View Full Version : Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

01-03-2004, 07:30 PM
While drinking heavily on New Year's Eve, my friends and I were bullshitting about various things that we have survived doing in our youth. Then, out of the blue, I ask...

"Where do you think you'll be in five years?"

It was like a buzz kill. WTF?!?! I am I the only person who thinks about the future so I can take the proper steps towards accomplishing the goals I set for myself?

Anywho, in five years, I see myself living on a beach somewhere with my masters degree on the wall making killer money and climbing up a palm tree to take down my Christmas lights.

The wife bitching about the amount of coronas I drank before climbing up a palm tree. All this while junior slaps sissy up'side the head with an empty corona bottle while I yell DOH!!! just as I begin to fall out a palm tree.

What lofty goals do you have for the next five years?

01-03-2004, 07:49 PM
deciding weather I wish to stay in the Military or leave to continue my education to get a Dr. before or after my name.

01-03-2004, 07:53 PM
I'd like to see me married, with our first child in our own home, with both of us in a good job. In 10 years I'd like us to be comfortable enough that we each have a car and can take at least 2-3 trips a year to visit our family.

I've had it rough the last 6 years. This would all actually make me the happiest girl EVAR!

01-03-2004, 08:30 PM
Grad school or the army, depending on, you know, how Gestapo it gets.

01-03-2004, 08:32 PM
I plan on having just finished up my BA\MA in International relations and entering or being in my first year as a commissioned officer in the Army. From there i plan on fulfilling my obligation to the Army as an Intelligence officer with a branch detail in Infantry. From the officers i've talked to MI is a highly competitive field to get into and my chances are better with a branch detail. So, i'd choose infantry so i could have a better leg into getting into a LRRS D\C which is not so different than my current job. (I'd have to work on getting my Victor if i don't deploy i'm gonna try and get a slot in april or so). From there i'd want to get a branch assignment in the Office of military affairs for the CIA or another similar department. Ideally i'd be able to use that position to get a foot in the door to the civilian intelligence community which is ultimately where i want to end up. Thats about 8-9 years in the future, but oh well.

01-03-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
deciding weather I wish to stay in the Military or leave to continue my education to get a Dr. before or after my name.

Dr. The Edine..or..

The Edine, MD.



i remember halloween
01-03-2004, 08:37 PM
in the burning skies over china

01-03-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by i remember halloween
in the burning skies over china

WTF? Are you aspiring to be a bottle rocket?

01-03-2004, 09:31 PM
Hes an airforce pilot.

01-03-2004, 09:33 PM
Hopefully, I will be right where I am now, doing what I love to do...just a little older, if not much wiser. ;)


01-03-2004, 09:33 PM
Ahhh, thanks for the info.

01-03-2004, 09:43 PM
I'm going to be a famous singer, yep.:)

I have a goal, and I'm not too old to dream!


01-04-2004, 10:40 AM
In five years I hope to have two of my kids though college and working on the third and forth. Our restaurant will be a great success so we aren't working as hard. Building our little house in greece ( my hubby has property there) for vacations.

01-04-2004, 10:44 AM
two of my kids though college and working on the third and forth


Oof, old foog alert.

01-04-2004, 10:54 AM
Answer changes every day for me. If you had asked me two years ago, I would have said Medical School. A year ago, I would have said working at Oracle or AOL. Now? I don't even know anymore. There was a two week period this summer where I was ready to drop school, take an entry level job and start a family at 18. Thinking about the future makes my head explode.

[Edited on 1-4-2004 by Edaarin]

01-04-2004, 10:58 AM
Haha, a bunch of little Edaarin's running around makes me laugh.

01-04-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Hes an airforce pilot.

Now thats a terrifying notion.

01-04-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
two of my kids though college and working on the third and forth


Oof, old foog alert.

shad up.. your immaturity is showing

<edited to include a comeback I thought of while dismantling christmas. Ya know us ol' folk are slow.>

[Edited on 1-4-2004 by Myshel]

01-04-2004, 01:19 PM
Haha. In 5 years, I plan to be in my second or third year of college (I plan on taking a year off after high school unless I get a really good offer). Hopefully not having to work for my tuition.

01-04-2004, 01:25 PM
In 5 years, hopefully I'll have a house with my boyfriend. We'll both have successful jobs (or he can have a really good job and support me ;)), and be doing lots of travelling. I'd like to have kids, but I don't feel like fighting the world to get them, so I'll just settle for dogs.

