View Full Version : Roleplaying.. Whats is all about?
10-18-2003, 07:05 PM
Well, since folks seem to think you need to roleplay in Gemstone. I'm curious to know what you think roleplaying is. Do you have to talk a certain way, do you have to do certain things. Sit in a certain room, etc. Explain to me how you roleplay, apparently me just being in the game isn't roleplaying.
RP, at the very very least, is just not going OOC while in the game. OOC is defined as anything your character really wouldn't know about such as AS, DS, football scores, or stat bonuses for a short list of examples.
RP in its most invovled...
Creating a realistic personna replete with likes, dislikes, strenghts, weaknesses and fears. Keeping that personna consistent despite your own feelings about any given situation that may arise.
Creating a solid backgound that fits with the game's history and portraying your race according to the GS documentaion. The backgroun need not be epic, or unique, but its a great basis to start from, gives your character reasons why he/she is the way they are, and gives you something to talk about with other people. Some races have certain predispositions and predjudices built into them.
Really, of all the best RP I've seen, its people who build something, then keep it CONSISTANT throughout its life.
10-18-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
RP, at the very very least, is just not going OOC while in the game. OOC is defined as anything your character really wouldn't know about such as AS, DS, football scores, or stat bonuses for a short list of examples.
Well I obviously don't do that.. My name is not Warmoron or Vif.
Even my characters talk to each other if they happen to enter the same room. I have more fun talking to myself than most others more times than not.
10-18-2003, 07:30 PM
Also.. Why does MA have to equal OOC?
Originally posted by IcyPoison
Also.. Why does MA have to equal OOC?
Everything I post is my opinion only, obviously... the MA issue is pretty old and is not exclusive to GSIII. Some people just don't like the idea of one person using two accounts to help the characters on those accounts. Really, its no different than if you and your best buddy helped each other out. Some people are more obvious about it than others, some don't care and are blatant.
I remember the day I first ran into these dwarven twins. They were hilarious. They were always together and would finish each others sentances. Someone had to tell me it was one person with two accounts, but the way he played it, I thought was great.
Sometimes people call it twinking. Like, using a higher level char to help the lower level char dry quicker, obtain it gear it wouldn't normally be able to get, and so on. It has far worse ramifications on MUDs that have open PvP and clans/guilds that are in conflict. Low Guild X Twink Char wipes floor with Low to Middle Guild Y Normal Char.
Then there is the whole making a char to join your opposing guild just to spy and using everything that char knows with your other char... anyway. Can you tell I'm bored?
10-18-2003, 07:54 PM
If MAing can be pulled off well, then I tend to have no problem with it. Usually, it can't and it becomes a problem. The Angelilly, Stupidlilly etc fiasco's prove this.
Baseline RP to me is simply not going OOC.
10-18-2003, 10:57 PM
Roleplaying at its finest!
g ardwen tab
You and your group approach the Nocuous Nightshade Table, which is occupied. If you are sure you wish to join the people at that table, GO there again.
You and your group head over to the Nocuous Nightshade Table.
[Nocuous Nightshade Table]
The table is dimly lit by candles hidden behind paper lantern covers. Nightshade flowers are pressed into the thick paper shades, casting hazy shadows across the tabletop.
Also here: Sithral (sitting), Caralain, Lord Sagan (sitting), Ardwen (sitting), Rhys, Thisselwick
Obvious exits: out
>warn ardwen harass
You inform Ardwen that you consider his current actions to be harassment.
Caralain says, "I have no idea why I am thinking about that."
* Brandare just bit the dust!
You wave to Caralain.
>[Wayside Inn, Dining Room]
This ramshackle hostel bears the signs of rough use by hard-bitten travellers and headstrong adventurers. Several blade-scarred tables and low stools are lined up against the walls, while the central area is dominated by a large firepit around which is a low platform covered with a few ratty bearskins. The clatter of clay tankards and the smell of humble victuals provide some small comfort to the steady stream of wayfarers who pause here to meet and greet one another. You also see a steep stair.
Also here: Gazda
Obvious exits: south, out
Tijay followed.
Please tell me that I am confusing Ardwen the OOC merchant with Arwen, the long time RPer?
Dighn Darkbeam
10-19-2003, 03:16 AM
As others have said, Roleplaying involves creating a character that could believably exist in Elanthia. Allow said character to respond in a manner fitting with his upbringing.
Read the various documentation, build a character from a culture or based around a certain Arkati, organization, ect. Have a driving purpose in this characters life.
Try to separate your personality and perceptions from that of your characters. Doing this often gives you insight into situations you may not have previously understood.
Above else, realize that Gemstone is a game, and everyone is playing to enjoy themselves in some capacity or another. If you find you are no longer deriving pleasure in your gameplay, remove yourself from the situation before events get out of hand.
Kris na Su'ta
10-19-2003, 11:05 AM
The first step in good roleplay for me is staying in character. Slip ups now and then can happen but for the most part, forget that there is anything else other than the world of Elanthia. Most characters have alot of thought and research put into them. These characters are the most fun to be around.
Consistency is the next step. Flesh out a character with likes, dislikes, mood swings and quirks. Try not to react they way YOU would, but the way you think your character would.
Once you get your character going on the right track, perhaps a story-line may come your way. I am not talking about gm run events or just finding a mate. I mean antagonism with other characters (I said characters not the players), family plots, or anything your imagination can come up with.
I have often thought about creating a kind of Role Play tutorial site but my skills make each try look horrid. Plus, there would only be my ideas.....roleplay is a personal thing and many people have great insights into it.
Last thought. For me, good roleplay is fantastical yet believable. (does that make sense?) I want to push limits but a pink bunny dropping from the sky to save me isn't my idea of roleplay. Funny as that would be.
Edited to add one final thought. Nothing can ruin a good roleplay like bad grammar and a lack of spelling skills. This does not include someone who is pulling off a believable accent though. (very rare) I know sense and sence sound the same when it is "spoken" in the game but I can't help but avoid people that never use captials and run sentences together. I admit to alot of errors but lazy skills in a text game makes no sense to me whatsoever.
[Edited on 10-19-2003 by Sweets]
Dighn Darkbeam
10-19-2003, 06:38 PM
Edited to add one final thought. Nothing can ruin a good roleplay like bad grammar and a lack of spelling skills. This does not include someone who is pulling off a believable accent though. (very rare) I know sense and sence sound the same when it is "spoken" in the game but I can't help but avoid people that never use captials and run sentences together. I admit to alot of errors but lazy skills in a text game makes no sense to me whatsoever. >>>
Very true. I usually have a spelling program in the backround and run any questionable words through it before speaking. Though effective, this tactic does slow your responses considerably.
10-19-2003, 10:33 PM
Nindy is (or was) a great example of an accent. He even posted in character on the BB and I loved it, although many didn't.
It doesn't have to be as intricate as it sounds, there are some RP snobs who insist that you MUST RP someone very different from yourself, but even if the differences are subtle, you can still have fun just making up the background story and staying IC and IG all the time. Mostly it's just about pretending YOU are really in the Game and interacting with it the same ways. If you would stop and look at a shiny object on the ground then your character should. If you like to go around kicking things, do that. It's all about filling out your character.
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