View Full Version : Update/Trying to get computers to Africa...

03-08-2006, 06:10 AM
Hey kids, a little update with myself.

The end of my two years in the Peace Corps is quickly approaching, I'll be home in the States this summer, maybe July, probably August. It looks like I'll be going to Boston College Law School, so all you Bostonites, rejoice (or curse the gods, whatever, your choice).

However, before I leave, I'm trying to set up a computer training center here in Rundu, Namibia, google it if you want, it's in Northeastern Namibia, in southern Africa. Unemployment is one of the leading causes of HIV/AIDS (I'd just sit around having sex all day if I had nothing else to do, personally), and the purpose of this center is to improve marketable skills in out-of-school youth (youth who have finished secondary school but cannot afford university/can't find a job). The basic idea will be to teach them basic word processing (including typing lessons), excel, and the basics of computer learning. At the same time, a local community group, once I've trained them in computers, will be giving the lessons for a small fee in the community, which they will apply to their other HIV/AIDS activities (drama groups, community gardens, soup kitchens, etc). This will provide a way of supporting current HIV/AIDS programs in the communities, and boosting the employability of youth in Sauyemwa, outside of Rundu town.

As you can tell, I've been writing a few proposals on this project for a bit now. What I'm looking for, though, also, are computers for the lab. They don't have to be new by any stretch of the imagination, they just need to work, and be able to do basic word/excel type things as well as handle some typing tutor software we have. I've EMailed all my friends, but then I thought.....hey, why don't I ask all the crazy computer types I know.

So, if you have an old computer you don't want, and are willing to shell out some for postage in the name of a good cause....please help me out. Or, if you're willing to donate money to us in the name of purchasing a computer here, we can do that too.

Please pass this on to other Gemstoners, as you see fit.

See you all in a couple of months!

P.O. Box 2114

If you want to call about details and have an international calling card: +264 81 230 9917

That's my cell, and yes, it is strange, I have a cell, in the middle of nowhere, Africa.

Sean of the Thread
03-08-2006, 07:29 AM
Personally I don't want to create another third world job market that will work for pennies and steal jobs from our market.. so I say fuck em.

That being said I think the cost of shipping computers there would also far exceed the value. Perhaps try to convince some corporations etc of the charity idea? Or have a donation drive and then purchase all the parts (cheaply) and put together all the small computers there.

I've got plenty more ideas but it's early and I need to walk my dog.

03-08-2006, 07:50 AM
Bush is all about creating more third world job markets. You should see what he said/did regarding India. You clearly need to follow your fearless leader's example, Xyelin!


Third World job markets do mean potentially bigger outlets for American exports too, mind you.

03-08-2006, 09:38 AM
If you want I can ask my mom at the U of Chicago. I know they usually have old ass computers lying around.

03-10-2006, 05:17 AM
That would be great, Daniel.

I do have the proposal in with the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, so there's that. And I've met Michael Dell (family friend) so I'm hoping he'll pitch in a bit too. Also with some local Buffalo companies, but all these guys expect me to be sitting in front of EMail constantly so they can pelt me with questions about this. Which I can't. The two computers I've gotten so far have come from personal donations, which don't usually require massive paperwork.

This isn't about creating third world job markets, it's about making people employable at the local level, as all office jobs here are now requiring computer skills even though the general public has no access to computers on a regular basis by any stretch of the imagination.

Mara, kapi naku gazara nocenters zatoona moNamibia ngamu rugana, morwa nagumwe si akuuyunga ruingrisa nawa-nawa.

For those of you who don't speak ruKwangali, the Bantu language of Rundu: "However, I don't think call centers in Namibia will work, because no one speaks English well enough."


03-10-2006, 08:46 AM
For those of you who don't speak ruKwangali, the Bantu language of Rundu: "However, I don't think call centers in Namibia will work, because no one speaks English well enough."


Because that stopped call centers in India......

03-10-2006, 09:07 AM
Personally I don't want to create another third world job market that will work for pennies and steal jobs from our market.. so I say fuck em.

That being said I think the cost of shipping computers there would also far exceed the value. Perhaps try to convince some corporations etc of the charity idea? Or have a donation drive and then purchase all the parts (cheaply) and put together all the small computers there.

I've got plenty more ideas but it's early and I need to walk my dog.

Good thing no one has ever accused you of being anything more than a moron.

The "value" of the computers would be far greater than the cost of shipping. He's not asking for gaming machines, he's asking for working machines.
What you can learn on a P4, you can learn on a working 6x86 233mhz. I just needs to be able run the software.

As far as stealing jobs, I highly doubt it ... not in the near future anyway. Consider the state of basic utilities throughout Africa and I'm sure you'll be able to put it together without too much help.

