View Full Version : Hunting outfits

02-08-2006, 03:02 PM
I'm in the process of redoing some of Jolena's wardrobe. Oh, who am I kidding, I'm redoing pretty much all of Jolena's wardrobe with the exception of like four outfits. She's getting older now and her tastes are changing. I'm going for more of an elegant, refined look for her every day wear, with several hunting outfits that she changes into.

Here's my dilemna. I'm not that familiar with that type of thing and so I'm struggling when coming up with outfit designs to have done for that capacity. What I thought was, perhaps some of you out there could show off your own character's hunting outfits so that I can get a somewhat feel for what you went for.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I really am not wanting to give her outfits that are just plain jane leather and black items. I want to give her some outfits that, while practical, also have a bit of a flare and prettiness to them, if possible.

Help? :D

02-08-2006, 03:20 PM
I don't think I know anyone who changes outfits just to go hunting.

02-08-2006, 03:32 PM
Oh I do. I know quite a few actually. :grin:

02-08-2006, 03:41 PM
Well, a few questions.

Does she wear skirts or pants?
Does she have an objection to leather in general, or just to the cliche of leather as garment?
Does she have a particular symbol, sign or image that she works into her outfits?

I can come up with a half-a-dozen "hunting" outfits off the top of my head, but they're meaningless if they don't fit your character and her personality and traits. Being text-based, our characters are so very much defined by what they wear, and what wording we use to express their personality through their clothing.

There are basic things though, that you should consider when designing a "working" outfit. Fabrics that would be appropriate for the ballroom or the bedroom don't work outside. No silks, they tear. No velvet, it's hot. No satin, it stains. Though leather is a cliche, it's a cliche with at least a passing basis in reality. Leather, oilcloth, cottons -- these fabrics give and stretch, they often protect from the elements, and when they don't protect from the elements, they dry out fast and don't cause friction against the skin. You don't have to go with all leather, or with black leather at all, but you'll want to include some, even if it's just patches on knees and elbows over oilcloth and cotton garments.

Just some thoughts.

02-08-2006, 04:05 PM
some battleworn plate armor.
an enormous hooded black leather warcloak studded with polished onyx buttons
a pair of wondrous dark panther pelt boots

add in shield and sword, that's a hunting outfit =D

...of course...throw in all the other crap I wear all the time...and that's my only outfit. =/

BUT I bought new clothes specifically to get married in, so that's an improvement, yes?
(After which...they go in the well/barrel/wherever you can throw clothes away).

02-08-2006, 04:21 PM
Well, a few questions.

Does she wear skirts or pants?
Does she have an objection to leather in general, or just to the cliche of leather as garment?
Does she have a particular symbol, sign or image that she works into her outfits?

I can come up with a half-a-dozen "hunting" outfits off the top of my head, but they're meaningless if they don't fit your character and her personality and traits. Being text-based, our characters are so very much defined by what they wear, and what wording we use to express their personality through their clothing.

Jolena should not be wearing skirts to hunt in, and while I've made the mistake in the past of doing it, I don't plan to do so anymore. Hence, the need for ideas for hunting outfits. The skirts and gowns are for her every day wear and the hunting outfits will be well..for just hunting heh.

I don't necessarily need a sign or symbol or even an image (which I don't like to do as a general rule unless it's for a family crest or something) on anything she's wearing. If she did have some type of symbol it would be either a moonflower or a stargazer lily.

As to the fabrics, I'm familiar enough with them (as fashion is just what I really enjoy about the game) to know that I wouldn't have her in silk or satins, etcetera because of the durability factor. I'm more partial to suedes, cottons and perhaps a bit of leather but not a ton. Although, technically suede is a leather, I realize.

Since Jolena is a sword and/or dagger swinging, shield bearing, brigandine wearing, feinting, sweeping, subdueing rogue when she hunts, it's necessary to have her in pants for practicality.

She'd need a container of some sort that holds a large amount -- doesn't matter if it's beltworn, cloakworn or shoulderworn.

She'd need boots for practical purposes.

She'd need pants as we already mentioned

She'd need a bodice or shirt obviously.

I'd like her to have some sort of jewelry as well, whether that's a choker or bracelet or headworn piece like a ferroniere. I'd be willing to make several differnet pieces of this to go with each outfit and whatever I come up with would be made from amulet holders that I have collected for this purpose.

As to colors-- she's partial to greens, burgandy, deep blues, ivory, silver. No yellows, pinks, oranges or bright reds.

Whatever it is I come up with, or get help on, I'd like it to have some of her own personal flare so that it's not just the utility outfit without any kind of fashionable aspects to it at all. It's just not Jolena to wear plain, boring clothing without any flare whatsoever.

