View Full Version : The G dubbya Years. (2000-2008)

02-23-2006, 01:03 AM
I'm lame. I cant figure out the poll thingy on these new boards.

So, the question is about the G dubbya years.

Best President evar!
Praise God. Finally a proper Christian president!
He has backing, and I will back him because other, more rich people I admire do.
He is a man I would drink a beer with.
I may drink a beer with him but I might have to take away his spatula if he is not flipping the burgers on time.
The same old party line is his base, old and stale and way above my income level.
Good god, another man who claims to know God better than anyone else?
Worst President evar!

02-23-2006, 01:17 AM
I think its pretty well established that these are the Iraqi Holocaust years. And the most damaging years for middle-east diplomacy.

02-23-2006, 02:43 AM
I've only been alive through four presidents, but G.W. is probably the worst.

02-23-2006, 02:51 AM
I think its pretty well established that these are the Iraqi Holocaust years. And the most damaging years for middle-east diplomacy.

Iraqi Holocaust? :rofl: :rofl:

You are a one man comedy machine Backlash! I almost bought the new Dane Cook CD but then I remembered I can read your posts for free.

02-23-2006, 06:46 AM
He's a disgrace. He made the Republican Party even less conservative than it already was and that much more nationalist. The sad thing is... it isn't even a particularly effective nationalist.

Sean of the Thread
02-23-2006, 07:49 AM
You guys are right. If Al Gore or Kerry would have made it into office we wouldn't have gone to war with Iraq or possibly Iran.. which would have allowed them to dump the US dollar and start trading oil in Euros just to spite which would crash the US economy HARD and the world as we know it would end.

02-23-2006, 07:52 AM
Best President evar!

02-23-2006, 10:10 AM
So instead Exxon/Mobil gets record profits while complaining about how bad things are and Iran still doesn't give a damn. I'm so happy, Xyelin. 8% of our oil once came from Iraq...after the first gulf war almost none did.

02-23-2006, 01:42 PM
How many times is Backlash going to make polls like this?

Get a life.

Your poll isn't even good... You have either 'best president ever' or 'I like him because rich people do.' How about 'I like him more than the other two clowns who he ran against'? I could've gone for that one.

Also, unless you're a history major or a very big history buff, it's just ignorant to call him the worst ever. You have no ground to do so, and 99% of the people who vote for that option couldn't name the president's in order, let alone actually know what past president's actually did or their policies. Not to mention the country is going pretty good right now, but let's not let fact get in the way, HE IS A DIFFERENT PARTY THAN ME!!!1

02-23-2006, 01:48 PM
I was a history major. I don't think he is the worst President America has had. That doesn't exactly suggest that he's the best, however.

02-23-2006, 01:51 PM
You won't hear me saying he's the best, heh.

02-23-2006, 02:07 PM
Just to make a correction to that poll. Dubbya doesn't drink so you can't have a beer with him.

Dubbya is the worst President since Carter. Carter was a decent man but a lousy President. I liked Reagan but he sucked in dealing with Arab countries as well. Clinton I liked as well and I think he did a good job all around, of course I wouldn't have trusted him around my sister.

I think Dubbya has made a litany of mistake and that he has a simplistic view of the world. However I will let someone else list them.

I am hoping that Dubbya's Supreme Court Justices will at least mean he did one thing right in my view.

Sean of the Thread
02-23-2006, 02:11 PM
So instead Exxon/Mobil gets record profits while complaining about how bad things are and Iran still doesn't give a damn. I'm so happy, Xyelin. 8% of our oil once came from Iraq...after the first gulf war almost none did.

So you would rather the U.S. not gone to war to prevent Iraq from starting to trade oil in Euros and dumping the USD? The same tactic that Iran is threatening to do now? Regardless if we get our oil from Iran/Iraq or wherever the rest of the world does get it from them as well too.. and it is traded for using the USD. If everyone dumps their USD for euros our money will be worth like 1/80th it is now....

So which would you prefer?

02-23-2006, 02:17 PM
So you would rather the U.S. not gone to war to prevent Iraq from starting to trade oil in Euros and dumping the USD? The same tactic that Iran is threatening to do now? Regardless if we get our oil from Iran/Iraq or wherever the rest of the world does get it from them as well too.. and it is traded for using the USD. If everyone dumps their USD for euros our money will be worth like 1/80th it is now....

So which would you prefer?

I think it is immoral to start a war for such a reason and to lie to the American people about the reasons.

The reality is the US dollar is losing its dominance in the world. Sooner or later oil will be traded with another currency, it is only a matter a time. Empires rise and fall, ours is falling. China's is rising again. Let's hope oil isn't traded in Chinese yuan in 50 years, sooner or later China will have to float its currency.

Sean of the Thread
02-23-2006, 02:17 PM
Oh btw.. stupid fucking poll. Fair and balanced as usual comrade.

Sean of the Thread
02-23-2006, 02:19 PM
I think it is immoral to start a war for such a reason and to lie to the American people about the reasons.

The reality is the US dollar is losing its dominance in the world. Sooner or later oil will be traded with another currency, it is only a matter a time. Empires rise and fall ours is falling. China's is rising again. Let's hope oil isn't traded in Chinese yuan in 50 years, sooner or later China will have to float their currency.