03-10-2006, 09:26 AM
E, I'll talk to my company I'm sure I can get some desktops for you however shipping would be an issue. Computers I can get, it's what I do, funds....not so much.

03-10-2006, 10:54 AM
That's pretty much the same issue you'd face on my end. I've been busy with midterms but I Talked to her briefly and she said she could see who she can ask. I'm forwarding her a copy of the email now

Sean of the Thread
03-10-2006, 04:49 PM
Good thing no one has ever accused you of being anything more than a moron.

The "value" of the computers would be far greater than the cost of shipping. He's not asking for gaming machines, he's asking for working machines.
What you can learn on a P4, you can learn on a working 6x86 233mhz. I just needs to be able run the software.

As far as stealing jobs, I highly doubt it ... not in the near future anyway. Consider the state of basic utilities throughout Africa and I'm sure you'll be able to put it together without too much help.

Since you're being a fucking waste of non aborted human as usual.. the stealing jobs was a joke that you're too simple minded to get obviously.

The cost of shipping HEAVY FUCKING POS DINOSAUR COMPUTERS from INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS WOULD COST MORE (enough to deter individuals from shipping) than if he collected a fund and bought the equipment to even put together onsite or any other of the many easier solutions.

Go read conspiracy blogs or something and come back when you have something useful to contribute.

03-15-2006, 07:28 AM
Maybe I can get the funds for shipping donated. If y'all have the computers and are willing to send them - let me frickin' know. I'll work out the shipping. Worse comes to worse, I'll donate the shipping costs myself - after all, I've just been sitting here for two years while my bank accounts at home gain interest - might as well use that money for something.

You can EMail me at:



03-15-2006, 10:12 AM
Though it hurts to say this, Xyelin may have a point.

You should look into the costs of shipping first, especially if you are possibly going to be paying the costs yourself.

You may well be able to get better machines locally for the same price.

Do look into it at least.

03-15-2006, 10:20 AM
I don't know what a computer and monitor setup weighs exactly, but according to the USPS website, it would take $71.40 for a 4-6 week delivery or $109.60 for a 4-10 day delivery to send a 25 pound package to Namibia.

03-15-2006, 11:02 AM
Maybe try sending otherwise outdated laptops instead of desktops, you avoid the whole weight issue then.

03-17-2006, 02:02 AM
Most computers here run at about N$8000 plus, and that minimum is for average quality ones. Of course, that's new, I haven't been able to find used ones available, and I don't know that I could trust buying used computers in Namibia - I once saw someone use a coke can and elephant grass to fix their car.

N$8000, the best the exchange rate has been recently has been about N$6.25 to the dollar, which'd work out to $1280. If I get a donated, used, but reliable computer from the States....much cheaper. Even if I wanted to buy new from the States and ship it, I could get it cheaper. Since it's for an NGO, customs are exempt, so on, so forth, so it's not like I'd have to pay excise taxes, just pure shipping and that's it.


03-17-2006, 02:47 AM
Unemployment is one of the leading causes of HIV/AIDS

Actually I read a factoid that said the number one cause of AIDS was having sex with another infected person.

03-17-2006, 03:13 AM
That's why I said one of the leading causes. ;)

If you're unemployed, and staying at home all day, you tend to have a lot more sex, because sex is not only fun, but (usually, unless you're Drew) free.

If you're unemployed, you're also more likely to try and fill your time recreationally more, and, in rural areas, that tends to involve drinking, since there's no formal entertainment as such. And drinking leads not only to more sex (Beer: Helping Ugly People get Laid since whenever) but poorer decision making, and more unprotected sex.

So unemployment is both a secondary and tertiary, indirect cause of HIV/AIDS in Africa....which is why Development should be a key issue in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


03-17-2006, 04:21 AM
If you're unemployed, and staying at home all day, you tend to have a lot more sex, because sex is not only fun, but (usually, unless you're Drew) free.

I know, that's cause the ladies are PAYING ME to get all up ons!

:bananahit: :bananahit: :foshizzle:

03-17-2006, 05:58 AM
You could always look into a freight containor as well. Providing you get enough donations to justify a freight containor.

Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 08:08 AM
I don't know what a computer and monitor setup weighs exactly, but according to the USPS website, it would take $71.40 for a 4-6 week delivery or $109.60 for a 4-10 day delivery to send a 25 pound package to Namibia.

Around 80lbs average with 15-17inch monitor included. UPS will not quote packages that large over their website to where he is at.. you have to call their freight experts.

Sean of the Thread
03-17-2006, 08:11 AM
Also The E could you post some specifics on the tutor software that you spoke of?

03-19-2006, 03:15 AM
It's Called Typing Pal v2.0. Compatible with Windows 95 and onwards. I installed it on my laptop (Windows XP Pro) and it works fine.

It's actually in English and Spanish, for some reason. It's actually kind of fun, as typing tutors go.
