View Full Version : Only Two High End Items Left!

03-10-2006, 03:50 PM
Only two high end items left in inventory so get em while you can!

1. The Dice of Fate -
Sagan's Infamous Dice Dropped From Above

a pair of obsidian dice with pips of ivory
The dice are six sided obsidian cubes with a different number of white ivory pips surrounded by fine runes on each side. The single pips representing ones are shaped like tiny crimson skulls with a more concentrated number of runes surrounding them. The dice absorbs any light that shines on them without reflection like the inky blackness of night.

Casts spells depending on the roll. Unlimited use. No roundtime.
2 - death
3 - pain infliction
4 - meteor swarm
5 - dispell
6 - nightmare
7 - targetting
8 - deflection
9 - disk
10 - heroism
11 - familiar
12 - mana focus


"Dice obsidian made with blood
Sweep me away in song's flood."

As you sing, you see a vision of the night sky with Charon beginning to rise over the horizon. A strange pinpoint of darkness forming in the center of the moon.

"Charon rising above the land
Brightly in the sky he takes his stand
Dice to roll beneath the sky
Dark spot rolling by and by"

As you continue to sing, you see Orhan rise close to Charon and an even smaller glowing point of light appear in the center of the darkness. In a shimmering flash of light the two points mix and shoot towards Kulthea.

"Orhan rise to Charon speed
Come to me now I have need
To learn the beams that to Kulthea fly
Dice still rolling in the sky"

As you continue to sing, you see two strange objects fall to the ground in a shimmering streak of light. As they fall the brilliant flare of pure essence mingles with the undulating darkness of the unlife as if locked in battle around the objects.

"Fates small messengers, tiny dice
Sing my song within a trice
Come ye now the battle rage
Dice we turn another page"

As you conclude the song, a final vision comes to you, the image of a pair of dice with odd pips resting in a shallow crater. The vision fades leaving you with the impression that the dice are a point of contention between the Lords of Orhan and the Dark Lords of Charon. Their nature and abilities dependent upon that hidden struggle.

100m flat!
2. a large coiled viper / a viper staff
Live viper that lives on you. Casts evil eye, unpoison and poison resist.
Eats diamonds for charges. Incredible scripts that will amaze anyone.

You wave your viper staff at Chazym.
1d100: 12 + Modifiers: 126 == 138

You stare deep into Chazym's eyes.
CS: +352 - TD: +455 + CvA: +14 + d100: +57 - +20 == -52
Warded off!
Chazym stares back at you without fear.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You raise your viper staff skyward!
1d100: 69 + Modifiers: 184 == 253

Your skin takes on a more pinkish tint.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You tap a large coiled viper.
1d100: 70 + Modifiers: 294 == 364

There is a dim flash around you.
You feel a strengthening of your blood flow.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

1.>rem viper
Your viper uncoils from around your neck and crawls down your arm, straightening back into a staff in your hand.

Tsin's viper suddenly uncoils from around his neck and crawls down his arm, straightening into a staff in his hand.

2.>wear staff
Your viper staff crawls obediently up your arm and curls around your neck.

Tsin's viper staff suddenly crawls up his arm and curls around his neck.

3.>lick viper
Concentrating on your coiled viper, you feel its spirit touch you. For a moment you imagine you could shed your skin and crawl away.

Tsin stares blankly about and you notice his eyes are slitted! A long forked tongue slips out of his mouth, tasting the air.

4.>show staff to Chazym
Your viper staff comes to life momentarily in your hands! The viper hisses and lashes out at Chazym!

Tsin's viper staff comes to life in his hands! The viper hisses and lashes out at you!

5. >turn viper
You loosen the coiled viper wrapped about your neck.

Tsin loosens the coiled viper wrapped around his neck and breathes a bit more freely.

Feeding time:
You open a viper feed bag clasped with two sharp venomous fangs.
>get diam
You remove an uncut diamond from in your viper feed bag.
>rub staf
You rub your viper staff's belly. It devours your uncut diamond in a single gulp!

Tsin rubs his viper staff delicately. The viper greedily swallows an uncut diamond from his other hand.
If you drop it, it is attuned to only you and will bite and poison people who try to pick it up.
Poisons for 1000 per round!

>drop staff
Your staff curls up defensively, and eyes you with cold reptilian reproach.
You drop a large coiled viper.

Chazym reaches for a large coiled viper and it sinks its fangs into his hand!

You reach for the coiled viper and it lashes out at you, sinking its fangs into your hand! Your hand throbs painfully as poison courses through your body.
ALSO comes with three alters that follow theme..

a tiny clear glass vial labeled "viper anti-venom" suspended from a black chain
(Neck worn drinkable unpoison)

a viper feed bag clasped with two sharp venomous fangs - belt worn, medium amount, filled with diamonds

a glistening black armband that wraps tightly around the arm in the shape of a coiled viper

80m flat!

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


03-11-2006, 05:56 AM
woah n34t..... i have never seen these items b4.... definitly NOT on theeees forums. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo koool1!!! u must not have had these items 4 very long or else u would have posted them 4 sale already. omg, am i rite?

Sean of the Thread
03-11-2006, 10:15 AM
I'd hardly call those high end items. I'd say they are both crap. That being said I'll offer 5 million on the dice... which is more than it's worth.

03-12-2006, 11:07 PM
Thanks for your support

03-12-2006, 11:35 PM
The staff is cool, too bad staffs in general suck.

03-13-2006, 03:03 AM
The staff is cool, too bad staffs in general suck.

What sucks about those staffs is if you set them on the ground for the snake trick and someone pours a pure potion on the item it permanently destroys it. GMs won't replace it either since that is how they are intended to work.

03-13-2006, 03:18 AM
So in essence you are saying you may as well toss 50 to 100 million on the ground and walk away? Not friendly at all.

Tsin has some great items, and comes across great items, but for that to be a possibility, however slim, is just scary in and of itself.


03-13-2006, 03:37 AM
Well any item can be dropped or lost. I'm not sure if the dice are auto picked up after rolling either. Either way, both of the abilities of these items (if the dice do get dropped) are lessened by the fact they can be easily lost. They also don't have much IG usefulness. A 10x DB, for example, would be much more useful in a hunting situation than either of these would be.

However there is so much history and lore attached to these items regardless of their abilities. If I was to buy the staff, I'd have to give it back to Blades as I can't see him without it.

03-13-2006, 04:30 AM
Care to share Stray?


03-15-2006, 08:18 PM