View Full Version : Preliminary Draft of Elven PRO Charter

02-28-2006, 10:59 PM
Hey, all!

Had a meeting today with Lisera, Lasan, Narcissiia and Menos where we hashed out a rough draft of the charter for the planned Elven PRO. I collected the decisions made in that meeting into a document. Those who are interested in the PRO, lemme know what you think!


02-28-2006, 11:23 PM
For those who don't want to load the doc, I'll post it here.

Name: The Vaalin Consortium - As vaalin is an Elven metal, flexible and possessing all colors, so the Consortium is Elven, flexible yet durable, and representative of all Houses.

Purpose or Goals: The Vaalin Consortium wishes to provide the example for the best of Elven civilization and embody the best of Elven culture. In doing so, we wish to provide a forum for Elves of the City-States to socialize with others of the same heritage. Through the Consortium, we hope to draw other Elves to remember their own culture, resist the influences of the West, restore the primacy of Elven culture and promote unity among the Five Noble Houses.

Leadership: Leadership consists of a council of five members, each representing one of the remaining Elven Houses (Vaalor, Illistim, Loenthra, Ardenai and Nalfein), and a Chairperson. Council members serve for six months, while the Chairperson serves for one year. Members of each House will elect their representative to the council. Members descended from more than one House will decide which House they will belong to for voting purposes when they join the Vaalin Consortium, and this decision cannot be chosen so long as the member remains within the Consortium. Only members of a House may serve as that House’s representative on the council. The Chair is elected by a vote from the general assembly of all members of the Consortium. Council members are elected every 21st of Charlatos and Imaerasta, while the Chair is elected the 21st of Eorgaen.

Members of the Council will select officers from among them, such as Secretary, Treasurer and Events Coordinator. Most decisions will be decided among the Council, with the exception of voting on new members, electing Council members and the Chair or to recall a member of the Council or Chair. The Chair does not normally vote during Council meetings, but oversees the meetings, directs the discussions of such meetings, casts the tiebreaking vote when necessary, oversees the work of the Council to make sure they are fulfilling their responsibilities, brings Council members before the general assembly should that member be lax in their responsibility and serves as the “face” of the Consortium. The Council assumes decision-making powers for all other issues.

In making decisions, the Council must have a unanimous vote in favor of a measure. Council members may abstain from a vote in cases where they believe they have a conflict of interest or they do not feel they can vote in good conscience. As it is easy for a Council member to halt the Council as a whole, members of the general assembly are urged to be careful in selecting a representative that is able to set aside personal agenda for the good of the group.

In cases where a Council member is not performing their required duties, the Chair may bring a case against the delinquent Council member before the general assembly. The Council member, if present, is given the opportunity to defend themselves to the assembly, and general members are permitted to speak if they have anything to add. The general assembly then votes on whether to remove the Council member from their post, a majority needed for such a move to succeed. If successful, the Council member is removed from office, still retaining membership in the Consortium, and a replacement is elected in the same manner as Council members normally are elected. If the Council member held an officer’s position, the Council will decide whom to fill the vacancy when the replacement has been elected. The replacement will serve for the remainder of the term, elections taking place on the previously prescribed day.

If the Chair is found to be delinquent in their responsibilities, the Council may bring a case before the general assembly in the same manner as given in the previous paragraph.

Membership: Membership is restricted to those of pure Elven descent, excluding Sylvan and Dark Elven heritage. Elves who have not claimed a House may join the Consortium and be elected to the position of Chairperson, but may not be elected to the Council.

There is not an application process to join the Consortium, and Elves asking members as to whether they can join is discouraged. Rather, members should be looking constantly for prospective members among the general populace. Should they find an Elf of proper bearing, behavior and mind, they will bring the name of the Elf before the general assembly, where the prospective member’s merits will be discussed, as well as whether they would fit within the group. Members of the general assembly may request a period of time until the next meeting in which to observe the prospective member and judge their character. Whether such a period for observation will be granted is at the discretion of the Chair.

Once the general assembly has decided they have enough information on a prospective member to make a decision, a general vote will be called, all members present able to cast a vote or abstain as they wish. A majority vote is needed for a prospective member to be considered fit to join the Consortium. If a candidate is judged fit, the sponsor may then approach the candidate and invite them to join the Consortium, and it is the candidate’s choice whether they wish to join. If a candidate is judged unfit to join, the Elf will not be notified, and should not be aware, that they were under consideration.

Members are required to attend (percent) of the general meetings, while Council members and the Chair are required to attend (percent) of general and Council meetings. Members who repeatedly do not meet their attendance requirements may be expelled from the Consortium for inactivity, pending a vote by the Council. Members who know ahead of time that they will be unable to meet their requirements may notify the Chair or a Council member and will be given consideration according to the situation.

