View Full Version : Near Death Experience

02-09-2006, 10:17 PM
Before I detail how my day went, let me give you a little backstory...

I'd been working for my father's friend doing invoices for his electrical contracting company, while I received medical treatment for my MS and encephilitis. Mostly it was done from my house. When I started to recover, I started spending time in his office doing the work there instead. Now I'm *almost* back to the way I was back in October, and I've gotten more responsibilities...

Right now my Boss has a big residential contract in the Ghetto of East Orange New Jersey rennovating a Housing Project, and turning it into condos. Production is moving very slow because the Boss' father won't retire, and still feels the need to oversee every job, no matter how big or small... So I basically took the Big Boss' place at the jobsite as the Liason between the building and the company. Eventually I'll be the project manager, once I learn all the inner workings of what we have to complete here. In the meantime, I'm learning about the Electrical trade.

Anyways... Today, I'm helping one of our workers put brackets in the ceiling of the hallway on the 16th floor. He needed someone to walk on stilts and drill holes, while he cuts the brackets and pounds them into place. So, after about 5 hours of walking on stilts, I take a break. I remove the stilts and walk downstairs to the coffee truck that just arrived. On my way, I realize that my calf muscle got really tight... So I head out to the parking lot to try and walk it off.

I step outside of the building, and *WHAMO*! I'm creamed by a fragment of a brick that fell off the 12th floor. It hit me so hard, that it seperated my shoulder. I FREAKED out. I started screaming, swearing, cursing, and throwing stuff saying WTF?!

After I calm down, the police are summoned to the jobsite, and I had to fill out a report. The guy who knocked the brick off got fired for being careless. It wasn't one of our guys... I think he worked for the carpenters.

I'm lucky I was wearing my hardhat at the time. If that'd been 3 or 4 inches off, that would have smacked me in the head.

02-09-2006, 11:24 PM
Ouch! That must have hurt like hell! I'm sure glad your hardhat saved you from even worse injury, hon. Hope that shoulder recovers quickly.

02-10-2006, 02:32 AM
Damn I know that had to hurt. Glad to hear you're okay.

02-10-2006, 03:01 AM
Wait, didn't Kaed work construction?


Man that bites, glad to hear you're alright.

02-10-2006, 08:54 AM
It was Jack Mort.

02-10-2006, 09:45 AM
ahahaha, I must say, that's a freaky funny story.

It just sucks it had to be someone I knew. So, sorry!
