View Full Version : AD, Hyjal Protectorate peeps

02-09-2006, 01:02 PM
The only Hyjal Protectorate people I ever seen online these days are the ones who joined Stormwatch after the failed guild merger.

Has everyone else quit WoW, moved to another server or playing alts?

- Settium

02-09-2006, 01:21 PM
I moved all my AD characters to the new PvE server so they're all guildless.

02-09-2006, 01:21 PM
I quit WoW, joined to try on Dunemaul, quit, joined to try again, and quit again.

I'm just not interested in playing anymore, I don't think. The people who I played with were a large part of why I played. I bet Tilartis regrets severely his decision to dissolve HP. But, what's done is done, and I doubt HP will ever be what it was again. So, I don't know if I'll ever have reason to play again.

02-09-2006, 02:44 PM
Basically all the hardcore players that were in HP are now in Stormwatch, like my brother.

Dude, join Dunemaul, Horde side. I play almost every night for a few hours. Xyelin, Alfster, HJJJJ, Sergey, Axhinde, lots of us play often and help each other out.

Perhaps a warrior this time, since you like agroing things so much.

02-09-2006, 04:21 PM
I cancelled my account. I had no interest in the endgame, and PvP in WoW is seriously fucked up, so that lost its appeal really quickly. I tried Dunemaul, got a mage and a priest up to around level 30ish, but the guild there was almost always dead. Hardly any chatter and all. Plus the fact that I realized my mage and priest had pretty much already gotten all their skills, and the newness of them lost its polish.

I'd like to come back, but the devs seem intent on their "raid or quit" mentality. The only bone they toss to casuals tends to be mindless reputation treadmills.

02-09-2006, 04:24 PM
I think if I were unguilded and just doing the same old, same old every day.. I would get bored and quit WoW. Thankfully.. I'm in a guild that does end game instances and are a ton of fun to play with.

I'm as happy with WoW now as I was a year ago.

02-09-2006, 04:25 PM
Basically all the hardcore players that were in HP are now in Stormwatch, like my brother.

Dude, join Dunemaul, Horde side. I play almost every night for a few hours. Xyelin, Alfster, HJJJJ, Sergey, Axhinde, lots of us play often and help each other out.

Perhaps a warrior this time, since you like agroing things so much.

Is this with Hordecane Katrina or Me So Hordy? What levels are you guys at now? I have a 24 druid named "Bullchip" and a 30 mage named "Declare" that is always looking for fun to join in on.

02-09-2006, 04:52 PM
Hordicane Katrina. Some (most) [all] of the PCers except Anticor left Me So Hordy. We have fun, talk shit. We've got a few in their 40's, most are in their low 20's and some other lowbies running around.

And there seems to be at least a person or two on at any time of day, at night there's usually 6+ of us on. Nice to have some 40's come to my rescue when someone's camping my ass in Stonetalon.

Alfster, Xyelin, Axhinde, HJJJ, Sergey, Me, CT (I think), and others.

BTW, our forum site (it's ghetto-rific):


02-09-2006, 05:43 PM
I moved to Cho'gall to play with a couple RL friends.

02-09-2006, 06:56 PM
I cancelled my account. I had no interest in the endgame, and PvP in WoW is seriously fucked up, so that lost its appeal really quickly. I tried Dunemaul, got a mage and a priest up to around level 30ish, but the guild there was almost always dead. Hardly any chatter and all. Plus the fact that I realized my mage and priest had pretty much already gotten all their skills, and the newness of them lost its polish.

I'd like to come back, but the devs seem intent on their "raid or quit" mentality. The only bone they toss to casuals tends to be mindless reputation treadmills.

That's exactly what I think. I was never big on raiding and I will never be big on repetitious faction work. I had a total blast on the way to the cap because I think WoW made a perfect game for casual players up to cap. That's where it becomes just like every other MMO.

I still have my account but I haven't played at all since the Stormwatch fiasco. I get attached to my characters, or more like to the good memories they symbolize and I need a period of mourning before I can close my account. I'm pretty much as good as gone though.

02-09-2006, 11:02 PM
I honestly dont see PvP in Wow as fucked. Yeah, being occasionally ganked by a 60 in a lowbie area sucks, being corpse camped sucks too, but for the most part my heart still races every time I see a red name. With the priest, it's more like an "Oh shit, I'm about to get attacked." but on the rogue it's more like "Hahaha shiiiiit, I'ma fuckin attack someone." then I crit backstab them for 900 (lvl 39). Nothing beats melting faces though when someone tries to gank me.

