View Full Version : Lirion Self-Ammo Bow

03-23-2006, 08:28 PM
Contact: fallenSaint@gmail.com or PM
Price: 125m

A mystical elven bow
(3lbs & 4x ET)

The ruic limbs are exceptionally maintained, allowing a draw of impossible ease. A length of dark grey silk is tightly bound across the bow which is further secured by intervals of coraesine banding. Its drawstring is nothing more than a wisp of smoke, fleeting and insubstantial. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.


PULL: You raise your bow and draw back on the bowstring, pulling until your fingers are even with your ear, to test the strength of the draw. After satisfying yourself that the draw is correct you slowly release the tension on the bowstring, lowering your bow.

PLUCK: You give your bow string a good pluck, testing it for proper tension.
The string makes a high pitched *twang* as you release it.

PUSH: Carefully planting your foot firmly on the ground, you brace the lower limb of your bow against it securely. With the ease of long practice you slip the top loop of the bowstring from the nock, twist it several times, and slide the knot's loop back into position.

RUB: You polish your ruic elven long bow with your hand, trying to remove all the imperfections.

TOSS: You toss your bow a few inches in the air, catching it adroitly and settling your hand comfortably around the grip.

POINT: You carefully sight down your ruic elven long bow and along the shaft.
(Will randomly target a person in the room)

TAP: You scrutinize the limbs of your bow, occasionally running your thumb along the bow's surface.

Misc Info:

ROUNDTIME: It does not matter what your strength is you will always fire this at a base of 3 seconds, add one for staying hidden, add one for aiming your shot.

ARROWS: Generates its own ammunition all dubbed as (Straight Ruic Arrows) each arrow is always blessed. Enchants range from +1 to +30 and randomly gen with a elemental based flare.

Flare Types: Fire, Lightning, Cold, Impact, Void, Acid, Steam, and Plasma

Flare damage up to 70 points of damage and flares on roughly 20-30% of the shots fired

The flares attack the same location of which the arrow itself landed unless the area has been destroyed by the initial strike.

03-23-2006, 08:59 PM
Any idea how much you're looking to sell it for (not that I have even close to the amount of silvers it's probably worth)?