02-08-2006, 04:38 PM
You see Test Character the Rogue.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She appears to be an adult. She has almond-shaped green eyes and alabaster skin. She has straight black hair worn in a ponytail. She has a delicate face, a classical nose and high cheekbones.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a long silver dagger in her right hand.
She is wearing a high-collared cranberry wool capelet, an enameled silver choker, a neatly-cuffed cotton shirt, a cinched charcoal leather bodice, an enameled silver signet ring, a low-slung leather sword belt, some cranberry wool trews and a pair of knee-high charcoal leather boots.

Just off the top of my head.

02-08-2006, 04:41 PM
Interesting and I actually like the colors and base descriptions a lot. Thanks for the ideas!

I'm thinking this could also be my chance to incorporate some animal skins into the mix for Jolena, which I could never really justify before. I could use them in boots, corsets, bodices and the likes.

02-08-2006, 05:47 PM
Okay after some consideration, here's what I came up with as a preliminary design for an outfit.

I'm open to critiques of course. :)

She is wearing a double strand faenor choker accented with polished malachite beads, a high-collared ebony suede jacket, a crisply cuffed natural cotton shirt with carved onyx buttons, some fitted dark kidskin pants and a pair of slender calf-high charcoal leather boots

A high-collared ebony suede jacket: Moonflower-engraved faenor buckles fasten the garment from the stiffened collar to hem and the cut of the short-waisted jacket provides a close fit. The buttery soft leather maintains a sturdy protection against the elements and a layer of jet-black satin lines the interior for comfort.

Some fitted dark kidskin pants: Lined with a layer of finely woven natural cotton, the kidskin of the pants is deceptive in its supple appearance. Crafted to withstand elements and the various wear and tear of outdoor use, the pants are cut to fit closely to the wearer. Fastening at the hip of the low-slung waist, the garment is secured with a simple faenor clasp.

02-08-2006, 07:38 PM
I know there's a big objection to fighting in skirts in GS, but having experienced it, it can be quite comfortable. Loose, light skirts have a far greater ranger of movement than most modern pairs of pants. But that's beside the point 'cause Lysistrata doesn't wear skirts to hunt either, heh.

Most of my characters hunt in stuff like:

She is wearing a short fleece-lined black suede jacket, a high-collared grey cotton bodice, a pair of thin black cotton half-gloves, some black suede chaps side-buckled with a multitude of straps, a some low-slung grey cotton pants, and some tall black wrapped leather boots.


She is wearing a hooded grey leather midriff jacket, a cropped rigid mahogany suede bodice, a snug high-necked grey cotton shirt, a pair of narrow mahogany suede pants side-slashed from the knee down, and a pair of knee-high slim dark leather boots.

Or, in Strata's case, at least for today:

She is wearing a flat rhimar disk choker, an austere cobalt suede coat flared slightly towards the knee-length hem, a black linen open-collared shirt, an octagonal veniom ring, a pair of soft black suede pants, and a pair of tall side-buckled boots.

Yeah, like Kierke said, despite the fact that leather and suede are overdone, it's 'cause they're practical. Kind of, anyway. Not really breathable. I choose cotton blend fabrics, myself, when doing any kind of vigorous activity in real life, but leather's great for GS.

02-08-2006, 08:33 PM
Oh, and as far as ideas for outfits... hm.

She is wearing a wide matte green kelyn fillet, a side-buckled roan leather jacket, an open-necked pale grey cotton shirt, some hip-buckled roan suede pants with kelyn beading at the seams, and some tall back-laced dark leather boots.

Only show I worked out, only a little and it's a bit simple, is for the jacket:
This thigh-length jacket is cut in a unique style, designed to wrap around the wearer's torso for a tight fit with a slight flare over the hips. The right breast of the jacket overlaps the other and fastens adjustably close with a trio of oval buckles at the waist.

Or, uh.. hm. Animal skins are generally done best in moderation, but here's one idea:

She is wearing a choker of linked pale silver moonflowers, a short black pebbled lizard skin jacket, a light sleeveless grey cotton shirt, a pair of suede-reinforced black cotton breeches, and some tall ankle-strapped black leather boots.

I really dig the cranberry and grey stuff, though. Good color combination.

02-08-2006, 11:16 PM
Okay so I love all of those ideas, including Kierke's and will probably be stealing some of them for hunting outfits for JoJo. In the process I'll have to unload some more of my previous outfits to make room so be on the lookout for auction stuffs! /end shameless plug for my sale hehe