BGs are so addictive, it isn't funny. Random PuGs for now are alright, and I think I've actually only lost 2 matches (both in WSG) out of........a lot. Every time has been fun, though it's getting to the point of pointlessness as the priest.

02-10-2006, 10:13 AM
Due to my work schedule conflicting with any possibility of raiding on AD, I rolled up a Rogue on Khaz'goroth. Oceania-preferred works perfectly for my schedule now (though it's strange being the odd one out being in the US). Hit 60 a few weeks ago, guild's large and just about to focus enough for ZG. Still love the game and the occasional mindlessness. Hell, even my non-PvP ass just hit First Sergeant and I'm halfway through grinding to Exalted rep in AV. Just to show that not everyone's disappointed with WoW.

-formerly the nooblet Pally, Winnoa

(P.S.) No, it's not because I work for 'em that I like the game. If anything, the constant whining I hear all the time should've turned me off it. :P

02-10-2006, 10:38 AM
You work for Blizzard? Hook me up w/ some gold and epics on Dunemaul. FTW.

02-10-2006, 01:18 PM
Does anyone here play on Agamaggan? I thought I heard its name mentioned a few times when it was first created a few months ago but haven't seen anyone yet.. Zentoph 60 orc warrior if your on there, give me a tell

i might roll up an alt on dunemaul, not sure how much dedication he'll get but if you see a zentoph running around send me a tell

PB what server are you playing on and how far is your guild?

02-10-2006, 01:23 PM
PB is on Dunemaul as well, Playing in the guild Hounds of Rexxar, which is pretty much an exclusive end-game guild (not accepting lower level characters). That is part of the reason Me So Hordy, and then Hordicane Katrina were created. For the more low-level PCers and friends.

02-10-2006, 01:29 PM
hahah love those names, damn if I'd of seen this a few months ago I'd definitely make a main on Dunemaul but leveling this last char burnt me out and I finally got into a #1 guild (horde at least) on a server.. you guys have a vent up? I think i'm gonna roll up a 19 twink for some pvp on that server, how are the queues?

02-10-2006, 01:37 PM
Queues?! :D

02-10-2006, 01:59 PM
Due to my work schedule conflicting with any possibility of raiding on AD, I rolled up a Rogue on Khaz'goroth. Oceania-preferred works perfectly for my schedule now (though it's strange being the odd one out being in the US). Hit 60 a few weeks ago, guild's large and just about to focus enough for ZG. Still love the game and the occasional mindlessness. Hell, even my non-PvP ass just hit First Sergeant and I'm halfway through grinding to Exalted rep in AV. Just to show that not everyone's disappointed with WoW.

The guild my hordie and a bunch of friends formed is filled with a lot of ex-Alliance 60s that were in raiding guilds and most of those that weren't in the larger guilds still have MC and ZG experience. Until we all level to 60 together in another few weeks we're focused on AB & WSG, but we're planning on running ZG & AQ 2-3 nights a week in the near future. For some of the classes, the rank 7-10 pvp gear is good enough to use instead of going after their blue class set...for others, we'll have to focus on BRS, Scholo, Strat and DM to gear them out before trying ZG.

You would be proud of me Winnoa. The quiet jokester has somehow evolved into a very vocal, yet tempered leader. We're convincing one of our guys to quit farming BWL/MC alliance side to come run our PVE raids, while I lead the PVP groups.

(P.S.) No, it's not because I work for 'em that I like the game. If anything, the constant whining I hear all the time should've turned me off it. :P


Sean of the Thread
02-10-2006, 03:04 PM
PB is on Dunemaul as well, Playing in the guild Hounds of Rexxar, which is pretty much an exclusive end-game guild (not accepting lower level characters). That is part of the reason Me So Hordy, and then Hordicane Katrina were created. For the more low-level PCers and friends.

I dunno.. some lvl 40 Hounds of RExxar was being a complete noob when I was trying to help him the other day.. Evidently the exclusive club of assholes has opened their recruiting to lower lvls?

Anyways.. come to Hordicane Katrina on dunemaul horde side. Close knit group of GS'rs/pc'rs and RL friends that is making a very good base for a good guild once we open to the public.

Buncha 40's and near 40's now and Lactating just turned 52. (would be faster but helps running thru the lowbies.) It's a good enviroment.

Tayre come play with us.. somebody will want your PP i'm sure. (not me)

Some Rogue
02-10-2006, 03:09 PM
Us elitist assholes have alts that get in the guild too.

