View Full Version : extreme ooc moments

03-13-2006, 11:49 PM
You recite:
"Ariond, you're a PENISLOVING FUCKSTAIN and that's all there is to it"
Ariond blinks.

You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
Kyalia says, "Hello."
You sigh.
You try to speak but nothing comes out of your mouth but a bunch of bubbles. You can still taste the soap in your mouth.
Kyalia nods.
Colosie has bubbles in his mouth.
Kyalia says, "Ok one moment."
Colosie says it wasn't supposed to be out loud, he was joking around with a friend
You feel your face flush to the tops of your ears.
Kyalia chuckles.
Kyalia says, "Ok one sec while I remove that effect."
You say, "Sorry bout that."
You say, "Soo ooc it's not even funny."
You manage to offend an inordinate number of gods with an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths.
Kyalia asks, "You understand the problem.. even if it was in jest correct?"
You nod.
You say, "He used to be my roomate."
Kyalia says, "You offended a whole bunch of folks."
You hang your head.
You say, "I'm sorry."
Kyalia asks, "Did you aplogize to them?"
You say, "Yes."
You say, "I said it was an accident."
You say, "Sat down and covered my mouth."
Kyalia asks, "What happened with it being a recite?"
You say, "I really do try to be more in Character than that."
You say, "I dunno."
You say, "I wasn't thinking, had my wisdom teeth removed this morning."
You say, "Which isn't fun and I’m kinda outta it."
Kyalia chuckles.
You sigh.
Kyalia says, "What are you doing playing."
You say, "I can't do anything else."
You say, "I can't go out, already watched 2 moveis."
You shrug.
Kyalia says, "Ok one sec."
You say, "They're all reporting it aren't they, how I love my friends."
Kyalia asks, "So your saying Ariond is/was your roomate?"

Ariond appears in a flash of light, looking slightly disoriented.

You say, "I'm getting instant messages left and right now."
Kyalia smiles.
Ariond gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Kyalia asks, "So Ariond.. he was kidding with you?"
Ariond grins coldly, his eyes reflecting no emotion.
Ariond nods to Kyalia.
You say, "Sorry ariond."
You chuckle.
Ariond quietly says, "I dunno why the dipshit RECITED that."
Ariond gazes heavenward.
You say, "You can get me back later."
Kyalia says, "You both understand though how it really offend others in the room."
You say, "I know."
Speaking quietly to you, Ariond says, "You realize you're never going to hear the end of this one."
Kyalia says, "I dont see how you can recite something intended as a whisper.. ."
You sigh.
Kyalia starts chuckling at you!
You exclaim, "I know!"
You say, "Especially now that everyone knows."
You say, "If it wasn't the dais..."
Ariond quietly says, "You know."
You say, "It wouldn't be so bad."
Kyalia says, "I have however said something I meant to whisper."
Ariond quietly says, "Yesterday I accidentily reported something I meant to CHAT to psinet."
Ariond nods to Kyalia.
You chuckle.
Ariond gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Kyalia nods to Ariond.
You say, "I think things I mean to chat all the time, that's bad too."
Ariond nods to you.
You say, "And very very easy to do."
Kyalia says, "Ok Ariond gonna move you back. Just wanted to make sure that we were all agreeing on what had happened."
Kyalia says, "The best way to avoid this is...."
Ariond quietly says, "Yeah, he's cool."
Ariond quietly says, "Just..."
Kyalia leans on you, giving you a companionable grin.
Ariond quietly says, "Rough him up a bit for beign stupid."
Ariond snickers at Kyalia.
You laugh out loud!
Kyalia nods.
Kyalia says, "Ya just avoid that kind of language in game."
Kyalia says, "Is the easy solution."
You say, "If my mother heard what I just said..."
You shiver.
Kyalia laughs!
Ariond grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
You say, "I need to move now."
You say, "New town."
You grin as Kyalia tickles you.
You say, "Again, I'm sooo sorry."
Kyalia says, "Ok moving you back into game."
You bow to Kyalia.

03-13-2006, 11:53 PM
hahahaha, she didn't know that you got put up to it?

03-13-2006, 11:54 PM

That was entirely awesome.

03-13-2006, 11:54 PM
*tries to stifle a giggle*

*fails miserably*

03-14-2006, 12:09 AM

talk about a wee little slap on the wrist, i gotta try that sometime!

03-16-2006, 05:52 PM
oh sure, everyone laughs at YOUR thread version of what happened, but mine turns into a 6 page argument/insult-fest. Hmph!

03-16-2006, 06:00 PM
People kept it mostly in one thread.

Two were not needed was all.

03-16-2006, 06:03 PM
Good call putting this in the Roleplaying folder.

Young Hove
03-17-2006, 12:34 AM
oh sure, everyone laughs at YOUR thread version of what happened, but mine turns into a 6 page argument/insult-fest. Hmph!

Thats because you are a known retard and everyone hates you, dumbass. We're sick of seeing you do more retarded shit. Go play with your 40 year old hoopdee or watch Nascar or something.

Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 08:33 AM
It's just as retarded in this thread as it is in the other.