View Full Version : The History and Lore of Elanthia's Gems

03-15-2006, 09:46 AM
- Why do Wslamir women wear jade?

- Have you ever seen the Huntress's tears?

- What is the origin of the common crystal amulet?

- What is Beh'Amant's Eye?

- What color are sapphires supposed to be?

- What is the connection between blazestar and the Wizard Guild?

- Where can you find sunset beryl?

Six brave scholars have discovered these answers and many more. Now, you may view the fruit of their research in the brand new Elanthian Gems document.

The wait is over!




This message was originally posted in General Roleplaying, The World of Elanthia. To discuss the above follow the link below.


03-15-2006, 09:48 AM
From what little I have actually had time to read of this document, it is truly an impressive body of work. I highly suggest everyone take time to atleast read the history/lore behind their favored gem.

03-15-2006, 09:49 AM
It is an awesome thing Jharra has done for GS. I was gonna do something like that for my site, heh, only now I don't have to. Mmm, laziness.

03-15-2006, 10:48 AM
I'd much rather somenoe do some amazing work on an unarmed combat system. Seriously, who the fuck was sitting around..man this game rocks except for the fact that the GEMS don't have a detailed history.

03-15-2006, 11:34 AM
I love the docs... they are fabulous... Jharra and her team did a great job.


03-15-2006, 11:48 AM
Yay for gems! Now Aaysia can appreciate her private gem collection even more *purr*

03-15-2006, 12:07 PM
I'd much rather somenoe do some amazing work on an unarmed combat system. Seriously, who the fuck was sitting around..man this game rocks except for the fact that the GEMS don't have a detailed history.I <3 this document to pieces, except now I'm going to have to write a script for it eventually (because it's THERE). It's also pretty unlikely that someone who was working on RP stuff would be involved in the unarmed combat system anyway. Quit being a sourpuss! :)

03-15-2006, 12:27 PM
Absolutely wonderful. Another way for me to flesh out my various personas.

03-15-2006, 12:59 PM
I'd much rather somenoe do some amazing work on an unarmed combat system. Seriously, who the fuck was sitting around..man this game rocks except for the fact that the GEMS don't have a detailed history.

Dude, this is like the first semi-RP based document released since like the Elanthian Fairy Tales a year or two ago.

There's always some combat system people want 'fixed', tweaked, revamped, rehauled, or made entirely new.

This type of document is done when done. No need to ever mangle it again or have people bitch/whine/complain that it is broken and too powerful/weak to be reworked.

03-15-2006, 01:02 PM
This document isn't just about gems. It expands cultural, racial, geographical, and magical aspects of the game as well. It rocks...no pun intended.

03-15-2006, 01:58 PM
The document is impressive, however, she did almost no research into the history of most of the cultures and arkati. It contridicts almost every shrine and cleric guild in the entire game. Yet another thing that someone let through who also didn't back check histories that have already been written. It is a hell of a piece of work and a lot of effort went into it, just not enough for it to be actually right.

03-15-2006, 02:41 PM

Eorgina - black diamond, firestone
One, firestone is, and has been Eonak. The cleric guild on teras, if you offer a firestone to him, he'll take it, or give one back that's etched with a saying.

All that aside, this is her temple in Solhaven. At the moment, I can't get into her shrine at the top, I don't have her symbol handy.

[Sacristy of Domination]
Small renderings of each of the Arkati have been painted on the walls that ring this room, all gazing upward at the impressive fresco overhead. Set at the center of a raised circle of black slate, an ornate grey mistwood throne carved to resemble an elegant tangle of thorned vines dominates the setting. A row of torches behind the throne cast an uneasy, wavering light across the chamber, elongating the sharply-curved barbs into distorted shadows that creep across the floor.

>l throne
Resting on the seat and against the back of the large throne are plump scarlet velvet cushions edged with a golden silk braid and tufted with gem cabochons. Within one of the tangled masses that creates an arm is a silver sceptre.
>l sce
Etched over all with a pattern of stylized flames and capped at the top with a large SCARLET DESPANAL orb, the silver sceptre appears trapped within the ornate carving of mistwood.

[Eorgina's Temple, Adytum]
The solemn surroundings are more befitting the priests and priestesses who dedicate every hour of their lives to the temple, than a mere trespassing worshipper. Lit with several oil lamps set in iron sconces, rows of onyx benches stand in a circle around a central altar. Steel grey vestments chased with crimson-threaded flames hang from several hooks along the walls. Three arched openings lead to smaller alcoves off the main chamber.

>l alt
Warm tones of grey striated with veins of silver and flecks of white quartz create this round marble altar, almost too large in proportion to the scale of the room. Carved into the center is a deep well filled with fragrant oil and threaded with a wick, its eternal flame strong and bright. Along the outer rim of the altar top, stylized flames have been carved out and filled with crushed scarlet despanals that catch the sconce light, creating the illusion of flickering.

[Sacristy of Darkness]
Soot-hued walls ring the small alcove, lit only by a single iron oil lamp mounted near the ceiling, the illumination washing across the white marble inlaid overhead. As the flickering light shifts and scatters, finely detailed illustrations etched in the blackened surface almost seem to dance as they encircle the room. You also see a wall-mounted ebonwood cabinet.
Obvious exits: east
Please rephrase that command.
>l cab
Transparent glaes panels have been mounted in the doors of the cabinet and etched with stylized flames. Carved rubies serve as the handles, seated in silver settings shaped like crowns.
>l in cab
In the ebonwood cabinet you see a scarlet despanal-set urn.
>l urn
Scarlet despanals are set about an inch below the rim of the urn and ring the vessel, its silver surface etched with intricate scrollwork and the symbol of Eorgina.

That's just the Solhaven temple alone, her stone is a scarlet despanal, always has been. I've read that Despana was a follower of Eorgina as well, I just have to find the document on it. Sorry so wordy, just wanted to back up my statements, good, bad, or indifferent.

*Edited to add...
South Haven has been open for three or four years, and on the official boards Jharra has already said she was wrong about the time that her document went into QC over when the temples were made. The temples, guilds, and shrines were first, not the other way around, just to clearify.

03-15-2006, 03:23 PM
Definitely continue to send inconsistences like that to her, as well as post them on the officials. Jharra isn't too snub nosed to make corrections to the document, or at the very least add amendments.

03-15-2006, 04:14 PM
Yeah, despanal is more what I'd see for Eorgina, but black diamond already fits into her documentation very well and I wouldn't want that changed.

The one that really struck me was bloodjewel for V'tull. All the Mularosians I know have been using bloodjewel for their Arkati for years. Oops.

03-15-2006, 04:27 PM
There's a bunch of us compiling a complete list to offer all in one shot, but the plan is to submit it and see what happens. Shouldn't take all that long to get most of it in.