Sean of the Thread
02-10-2006, 03:24 PM

Some Rogue
02-10-2006, 03:33 PM
So, we're not recruiting lower levels, it was an alt you saw. When we do open up recruiting, it's usually for levels 40 and up. It's not like 40 is that hard of a level to reach. Unless you're Anticor.

Sean of the Thread
02-10-2006, 03:34 PM
Well he was a knob for sure.. asked if he had an alt ... and he said No this is my main..why? I just said his name looked familiar.

Some Rogue
02-10-2006, 04:01 PM
Well, I won't deny it, we probably do have some people like that in the guild or maybe you caught him on a bad day, I don't know. I mean, we do have PB in the guild and that guy is a real tool. ;) I think most bigger guilds have some people like that though.

02-10-2006, 04:04 PM
Me So Hordy is mostly guys I work with and a few others. We have about 11-20 online at a time but it's all at the same time since we work together. Most are now 40+ and a few are 55+.

Lactating and I trade insults and grey items in the mail system about every 2 hours. Good times.

Sean of the Thread
02-10-2006, 04:05 PM
Of course man just busting balls in the first place. :)~

Sean of the Thread
02-10-2006, 04:06 PM
Me So Hordy is mostly guys I work with and a few others. We have about 11-20 online at a time but it's all at the same time since we work together. Most are now 40+ and a few are 55+.

Lactating and I trade insults and grey items in the mail system about every 2 hours. Good times.

Out of love brother! Semper Fi.

The hate ones goto Voyna.. like the 40 single fish he/she/it just returned to me.

02-10-2006, 05:16 PM
The only 40 we've invited into the guild in some time was a War Council member's real life friend. We're currently concentrating on BWL and have ZG and MC on farm status.

02-10-2006, 06:21 PM
I joined TC after the stormwatch ambush. I always enjoyed the raiding, so joining a "real" raiding guild was a good fit. We've recently finished off Chromie, and our working through our nef strategies. If any of you Stormwatch people are bored of doing ZG over and over and over, I may be able to help you out. We're starting a 2nd MC raid on Saturdays for friends and alts.

I do miss the guild chat from the old Hyjal days. That was the best, last night my wife was watching us take down Rag, and I charged accross the lava into the fight. My wife laughs and says, Rhinocerous charge your ass!
I couldn't even share it, nobody in the new guild would even get the reference, while the old Hyjal would be laughing their asses off.

02-10-2006, 10:17 PM
LOL, I definetly know what you mean. My best memory of the old HP days was the one where Falgrin, Wezas, and I were questing in Westfall and Falgrin asks, "Think I can pick that chest in stealth?" Nobody has any idea. So he went ahead, aggroed like 5 mobs onto us, and we all died. Thus the term, Pulled a Falgrin was born.

02-10-2006, 10:18 PM
Falgrin and his damn dwarf passive ability of finding treasure. He'd say "CHEST!" out of the middle of nowhere and we'd just know we'd be owned.

02-11-2006, 09:04 AM
I miss that ability...


Best Racial Ability EVER.

Sean of the Thread
02-11-2006, 11:53 AM

02-11-2006, 02:55 PM
Have to agree, Stomp has saved my ass more then a handful of times.

02-11-2006, 03:00 PM
And that sentiment was carried forth onto Dunemaul whereby it was known as pulling a Bayne

Some Rogue
02-11-2006, 06:23 PM
Then came the Stabbed pull where the rogue is in hiding but not realizing he is poisoned, runs into a group of mobs aggroing everything. Bonus points are given if this is done at Hakkar's temple where the move was originated.

02-11-2006, 08:01 PM
Remember in order to get credit for a "Stabbed pull" your gear needs to be subpar at best. For extra credit equip a green or two like the rogue that gave this pull it's name sake.

02-13-2006, 10:33 AM
My characters are all still on AD, but unplayed. I have a druid, mage and hunter on Feathermoon, in a guild run by a RL friend.

02-13-2006, 10:45 AM
We miss ya Prosp! There's not many people from the boards left on Argent Dawn. Almost all are playing on other servers (with RL/other friends). We do have a good population (and growing) on Dunemaul-Horde side. You'd make a great addition!

Tea & Strumpets
02-13-2006, 02:31 PM
I dunno.. some lvl 40 Hounds of RExxar was being a complete noob when I was trying to help him the other day.. Evidently the exclusive club of assholes has opened their recruiting to lower lvls?

Yeah, that was actually how we phrased it on the website. "Exclusive club of assholes opens doors to lower levels!"

Sean of the Thread
02-13-2006, 03:02 PM