View Full Version : Connection Help?

The Ponzzz
03-18-2006, 10:12 AM
It seems every day my connection gets worse and worse. Before I got punted roughly once or twice but always at the EXACT same time every day, so I assumed it was my ISP doing a reset on the system. But now it's very random and about 40-50 times a day.

XXX signed on at 12:52:55 AM.
XXX signed on at 1:23:03 AM.
XXX signed on at 1:52:09 AM.
XXX signed on at 2:23:55 AM.
XXX signed on at 3:25:51 AM.
XXX signed on at 3:55:33 AM.
XXX signed on at 4:51:08 AM.
XXX signed on at 5:25:24 AM.
XXX signed on at 5:54:29 AM.
XXX signed on at 6:57:28 AM.
XXX signed on at 8:25:16 AM.

That was just last night overnight. It isn't AIM because I drop my connection in GS for over night migrating and sometimes my torrents stop and I must restart them in the morning. I am connected through a router, but I have tried directly connecting with my cable modem with the same results.

MY ISP is TimeWarner and I have Road Runner. I connect through a Linksys wired router and I have an RCA cable modem. If you need more details, I'll gladly post em up. But I fear I am working all afternoon and into the evening, so it will be later on today...

Thanks in advance...

The Ponzzz
03-18-2006, 09:39 PM
Now it seems my broadband is this...

336 / 53
Your download speed : 336 kbps or 42 KB/sec.
That is 90.7% worse than an average user on rr.com

Your upload speed : 53 kbps or 6.7 KB/sec.
That is 87.1% worse than an average user on rr.com

Viewing sites like this is very difficult...

Sean of the Thread
03-18-2006, 10:50 PM
Keep responding to your own threads.. sooner or later you'll figure it out.

03-19-2006, 02:55 AM
Happy 4000, Xyelin.

03-19-2006, 08:35 AM
I have to assume you've checked to be sure a virus or some nasty adware hasn't sneaked in a backdoor somewhere...

The Ponzzz
03-19-2006, 10:44 AM
Yea... Well I was testing all day so I figured I would update some stuff...

But yea, no virus/adaware. My PC is responding just fine and it's working any harder. It's just like my connection is a on 14400 bds again...