View Full Version : Advanced Sorcery Workshop: This Sunday

03-27-2006, 11:59 PM
the next Advanced Sorcery Workshop is coming up!

When: Sunday April 2nd
Time: 9PM Eastern Standard Time
Where: The Heart of the Art (awaiting approval from Gryntier)

Join the Rone Academy, Twilight Hall, and The Sorcery Community as they put on the next advanced sorcery workshop! In the spirit of previous workshops, we will be spreading information and prizes! Only this event will have OVER FOUR TIMES the prizes of previous events (total cost around 10 million silvers)!


1. Lecture on Planar Shifting by Kastrel
2. Trivia Contest: Sorcerers Level 1-39. Win one of 20 sorcery starter kits! (complete with all the components you will need for your level 1-30 spells and kept in lockable, and hence phasable, containers!)
3. Trivia Contest: Sorcerers Level 40+ Win one of 20 special high quality prizes!
4. Special Contest. Come and attempt to prove that you are worthy to win one of two VERY special prizes! You won't want to miss a chance to be considered for these!
5. Special Planar Shifting Event (bring your rune books!)
6. Guild work with volunteer Illusion Masters!

Special thanks to the members of the sorcery community who contributed their hard-earned silvers to make this possible! And, of course, special thanks to Rone Academy and Twilight Hall for their contributions.

**We are still looking for volunteers**

If you are at least rank 48 in illusions and/or would like to help put together sorcery starter kits before the event, please contact Querthose Mallick Faendryl. (IM JesseREvans, E-mail KDLMaj@play.net)

03-31-2006, 05:27 PM
Just a reminder...this is coming up in two days! The sorcery starter kits have been improved with some new additions, and the prizes for level 40+ are very nice!

Bring your rune books!

04-01-2006, 03:30 AM
These things are fun, I suggest ya go, if you're debating it.

04-02-2006, 01:22 PM
It's TODAY! see you all at 9PM EST in the Heart of the Art! Come win over 10m in prizes!

05-13-2006, 01:17 PM
(Sorry for the big bump, someone asked about 740 on OOC.)

I've got a log of the gathering, lets see if the boards will let me attach it.


Meh, file's too big. Guess I'll just link to it then.

Try this... (http://cyndi.tidball.net/sorceror%20gather.txt)

05-13-2006, 01:34 PM
740 guide.

Chalk goes in left hand, book in the right

Plan ahead. So your runes go in your book organized

To have others go through your rift, make sure they are in your group before they go into the rift. Otherwise death my occur.

As above, others can drag bodies through your rift if they are in your group first. However anything being dragged does not have to be.

If one of your really bad failures releases a Greater demon (750 kind) you will only be charged with demon summoning and not any murder or endangering public safety that ensues.

The low quality chalks: Nilven says, "And supposed to last for 200 scribings, or 100 complete transports.
Nilven says, "Should be about 10 silvers a charge.

Nilven says, "The stubby are expensive they should allow you to draw 2 things, or do 1 transportation (the circle and the pattern)."

Base cost for superior chalk is 50k, and the base cost for poor chalk is 1k. So shop around to get the closest (or lower) price.

If you try to take a "shortcut" and use high quality chalk for the summoning circle and low quality chalk for the runes inside that circle when you're doing a cross-realms trip, you get hurt a lot and/or die.

If a room can't be teleported out of normally, the spell will fail when you cast at the circle (but it will let you draw the circle and runes).

[tips][messaging][rune books][bonding crystal][runes]

To use the spell with your chalk you first need to draw summoning circle.

Using some long translucent chalk, you outline the shape of a summoning circle upon the ground.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

This circle is what will hold the runes that are used for transportation, and what offers a form of protection. Next you would need to draw pattern # while holding the rune book in your right hand, and your chalk in your left hand.

You study your leather book for a long moment, imprinting the complex pattern of a set of broken sapphire blue "fbbne" signs upon your mind, and then you focus upon your summoning circle as you begin to draw the runes. When all five runes are complete, you draw a defensive sigil at the center of the circle. The circle is prepared, but inert, awaiting the touch of your mana to activate it.

The next step is to cast 740 at the circle.

You gesture at a summoning circle.
Your spell activates the dormant summoning circle. Pure white flames of essence blaze around each rune and link them together in a complex circular web. As the web completes itself, the runes transform from their translucent color to brilliant sapphire blue. Lines of sapphire blue energy snake from the runes to activate the sigil at the center of the circle. The central sigil vanishes, and, with a blinding flash of light, a shifting sapphire blue rift opens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

The color of the energy changes based on the color rune you are using.

Drawing a pattern:

You study your leather book for a long moment, imprinting the complex pattern of a set of broken sapphire blue "fbbne" signs upon your mind, and then you focus upon your summoning circle as you begin to draw the runes. When all five runes are complete, you draw a defensive sigil at the center of the circle. The circle is prepared, but inert, awaiting the touch of your mana to activate it.
Your translucent chalk disintegrates!
Roundtime: 4 sec.

