!" and then you'd wander (script) around until you found a dude with blue eyes and brown hair and you'd put the hammer down on him. Easily scriptable. This was a few years ago though, so it could have been changed since then.
The Gemstone bounty system sounds much more interesting.
03-28-2006, 11:00 PM
this does sound neat, in fact, i suggested this some time ago, after I played some world of warcraft, which is kinda the same idea. kill these things, for this reward. It will put a little variety in the game, and maybe make fame useful?
03-28-2006, 11:03 PM
Sounds like GS is making a switch to a WoW style of gaining exp. definately a positive change if they do it right.
03-28-2006, 11:04 PM
i felt a tingle in my patns when i read that
03-28-2006, 11:08 PM
Sounds like GS is making a switch to a WoW style of gaining exp. definately a positive change if they do it right.
This isn't the first and won't be the last time GS rip-off WOW for new ideas. Of course I don't blame them for being uncreative and entirely blatant about the stealing. Afterall, WOW is the most successful game ever.
03-28-2006, 11:23 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Gemstone list this as a implementation coming when GSIV first was released? Like..years ago. If so, how is it a blatant rip-off of WOW?
03-28-2006, 11:25 PM
Well the Bounty Thing is hardly original. I can name a number of games who have it already. Secondly, the reputation thing is very much from WoW. Thirdly it wasn't part of the GS3 to GS4 conversion.
03-28-2006, 11:27 PM
Well the Bounty Thing is hardly original. I can name a number of games who have it already. Secondly, the reputation thing is very much from WoW. Thirdly it wasn't part of the GS3 to GS4 conversion.
It could be argued that the reuptation thing was stolen from EQ by WOW
03-28-2006, 11:29 PM
I don't think EQ rep works like WOW rep, nor is it such a huge factor in the Gameplay. WoW rep is largely the reason for playing at level 60, as it opens up new items and quests.
03-29-2006, 12:52 AM
Well I don't really care where the company pulled it from, I think it's neat and is a good addition to the game environment for RP and for those who want experience without having to hunt. I sometimes think we put too much importance on who had the idea first, rather than focusing on the neatoness (yes I made that up) that is the implimentation of it.
03-29-2006, 01:29 AM
Rep in WoW is almost exactly like it was in EQ, just further developed.
In any case, I'm fairly certain a system like this was suggested years ago (before WoW was even on the drawing board.) But, since this is Simu we're talking about, it often takes around a decade to turn an idea into something functional.
Any Plat players want to give us a few logs of the system in action?
03-29-2006, 01:54 AM
The Modus criminal coding (from what I remember) was about as monotonous as fletching. All it was was "Jack Soandsoerson is a software pirate, he has blue eyes and brown hair and is 6 feet tall, GO GET 'EM!!" and then you'd wander (script) around until you found a dude with blue eyes and brown hair and you'd put the hammer down on him. Easily scriptable. This was a few years ago though, so it could have been changed since then.
The Gemstone bounty system sounds much more interesting.
Anything they put together is scriptable. Almost always, easily. It's really just a matter of how you decide to approach it.
03-29-2006, 06:40 AM
Will this system be feasible to do completely as an alternative to hunting?
Will there be methods to gain experience other than gathering skins, killing people, etc?
I've been wanting to play a pacifist for awhile, but outside of empaths, clerics, and locksmiths, there hasn't been an effective way to do it without totally going out of my mind with boredom.
For example, I'd like my priest to be able to actually have a job - and if he performs that job admirably, he gets experience. If not, hell, take it away, I don't care! Job being something like High Priest of Soandso Temple in Some City, not job as in certified accountant/desk jockey.
My second Bounty is to kill 21 hooded figures, since I am 34 trains, its like - level.............friend in plat gets like level and kills OTF things, plus you must help others, like the gem dealer needed 6 green malachite stones, i got them, i earned 650 points, 1000 exp and 750 fame for doin it.
03-31-2006, 02:12 PM
Saying a game ripped off WoW is very... laughable considering WoW ripped a number of ideas from other MMORPGs... and the IP itself was blatantly torn from the Warhammer universe which stretches back to the late 70's...
This isn't to say WoW isn't a good game... just pulling the "originality" argument isn't too creative. (excuse the irony)
03-31-2006, 02:21 PM
so the experience gain is minimal for the time involved?
