View Full Version : Seeking: Monster Database

02-08-2006, 08:47 PM
Anyone make a script that can spit out Monster info? Level, AS/DS Range, Sinkable or not, Location? Or if someone even knows a place that has all that info lined up I couldn't even manage that much.

02-08-2006, 09:05 PM
Amerlise's Bestiary is very thorough and very outdated. Maybe she has a link in there somewhere on where to go for better stuff or maybe she updated in the past year sometime. Either way, hers is a good place to start.

02-08-2006, 09:13 PM
I haven't checked it for a long time though I know the Coven was keeping a beastiary at www.zone9.com.

02-08-2006, 09:43 PM
Amerlise's Bestiary is very thorough and very outdated. Maybe she has a link in there somewhere on where to go for better stuff or maybe she updated in the past year sometime. Either way, hers is a good place to start.

Know where I could find her Bestiary?

And I appreciate the coven's link but it seems to be a bit outdated may make a good start thou.

02-08-2006, 09:48 PM
It probably is pretty outdated. The Coven's numbers have decreased since I was last active in the organization but hopefully they'll drum up some interest again soon. :)

02-08-2006, 10:57 PM

Last Update: September 9, 1998

Can't find any more recent versions and her site seems to be gone.

02-09-2006, 09:28 AM
What happened to the coven bestiary? There's no more search and it's not as detailed as it was once.

02-09-2006, 10:25 AM
yea all the ones I've run into seem to be lacking detail or updates, think I'll start putting requests out to drove in info on these things so I can write a script that'll pop the info easily in game.

02-09-2006, 11:45 AM
Grendeg posted a near complete list in table format on the officials, using Tsoran's maps as a guide. All it contains is level and location, but definitely a start. I'd post my Excel version of it, but that's not attachable here.

And it turns out I can't post a text version of the file, using the | as a seperator, because it exceeds the file size limits for the board. :(

Send me an email, and I can get it out to you.

02-09-2006, 10:19 PM
Lich bestiary script for the win..like big time

--- Lich: bestiary active.

Total critters currently in the database: 426.

1) To search the database for a critter's information, simply enter the name when starting the script. Example: ;bestiary thrak.
2) To search for all critters in a given area, enter that area when starting the script (enclose multiple words in quotes). Example: ;bestiary "blighted forest".
3) To list all critters around your train (+/- 5 levels), enter advice when starting the script. Example: ;bestiary advice.
4) To search for all critters that are in a certain level range, simply enter the level range. Example: ;bestiary 50-55.
5) To limit matches to only undead or only not undead, enter as one of your criteria 'undead' (only undead matches), or '!undead' (only living matches).

- Note: you can enter multiple options, but each option is evaluated individually (displays critters matching *any* of the options, not *all* the options [logical 'or', not logical 'and']; use negation to isolate matches). As an example: ;bestiary thrak rolton 3-5.
- Note: prepending a '!' (exclamation mark) negates a search option. Example: ;bestiary sheruvian !monk (this would return 'Sheruvian harbinger' and 'Sheruvian initiate', because they both match 'Sheruvian', but not 'Sheruvian monk' because it matched the negated 'monk' criteria).

--- Lich: bestiary has exited.