Inter-realm Transport:

You gesture at a summoning circle.
Your spell activates the dormant summoning circle. Pure white flames of essence blaze around each rune and link them together in a complex circular web. As the web completes itself, the runes transform from their translucent color to brilliant sapphire blue. Lines of sapphire blue energy snake from the runes to activate the sigil at the center of the circle. The central sigil vanishes, and the web of energy twists upward to encircle you. There is a blinding flash before the world vanishes.

At last, you arrive at your destination...

Intra-realm transport:

You gesture at a summoning circle.
Your spell activates the dormant summoning circle. Pure white flames of essence blaze around each rune and link them together in a complex circular web. As the web completes itself, the runes transform from their translucent color to brilliant gold-bordered crimson. Lines of gold-bordered crimson energy snake from the runes to activate the sigil at the center of the circle. The central sigil vanishes, and, with a blinding flash of light, a shifting gold-bordered crimson rift opens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Entering the rift (intra-realm):

You pause briefly at the edge of your summoning circle to gather your power. As soon as you step into the rift's boundary, you are surrounded by a web of brilliant gold-bordered crimson energy. You step through the shifting rift fully, and it collapses behind you, releasing an ancient energy that twists valences around your path, transporting you safely to your destination.

When looking at the rift:

A collage of images fills your mind as you peer into the depths of a shifting gold-bordered crimson rift. You gaze unwaveringly, transfixed by the jumble of historic images racing across your consciousness. Massive winged beasts, reptilian in nature, flit through a flame-ravaged sky, locked in battle with otherwordly creatures. Soon enough the scene changes to one of serenity and peace, various humanoids emerging en masse from caves. That image, too, fades and is replaced by a great amalgamation of humanoids, all different races standing across a great decaying battlefield juxtaposed to zombies, banshees and other abominations. But, after only a few seconds, that scene too disappears as quickly as it entered your now reeling mind. Just as it seems the jumble of images will stop, they start again, in quick succession like a seamstress wielding her loom. An eternity of tranquil images passes you by, only to be suddenly, and devastatingly replaced by a crude half-elf leading an army of humans towards a small town. But alas, as the story gets interesting, all the images fade and you avert your gaze.

Circle with a pattern drawn:

The perfectly scribed circle is traced in a fine translucent dust on the ground, hardly looking like a barrier in any way whatsoever. However, you can feel powerful magic radiating from within it. Its perimiter is bordered by a set of jagged translucent "fs-ka-eks-fs-eks" glyphs.

Transporting away while invisible:

A large chalky circle suddenly appears out of nowhere on the ground.

Four runes suddenly appear at the edges of a summoning circle before a prominent and solitary rune appears at its center.

You hear someone uttering an arcane invocation in hushed tones...

Brilliant sapphire blue light blazes up from a summoning circle's chalky runes to create a complex web of sorcerous energy. Lines of sapphire blue energy snake from the perimiter runes to the sigil at the center of the circle. The energy coalesces there until, suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light and a shifting sapphire blue rift opens.

A web of brilliant sapphire blue energy erupts out of nowhere, twisting and flexing in an indiscernible pattern before collapsing on itself as a shifting sapphire blue rift begins to unravel. Suddenly, the chalky lines of a summoning circle disintegrate and are blown away.

Transporting in while invisible:

Suddenly, sapphire blue lightning lashes in all directions from a point in midair. A rift opens at that point and lingers for seemingly no reason. Twisting magical energy lashes out violently before fading away as the rift vanishes.

Room can not be transported out of:

You gesture at a summoning circle.
The runes on your summoning circle glow faintly with a soft yellow light and then peter out.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.


A small shadowy rift begins to take form before your eyes. Suddenly, a small black void floats out of the rift and stops directly over you!
... 15 points of damage!
Decompression causes muscles in arm to crack!
You are stunned for 1 round!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a summoning circle.
A small shadowy rift begins to take form before your eyes. Suddenly, a dark cloud emerges from the rift, and begins crushing you!
... 75 points of damage!
A mighty blow cleaves a swath through your back, taking the spine with it.

Rune Books:
[tips][messaging][rune books][bonding crystal][runes]

These are the books used to hold the room runes They can be purchased at the various alchemist shops around elanthia. If you find that an alchemist shop does not have them, then bug it and find a different shop to get the book. In order to start using the book you will need to bond to it. Bonding is a very simple process but it requires you to go to the summoning chamber located in the sorcerers guild and use the crystal that is found there.

It is a rather plain looking book. It costs around 1-3k. It had 10 pages with 20 rune slots per page. Meaning you are able to put 200 runes or rooms in one book. You change the pages by flipping or turning the book. Tap changes the slot on the page, which you need to get to the correct one in order to erase. Rub erases a rune from the book.