03-31-2006, 02:22 PM
Should I excuse the IDOITTIOcy too? IDOITTIO.
03-31-2006, 02:40 PM
so the experience gain is minimal for the time involved?
I believe for the beta intro of it into Plat they are doing lesser rewards etc. At least thats' the feeling I got from the boards. Perhaps not though and it really is this little of experience/fame gain. :shrug:
The Ponzzz
03-31-2006, 02:52 PM
I heard that the exp awards in Plat are higher than they will be once it goes live. But the prizes will be better.
So getting 1k exp for killing 74 greater orcs will most likely decrease quite a bit once better items go live.
Rheteger says, "All done with that assignment? Good job, Salen!"
[You have earned 340 bounty points, 1000 experience points, and 3400 silver.] killed 21 figures in like 10 mins got fried plus i got this 1000 exp....
Next job........
>ask rhe about job
Rheteger says, "Hmm, I've got a task here from the town of Wehnimer's Landing. The local gem dealer, Murdos Burdos, has an order to fill and wants our help. Head over there and see what you can do. Be sure to ASK about BOUNTIES."
>ask deal about bou
The dealer says, "Ah, so you're from the Adventurer's Guild? Yes, I do have a task for you. I've recently received several orders from customers interested in purchasing a pink pearl. Unfortunately, I do not have quite enough inventory on hand to meet this demand. I'd like for you to go round up 10 of them for me. You can SELL them to me as you find them."
03-31-2006, 03:04 PM
I've also heard on the Plat boards of people also needing to forage herbs from specific areas. People would also need to go kill stuff in an area to bring back an item.
I haven't played with it myself yet. Been busy with my Elves in Prime and getting the Vaalin Consortium going. (I'll hold off raving about that, since that's another thread entirely.)
03-31-2006, 03:16 PM
Are you able to decline bounty assignments? Or take more than one at a time?
Finding 10 pink pearls doesn't sound all that exciting. I'd rather dump an assignment like that and get one that seems a bit less tedious.
03-31-2006, 03:39 PM
Not to mention it sounds long-winded. Finding 10 PINK pearls can't be that easy when you think of all the randomly generated types of gems out there on critters. It's not like one type of critter drops pink pearls while others don't. :shrug: Kind of hard to start looking in a specific area this way which is discouraging for me. You could literally be looking for a long time. Or if you wish, you could spend the silvers you'd make and purchase them I guess.
03-31-2006, 03:47 PM
Just the name bounty made think this would be fun. Apparently, it looks like it'll basically suck. I was hoping to be able to arrest criminals in town and all. :(
03-31-2006, 04:36 PM
The idea of trying to find 10 pink pearls makes me cringe. I'll pass if it's going to be tasks like that.
One thing I read on the boards is that you actually sell the stones to the task guy and get the reward on top of that. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
03-31-2006, 05:05 PM
I don't know if I've found 10 pink pearls *ever*. I'd say the rate of getting them would go up, but then why bother with the bounty at all? Just keep getting mad pearls. Poorly thought out either way.
03-31-2006, 05:24 PM
One thing I read on the boards is that you actually sell the stones to the task guy and get the reward on top of that. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
That's how I read it as well. I wonder if the bounty experience will be hindered by death sting effects, anyone know?
03-31-2006, 08:43 PM
What I thought of as a concern was the foraging. I wonder if the system looks at the characters skills that is asking for the assignment. This is a concern because for example, my wizard could never forage for the life of him..., or death for that matter.
03-31-2006, 08:47 PM
I don't think it should be easy at all, so to me 10 pink pearls should take awhile. Or any other task for that matter. While perhaps more menial tasks should take a short period of time with a smaller reward.
If its easy, everyone would do it. The rewards should be interesting. I hope more plat players keep posting their experience with the system here.
04-01-2006, 01:41 AM
WTF does finding pearls have to do with bounties?
This sounds less like bounty hunting and more like a mad scavenger hunt.
The Ponzzz
04-01-2006, 02:11 AM
This sounds less like bounty hunting and more like a mad scavenger hunt.
Heh, yep. CoL of experience
I wonder if it assigns you to kill hooded figures if you don't have arcane symbols skill.
04-04-2006, 12:23 AM
Any Plat subscribers here know if there is a guild hall in River's Rest.
Much Thanks.
The Ponzzz
04-04-2006, 12:33 AM
My guess is yes, seeing Zul Logoth has one.
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