Changes to the Charter: The Charter may be changed by a majority vote in the general assembly. Changes may be brought up at a general meeting, where the proposed changes will be discussed and voted by the general assembly. A majority vote is required for any changes to be approved, which will take effect immediately.

Group Crest: undecided at this time

Primary Town: Ta’Vaalor

First Event Outline: For the first event, the Vaalin Consortium plans to hold an auction and formal ball. The auction will be for outfits and items supplied by members as well as possible donations from the Elven seamstress Nyalieth. The Consortium plans that the auction will take place within the Elven-only area of Helgreth’s Tavern in Ta’Vaalor, as we wish only for those of Elven blood to be able to purchase items, or within the Ta’Vaalor shop owned and run by Lisera Narma. At this time, it is planned that a percentage of the proceeds raised from the auction will be donated to the Consortium, while the rest will be distributed to the items’ donors. Following the auction, a formal ball will be held within the city of Ta’Vaalor, but the exact location is not yet decided. Pure Elves will be invited, and locations will be preferred where Elves will be the only people able to enter.

02-28-2006, 11:36 PM
No sylvans. Great idea. You don't want them littering up an event with muddy boots or showing up brushing leaves off their garments.

03-14-2006, 05:01 AM
No love for the sylvans. :(

03-14-2006, 05:04 AM
Make sure you understand a joke.

03-14-2006, 04:39 PM
Elves who are interested in the Vaalin Consortium may attend informational meetings at Helgreth's Tavern in Ta'Vaalor at 7:00pm Tuesdays and at a table in the Sea Breeze Tavern on the Four Winds Isle 9:00pm Fridays. These meetings will begin immediately and will hold such times until further notice. If any Elf is interested in learning of the Consortium but is not able to attend, seek out Lisera in Ta'Vaalor or send a message to nilandia<at>sovyn<dot>com to schedule a meeting more convenient to you.

The purpose of the Consortium, taken from the Charter: The Vaalin Consortium wishes to provide a forum for those of the Elven City-States to socialize with others of the same heritage. It is our hope that through this group, Elves may learn more of their own history and culture, through which they may become respectable members of Elven society.

~ Lisera of House Narma, Ta'Nalfein


03-14-2006, 04:47 PM
Yeah uhh..I was joking too.

03-14-2006, 04:48 PM
Make sure you understand a joke.

Make sure your jokes have humor in them.

03-16-2006, 02:48 AM
Also, Nilandia. SKATEMOM, WELCHA, and all their clones are fucking retarded. I wouldn't even bother arguing with them on the Official Boards.

03-17-2006, 05:22 PM
Trust me, I don't most of the time. I know how they work all too well. I just didn't want them painting an inaccurate picture of the Consortium.


03-18-2006, 12:27 AM

Tonight's meeting went splendidly, and thank you to all who attended! The application to join the meeting hall has been submitted tonight. I'll let you know if/when I hear anything!


03-28-2006, 09:23 PM
Adding a note that the Consortium has recently voted to change the goals to bring the wording in line with our actual goals and purpose. The posted Charter has been edited to reflect such.

The current goals are now: The Vaalin Consortium wishes to provide the example for the best of Elven civilization and embody the best of Elven culture. In doing so, we wish to provide a forum for Elves of the City-States to socialize with others of the same heritage. Through the Consortium, we hope to draw other Elves to remember their own culture, resist the influences of the West, restore the primacy of Elven culture and promote unity among the Five Noble Houses.


03-29-2006, 08:54 AM
For some sad, little reason, I wouldn't mind joining this PRO. It is a damn shame that I am 1. Dark Elven. 2. Dhe'nar 3. Not "Cultured"

That is all

03-29-2006, 03:58 PM
Of course. Who wouldn't wish to take part in the foremost culture in the world? ;)

As a side note, the Consortium has seven members at this time, all of whom passionate to see it succeed. We're planning to have the auction and formal ball on a weekend during May, though we haven't decided which week just yet.


04-22-2006, 11:52 PM
The application for the Vaalin Consortium has been approved, and we are established in Ta'Vaalor.

Looking forward to the many events we will hold in the future!


05-09-2006, 04:30 PM

Effective immediately, the Vaalin Consortium's informational meetings will be changing. Meetings will be held every Tilamaires at nine in the evening at Helgreth's Tavern in Ta'Vaalor, and every Day of the Huntress at nine in the evening at the rooftop garden in Moonglae Inn or Veythorne Manor, both in Ta'Illistim.

Lady Lisera Narma, for the Vaalin Consortium

(OOC translation: Tuesday meetings at 9:00pm in Ta'Vaalor, Friday Meetings at 9:00pm in Ta'Illistim, both times Eastern.)