View Full Version : Phase vs Undead?

03-17-2006, 09:25 AM
What the heck does it do? I read someone's recent post which stated that this is a viable attack. So I was hunting some spectral warriors and decided to test it out.. well all it did on successful hits was make them appear more "solid" or something.

Can someone please explain to me the benefits of using this as an attack spell vs. undead?

Not that stunning them with one cast of mana disrupt and voln kicking them isn't working of course but there is always room for expansion.

03-17-2006, 09:34 AM
When they're non-corporeal you cannot kill them with a critical death hit.
When they're phased they become corporeal, meaning they can be killed with a critical death hit.
Also some critters fade away before you can strike them. Phase stop them doing that too.

Can't go into it too deeply as I don't have time. But yeah phase is damn cool.

03-17-2006, 01:49 PM
Yea, ya can crit them with 702 after you phase them. It makes them solid. It's only against non-corporeal.

By the way: notice how all of a sudden, Nilven took our most useless spell slots and made them some of the coolest? I need that guy to do that kinda shit to my life.

Read up on play.net about phase. It'll (eventually)

Lighten yer load rather significantly, for a time
Encumbrance, then, is no longer an issue.
Make enemies solid, if they aren't
Will prevent critters from "disappearing", fading into the shadows, and such
Will allow you to crit-kill them
Allow you to walk through doors
Useful for non-magical portals. Great roleplay tool.
Allow you to reach into containers
Useful as an RP way to keep yer key safe.
Make you less vulnerable to maneuvers :-D

Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 02:12 PM
Yea, ya can crit them with 702 after you phase them. It makes them solid. It's only against non-corporeal.

By the way: notice how all of a sudden, Nilven took our most useless spell slots and made them some of the coolest? I need that guy to do that kinda shit to my life.

Read up on play.net about phase. It'll (eventually)

Lighten yer load rather significantly, for a time
Encumbrance, then, is no longer an issue.
Make enemies solid, if they aren't
Will prevent critters from "disappearing", fading into the shadows, and such
Will allow you to crit-kill them
Allow you to walk through doors
Useful for non-magical portals. Great roleplay tool.
Allow you to reach into containers
Useful as an RP way to keep yer key safe.
Make you less vulnerable to maneuvers :-D

I'd say more than half that list is on the to do list for over 6 years.

03-17-2006, 02:53 PM
Everything except the "Make you less vulnerable to maneuvers" has already been implemented. That'll be a nice piece. However, with the inclusion of the two new features- Casting on non-corporeal and lightening loads, it went from one of the most useless spells, to one of the most useful.

Lightening the load and lockable containers together made for a great way to keep yer key safe, so the old function of the spell became way more viable, as well.

I can't wait to see how well phase will protect against maneuver attacks... that's the (eventually) part. Disease update will probably be nice, too. 740 is incredible. 730 has great potential. The both of them together are rather... useful, as well.


Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 03:04 PM
You can phase on doors and locked (or any) containers now? Not just a few rare puzzle doors but doors in any random location where there are wizards hats and robes being hung up?????

03-17-2006, 03:35 PM
I phase through random doors. I remember the door in minotaurs worked.

The graveyard gate works with unlock, but once a door is unlocked, I think you can phase through it.

I put on my wizard hat and robes, and phase through your...

03-20-2006, 10:06 AM
Sweet! Too right on the phase/crit thing. The spec warriors always fade in and out so this just keeps them around for quicker kills.

Gonna start tinkering with deors and boxes next. So how good is it to use on boxes? Can you just forgoe the locksmiths?

03-20-2006, 11:32 AM
It will set traps off and only give you a small amount (if any) of what's inside the box with each cast.
Stick to locksmiths until you can magicly pick your own boxes.

03-20-2006, 12:18 PM
Makes it nice for empaths hunting with a sorcerer, too. Bone shattering undead is entertaining as hell.

03-20-2006, 06:54 PM
Phase is a great spell, hands down.

03-20-2006, 06:56 PM
After 703, it's the best spell we have.
Once it's finished it's going to be the most versatile spell of any profession.
Defensive, attack and utility in one.