View Full Version : Taking offers on a 6x Iasha white ora maul

03-12-2006, 09:29 PM
Selling a 6x Iasha white ora maul. It's 6x, 1x/day teleportation to your dieties temple or preset locateion if your diety doesn't have one in that area, +3 wisdom stat, and plasma flares. Also has various actions, including a diety specific message when you raise it (some dieties have more messages then others)

a massive white ora maul
The head of this maul appears little more than a large piece of white ora that has been crudely chipped and attached to a large Faewood shaft. Etched upon both sides of the head is a sickle in between a pair of wings. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph


peer: As you gaze on the haft of your white ora maul, your eyes mist over and you see the holy symbol of <diety> burn in your mind.

wave: As you wave the white ora maul in the air, bursts of white-hot baneful flames fly from it in every direction.

kiss: You sets the tip of his white ora maul on the ground, bowing your head and murmuring a prayer to his patron.

touch: You lovingly traces your fingers along the veins of white-ora folded into the maul.

poke: You run a finger down the surface of the maul. You stop to admire its flawless craftsmanship, all of it crafted from gleaming white ora and meticulously maintained. Unfortunately, you forgot about the flames surrounding it, and it is hot!

roar: You point your weapon into the sky and roar a battlecry to <diety>.

hold: Holding your white ora maul, you cry out, "<diety>, aid me in my hour of need!"

attend: As you pray over your white ora maul, a shining white pillar of light appears. A gateway opens inviting you in, and you step forward into it.
teleports you once a day.



* As you raise your white ora maul a sudden sense of finality sparks a moment of inner reflection.
* Third: As <person> raises his white ora maul a sudden sense of finality sparks a moment of inner reflection.


* You raise your maul and a burst of white energy extends from the weapon to momentarily form a white shield symbol over your head.
* You thrust your arm high into the air and feel a cold determination filling you. Ebony lights glitter with golden speckles as they rise from the hilt of your weapon towards the tip of your maul. Several golden shields break through the ebony surface for a moment before the maul is consumed in darkness. Your maul resonates loudly for a mere moment then the light bursts into a shower of ebony and golden sparks that shower down around you when you lower your maul.

raise is based upon dieties and is different for each of them. some of them also have multiple raise messages

Random Messages:

The crimson flames surrounding your white ora maul flare up a brilliant orange for a moment.

Waves of heat rise from the surface of your white ora maul, creating a hazy aura about it.

Fiery sparks from the surface of your white ora maul hiss as they fade in the nearby air.

The white ora maul pulses in your hand, as if seeking something.

You flich as the flames surrounding your white ora maul flare out suddenly!

The flames surrounding your white ora maul blaze up for a moment.

Burning low, the flames encasing your white ora maul emit an angry hiss.

The flames surrounding your white ora maul swirl around and a low murmuring can be faintly heard. You think one of them was, "Release."

Flare messages:

** As you attack, the baneful white flames surrounding your white ora maul flare off and strike, bathing the ghostly pooka in fiery death! **

** A peal of thunder cracks from your white ora maul as baneful white light streams forth to surround ghostly pooka, assaulting it with flames of white-hot fury! **

** As your white ora maul connects with the kiramon worker, baneful white flames stream off the maul and strike, leaving smoking, ragged burns behind! **

** As you land your blow, the flames surrounding the white ora maul begin to swirl and burn and set the kiramon worker alight! It falls to the floor and rolls to put the blaze out! **

** Baneful white flames dance from your white ora maul as an unseen wind fans them into a raging conflaguration that assault the kiramon worker!

Does 2-70 damage and occasionally crit kills.

Starting bid is 35 million coins. Buyout is set at 60 million.

Send emails to soulblaze@gmail.com

03-14-2006, 03:14 PM