View Full Version : Digital camera woes

03-13-2006, 05:09 AM
Need some help recovering some lost pictures.

Basically what happened was the battery on my camera died while I was in the midst of showing some pictures to a friend. The next morning, I popped some new ones in and turned it on, only to be greeted with a display informing me 0 pictures have been taken. Space for 62 pictures remain available on the memory card (originally it's like 200 or something), so clearly those pictures are still on the card somewhere.

Anyone know how I could recover those lost images? There was so much spring break debauchery that I don't want to lose.

03-13-2006, 07:04 AM
might be a malfunction.... did you try just plugging the card into a printer that allows that or a USB card reader? just try plugging in the camera to your PC anyway and see if your PC reads what the camera is not.

03-13-2006, 07:17 AM
What Cailania said. Sounds like your camera reset the photo number only, for the size pictures you were taking.

* Remove your memory stick and plug it into a reader.
* If you have a USB cord that plugs into your camera, hook them up.

All your pictures should e recoverable at that point.


03-13-2006, 10:23 AM
Get a card reader for your type of card and connect it to your computer. Look on the internet for data recovery software or software to recover deleted pictures. A good place to start is PC World or PC Mag, I have seen articles in there reviewing various file recovery programs before. Download it and scan your card. Should work.