I'm not saying that is/was the case as I don't know just the same as none of you know. But if it was the case.. you suggest we should just roll over and take in the ass like your typical saturday night? I vote no on that.

Immoral? Defined by who? Your definition?

02-23-2006, 02:22 PM
Oh btw.. stupid fucking poll. Fair and balanced as usual comrade.

This cracked me up.

02-23-2006, 02:25 PM
I'd have been a lot more sanguine with it if would actually be effective, longterm. I have no faith that Iraq isn't going to roll over and hand their country gleefully over to their Shiite brethren as soon as we leave.

If we want economic power we could, y'know, be fiscally responsible for a change rather than justifying further and further excesses. And that's not a Republican or a Democrat thing, because, at this point, the "conservatives" are much less conservative than even the liberals...and that takes a lot of doing, let me tell you.

With that economic power back, there'd be no question what people would trade oil in.

02-24-2006, 02:16 PM
How many times is Backlash going to make polls like this?

Get a life.

Your poll isn't even good... You have either 'best president ever' or 'I like him because rich people do.' How about 'I like him more than the other two clowns who he ran against'? I could've gone for that one.

Also, unless you're a history major or a very big history buff, it's just ignorant to call him the worst ever. You have no ground to do so, and 99% of the people who vote for that option couldn't name the president's in order, let alone actually know what past president's actually did or their policies. Not to mention the country is going pretty good right now, but let's not let fact get in the way, HE IS A DIFFERENT PARTY THAN ME!!!1

Now that is the most presumptive clause on the boards and pretty close to the dumbest. Way to get defensive <claps>. FTW

It must hurt to be so smart Hulk.

02-27-2006, 07:27 PM
I think Bush and his supporters believe that history will judge him more kindly than his modern contemporaries. I think he believes his initiatives will eventually bring stability to the Middle East and thus safety to America. I think he is sadly mistaken on both counts.

In my opinion, Bush he has missed the boat on one key issue, China, however so have his predecessors. America's demise won't be through war, it will be through economics.

02-27-2006, 07:31 PM
Now that is the most presumptive clause on the boards and pretty close to the dumbest. Way to get defensive <claps>. FTW

It must hurt to be so smart Hulk.

What's presumptive about it?

Elaborate a little bit, Trompster.

PS. It's not me being defensive, it's me tired of Backlash's repetitive posts on the same issues. I don't care very much that a lot of people on GEMSTONE IV PLAYERS CORNER dislike the guy who won the national election.

02-27-2006, 07:38 PM
the guy who won the national election.Twice. :)

02-28-2006, 05:16 PM
Twice. :)

Since Backlash missed this one, I can't resist. Hitler won twice as well once in 1932 and twice in 1933.

Sean of the Thread
02-28-2006, 05:21 PM
And once in September 1939.

02-28-2006, 06:23 PM
To be accurate, Hitler was elected Chancellor in '32 and created a (de facto) one-party state (guess whose???) before being elected President in '33. I can't find any references to a 1939 election, care to share, Xyelin?

But yes, Bush shares a number of characteristics with Hitler, as he does with Jesus Christ and Superman.

03-01-2006, 12:16 AM
Oh btw.. stupid fucking poll. Fair and balanced as usual comrade.

I admit to being extremely satirical, sarcastic and biased, which is how I exaggerate my views here on this board...

But look over the answers one more time, and tell me they aren't completely balanced.

03-01-2006, 12:48 AM
What's presumptive about it?

Elaborate a little bit, Trompster.

PS. It's not me being defensive, it's me tired of Backlash's repetitive posts on the same issues. I don't care very much that a lot of people on GEMSTONE IV PLAYERS CORNER dislike the guy who won the national election.

You are allowed to be uber sarcastic but someone adressing your comments are not?

And I know you do not want to start the whole question of what elections he did or did not win again, so why bring something like that up?

You really think "the country is going pretty good right now"?

I would be hard pressed to agree with the militay stretched thinner than it has been since at least the Viet Nam war.

-Oil prices higher.

-The ability for the average family to purchase a home dropping.

-Allowing of the trade deficit to spiral to dangerous levels.

-Failure to act as China has been pulling more and more economic and political clout into it's sphere of influence.

-Iraq nowhere near settled after nearly three years, hundred of billions of dollars spent, well over 2200 US military deaths, tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed so far and the country about to fall into all out civil war.

-The disasterous response to the Disaster that is/was Katrina aka "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.".

-His baffling insistance that Global Warming just is some monster under the bed.

-Overal worldwide opinion and along with it international relations of the US falling to its lowest point in decades.

-Allowing relations to become so strained even in the Americas as to see a significant shift in Latin America not only to the left but to view free trade agreements with China as potentialy a far better investment than one with the US.

-Deficit number two, the budgest deficit right along with the trade deficit is at a huge level yet he insists on keeping his tax cuts and even wanting to make them permanent mortaging this countries future for his short term politcal gain.

This is all what pops to mind immediately, so no, I don't think one can say that "the country is going pretty good right now".

Well check that, obviously one can say them as our president has been, I just think it's myopic bluster and fooling no one.

Well, almost no one.

03-01-2006, 12:57 AM
Less than 2000 RAF defended England from Hitler.

03-01-2006, 09:22 AM
Less than 2000 RAF defended England from Hitler.