You can also whisper book patter <#> to see the room of that the rune represents. You do not see people, just the room description. The room appears in yellow highlighting, much like that from eye spy.

Also of note is that you can customize the book when ordering from the alchemists. Adding a color changes the time from a minute, to a few minutes until the item is ready.It is available in the following colors

1. white 8. cyan 15. lavender
2. grey 9. green 16. golden
3. black 10. yellow 17. silvery
4. dark 11. brown 18. chrome
5. red 12. tan 19. brass
6. blue 13. orange 20. crimson
7. azure 14. purple

a leather book

You turn to page 2 of your leather book.


You flip back to the first page of your book.


This command shows you the room of whatever pattern you pick

You hear a soft unintelligable whisper in the background as a scene of a distant place overtakes your vision...

[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
Although the floating platform is suspended well above the ground below, it overflows with abundant plant life. The edges of the dais are brimming with delicate white queen's lace, dark lavender, fragrant rosemary and a variety of other colorful flora. Thick grass underfoot provides an enticingly peaceful resting spot. A thin silk canopy is rolled back to permit an unobstructed view of the starry night sky.
Obvious paths:, out

Tap Empty slot (moves down a slot):

A blank portion of your leather book illuminates for a moment.

Tap Full Slot(changes based on rune on slot):

A set of broken sapphire blue "fbbne" signs on your leather book illumminates steadily with a soft yellow glow

Poke(moves up a slot)

A blank portion of your leather book illuminates for a moment.

A set of broken gold-bordered crimson "ydqje" glyphs on your leather book illumminates steadily with a soft yellow glow.


A swarm of soft lights flash into view over your leather book, swirling around a set of broken sapphire blue "fbbne" signs. A voice softly whispers to you, "If you are sure of your decision, rub your leather book again."

A swarm of soft lights flash into view over your leather book, swirling around a set of broken sapphire blue "fbbne" signs. Methodically, the signs begin to disappear along with lights until the last traces of the signs are gone from the book.

Rub(empty slot):

There is nothing in that particular spot of your leather book to erase.

Bonding Crystal
[tips][messaging][rune books][bonding crystal][runes]

This is the cyrstal that allows a sorcerer to bond to their book. You need to bond to a book in order to record runes in it.

a latticed yellow crystal

The crystal is formed in the shape of a sharp-angled obelisk, its edges set aflame with a crimson incandescence that rises up to the very tip of its sharp spire. Within its translucent body are twisting webworks of fiery energy, each labyrinthine mass of veins leading toward its core -- a glowing orb of rippling scarlet-golden light whose faint pulses send excited ripples across the entirety of its crystalline form.

Rub with book in hand:

A lattice of yellow light suffuses out of the crystal, bathing you and your leather book in its soft warmth. As the light passes over you, an ethereal voice intones, "The deed is done. The strength of of our will can move worlds.".
Roundtime: 1 sec.

Rub while already bonded:

An ethereal voice whispers quietly in your ear, "I sense you have already attuned yourself to another rune book. If you attune yourself to the leather book your current book will lose its connection to this plane of existence. The power to capture runes within that book will be lost forever. If you wish to proceed, rub the crystal again within thirty seconds."

[tips][messaging][rune books][bonding crystal][runes]

Any room that you can use 740 has a rune associated with it. Each rune has a name and a color.

Landing Illistim Zul'logoth Cysaegir Northern Canvasary Old Ta'Faendryl Teras
Twilight Grey sapphire blue coppery brown verdant green slate grey Scarlet Molten red
Vaalor Solhaven Rivers Rest Icemule Shadow Valley Pine Far Icemule Trail-Mountain pass
Crimson aquamarine sky blue frosty white shadowy black icy blue pearly white
Icemule Trail-Landing side (Glatoph, Glacier Chasm) - - - - - -
ghostly white - - - - - -

You find thse runes by using the command sense pattern while holding your 740 book. These runes also have "Common" names which can be translated with thie following table:

A op P ac
B ka Q fs
C es R ay
D rov S noj
E ul T hee
F beq U im
G zi V gy
H mer W so
I aq X pu
J wo Y lu
K jil Z eks
L ve SH sh
M eda TH th
N qom CH ch
O ty STR str

Sense (non-trasnportable room)

You have difficulty aligning your senses with the mana flows in this area.

Sense (transportable room)

You must first be holding a rune book.

Sense (while holding rune book)

You attempt to align your senses with the mana flows in this area, managing to see the faint essence of a set of circular twilight grey "egrvm" sigils imbedded deep within the magic that courses through here.

Small flits of light begin to circle around the open page of your book, illuminating an intricate pattern on the page's parchment surface. The sparks trailing behind the flits of light slowly disappear, leaving a set of circular twilight grey "egrvm" sigils within your leather book.

Source :
