View Full Version : Black White

03-13-2006, 06:33 PM
I saw the new FX show called Black/White the other night after having seen the promos and being intrigued.

The concept is that two families, one black and one white, would via expert makeup artists be disguised to appear the race of the other and thereby be allowed, at least theoretically, gain some insight as to what it is like to be that race in present day USA.

I found the black family,the Sparks, having less to have to think about and be concious of while trying to pass than the white family, the Wurgels.

Mrs Wurgel seemed to not be to bad and only made me cringe one time that i recall when she spoke of "jiving".

Mr Wurgel however was painful numerous times. The first was when he seemed to be insistant on using the word "nigger" in his various explanations showing how non racist he is and how he has the cure for racism. His good intentioned yet appallingly simplistic way to stop racism is to not look for it as he seems to think Mr Sparks does as well as not getting angry when someone calls him a "nigger". He seems to be oh so looking foward to being called such and to respond "Hey man, why did you call me that?" and "That would be it", wow... the end of racism as we know it.

The daughter was one of the two best in the first episode, as she seemed to have a greater awareness of current realtities as well as stereotypes. I have opinions both good and bad on her but would be interested to see if anyone else saw it and had some also first.

Mr Sparks was I thought pretty cool overall and definitely better able to pass as a white man than Mr Wurgel was as a black man. He didn't go crazy with the uber white accent that people do when poking fun at white america and was able to listen quite well at one point while someone at a bar he obtained a job at as a white man was telling him how nice the area was and that it was like the only mostly white enclave left in the area. The only time I can recall when i found him to be just way off base was when he went shopping at while puchasing some shoes the salesman helped him try on the shoes, placing them on him and lacing them up. He made a point to bring that up and say that that had never happened to him before. That left me wondering where exactly he shopped for shoes normally as I know I always have that happene for me, except at a place like Payless, and that my father who certainly does not look or sound like John Q Smith whiteguy also always has such done. He either was exagerating or really needs to change shoe stores.

Mrs Sparks we did not see much of in the first episode so I cannot say much as yet.

Nick Sparks seemed perhaps the most unfazed of the bunch even though he had perhaps the second smallest amount of airtime. He seems calm and quite comfortable with everything tossed at him.

Oy, I didnt mean to write so much but I hope some others here saw it also and comment.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2006, 07:11 PM
Eddie Murphy's undercover brother was better.

03-13-2006, 07:15 PM
Where do you shop for shoes at? I've never had anyone do that for me and I've shopped for shoes at lots of places. Anyways, sounds like a very good show. I'll have to look for it.

03-13-2006, 07:15 PM
I already saw an interview with both families on a morning show.. the white people were encouraged and even asked to use words like nigger and bitch when refering to other people. I found it amusing that the real black people were all up in arms about the way the white people acted as blacks, yet the white people had nothing to say about the way the black people acted as whites.

03-13-2006, 07:25 PM
i thought the show was garbage, the black family seemed to be looking for racism everywhere while the white father felt he was treated the same even with make up, which made the black father get so pissed. One example was when they were walking down the sidewalk and the real black guy goes, see she moved from you, and the white guys like yeah no kidding, im in the middle of the sidewalk she had to move or shed walk into me. And the daughter just seemed to act like every other teen whether she was black or white. btw the bar scene looked like that racist customer was a plant, to get a re-action.

03-13-2006, 08:10 PM
Fucking stupid

03-13-2006, 08:29 PM
They might be able to paint you black if you ask nice enough, Makkah.

Just fuckin around.

03-13-2006, 08:36 PM
Eddie Murphy's undercover brother was better.

What about Silver Streak when Pryor painted Wilder up with shoe polish?

Undercover Brother had Eddie Griffen and he is black.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2006, 08:50 PM
I think the show trivializes the racism in the world today (both white and black racism). The families can always wash off the paint. Sorry, it's not the same.

Frankly, we are all different people, anywhere where you are the minority, there is the potential to percieve some slight because of your difference. Being different is what makes the world amazing, if only we wouldn't focus on the negative perceptions of difference.

And yeah, I know racism exists.

03-13-2006, 08:54 PM
Double true, SHM. I have a crazy theory on why there is still racism, but its too crazy to even mention. But I think as we move forward it is becoming less and less. At least I hope to holy hell its getting less.

03-13-2006, 10:22 PM
I think the show trivializes the racism in the world today (both white and black racism). The families can always wash off the paint. Sorry, it's not the same.

Frankly, we are all different people, anywhere where you are the minority, there is the potential to percieve some slight because of your difference. Being different is what makes the world amazing, if only we wouldn't focus on the negative perceptions of difference.

And yeah, I know racism exists.

I don't think anyone would say that this was in any way a scientific examination of race relations in the US.

I think it does have the potential to be interesting though and I am hoping it will be so.

The most real moments in the first episode were during the two discussion groups they had the families sit in on and were the statements made by people who thought they were only speaking to others of the same race as themselves.

You could be totally correct SHM, but I will hope you are mistaken and watch at least the next episode and then we'll see how things go.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2006, 10:38 PM
What about Silver Streak when Pryor painted Wilder up with shoe polish?

Undercover Brother had Eddie Griffen and he is black.

Fuck Wilder in that crap movie.. he tried to hard. I was talking about Eddie Murphy SNL skit.. where he paints himself white and rides the bus.. goes to the bank for a loan etc.