01-04-2004, 03:08 PM
I hope to be doing the same thing I am doing now, just with more money.

01-04-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
I'd like to have kids, but I don't feel like fighting the world to get them, so I'll just settle for dogs.

Babies are ugly, you don't want them. Stick with dogs, they are cuter.

01-04-2004, 03:24 PM
5 years older.


01-04-2004, 03:25 PM
Staerin is in the process of replying to this thread.

In 5 years, I see myself out of high school. Yay.

01-04-2004, 03:27 PM
deputy G6 in Kuwait

01-04-2004, 03:27 PM
Hmm, in 5 years I'll probably be re-enlisting with the Air Force. Hopefully I'll be married by then, but who knows. Oh yeah, and I'll still be broke because of the fact enlisted paychecks suck.

01-04-2004, 03:37 PM
This is a really tough question.
Being far away from home, my family tends to bring it up when I do talk to them.

My plans were law school. I took the LSAT twice, I was registered last year with the LSDAS (the service that collects all your materials, and then sends out a packet to the law schools). Was ready to apply to Boston College, Vanderbilt, University of Michigan, and then a couple of saftey schools. Last March, I got an envolope offering me a seat and a near full ride at St. John's (As Anticor would say, JERSEY TURNPIKE U).

I had to write my personal statement about "why I wanted to be a lawyer". I stared at white screen of MS Word for five days. I just couldn't do it. All the research I've done shows that while a select few make it, many struggle. It's not the golden ticket it used to be.

I have so many interests, and I'm not really terrible at anything, so it makes it difficult to concentrate on a specific area. I need a job where things aren't the same everyday.

I'm looking at grad schools now, but all the deadlines for this year have pretty much passed. Even if they haven't, there's no way I could accumulate the necessary letters of rec and personal statements from overseas.

I'd like a job where I can wear a suit.

And then there's the next day, where I wake up and want to own a gym/health club. Or the next day when I decide I'm moving to LA to be a stand up comedian.

I HAVE NO CLUE where I will be.

Having said that, today's research centered on Columbia's school of Internation relations programs. I think I have a very solid shot to get in there.

01-05-2004, 11:22 AM
5 years..

I know from personal experience how much things can change in 6 months, much less 5 years.

I see myself in a house, remarried, with my daughter being in 3rd grade. I see myself dying my hair cause I won't be 40 yet and I'm gonna make sure I won't look it.

01-05-2004, 11:29 AM
Tayre wants this to be no longer valid:


Twice in one day! Too good to be true.

01-05-2004, 11:33 AM
Having said that, today's research centered on Columbia's school of Internation relations programs. I think I have a very solid shot to get in there.

You know, you feel pretty much the same way i do about things, except that i need a certain level of risk in my life and i have a natural aversion to suits. :) That said i found international relations to be the best fit for me as well. I went through my phases of wanting to go through CS\EE and alot of other things but in the end that seems like the only thing i coud honestly due, because its never the same thing.

01-05-2004, 03:34 PM
Five years ... Oye.

I have a few alternatives.

The first is to purchase a portion or the entire farm from my father. Farmer Tsa`ah in my hometown, raising my two girls like I was. Without the need to take the keys out of the ignition, lock any of the house doors, and a tad more responsibility than urban kids are used to.

The second option is to start my own business. It's either a lakeside vineyard/bed and breakfast type deal on one of the great lakes, or a vineyard/ski lodge along the western face of the Appalachians.

Either of the above is inclusive with going back to college for a masters or PhD.

01-05-2004, 03:46 PM
Finished my BS in MCIS

Working in a large company deciding data policy

House should be finished being built in June of this year so I see myself either selling that or doing alot of mods to it and starting the family up with the wife.

I will be bench pressing over 300 and my arms will be over 18" each.

In five years I'll be 27 and I plan on being one beast of a 27 yr old.

01-05-2004, 03:52 PM
Hehe... Anticor lives in Indy?

We should pick a spot midway and work out together. For giggles I told my wife I wanted to be 285 ... she said she'll divorce me.

01-05-2004, 03:58 PM
Live in Indy but I've got family in the Southern part of MI that I visit all the time. Next time I'm up that way I should meet ya for a brew or seven :cool:

01-05-2004, 04:28 PM
I actually live about an hour and 45 minutes west of you on I74.